Vicious Protector by Maggie Cole



It'snear five when I get a message.

Adrian: I'm not in a situation to talk right now. Can you go to Nora's reopening with your friends? I'll try to meet you there, but I can't guarantee I'll make it.

Me: You won't be back tonight?

Adrian: Something else came up. I'm doing my best. How did work go last night?

Me: Don't ask. Are you somewhere safe right now?

Adrian: Sorry to hear that. Don't worry, my printsessa. I'm safe, but I have to go. Bogden will take you wherever you want.

Me: Okay. I hope I see you tonight.

Adrian: Me, too. I miss you.

My heart skips a beat.

Me: I miss you, too.

Relieved Adrian is safe, I sit back in my chair, staring out into the Chicago skyline. There's a peek of Lake Michigan between two buildings, and I can faintly see a few boats. I wish Adrian would tell me where he went and who he was with, but I remind myself I agreed to his terms.

I text Kora and Hailee.

Me: Change of plans. Okay if I go with you to Nora's tonight?

Kora: Yep.

There's no answer from Hailee, but she stays late and helps tutor the older kids often.

Me: Adrian is making Bogden drive me around. I'll swing by and pick you both up.

Kora: Sounds good. I need to finish this draft first. See you tonight.

There's a knock on my office door. "Come in."

My friend, Fiona, steps in and shuts the door. I've worked with her for the last six years. Her sentiments regarding Bowmen mirror mine. She plops into the seat across my desk and rolls her eyes.

"Oh, no. What's going on?" I ask.

"Bowmen wants me to create a headband for the collection."

"A headband?"

She slowly says, "Yeah."

My heart sinks further. I force a smile. "This is one instance I'm happy only his name is on the collection."

She snorts. "It's like he's trying to commit fashion suicide. I don't understand why he's taking your brilliant designs and screwing them up."

I shrug. "Nothing we can do about it." I turn off my computer and stack my papers into a neat pile. "I have plans tonight, or I'd help you create"—I glance at the piece of fabric in Fiona's hand and cringe—"your headband."

She rises. "Have fun. Bowmen just got on the phone with New York, so I'd leave now if I were you."

"Thanks for the heads-up." I sling my bag over my shoulder and manage to escape an encounter with Bowmen. The last thing I want is any more interaction with him. Several times today, he made snide remarks about my inability to be creative, since I don't have any fabulous ideas for him. I almost threw some out to appease him, but anything I would have suggested wouldn't have been something to make the collection better. It would just be another thing to destroy it further, and Bowmen's already done enough damage.

I text Bogden when I get in the elevator. By the time I get to the lobby, he's pulled up to the curb. He's standing next to the back door and nods to me as I approach.


"Bogden, you can call me Skylar."

He smiles and opens the door. "Okay. Where would you like to go?"

I debate about my place or Adrian's. The outfit I want to wear is at the penthouse. "Adrian's, please."

"Sure thing."

It doesn't take long until I'm standing inside Adrian's. He must have been home because my laundry he did the day before is no longer hanging up. The shirt he wore the day prior is flat on the counter. A large, damp circle is on the chest area. I lean closer, and the smell of stain remover and some floral scent flares in my nostrils. I pick it up and study the stain.

Is that foundation?

I sniff harder. Roses.

Dasha always smells like roses.

Obrecht was with Dasha, not Adrian.

Am I going crazy?

Why would her makeup and scent be on Adrian's shirt?

I put the shirt back on the counter then hold it, steadying myself.

Could the foundation be from me?

Adrian did pull me into his chest yesterday when we were in the elevator.

Mine doesn't usually rub off.

Or does it?

There's only one way to find out.

I go into the bedroom closet. My clothes hang neatly on the rack. The first two drawers of Adrian's have my things in them.

He cleared his drawers out for me.

My heart soars like it did when he told me he did my laundry, but it's bittersweet.

I take my yoga T-shirt and stare at it. My stomach quivers. I rub the shirt on my cheek then pull it away from me.

Brown streaks stain the white material. I sigh in relief. It doesn't explain the rose scent, but that could be part of the stain remover. I return to the laundry room and find the stain remover. It reads, floral garden scent.

I open the cap and sniff it then Adrian's shirt. I can't tell the difference, but my sense of smell might be overwhelmed at this point. I flatten my shirt next to Adrian's and pour the stain remover over the makeup I rubbed on it.

After several minutes of staring at our two shirts, I go back into the closet. I sit in the middle of the small room. Adrian may have issues with his mind spinning, but I've officially gone into what-if mode. Time passes until my phone snaps me out of my thoughts.

Hailee: Got it. Leaving school now. Can you pick Kora up first so I can change?

Me: Sure.

I rise, throw my hair in a claw clip, then shower quickly. I refresh my makeup and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a purple crocheted top.

What if he spent the night with Dasha?

He wouldn't do that to me. He doesn't want her.

What if he's lying?

He doesn't love her anymore.

What if he does?

My phone alarm rings. I take a deep breath and try to avoid the shaking in my gut. When I get to the lobby, Bogden is waiting for me.

We pick up Kora then Hailee. When we get to the pub, Aspen arrives with Maksim. I glance around the bar for Adrian, but I don't see him anywhere. We find an empty circular booth and sit in it.

My phone vibrates. I pull it out of my purse.

Adrian: I'm on my way. Is everyone there?

Me: Yes.

Adrian: I have something I need to do when I get there. It's work related. As soon as I finish, I'll find you.

Me: Okay.

Relief Adrian is okay mixes with the anxiety from my unanswered questions. The makeup could be mine. Roses are in the stain remover he uses. I don't want to accuse him of something, but if he was with her—

"Earth to Skylar," Hailee teases and waves her hands in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry!"

"What do you want to drink?" Hailee motions to the server.

"Gimlet, please."

"Gin or Vodka?" she asks.

"Gin, please."

She leaves, and Hailee announces, "So I met a new loser online."

Aspen leans in and rubs her hands together. "Oh. Do tell!"

"I think we should wait for drinks first."

"Don't be a tease, Hailee!" Kora says.

"I'm starting to get a complex. It's like I'm a magnet for the weirdos. Why can't I find a nice guy?"

Kora snickers. "That's the wrong statement to make."

Hailee's eyebrows furrow. "How so?"

"You've met plenty of nice guys. They bore you to death, you don't connect, and the sex is blah. Maybe you should accept the fact you're nice enough for both of you and go out with the weirdo for once."

Hailee shakes her head. "He said he wanted to lick my furry pussy."

"Well, guess I arrived at the right time," Sergey says and slides into the booth.

Hailee's cheeks turn crimson, and we get into a conversation about all the crazy things guys have said to us over the years. It makes me appreciate Adrian more.

I need to talk to him.

Sergey leaves, and I glance around the pub. I still don't see Adrian. Nora pulls a chair next to our table and sits. Anna joins us, too.

"There's the superstar!" Aspen beams.

"Anna's the one who designed it. She gets the credit, not me. She even came over and made my brothers redo things she didn't think were perfect," Nora replies.

"You all did great," I assure them. I never saw the pub before the renovation, but it's beautiful.

"Did you see Killian?" Nora asks Hailee.

Aspen shakes her head, and her eyes widen.

"What?" Nora turns to where she's staring. Some girl is playing tongue tag with Killian.

Nora scowls. "What's that slag doing here? I didn't have her on the list. He's not that into her... God, he can't be..." Nora glances behind her, shooting them another dirty look, then focuses on Hailee again. "He probably didn't know you would be here—"

"It's fine, Nora. We've only spoken a few times."

"Well, don't look now, but Mr. Melt Your Wet Panties is checking you out, Hailee," Kora claims.

She blushes and sits up straighter. "Who?"

We all glance at the sexy bad boy who's intensely focusing on Hailee. After teasing Hailee some more, Nora turns, and her face falls. "Yeah, who..."

Anna says in a bubbly voice, "It's Nora's cousin, Liam."

"How do you know him?" Kora asks.

"Nora and I had lunch with him. He's super charismatic and nice. He's funny, too."

"You've been holding out on us, Nora," I tease.

She doesn't reply and looks slightly uncomfortable.

The man approaches our table. While staring at Hailee, he says, "Nora, are you going to introduce me to your friends? All stunning lasses, by the way."

"Umm..." Nora picks up a glass of water and takes a long sip.

Hailee's cheeks turn as red as Nora's hair.

Anna steps in and makes introductions.

The server, Darcey, comes over. "Nora, I don't mean to interrupt, but Darragh said to come get you. He's talking to Boris near the back."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks." Nora leaves, and Liam takes her seat, focusing all his attention on Hailee. Kora, Aspen, Anna, and I all eye each other. Hailee's face stays red the entire time. Kora excuses herself for the bathroom, and Adrian steps inside.

More relief fills me. He's told me twice today he's fine but seeing him seems to make it real. He surveys the bar and motions to Boris. They speak briefly. He scans the pub again, catches my eyes, and winks before motioning to Maksim and his brothers. He disappears into the back of the restaurant.

Flutters erupt in my stomach. I engage in more conversation with the girls and Liam, trying to pay attention.

"I missed you," Adrian's deep voice rings in my ear. Tingles form where his lips brush against my neck. Peach blossom, Turkish rose, and amber float in the air.

I turn my head. My smile hurts my cheeks. "Hey."

He kisses me on the lips. "Almost done. I need a few more minutes, okay?"


His icy-blue flames stay fixed on me for a moment. Heat races to my cheeks. He leans into my ear. "Stunning like always, my printsessa." He kisses my cheek and stands straight. "Liam, you're needed."

Liam stays focused on Hailee. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

Her face turns maroon.

Adrian squeezes my shoulder and leaves with Liam.

"Spill it," Hailee says, looking at me.

"Me? What about you and Mr. Melt Your Wet Panties?"

Hailee scoffs. "You were present. I think we need the scoop on Mr. Bend Me Over."

"Don't call him that," I say.

Kora returns and slides into the booth. "Why not?"

"Do you want me to still call Sergey Mr. Russian Cubby?"

"No, it's Mr. Glue Sniffer," Hailee comments.

Aspen scrunches her face. "Eww. He sniffs glue?"

Kora throws Hailee a dirty look. "No. He does not sniff glue."

"Not anymore. He used to," Hailee adds.

"Stop trying to change the topic. What happened between you and Mr. Melt Your Wet Panties while I was gone?"

"Nothing," she claims, her face turning red again.

I lean into the table. "Anna, what do you know about Mr. Melt Your Wet Panties?"

She shrugs. "I only met him once. He's a nice guy. It seemed like Nora, Killian, and he are super close. You should ask Nora about him. I don't know much."

"Are you going to chicken out or date him, Hailee?" I ask.

"He hasn't asked me out."

"Not yet. He will," Aspen assures her.

"Yep. You should get rid of the voice in your head telling you to run and say yes," Kora adds.

Hailee tilts her head. "I didn't say I had a voice in my head."

We all give her a knowing look.


"He's a bad boy," Kora teases.

"In a give-me-some-major-Os way," I follow.

Aspen smirks. "Maybe you shouldn't wear panties on your date."

"Stop it!" Hailee covers her face with her hands.

Anna laughs then rises. "My brother Chase, and sister-in-law Vivian, just got here. I'll see you later."

We all say our farewells, and she leaves.

"So what's up with you and Adrian?" Aspen asks.

I shrug.

She raises her eyebrows. "He just kissed you."


"Is it serious?"

"It's new," I say. Every bone in my body wants Adrian to be the one. I think he's serious about me, but the vision of our shirts lying in his laundry room fills my mind. If he spent the night with Dasha or some other woman, my heart is going to break.

"That's vague," Aspen replies.

"What's vague," Adrian asks as he approaches. He slides next to me and tugs me into his chest then pecks me on the lips.

My cheeks heat. "Nothing. Are you done now?"

His cocky expression fills my face. He locks eyes with me. "Yeah."

"Do you want a drink, or do you want to go?"

His lips twitch. His eyes twinkle. He picks up my drink and takes a big mouthful. "I'm ready if you are."

We say our goodbyes. I ignore the smirks on my friends' faces. We step outside, and I ask, "Did you drive?"

"No. I dropped my SUV off earlier. Obrecht and I came in his car. Let me text Bogden." He pulls out his phone and hits some buttons then places his hands over my cheeks. The moment his lips meet mine, I melt into him, wanting more than anything to be his and his alone.

He retreats. "Do we need to stop at your place for anything?"

His closet, with my clothes hanging in it, pops into my mind. "No. I have enough at your place, but I have to talk to you about something."

"Why do I get the feeling I'm in trouble?"

Please tell me you weren't with her or anyone else last night.

Bogden pulls up to the curb.

Adrian studies my face then releases me. He opens the door, and we get in. He instructs Bogden to go to his place and pulls me on his lap. "What's on your mind, my printsessa?" His fingers stroke my cheek.

I struggle with what to ask him. I don't want to accuse him of something he hasn't done. I'm not the type of woman who needs her man to reassure her how much he wants her every minute of the day. When I'm with Adrian, all I feel is how much he desires me. On the other hand, I don't want to be a fool and stay with a man who sleeps with other women.

"Skylar? What is it?"

The air in my lungs restricts. Fear of what he may say, regret for what my question might do to our relationship, shame that I may look extra needy to him paralyze me.

"My printsessa, if you don't tell me what's wrong, I can't fix it."

"You won't lie to me? No matter what?" I blurt out.

He studies my eyes, and his forehead wrinkles. "No. Is this about Dasha?"

My gut drops, and I put my hand over it.

Did he sleep with her?

"Obrecht told me she was outside of your work."

Oh. Thank God.

I take a deep breath. "Ummm...yes. That wasn't what I was referring to. Well, not that incident."


"I... I saw your shirt. In the laundry room."

The line deepens between his eyebrows. "Okay. What about it?"

"Did you sleep with her? Or someone else last night?"

His face falls. "Of course not. I told you I had work to take care of."

My insides quiver. I blurt out, "Was it my makeup or Dasha's on your shirt?"

He shifts in the seat, licks his lips, and clenches his jaw.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Please don't lie to me."

"I won't lie to you. I never have. Every time I told you I don't want her anymore and I want you was the truth. It still is. And everything I'm going to say to you, Obrecht will confirm if you don't believe me."

A bit of worry leaves me but not all of it. "Okay."

"I don't know if it's yours or Dasha's. But it doesn't matter—"

I gasp, and a tear falls down my cheek. "You slept with her?"

"Jesus, Skylar, no. How many times do I need to tell you I don't want her?"

"But you just told me—"

"You didn't let me finish." He wipes my tear with his thumb.

I stay quiet.

"Can I finish?"

I nod and sniffle. My heart pounds in my throat.

"Sometime around eleven last night, Obrecht called me and told me to meet him at Dasha's. She did some stupid shit, and now Obrecht and I need to handle it."

"What do you mean? What did she do? Why would you have to take care of her mess?"

"I can't tell you what she did. It's too dangerous. She got involved with some bad people."

"Then why are you getting involved?" I cry out.

"There's no choice."

"There's always a choice."

"Not on this one."


He sighs. "Because she's an Ivanov."

His words are a stinging slap on the face. Through clenched teeth, I seethe, "You're divorced."

"I know, but she still uses Ivanov. The deal she made is in our name. So we're going to take care of it, and then she's on her own."

I turn toward the window, still reeling in pain from his words and the truth. She was his. She continues to show the world she is his.

He turns me toward him. "I'm not lying to you. You can ask Obrecht."

"You were with her all night?"

"No. We were only in her place for a short time...under an hour."

"But it could be her makeup?"

"Yes. She got upset and was crying really bad."


"She threw herself at me, and I hugged her. That's it."

Jealousy flares through me. I hate the thought of him comforting her. "Am I supposed to feel sorry for her now?"

He snorts. "No. You should feel sorry for Obrecht and me. We had to deal with her."

"This isn't funny."

His face falls. "No, it's not. Obrecht and I were working all night to figure out this issue with Dasha so it can be over. When we got done, another issue happened that Obrecht and I had to deal with."

"Another Dasha issue?"

"No. It was an Ivanov issue."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

Adrian hesitates.

"Let me guess. Something else I can’t know," I say in frustration.

He sighs. "This needs to stay between us."

He's going to tell me?


"I mean it. You can't discuss it with your friends or anyone."

"I won't."

"Human bones were found on one of the new Ivanov building sites. Not just one. A lot of bones. And someone stole pallets of steel from a site several lots over. Obrecht and I were dealing with those issues all day. So these are the answers to your question in no particular order. I was with Dasha for less than an hour. Nope. I still don't want her. I didn't sleep with her, nor will I ever again. The only woman I want to sleep with is you. And yes, I would have rather been with you last night."


He puts his fingers over my mouth. "I understand why you have the questions you do, but I need you to tell me what I need to do for you to trust me."

Blood pumps hard between my ears. He's not hiding he saw Dasha. I don't like it, but he didn't lie to me. "Tell me what Dasha did."

He tilts his head. His eyes get smaller. "You know I can't do that, my printsessa. I already told you it was dangerous. One thing I will never do is put your safety at risk. You know this about me."

"If you have to worry about my safety, then how can I not worry about yours?" I say.

"I am not an average man. I understand how to take care of myself. You should never worry about my safety."

"That's a cocky statement, Adrian."

"It is true." Hurt fills his eyes. "Tell me. Is my honesty with you not enough for me to earn your trust? It would have been easier for me not to tell you anything about Dasha last night. It hurts me to look at your eyes when I tell you something that I know will upset you. But I do, so I'm not lying to you. And it doesn't seem to earn your trust."

Guilt fills me. "I do trust you, Adrian."

"Those questions don't scream trust, Skylar."

I shut my eyes and take a few deep inhales. When I open them, Adrian still has his gaze pinned on mine, intensely waiting for me to respond to him. "You told me when you spin out that you obsess about things until you feel like your skin is crawling, right?"


"That's how I feel about Dasha."