Omega’s Gambit by Flora Quincy


The gallery was packedwith omegas. On either side of me, my sisters. Behind me, our mother, one of the few alphas permitted as chaperones in the omega gallery. Below, the murmur of Parliamentary members taking their seats.

Beatrice, dressed as ever in men’s clothes, took my hand in hers. She did not look at me but down to the floor where our fates were being discussed by men and women, who thought they had our best interests at heart without bothering to ask what those interests might be.

“All will be well,” she said with her clear voice. “We were born to see this work done. Papa would be proud of you.”

“Papa was always proudest of his little politician,” Hippolyta sniffed. “You were making bargains before you could walk. Though why you needed to arrive late and wearing breeches when you had that lovely gown picked out...”

“Hush,” Mama said as the Speaker stood.

I cannot remember who spoke or of what. My ears rushed as I waited.

“Uncle spoke well,” Beatrice observed, and I nodded despite not hearing a word of what he had said.

“Today I speak to the Omegas!” A clear and beloved voice rang through the chamber. Every eye turned in our direction, but it felt as if it was me they were looking at. There were faces on those benches who had known me as Iris. Ones I had dined with, played cards with. Ones who knew my deception and could with a word destroy my reputation.

“It is Orley,” Mama said as if I did not recognise the voice I knew as well as my own. I’d been working with him almost daily on perfecting this speech. I did not know what would happen yet. At least not step by step. I would marry him. He would make me his mate. The last weeks had proved to both of us how well we fit. And how difficult it was to maintain some professional distance rather than fuck all over the library. Usually some poor beta servant had to sit with us.

After I spoke my words before the packed house and gallery, his promise would be fulfilled. My only fear is that we would be thwarted… I did not know what to do if that were the case.

“I have a speech, which I will give. But first… Ladies, Lords. I think we can all agree that omegas are the fairest of dynamics. Not just in face and form…”

There was laughter.

“But also in the manner of expressing themselves. They rarely lose control of their tempers or speak above a whisper…”

Ironic silence from the gallery.

“We claim natural superiority when we assert authority over them and their interests. Alphas, Lords, Ladies… and the Gallery! I say to you:

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants… Or so you said yourself Prime Minister ten years ago… Do you not believe those words today as we discuss the tyranny of alphas?

What necessity when omegas already run your households? What necessity when they can put forth their views so clearly as to convince a room of alphas?”He smiled. “I had the supreme pleasure, the opportunity to expand my understanding when speaking with one such omega. She spoke thus,”

He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and frowned for a moment. Was he having problems reading without the spectacles I’d bullied him into purchasing?

“This omega said, Consider, dispassionately, these observations, see the truth through your own reason. First, to see that the human race is equally born male and female and we make no distinction between the two. Wherefore then do we distinguish between dynamics? Second, if you can accept that thought into your thick skull…”

Laughter rang out. I choked on my laugh and felt a tear fall down my cheek. He had remembered, word for word, our conversation. Had written it down as I spoke… My friend.

“Come! Let me finish! Second, if you can accept that thought into your thick skull then take this. Amongst all dynamics, sexes, creeds, races, and professed faiths, there are to be found the good and the bad and the middling of society. An alpha might be as weak in thought as you profess omegas to be. And there are omegas whose ability could rival any alpha’s in body or mind. If you can agree that there are good and bad alphas, why not the same amongst omegas? You alphas profess that omegas are the rarest dynamic, and like precious stones are hoarded and jealously guarded. But in shutting the omega away, the beauty withers as a jewel left in a box grows dull. To truly be appreciated, a jewel must be worn in the sunlight.

“I say to you, my fellow alphas. To the omegas who have joined us.” He bowed to us, and I inclined my head. Acknowledging every one of his words. “I say that I believe this to be true. Join me today in voting for this Bill which we have rammed down the throats of the government. Consider your omega mates and children who are subject to the whims of alphas, cruel and kind… Now to my prepared remarks…”

This was my cue. I stood on legs that trembled, my speech clutched in my hands, my eyes locked with those of the perfect alpha for me. We’d discussed how he could give me what I’d asked—the opportunity to give my speech before Parliament. Syon, my alpha, nodded, and we began, together in all things, to read out my words. There were no objections—who would dare interrupt a duke? Who would make an enemy of Orley’s future duchess?

I wish I could remember those minutes more clearly. That one day I’d be able to tell in vibrant detail how I'd been the first omega to speak in Parliament. But all I remember is the stillness that followed. Syon bowed to me. I answered him with a tremulous nod. Silence. Silence ruled the alphas below me. The Prime Minister caught my eye, a small smile tugging at his lips, a gracious nod in acknowledgement. He knew now who he’d spoken to at Syon’s dinner all those weeks before.

“Your Papa would be so proud,” My Mama said, the sound of tears in her voice. “Our little politician.”

* * *

“Division! Clear the chamber! Omegas out!”

“What does that mean?” asked an omega behind me.

I turned to see Olivia and smiled. I had not seen her enter, had not seen her since the day in her drawing room, but it gave me hope that she was here and speaking to me. “It means that there is hope. It will be close, but they must now cast their votes since there was no clear majority. All we can do is wait.”

“He was talking about you, wasn’t he?” she asked.

“He was. I will marry him.”

She gave me a stiff smile and exited the gallery followed by Caroline, who bowed to me with a small smile.

“Who is that?” Mama asked.

“That is Lady Olivia, Countess of Kellingham… And possibly your future daughter in law,” I informed her.

“What has Iris been up to!” Mama hissed.

“More like what has Viola been up to,” Hippolyta smirked.

“Lord forgive me for wishing for omegas!” Mama threw her hands in the air as we followed her out. They took us omegas and our alpha chaperones to a small side chamber where they offered us tea. I paced the length and breadth of the chamber, unable to sip the tea or eat the cake that was offered.

“Viola.” It was Olivia.

“My lady,” I curtsied, deep and unsteady. When our eyes met, hers searched my face as if trying to find the similarities between me and my sister.

“Please, it is Olivia. Otherwise, I shall have to call you duchess… and that seems strange to me.”

“Olivia, then. I am not a duchess.”

“Not a duchess yet. You and your sister are very like. If it weren’t for the eyes, I would not be able to tell you apart.”

“I am so ashamed. I abused… I abused your friendship, which meant the world to me…”

“No. Please. It is in the past. Your injury to the duke would be considered greater and if he can forgive… Besides, your sister has explained it to me in a way that… I understand why and am grateful to you and the duke,” a deep blush covered her cheeks. “We, that is Caroline and I, have decided to travel to Europe.”

“France in incredible turmoil, or else my Mama and sister would not have returned!”

“Italy is our goal,” her eyes twinkled.

“Iris has decided to go to Italy…”

“She has told us as much. I am glad that she is to travel with us.”

I admired how steady her gaze was. Her eyes had always been eloquent but now I felt as if our entire conversation went from spoken word to eye beams twisting in the space between us. She had not so quickly transferred her affections to Iris, but the similarities in our forms? Iris’s more measured temperament, I could see perhaps her affections moving in that direction both naturally and by force of her own will.

“And Caroline is happy with this?” I asked looking at the elegant alpha who was in quiet conference with my mother.

“It was she who suggested the change. She admires you…As you know I do. I think we and your mate have much in common.” There it was, Olivia’s playful smile peeking through, a meaningful eyebrow raised and my hands flew to my cheeks as I understood her meaning.

“I thought Caroline hated me,” I stuttered.

“Hate you?” Olivia snorted. “My dear friend, Caro doesn’t hate you. Shall you ask her? Here she comes. Wish us well?”

“Caroline,” I flushed.

“Your Grace,” Caroline curtsied.

“Please, I am no duchess! Perhaps I should write to the Times and take an advertisement saying I’m not married. Call me Viola. I wish you well. I wish you all so much of my love. Yours… I do not know what to say,” I laughed. “But it seems that all is well that ends well.”

She was about to speak when there was a shout outside the parlour. The heavy oak door bounced on its ancient hinges as Syon burst in. It took him but a moment to find me.

“You!” he shouted and stormed over his face all frowns.

I bit my lip hoping to hold back tears at the news of our loss.

“You! I have to go hunting you down instead of seeing you hovering outside like a father waiting for the mother of his child to give birth! You did it, you gorgeous little fiend.”

I shook my head. “Did it?”

“Yes, my sweet, darling Puss. You precious jewel! Ha. I shall wear you in sunlight,” he pulled me to him and buried his nose to my throat to scent me. His other hand slipped down to cup my bottom and draw me close so that I could feel how hard he was. “You won, Hartwell. The bill passed. The Omega Property Act. You brought them to their knees. It will always be yours. Your victory and no one else’s.”

“Syon? You cannot mean it?” my heart swelled with joy. Perhaps the joy growing exponentially as he continued to call me Hartwell even while he got used to calling me Viola.

Syon wrapped an arm around my waist and hoisted me into his arms. Without acknowledging anyone he strode out of the houses of parliament and into his waiting carriage.

“You have until we reach home to explain why you are wearing men’s clothing.”

“I left in men’s clothing,” I told him.

“Oh? I told you to put on your gown.”

“I could not... You... you,” I swallowed and let out a nervous laugh. “You rendered it unwearable before you left. I wanted to be on time.”


“It was ripped down the back.”

“What should that matter if you were wearing a cloak.”

“I thought it would be quicker to wear men’s clothing and walk,” I shrugged. “I wanted the fresh air. Syon, mark me. Make me yours.”

“We will pretend that you didn’t walk from Orley House to Westminster in men’s clothing.”

Which was not the reaction I had hoped for. “But Syon!”

“Not until we are in your nest,” he grunted but he shifted me until I was straddling him. His face grew serious. “When are you going to answer me? No, Viola, look at me.”

“Why aren’t you angry? I was so sure you would… Spank me!”

“Spank you?”

“Discipline me for dressing like this.”

“Would you like to be spanked? Fear not. I’m more like to hide you for putting yourself in danger than wearing breeches that show off your bottom to perfection. Little omegas should not be taking such risks...”

I searched his face for any lingering resentment but couldn’t find it. “I lied to you, Syon. Doesn’t that mean anything?”

“Did you ever lie to me? Putting the question of your dynamic to one side. Did you?”

“No... I wooed Olivia in your name… I didn’t lie about that.”

“Only she fell for you?” He chuckled.

“It was a horrible mistake.” I blushed. I’d told him the whole and been mortified as he howled with laughter at the idea of the tiny omega professing her love. He laughed at my blindness in not recognising either of their affections.

“You are just too alluring. I’m lucky Paxton and Fordom are so caught up with your sister. They have no problem with sharing.”

“Syon. Stop. Please. I do not want to be thinking of my siblings or the people...”

“Come here.”

I thought he meant to kiss me but instead used the hand on the back of my neck to bring my head down to his shoulder. Then his deep purr began. As comforting as his purr was his scent. And on him, I could smell myself. He’d fucked me against his desk before leaving to give his speech. I found my own purr rising. Even if I had not claimed him as my mate, there would be no mistaking it. No alpha or omega would be able to ignore our combined scents.

We arrived home and after a perfunctory celebration with the servants, Syon dragged me to the duchess’s nest. We’d been living in sin together since my heat, and I loved every moment I spent in my nest.

He dumped me into the nest and stalked to the windows and drew the heavy curtains closed.

“Strip,” he commanded.



“Don’t you want to talk about what happens now?” I prevaricated. Surely the brief conversation in the carriage had not been enough. “The future perhaps?”


“Why not?”

“Does it matter?” He asked.

“My love, you—“ I crossed my arms, while celebrating my victory in a carnal matter had its appeals, I wanted to talk first.

“What did you call me?

“Love,” I huffed, my whole being tense for we had not discussed love. I knew he loved me even if he’d yet to tell me… But—damn him—I’d hoped to slip the word in without his commenting on it.

“Do you love me?”

“Yes. But that is not what is important. It is by the by because I have loved you for a long time. We were talking...”

“Here,” he grabbed my ankle and pulled me across the nest until my legs hung off the edge, my hands lying by my head, a smile tugging at my lips. “Do not, mate mine, tease my temper by telling me you love me and then act as if you have not said anything.”

“Your mate? Where is the proof of that—“

“There is none of course,” he growled. “I saw how miserable my parents were. My peers, equally bound in unhappy marriages and mate bonds. You, little mate, little omega, do not get to say the word love and not expect me to take note.”

“Oh? Then I love you. Syon. Syon, I love you,” I crooned. I purred for him. Telling him I loved him, would always love him and all the while he loomed over me. His body braced above mine, a crooked smile and that crooked nose I’d noticed when I first met him. How I loved him.

“Come. I want you naked,” he stood and pulled me to my feet.

“But wait,” I held back. “What about you? Don’t you love me?”

He laughed. “Little omega... haven’t I said as much? Haven’t I proven to you that you are mine and mine alone?”

“Yes but you haven’t said you love me,” I pouted. “It isn’t that I doubt you…”

“I love you. But I told you. You were just too drunk to remember. Thank Goddess, for you were in a state and bowled me over, for you told me that you wanted to be a perfect omega. There you stood, by all appearances an alpha, drunk and telling me... Do you know how long I have needed you? Loved you?”

“Stop,” I begged him. “Dammit. Stop. I...”

I felt guilty. I had sinned against him. The sin of lying. I did not regret what I had done. If I had not dared to dream this mad scheme I would never have met him. But the lie I told? That I did regret. That I kept telling it for so long. That sweet, innocent Olivia had been drawn into the farce.

“My dear, dear sweet girl,” he gathered me into his arms and pressed my cheek to his chest. The purr reverberated through my body and little by little my tears stopped, my muscles released until his arms were the only thing holding me upright. “Hartwell, what you did... It was a mad prank. But no more than that. It ended without anyone hurt. You brought people together. You have done so much. And not one of us who knows the truth blames you. Look at me, omega.”

I sniffed and shook my head. He had never seen me cry before and, unlike Olivia, my tears caused my eyes to swell and my nose to run.

A knock on the door startled us. “There is a bath if you would like it,” Timms called.

“Let’s get you into that, warm and clean. Wash those tears away.”

Syon’s tub was by far the largest I had ever seen and filled to the brim. He made quick work of stripping and then humphed when he saw I was taking my time. To be fair, I had been distracted by the vision of masculine perfection. He was tall and broad but naked I could see the play of muscles across his back and the strong thighs and the buttocks that I decided I would sink my teeth into at the first available opportunity. Then of course his front. In the haze of my heat, I had not the wits to appreciate quite how large he was. As I watched him,  he began to thicken and grow until he was fully erect and his knot had begun to swell.

In the bath, he settled me above him, causing water to splash over the edges.

I moaned at the increasing pressure on my opening as his knot began to press into me. On top, I had some control of how much of him I could take, but my body was more needy now than ever. I’d long lost my trepidation that I could not take his already enlarged knot without heat madness. Instead, I craved how I stretched until I was sure he would split me in two.

“Oh,” I cried as of a sudden his knot was lodged deep inside. “Oh, it is…”

“Are you well?” He asked, sucking on my pulse in a way that had me moaning.

“You... I cannot believe that you fit. Every time, I cannot believe how much you fill me.”

“You took me so very easily in your heat,” he chuckled.

“Yes, but have you seen yourself?” I punished him by clenching my core about him. He threw his head back with a groan and he rutted into me causing the water to slosh onto the ground. “Syon… Make me yours. I cannot wait another year until my next heat. Do it soon. When the child comes. Mark me then as well. And then again in my next heat. But I can’t wait a year without your mark.”

“Are you pregnant?” he stopped thrusting and held me close. “Do not lie to me.”

“I think… I haven’t bled since my heat, and it has been a month at least,” I paused. “I won’t ever lie to you again. So I cannot promise that I am pregnant, but all the signs point to a pregnancy...”

He stood, holding me close, still impaled on his knot, and stepped out of the bath. He walked us to the window and with one hand opened it.

“Let it be known! The Duchess of Orley is pregnant!” he shouted. A few passersby gawped. And I? Perverse creature that I am, I laughed.