Merciless Vows by Faith Summers



Marylin and I just got back from the doctor.

Or maybe a better name for that place she took me to is the clinic from hell.

I slam the bedroom door shut, march into the room, and throw myself down on the bed. This is all I can do to control my rage from the invasion of my body. I’m really glad Marylin didn’t follow me up here because I feel like screaming and smashing up the place. I’d smash everything in this fucking room, making sure every damn mirror and window was as shattered as I feel.

I’d love to see how his fucking highness would react to that. I’m not doing it because I know I’d suffer for it after. I’m not foolish enough to piss the man off at my own expense.

Lucca is an asshole who just wants to make himself look like some king. Well, all he is to me is an asshole.

My body sinks into the mattress like a dead weight, and the slight shuffle of my legs stir the pain in my core to life and reminds me of this morning’s archaic, degrading activity that seemed to be set up to humiliate me further.

First of all, the fucking doctor Lucca arranged for me to see was a man. A creepy man with an equally eerie smile. I don’t even remember his name, and I don’t want to go back there. Not only did he insist on changing my contraception pill to something I’d never heard of, but he also employed what I can only describe as barbaric methods to check me for all the sexually transmitted diseases under the sun.

Until he confirmed I was clean, he treated me like a whore. It made me wonder if Lucca had done this sort of thing before and what kind of women he’d arranged to have checked.

Mother fucking bastard. All of them are bastards, and I hate that I have to go along with the shit and do as I’m told.

Because of Dad. All because of him.

Or, to be more specific, my love for him.

I have a feeling that what I’ve seen of Lucca so far is his good side, and I’ve only been here for a few days. I’m barely coping, and I’m at the stage where I know I need to figure this shit out. I just don’t know where to start.

The only good thing about today is Sienna should be here in a little while.

When I checked my phone this morning, there were over a hundred messages, and fifty missed calls from her. She was so happy to hear from me, and hearing her voice calmed me in a massive way. I’m dying to see her. Just the sight of her will keep me sane. Until then, I just want to be by myself.

Turning my face, I rest my cheek on the silky material of the pillow, and the scent of him fills me.

Even through the layer of laundry detergent, I can smell him.

That mingle of musk and sandalwood. Power. Lucca smells like power. If power had a smell, the scent would be him.

It was last night I picked up the scent. It hit me in my sleep, and I thought he was in here with me. It actually woke me up, and I was relieved to see I was still alone. That had been a heads up from the universe I didn’t follow. If I had, I would have put my clothes back on, and Lucca wouldn’t have seen me naked when he did come in.

I foolishly relied on the stupid lock on the door—another oversight on my part.

I don't know what sort of ass-backward thought made me think I could lock him out of his own room. As if it could be that easy.

The hungry look in his eyes as he looked at my naked breasts on show is still in my mind. I hate that he can make me feel desire when I hate him for dragging me into this mess.

My eyes close, and from the weakness in my body, I know sleep is going to take me.

I used to sleep more often during the day when I first woke from the coma.

Then the need for sleep decreased with time, and I was able to stay awake longer.

Dr. Pelchant said it was because my brain was getting used to the world again and the people around me.

Sometimes I’d fight to stay awake. I feel like that again now. That draining feeling that sucks all my energy is back, and I shouldn’t be surprised. Too much has happened over the last few days to throw me off-kilter.

So instead of fighting, I allow sleep to take me. At least I can escape reality this way.

It’s not long before I’m transported into the realm between dreams. It’s like stepping into a portal that can take you anywhere.

So I go to him.


The sun kisses my skin as I make my way to him. He’s walking toward the river with a duffel bag in his hand.

“Peter, wait,” I call out, but he doesn’t stop.

I run faster and catch up to him when he reaches the river bank. It's only then he looks at me, and there's something in his expression that catches my attention.

“No piano lessons today?” he asks. His voice sounds different, too. Like he’s speaking with an accent. Although I can hear him, I can't quite put my finger on it. That's never happened before.

“I hate playing the piano,” I scuff.

“Don’t let your mother hear you say that.” He laughs.

“Where are you going?”

“On an adventure.” As soon as he speaks, the scenery changes, and we’re in the woods.

And it’s night. When he disappears right before my eyes, I stop walking.

“Peter, where did you go?”

I’m answered with laughter. Then two boys step out from behind the nearest tree.

“Look at her with that stupid violin,” the tallest boy taunts.

Suddenly my violin appears in my hands, and he tries to snatch it away from me.

“Leave me alone,” I cry.

“There's no one to save you, Princess.” The other boy says and grabs the violin away from me.

The laughter barely leaves his lips when Peter comes rushing through the trees and takes it back from him.

“Leave her alone,” he shouts, and that’s when everything around me fractures into darkness.

Peter changes into a tall man with rippling muscles and inky black tattoos all over his chest and back. The boy who had my violin blurs into the darkness, fading away, and a Mexican-looking man with a dragon tattooed along the side of his neck takes his place. Peter whips out a knife and slashes his throat.

I scream as the man goes down with blood spraying from his neck.

Peter turns to me, and that's when I see it's not Peter. It's Lucca. He puts out his hand for me to take. “Come here to me. I won’t hurt you.”

His words pulse through my mind, and I know I'll be safe when I take his hand. Just as I'm about to, he fades from my vision, and my hands come away with nothing.

What I see next, through the darkness, is the sleek metal barrel of a gun.

“Shoot her,” someone shouts. It's a man. I don’t know who it is, though, and I don't recognize that voice.

The gun goes off then something wet drips on my face. It’s like raindrops.

When I look closer, though, I see red rose petals falling from the sky.

Against the darkness, the red is striking until it turns to blood.

As it splashes on me, I try to scream, but I can’t. I try to move, but I can’t do that either.

That’s when I realize someone is holding me down.

I’m on my back, and large, calloused hands pin me down so I can’t move.

In the darkness, I make out the distinct outline of a man’s face.

His hands move to my neck and squeeze hard. So hard I think he might break the bone and shatter the rest of me.

“I’ll kill you if you tell anybody,” he threatens, and I jump up.

My eyes fly open, and I try to catch my breath.

My gaze lands on the bright sunlight coming from Lucca's bedroom windows, and I only calm down when I realize where I am.

Christ.What the hell kind of dream was that? If I can call it that. I’ve never had a dream like that before.

It started out like what I’m used to, then all the shifting around happened.

Lucca was in the dream.

Could that have been a memory? That Mexican man seemed familiar. Is that who Lucca saved me from?

Then there was the gun and that man holding me down.

It was all weird and neither here nor there.

Being in this house has obviously screwed with my mind.

Why do I feel like parts of the dream were real, though?

A knock sounds on the door, and Marylin comes in.

“Hi, Aria, your cousin is here,” she says. That’s the best news I’ve heard all day

“Thanks.” I can’t help the apparent relief in my voice. “I’ll just freshen up and come down.”

“Okay, you alright? You look shaken up.”

“I’m fine. I’ll be okay.”

“Alright, go straight out to the patio in the courtyard when you’re ready. I’ll make you girls some lemonade.”


With that, she leaves.

I release the breath I was holding and get off the bed.

I’m also looking forward to seeing Sienna because she’s the only person

who might be able to shed some light on the truth.