Merciless Vows by Faith Summers



“Hi,” she says first and brings her hands together.

I shouldn’t feed off her fear or her nerves, but there’s something about the way she looks when she’s like this that entices me to be the dominant man I am.

“Hi.” She’ll know there’s only one reason I would have called her in here. She’ll know it’s because I want her. I plan to have sex with her. No more shit and fooling around like we’re teenagers. “Did you like that dress?”

“Yes. I did.”

“Is that the one?”

“Yes, that’s the one I’ll be picking. So I think that’s the last thing left to organize.”

“Good. It looks like we’re ready to get married.”

“It would appear so,” she replies in a flat, emotionless tone. Her eyes reflect the same sentiment. “So, this is your office?”

Although she looks around, the same flat tone in her voice signifies she’s trying to change the subject.


“I wouldn’t have thought you needed an office with your line of work.” She’s giving herself away without realizing it.

It’s the nerves. I noticed the other day that when she’s nervous, she fidgets. Fidgets with her hands and her words.

“And what exactly is it you think my line of work is?” I challenge wanting to hear it from her lips—what her cousin told her about me.

She looks momentarily stunned, caught in her own words, and scared.

“Go on, do tell. I’m interested to know, especially since the other day you called me a murdering rapist.”

“I shouldn’t have said that,” she states.

“But you meant it. Therefore there’s no point telling me you shouldn’t have said that. Go on then, tell me what you think I do for work. Tell me what your cousin told you; only she could have filled your head with such truths.” I smile and lean back in my chair.

“That was a private conversation. I just meant it’s surprising you have an office at home.”

She looks worried for her cousin. She doesn’t have to be. “You don’t have to worry about getting Sienna in trouble with me. As long as you’re alive, Sienna and her family will have my protection. It’s the least I can offer my wife-to-be.”

“That’s kind of you,” she replies stiffly. “Although I thought the only thing we’d need protection from is you.”

My smile widens. “Clever girl, you’re catching on fast. One more time, what do you think I do for work?”

She stares at me hesitantly and tightens her grip on her fingers. “You kill people. You’re an enforcer for the Bratva. Is it true?”

I stare back at her, and for a moment, I can see she wishes it weren’t true. There’s something in her eyes that pleads for it not to be so.

“Yes.” I can almost hear her heart shatter at the confirmation. Hearing it from me has clearly knocked her off-kilter.

“Why?” she asks.

“It’s what I became when the darkness took me. Merciless.”

I don’t miss the slight tremor in her hands. “That’s what you do every day?”

“No. The vanilla job I put on paper is exotic car sales.”

“Oh. I guess that’s where Violet works?”

“It is.”

“What exactly does she do for you?”

Well, this is different. This girl doesn’t know when she’s showing herself at all.

“Personally assist,” I smirk, and her jaw clenches.

“Marylin said you wanted me to do something for you.” Another push for a subject change, one I’ll welcome, and she’ll hate.

“I do. Come here to me.”

She walks over, taking care as she comes closer like she’s afraid I’ll pounce on her.

I swing my chair around when she gets up to me and straightens up, taking in the scent of her— that smell of roses.

Her lips are the same color, and her cheeks flushed with the same delicate hue.

“When did your doctor say your pills would kick in?” The instant I say that she knows without a doubt, I’ve called her in her to fuck her.

“Today.” She bites down hard on her back teeth when I grin at her.

“Good, then I want you to take your clothes off and suck my cock.”

The flash of indignation that burns in her eyes is enough to kill if looks could do something so powerful.

Fortunately for me, such magic doesn’t exist, and I can be the asshole I am.

“That’s what you wanted me to come up here for?” she fumes.

“We’re taking things up a notch.”

“I thought you could get one of your whores to do that for you.”

I laugh. “Back to that subject again, are we?”

“Yes. Wasn’t Violet at work today?”

“She was.”

“Didn’t she please you enough?”

“I want you, not Violet or anybody else.” I cut in before she can continue, and a desire she can’t hide comes into her eyes. “You know I want you, or you wouldn’t be here. Now cut the shit and do as I say.”

Her eyes now smolder with fire, a mingle of surprise, desire, and rage. Good, I want it all. I wouldn’t be so attracted to her if either one of those things were missing.

She’s the first woman to talk to me like she can hand me my ass and push the limits with me.

Biting the inside of her lip, she pulls her shirt free from the band of her shorts and pulls it over her head.

The flesh-colored bra she’s wearing blends in with her skin and also shows off her pointed nipples, a sure sign she wants me too.

She takes off the shorts, then the bra next, releasing her breasts from the tight enclosure, and as she leans forward to take off her panties, I enjoy the sight of her tits bouncing before me.

My eyes are glued to her pussy, though, the sight hardening my dick even more.

“Is this what you want?”

“You know it is.”

I reach for her, and she steps closer, allowing me to slip my arm around her waist so I can suck briefly on her perky tits.

“Turn around, let me look at you,” I tell her turning her before she can do it herself.

I run my hands over her ass and squeeze her cheeks, loving the feel of her lush body in my hands, loving it too much.

“Now do the rest. Suck my dick.”

She drops to her knees, and I undo my belt buckle, then my zipper.

I take out my straining cock, and she looks at it with a fascination that deepens the way it did last night when I stroke myself.

She moves closer and takes my dick in her slender hands, then lowers her gorgeous head to take me into her hot little mouth.

And fuck me, when I slide right in, it feels like I’ve seen heaven, and I swear my unhallowed self sees God.

My dick grows in her mouth, straining for release as her head bobbles up and down like she’s worshipping me.

A fan of her thick dark lashes flickers over her cheeks as she takes me deeper and deeper into her mouth, her tongue gliding over my shaft in rasping strokes.

My body tenses right up as the blood pumps hot through my veins, and in this moment, as she owns my dick, she fucking owns me.

She fucking owns me and doesn’t know it. Nobody owns me, and the fact that I’ve given her such power even for a few moments weakens me to that state where I’m helpless to the desire I feel for her.

I run my hands through her hair, bringing her closer so I can fuck her face.

When I start to thrust into her mouth, she grips onto my knees, still taking in and taking what I give her.

She deep throats me when I pound in hard, and although she nearly chokes and a tear runs down her cheek, she still takes what I’m giving her. It’s then it hits me that she is sucking me the way she is because she wants to.

The realization makes me reach for her right breast to massage the pleading nipple. She moans with pleasure, so I give her more and more.

The sound, though, fuck, that sound it does everything to me. Everything dangerous to a man like me. It drives me crazy, and I lose control in the same fucking breath.

I come hard with a savage growl taking care not to hurt her. A hot spray leaves my dick and floods her mouth, and she still takes me.

As I watch, I want to believe I’m right. I want to believe she wants me. She looks like she does, but like everything else, I never know for sure.

No woman has ever felt so good, so perfect to my touch and perfect for me.

I lift her face and look her over.

“Swallow like last night,” I tell her, and she does. She swallows, and her skin goes even redder than it previously was.

I pull out of her mouth and notice then that she was touching herself. One hand was on my knee while the other was in her cunt, rubbing over her clit.

Seeing her like that is fucking hot.

She looks embarrassed I caught her and moves to grab her clothes.

“Fuck no, get back here,” I rasp, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to me. “You’re not going anywhere. You want me to touch you?”

“No, I don’t.” She shakes her head vehemently, but the flush of her skin and the need in her eyes give her away.

“Liar. Tell me the fucking truth.”

With my dick hanging out of my pants, I stand and tower over her petite frame. The simple act makes her succumb to me, to the truth.

“Do you want me to touch you, Aria? Tell me.” As I look at her, the air around us changes and changes us.

We don’t feel like captor and captive anymore.

“Yes,” she answers, her voice a tender murmur of temptation and everything I want.

I pick her up and set her on the desk knocking the paperwork to the ground. I don’t fucking care it took Violet hours to organize it or that it might take me the same time to reorganize it.

What I care about is right between this beauty’s legs.

I give her approximately one second to rest her hands behind her so she can hold herself up. Then I dive in, face first, straight to her pussy.

I push my tongue straight into her welcoming heat and lap up the arousal already there.

She squirms beneath me, moaning her pleasure mindlessly.

“You like that, Printsessa?”

“Yes,” she moans.

“Do you want more?”

“Yes, I want more, Lucca.”

I don’t need to be told twice. I give her more, licking over the swollen bud of her clit until I’m so aroused my dick is hard enough again to fuck her, and she comes crying out my name.

The sound of my name on her lips is even better than what I imagined.

I lap up her juices but leave enough so I can slide in to fuck her.

I push to my feet and catch her face as she’s straightening.

“I’m going to fuck you. If you don’t stop me now, I’m going to do it.” The hesitation that writhes through her expression is the triumph I seek. “Do you want me to fuck you?” I ask just to be clear.

“Yes. Fuck me.”

Jesus Christ. I have to look at her because I can’t believe I just heard those words coming out of her mouth.

I curse myself from the seconds I stole from the moment to this as my damn fucking phone starts ringing on the desk.

And fucking hell, the standard ringtone tells me it’s the Pakhan himself calling me.

Damn it to fuck. This couldn’t be worse timing.

I sigh with frustration and grit my teeth.

“I’m sorry, I… I have to take that, and when I do, I’ll probably be out for the rest of the night,” I explain, and we stare at each other.

While she looks freaked out by what we just did and what we were about to do, a silent understanding passes between us, and she knows what I’ll be doing.

“It’s…um, okay,” she mumbles.

I release her, and she grabs her clothes, shrugging into them as quickly as possible.

I answer the phone before it rings out, and as Grigori speaks, I watch her leave.

“Hello, Pakhan,” I say with regret for what I know I missed out on.

“Merciless, I have the job ready for you,” comes his deep accented voice. “It’s a rather sensitive matter, and I have already spoken with our police associates.”

“What’s happening, Pakhan?”

“Beleric has been murdered.”

My eyebrows shoot up, and my jaw loosens. “Beleric, murdered? How the hell did that happen?”

Beleric is Grigori’s senior personal bodyguard. I’m interested to hear how someone got close enough to murder him.

“His wife, Ivy,” he answers with sadness. “Of course, we thought it was one of our enemies. I never imagined it would be her. At the meeting the other night, we were still looking into the matter because their home’s CCTV didn’t pick up anything at the crime scene. It happened in the study, so we were able to hack into the camera on his computer and see what happened. She shot him ten times in the head, Lucca. Then she took their little girl and ran. That man has served me for over twenty years. He took a bullet for me twice and protected me with everything he had. I need her to pay with her life, Lucca.”

“Leave it with me.”

“Thank you, my boy. You are the tool I wield to get retribution. You’re able to do things I can’t. You’re able to do things no one can.”

“I appreciate the compliment.” I’m always respectful to him.

“It always needs to be said. You make me proud.”

“Spasibo,” I answer, saying thank you in Russian. “Send me the details.”

“Sending them now.”

With that, we hang up, and I take a moment to reflect.

Another job, and it’s another death close to home.

Beleric was another member of the Brotherhood who was good to me. Now I have to find his wife and kill her for killing him. She shot him ten times in the head. That’s from rage. What the fuck did he do to her to deserve that?

It doesn’t matter. It’s not my job to find answers to questions like that.

I am vengeance and death.

The sudden thought of what I am makes me remember the look on Aria’s face when I told her I’d be out for the night.

Yes, it came after a high emotion, sexually charged session, and we were just getting started, but that look, it was of disappointment.

Disappointment in who I am.

“Sorry, Printsessa. This is me.” And I don’t know any other way to be than, Merciless. .

I check I have my guns, then go.