Vicious Protector by Maggie Cole



Kora is busy with work.Aspen is still recovering. Hailee agrees to meet me at the bar. We choose one between our two apartments. Part of me is glad it's just Hailee and me. The fewer people who know about Adrian, me, and his middle of the night disappearing act, the better. I don't know what to make of it and my friends won't, either. The last few days, I've tried to convince myself he wouldn't have left me to see Dasha, but the more I analyze it, the crazier I feel.

Hailee leans forward with her drink. "What's going on? Are you okay?"

"Adrian is in my apartment." I take a long sip of my martini. "Right now."

Hailee scrunches her face. "And this is bad because?"

"For starters, he broke in."

"Like a thief would?"

I shrug. "Hopefully, he's more skilled than that, and nothing is broken. Oh! But get this! He has the nerve to order me a new door lock and says he's installing it tomorrow."

Hailee rolls her eyes. "He needs to chill over his safety obsession. But can we back up a minute? Why would he break into your house and then call you? I'm confused."

"Ha!" I take another long drink and put my glass down. "You and me both. Especially after we ran into his ex-wife, who happens to be sexy, super gorgeous, and made it clear she wants him back."

Hailee winces. "Ouch. Does he want her back?"

"He says no. But then, in the middle of the night, he got a call and left me naked in his penthouse. Three days later, he contacts me and informs me he's in my apartment."

"Psycho," Hailee says and stirs the straw in her drink.

"He won't leave, either."

"Call the cops. They'll make him leave."

"That's what he said to do."

She groans. "He's so cocky."

My insides pulse. "Yeah. Why am I so attracted to it?"

A thick line forms between Hailee's eyebrows. She shakes her head. "No idea, but what a weirdo. Then again, the hot ones always turn out to be. Did you call the police?"


She arches an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you're going to let him get away with that? Kora would file a restraining order against him if you told her what you just said."

"I know," I admit.

Hailee studies me then annoyingly sighs. "You like him, don't you?"

"Of course I do. I slept with him. Did you miss the naked part?" My cheeks heat, thinking of all the things we did before he disappeared into thin air.

"I didn't miss the part where you claim he left you for his ex-wife in the middle of the night."

My pulse quickens. "He said it was for work."

She scrunches her face. "Doing what? He's Aspen's bodyguard."

"Exactly." I finish my drink and let the cold gin slide down my throat.

"Why are you contemplating this? Run as fast as you can. You aren't the type to stick with a cheater."

My heart pounds faster. "I don't know he's a cheater. Adrian and his ex-wife were arguing. I don't know Russian, but he was angry. He was insistent he didn't want any part of her. Then he got the phone call."

"She was on the other line?"

"I don't know. I assumed it was her, but I don't know."

Hailee takes a deep breath. "If you want to stick with Mr. Cocky Break-In Boy, then you need to know for sure. Have him show you his phone. It'll show who called. If it wasn't her, then maybe he's telling the truth about work."

"What would he be doing?" I motion for the server to bring another round of drinks.

"You're asking the wrong person."

Hailee and I finish another drink. My stomach stops flipping, and I attempt to order another, but Hailee stops me. "If you're going to see Adrian, no more drinks."

I take a deep breath and bite my lip. I'm already slightly buzzed, and another drink will send me over the edge. "You're right. I need to have all my decision-making abilities available."

"Are you able to stay strong around him?" Hailee says in a doubtful tone.

"Yes. I'm not going to roll over and ignore what happened."

"Good. Don't let Mr. Cocky Break-In Boy get in your pants and convince you he's innocent."

"Jeez, have some faith in me."

Hailee smirks. "I'll have more faith if you don't have another one. And if he did leave you in the middle of the night for his ex-wife, then you better not stay with him."

"Of course I wouldn't!"

She looks at me like she doesn't believe me.

"Stop doubting me."

She takes the last sip of her drink. "Besides his killer body, what do you like about him?"

"Jeez. He spent hours helping you with your project," I remind her.

"I didn't say he doesn't have any redeeming qualities. But he's super arrogant and seems like a player."

"Tell me what you really think," I mumble and finish my drink.

She cringes. "Sorry."

My heart races, thinking about Adrian. "He's more than a hot body, Hailee. He does have an ego, but he's sweet and makes me laugh. We... I thought we clicked."

Hailee smiles. "Okay. That's good. I just don't want you to be his doormat."

"Adrian isn't like that," I insist.

"If he's leaving you in the middle of the night for another woman—"

"Then I'm not sticking around." I slap cash down on the table and slide out of the booth. "I've got this. Thanks for meeting up with me."

She rises and hugs me. "Are you going to be able to resist him if he doesn't give you answers?"

"Yes," I say confidently, but my insides quiver.

"Look at his phone. It'll give you all the answers you need."

I give her a tiny salute, and we share an Uber. The driver drops me off first. I take a deep breath and enter my building. I step on the elevator. My phone dings.

Adrian: Are you avoiding me, my printsessa?

I don't reply.

Adrian: Come home. I miss you.

Flutters take off in my stomach. I remind myself not to get my panties in a twist like when Adrian left me naked in his bed to go off to God knows where.

Who was he with?

He broke into my home.

Why am I not pissed?

I seriously have issues.

I stand outside my door, giving myself a pep talk.

I need to see his phone.

Taking a deep, anxiety-filled breath, I take my key out but pause. He's inside. I reach for the knob and open it. Adrian stands at the window with his hands in his pockets. His tucked-in, gray, fitted T-shirt stretches across his shoulders, V'ing into his jeans. He turns, checking me out with his icy-blue flames, and my heart stammers.

Jesus. Why does he have to be so sexy?

He left me in the middle of the night while I was naked.

I stand straighter. "Adrian, this isn't appropriate. You can't just disappear for days then break into my apartment."

His jaw clenches. He lurches toward me. Every step across my small family room makes my pulse beat faster. I shouldn't let him touch me, but I can't seem to move.

He cups my cheeks and tilts up my head. His laser stare fixates on me. "I missed you, my printsessa."

My chest tightens. I inhale his intoxicating scent and swallow the lump in my throat. My voice comes out weak. "Did you not hear what I just said?"

"I had to leave for work. I'm sorry it took days. And you didn't answer my calls," he states, as if it makes it okay.

"I have a job," I fire back.

"Yes. So do I."

"Mine doesn’t have me leaving you naked in my bedroom at three in the morning."

He briefly shuts his eyes and sighs. His Russian accent comes out thicker. "I am sorry. I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't important."

I attempt to look away.

He holds my cheeks firmly. "Do you think it was easy to leave you in my bed, my printsessa?"

"What was so urgent?"

His face darkens. "I cannot discuss my work."

My voice shakes. "You're Aspen's bodyguard. She's still recovering. Don't lie to me, Adrian. You went to see Dasha, didn't you?"

He grunts, and his face falls further. "I'm the head of Ivanov security. I manage dozens of men. Aspen means everything to Maksim. I am the best. It's why he had me guard her." It could be a cocky statement, but I don't hear the ego Adrian typically displays, only confidence.

"Why do the Ivanovs need security?" I blurt out.

"You're asking questions I cannot answer, my printsessa. My work is confidential."

"In the middle of the night?"

"Sometimes. Yes."

A wave of emotion hits me. I try to look away again, but he won't let me. I blink hard, but a tear falls. What he says could be the truth, or I could be a fool. "Is your ex-wife someone you have to attend to for work?"

His thumb wipes my tear. "I have not seen Dasha since the parking garage when I was with you. What part of I don't want her do you not understand?"

My lip quivers.

His face moves closer to mine. Every chiseled feature appears more prominent. "We can't do this, my printsessa."

Panic engulfs me. I don't breathe, dying inside, not wanting him to tell me we're through even though I'm not convinced he wasn't with Dasha, or maybe even some other woman. What the heck is wrong with me?

"We can't be together if you don't trust me."

I close my eyes, needing to avoid his piercing gaze. There's hurt in it. I admit, "I want to trust you, Adrian."

"Then stop doubting me."

I open my eyes. "I think if my ex showed up in Chicago after being gone for years and declared he wanted me back, then I got a call in the middle of the night and left you, naked in my bed, you would struggle, too."

He firmly states. "I wasn't with Dasha. She did not call me that night. What is it going to take for you to believe me, my printsessa?"

I feel guilty asking, but I hold out my hand. "Show me your phone. If she didn't call you, then show me who did."

He assesses me for a moment. I almost think he might attempt to avoid showing me. He draws in a deep, controlled breath. "Obrecht called me. I'm going to show you it was him. Once I do, are you able to get past this?"

My chest tightens. "Are you going to leave me in the middle of the night again?"

"Possibly. I don't always get to pick and choose when I'm needed." He brushes his lips against mine as he talks. "If you believe any part of me wants to tear myself away from you when you're naked or clothed, then I've done a poor job demonstrating my intentions with you."

"What are your intentions?" I ask as my eyes drift from his to his lips.

He releases me and steps back. "They don't involve you not trusting me or thinking I want any part of my ex-wife." He takes his phone out of his pocket, unlocks the screen, and pulls up the call log. "Here."

I hesitate.

"Take it," he insists.

The feeling I'm about to have to eat crow fills me. I should be happy to see proof, but I suddenly feel foolish. I glance at the screen. All the names are men. Sergey is on it as well as Obrecht. Between the phone call he got before he left me, it appears as if his phone has been off for several days. There are only two names on the call log between that night and today. I wince and attempt to joke, "Sorry. Hopefully, you and Snake had a nice conversation?"

His face hardens. "No. I didn't. Snake is Dasha."

I put my hand over my gut. "You just told me she didn't call you."

He shakes his head. "I said she didn't that night. You didn't ask about today."

"Am I supposed to ask you every day if she called?" I angrily snap.

He tilts his head and scowls. "Don't be dramatic. I've not lied to you. I told you Obrecht called and I had to work. I didn't have to tell you Snake is Dasha. Give me some credit. Or do you not want this to work between us?"

Blood pounds between my ears. I hand him his phone. "I don't want to be made into a fool, Adrian."

"You think that's my intention?"

"No. But why is your ex-wife calling you? And you talked to her. It didn't go to voicemail. Next, you'll be telling me you're meeting up, and I'm supposed to just look the other way."

He focuses on the ceiling, and guilt erupts in his expression.

Anger and jealousy explode so powerfully, I lose my cool and raise my voice. "You're going to meet up with her?"

He glances down at me. "Yes. There's something she insists she needs to discuss with me. I'm not going to get back together with her. She knows where I stand, and I'm not bending."

I turn, crossing my arms and looking away.

"What do you want me to do, Skylar? Lie or tell the truth? I'm beginning to feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't."

I spin on him. "What would you think if I met up with my ex-husband?"

He arches his eyebrow in amusement. "You have one?"

"Not funny."

His face falls. "I wouldn't like it. But I would trust you to meet in a public place, have a conversation, and return home to me."

"Why do you have to meet her?"

"I already answered this."

"You can't let her go, can you?"

"Jesus. What part of, I don't want her and want you, do you not understand?" he barks.

I bite on my lip. I want to believe him, but I keep seeing Dasha's perfectly made-up face.

Adrian's cheeks turn red. He nods in disgust and angrily spouts, "Tell you what, my printsessa, when you can trust me, come find me. I'm not going to apologize for having a very public cup of coffee with the mother of my child."

"You have a child?" I blurt out.

His face falls, and he sniffs hard. He quietly says, "No. He died."

My stomach twists. I reach for his arm. "Adrian, I'm—"

He shrugs his arm away from my hand. "I don't need your pity, Skylar. I haven't lied to you, and I'm tired of trying to prove to you something you don't want to see for what it is."

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

With a piercing glare, he scoffs, "You're a smart woman. Why don't you ask me why I have her listed as Snake in my phone instead of Dasha?"

I stay silent, with my insides shaking. My lack of words only seems to upset Adrian more. He grunts, and I watch him walk out of my apartment.

Nothing he said I can rationally argue. My heart hurts, wondering what happened to his child. Guilt eats at me because I selfishly think, he has even more reasons to still be or fall back in love with Dasha.

All night and into the next day, the pit in my stomach grows. He proved to me he was at work. He didn't lie about talking to Dasha. Adrian isn't the one in the wrong. I am. The more time that passes, the harder it gets to figure out how to make things right between us.