Vicious Protector by Maggie Cole



Three Weeks Later

Obrecht knockson my office door.

"You're back earlier than I thought," I say.

He rolls his shoulder and cracks his neck. "Dead end. Zamir really is a ghost. Lost him in Detroit."

My stomach lurches like it does every time I hear or think about Zamir. I attempt to ignore it. "Detroit?"

"Yep. Another special night at Secrets Lounge. Guess who showed up to the club."


Obrecht's face darkens. "Mack Bailey."

A chill runs down my spine. The Baileys are a prominent crime family who's always been at war with the O'Malleys. Now that Boris is marrying Nora and she's having his baby, it links the Ivanovs to the O'Malleys. "What's the son of the Bailey clan doing in a Russian strip joint?"

Obrecht scowls. "Having a good time with Ludis Petrov."

My gut drops. Ludis is Zamir's son who handles his operation from Michigan to the East Coast. "Maksim know?"

"Not yet."


"Yep. The Petrovs have made some sort of alliance with the Baileys."

"Fuck." I scrub my face. "This never ends, does it?"

"Nope. We need to find out what kind of alliance they have. It could throw the Petrov/Rossi balance off without us knowing it."

I sigh and glance up at the ceiling. "I thought we were making progress."

"We are," Obrecht insists. "We knew the war wasn't going to be short term. Darragh will be more than happy to take out some Baileys if it comes down to it."

Darragh is Nora's uncle and head of the O'Malley clan. His son, Liam, just got paroled a year early from prison and is next to take over. It doesn't instill a lot of confidence in us, since Liam hasn't always made the best choices.

"I'll let you know when I find out more about whatever is going on with the Petrovs and Baileys. Bogden said to give this to you." Obrecht slaps down a four-inch-thick yellow envelope on my desk.

Finally, something I can give to Sergey to get him off my back for a few minutes.

"This should be fun," I mumble and pull out the photos.

"That Kora?" Obrecht asks.

I snort. "Nope. That would be her sister."

Obrecht sits back in the chair and crosses his arms. "How does Kora share blood with this woman?"

"You're asking the wrong person. Talk to Sergey. I've got other dickheads to follow," I grumble.


"Some cocksucker. He's part of a divorce case Kora's involved in. I already had a run-in with him and Kora in the street, which ended with her telling me off. I had to add others to tail him. He's lucky I didn't kill him in the street."

"Who is it?"

"Jack Christian is his name."

Obrecht's forehead creases. "Christian?"

I lean closer. "Yeah. You know him?"

"He's taking his company public in the next few months. It's been all over my investment sites."

"Yeah, I know."

Obrecht scratches his chin and sits back.


"Men like that almost always have vices."

"Do you want to tell me something I don't know?"

He motions to my folder. "What do you have so far?"

I grunt. "Nothing leading to anything to use against him." I shove the folder at Obrecht.

Obrecht fills my desk surface with pictures and notes then carefully reviews each item. He picks up the 8x10 photo of Jack at an upscale bar. He's drinking Scotch with the mayor. "You have other photos to go with this one?"

"What's the date?"

He glances at the photo. "The seventh."

I open my desk drawer, pull out another folder dated for that time frame, and plop it on the desk. "Don't fall asleep. So far, Jack Christian is a typical rich guy who hobnobs with politicians and other entrepreneurs."

Obrecht points at me. "Which is exactly why he has demons in his closet."

"Yeah, well, he hides them pretty well."

We study the photos. After several minutes, Obrecht points to a man. He's in a black leather jacket. His hand tattoo looks like his bones with a serpent wrapped between them. He's sitting several seats away from Jack. "Who's this?"


Obrecht shakes his head. "In three places?"

"What are you talking about?"

Obrecht points to three pictures taken on different days, in different bars. In two of them, he's barely noticeable. I take a closer look. In one image, you can only see the back of him, but his hand tattoo makes it impossible for it to be anyone else.

I look closer.

How did I miss this?

"Who do you have on him?" Obrecht asks.

"Pavel, Vadim, and Cezar. He's covered at all times."

Obrecht taps the mystery man. "Find out who this guy is to Jack. My gut says he's following him or has something underhanded going on with him." Obrecht rises. "You need to look closer. The answers are always in front of you with these types of people. I'm using your shower. Mom's got her friends over for her weekly card game. I can't handle having to listen again to all of them discuss which of their daughters they want to hook me up with."

"Having fun at Mom's?" I smirk.

"I was never so happy to leave town for the week. Maksim better get my place finished. I had everything timed perfectly."

"Yeah, well, it's better they found the electrical issue instead of it burning down. That would be a great headline. The state-of-the-art Ivanov complex, Serenity Plaza, burned to the ground due to faulty wiring in the penthouse."

Obrecht grinds his molars. "Doesn't make living with Mom any better."

"It's only for another week. I told you to crash with me."

"Thanks, but I'm sure Skylar wouldn't want me hanging around."

"She wouldn't care, but she doesn't live here."

Obrecht raises his eyebrows. "When's the last time she stayed at her place?"

I try to remember, but I'm too obsessed with her to not have her in my bed every night. I finally admit, "I don't know."

"Mom said you all had a lovely lunch." He smirks.

I groan. "Mom cornered Skylar and me. I couldn't get out of it. Mom brought the Spring Vogue Wedding Edition, claiming she was sharing her love of fashion with Skylar."

"Jesus. The woman never stops. What bathroom should I use?"

"Don't care. You know where the towels are."

He leaves, and I study the photos closer. "Jackie boy, what are you hiding?"

"Adrian," Skylar calls out.

"In the office." I stuff everything back in the folders and put them in my drawer. I meet Skylar in the hallway. "My printsessa, what are you doing home so early?"

An annoyed smile appears on her face. "I needed to get out of the office, or I was going to kill Bowmen. But I have ten minutes before I have to return."


"He decided to add six more pieces to the show. Guess who gets to work all night?"

"Your show's next week."


"He can't keep you all night."

"Oh, but he can. Anyway, I came to put something comfortable on, and I think I left my favorite pair of yoga pants and sweatshirt here. They weren't at my place."

"I'm pretty sure you did, and I washed them today."

Her eyes widen. "You did my laundry?"

"Yep. But don't worry, I read the tags to make sure they could go in the washer and dryer." I grab her hand and steer her into the bedroom closet. I open a drawer. "I put everything here except your dresses, which are hanging up drying in the laundry room. Are these the pants you want?" I remove the black pants from the drawer and hand them to her.

She bites her smile, glances at the pants, then back at me.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Nope. I didn't expect you to do my laundry, much less look at my tags. Thank you." She pulls my head toward hers and kisses me.

"Does this mean I should cancel our reservation tonight?"

She winces. "Sorry."

"It's okay. You want me to bring you dinner later?"

"Thanks, but Bowmen will order food so no one has any excuse to leave. He'll have our office on lockdown so visitors can't disturb our workflow."

"Your boss is a dick."

She snorts. "Don't need a reminder. I get to experience it every day."

"You should let me have a little chat with him."

"Not funny, Adrian."

"I'm not joking."

"Yes, I understand that." She gives me a peck on the lips. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow for Nora's reopening."

"You aren't coming home tonight?"

"It's going to be late when I get done. I'll probably get a few hours of sleep then it'll be time to go back to the office. I assumed I would go to my place. If you're smart, you'll be asleep when I get out of work."

I palm her ass and tug her into me. "Call me when you finish. I'll come get you and bring you back to my warm bed."

She furrows her eyebrows. "It might be three in the morning."

"So? Another reason you should call me. I don't want you running around at that time in the morning."

She scoffs. "Wouldn't call it running around."

"You know what I mean."

"It's not the first time I've had to work late like this. I don't want to keep you awake all night."

I push her magenta hair off her neck and kiss her collarbone. "Until I know you're safe and not out and about in the Chicago streets, I won't sleep. We can go to your place for the night if you prefer."

She pulls away. "The Chicago streets?"

"It's not safe for you to be by yourself."

"In a taxi? Going straight to my apartment?"

"Do you not want to see me tonight?"

"Mmm...did I ever say that?"

"Good. It's settled, then. Call me when you finish working."

She cups my cheeks. "Or..."


"I could hop in an Uber, get dropped off here, and sneak into your bed so I don't wake you up." She beams, as if it's a brilliant idea.

"You aren't taking a cab or Uber."

"Why do you always act like something is wrong with public transportation?"

A stinging sensation surrounds my heart, and my pulse pounds against my neck. I walk out of the closet and into the bedroom. "It's not safe."

"Millions of people a day use public transportation," she claims, following me.

"Yep. And you don't have to. Call me when you finish tonight. Let me grab my keys. I'll take you back to work." I stroll out to the kitchen.

She follows me. "Adrian, I don't need you to drive me to work or pick me up. I'm more than capable of getting back and forth. I appreciate the offer but—"

I spin on her. "Your safety isn't up for debate."

"You're overreacting. A taxi is perfectly safe—"

"No, it's not," I firmly state, quickly losing my patience with this conversation. Skylar is constantly fighting me about using public transportation. It makes my blood boil.

She laughs. "I've lasted thirty-six years riding around in taxis and Ubers. You're acting like I'm going to get kidnapped by a harmless driver, which isn't fair for the poor drivers—"

I lose my cool and bark out, "When you get kidnapped by a taxi driver, taken to a whorehouse to be broken in, and—"

"That's enough, Adrian!" Obrecht's voice cuts through the air.

Great.I sniff hard and stare at the ceiling.

"Where's your office?" Obrecht asks Skylar.

She quietly says, "Five blocks from here."

"My driver is downstairs. I'll meet you in the lobby and drop you off." He glances at me, pats my back, then quietly leaves.

I slowly look at Skylar.

Her eyes are wide. She's clenching her yoga pants and sweatshirt. She swallows hard and quietly asks, "Adrian, is that what happened to Natalia?"

I don't reply. I can't. My chest is too tight. Rage and sorrow claw at my lungs. It's been over fifteen years, and it still hurts like it happened yesterday. I avoid Skylar's pity-filled eyes.

She reaches for my bicep. "Adrian—"

"I don't want to discuss this."


I kiss her on the forehead. "Get dressed, or you'll be late. Call me when you finish working."

I try to step back, but she reaches up and clasps her hand around my neck. "I'm sorry. I—"

"You didn't do anything wrong, my printsessa. I'm sorry I yelled. Go change."

She hesitates.


She slowly obeys and goes into the bedroom. I turn and put my hands over my face. All I see is Natalia's cold, dead body on our doorstep. My mother's face and voice scream in agony as she held her. Tears streamed down Obrecht's face as he tried to drag my mother away from Natalia.

Pull it together.

Zamir is still alive. Over fifteen years, and he's still breathing.

Skylar's arms slide around my waist. I press my arm and hand over hers, take a deep breath, and spin. I avoid her eyes as much as I can and give her a chaste kiss. "Obrecht's waiting for you downstairs. I'll walk you out."


"Come on." I guide her to the elevator. We get in, and I push the lobby button. I wish I could get my insides to stop shaking, but they only seem to quiver harder.

The elevator passes the sixth floor, and Skylar hits the stop button. "Adrian—"

"I can't talk about this. Not right now."

She reaches up and cups my cheeks. I close my eyes, wishing I weren't so weak. Every time I think I have a handle on Natalia's death, it sneaks up on me.

Skylar nods. "Okay. Umm... I-I—"

I pull her into me and put my lips on the top of her head while speaking. "I don't want you in cabs or Ubers alone. I know you do it during the day, and I don't like it. Nighttime is even more dangerous. Promise me you aren't going to put yourself in that situation anymore."

She looks up. "Okay. I promise. No more nighttime rides alone."

I release a deep breath. "Good." I peck her on the lips then hit the button for the elevator to move again. The doors open quickly, and Obrecht and I exchange a glance.

"Ready?" he asks Skylar.


I kiss her again then watch her disappear through the doors with Obrecht. I pull my phone out of my pocket.

The phone rings twice. Maksim answers, "Adrian. What's going on?"

"I need a trailer, and you can take it out of my wages."

"For who?"


He lowers his voice. "Is she all right?"

"Yes, and I need to make sure it stays that way."