Vicious Protector by Maggie Cole



My shoulder throbsagainst the ice pack the paramedics strapped to it. I glance at Adrian. I'm suddenly nervous, but before anyone got here, he told me to tell the truth about what happened and leave any mob stuff out of it. He said if anyone mentioned it to let him handle it.

My chest tightens with anxiety. "Dasha tried to kill me. Adrian was in the shower. I went out to get stuff to bandage him up, and I noticed the doors open. I felt funny when we stepped inside the penthouse, but the doors weren't open when we went into the bathroom."

The officer looks at Adrian. "Were they?"

"No. They—"

"Okay, back to you," the officer addresses me. "Then what? And show me where this happened."

My heart beats faster. The fear I felt comes rushing back. I lead him through the penthouse to the balcony. "I-I stepped outside. Dasha must have been standing against the wall. She charged into my back and we started fighting near the ledge. She tried to throw me over and I grabbed her and tugged her with me. We rolled off. Adrian came running out just in time." I shudder, thinking about how I was hanging over the balcony. Dasha's fall to death could have been me. "We fell over the edge, and Adrian grabbed us."

The officer continues to focus on me. "He caught both of you?"

My pulse beats hard in my neck. "Yes. He told us to stop moving, and Dasha kept screaming and writhing around."

"But you didn't?"

"No. Adrian said I needed to stop moving, so I did."

The officer rubs the back of his neck. "Then what?"

I don’t analyze what I say next. The need to protect Adrian consumes me and I lie. It easily rolls out of my mouth. "We both slipped. I held on. Dasha let go."

He cocks an eyebrow, and I don't dare look at Adrian. "She let go?"

I don't flinch. "Yes. I think it was a reflex, maybe. Or the gravity pulling on her body? Have you ever hung off the edge of a building with someone holding your one arm?"

The officer glances over the ledge. A team of police and ambulances are surrounding the cleared-out area where Dasha's body lies. "No, ma'am."

I widen my eyes. "I don't know how long it lasted, but it felt like forever. Gravity is like the devil. It wants to take you."

He nods. "I see. What happened after Dasha fell?"

"Adrian tugged me up and over the ledge. I think I was in my shoulder..."

For several moments, my stomach flips as the officer assesses me. He tilts his head and keeps glancing between my shoulder and my face. He finally turns to Adrian. "And this is your version of what happened?"

Adrian's icy-blue eyes pierce into his. In a flat voice, he says, "Yes."

"Do you know why this woman was in your house?"

"She's my ex-wife. She was trying to take my trucking company and money."

"Hmm," he grunts then rises. He smiles at me. "I'm glad you're alive, ma'am. I'm sorry you had to experience that. Please make sure you take care of your shoulder." He spins to Darragh. "I'm glad you called. There was a raid on one of Bruno Zielinski's safe houses. Eight men got massacred. You know anything about that?"

Darragh shakes his head. "No. I don't hang out with Zielinskis."

The officer scratches his neck. "Good to know. If I have any further questions, I'll let you know. You folks take care and make sure you get those stitches fixed." He motions to Adrian.

"Will do."

He leaves, and Adrian, Dmitri, and Darragh talk in the corridor where the elevator is. When Adrian comes back into the room, he's alone.

"They left?"

"Yes." He sits next to me. "Why did you lie about Dasha letting go?"

"I don't know. It flew out of my mouth before I could think. I-I wanted to protect you. Are you mad at me?"

He leans down to my mouth. "No, my printsessa. It was probably the best thing we could tell him. Thank you."

"No one will ever know except us, right?" I ask.

He smiles. "I'd say cross my heart and hope to die, but with our current track record, I'm just going to say yes."

I let out a small laugh.

He strokes my cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. My shoulder is throbbing, but they said it's normal."

He slides his arm behind my back. He tilts his head. His eyes glisten. "But how are you? You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry."

"Shh. It's not your fault. I'm the one who should be sorry. I don't know how she got in here. I have Dmitri and Darragh pulling footage to find out."

My stomach twists. "So there's a breach in your security?"

Adrian's jaw clenches. "Yes. There's no other way."

"Are we safe here tonight?"

"I'll have Bogden do another complete sweep with me and lock us in for the night. I never use the bolt, but I will until we figure this out."

"We should go to the hospital," I tell him.

"No. Our family doctor will come over."

"You have a family doctor that makes house visits?"

His face hardens. "For emergencies."

"Ah. I see. you have to use the doctor a lot?" I hope this isn't a regular thing. Now that Adrian's letting me in and telling me his secrets, I'm more worried in some ways. Not knowing something creates paranoia. Once you know the facts, real fear can erupt. I'm not scared of Adrian or any of the Ivanovs or O'Malleys, but I don't want anything else to happen to Adrian.

He wraps his arms around me. "No, my printsessa. It's rare." He kisses me again, and I wonder how I survived all these months without him.

"And how are you?" I ask.

"I'm fine. Once the doctor gets here—"

"I meant about Dasha." My heart beats harder.

Adrian's expression turns sour. "I'm glad she's dead. My feelings for her died long before she did. I lost all respect for her the last time I saw her, and she basically stated she was relieved Lev died."

My stomach churns. "What? How could—"

"I'm not sure what all her secrets were, or if we'll ever find out why she targeted us, besides for the money." He leans forward and lightly kisses me. "But I don't ever want us to talk about Dasha again unless there's anything else I find out about her. She doesn't get any more of our time, all right?"

I release a worried breath. "Okay. When will the doctor be here?"

"Dmitri is calling him." He rises and holds his hand out. "I need to stay available right now. Go take a shower."

"Aww." I pout. "I was looking forward to your naked body against mine."

His cocky expression returns. "Don't worry, my printsessa. I'm going to make up for it."

My flutters take off. I shrug the robe off as I walk across the room and glance back. "I hope you aren't all talk, Mr. Ivanov."

"Are you telling me you forgot my skills?" he arrogantly questions and looks at me like he's going to eat me up.

I don't answer him. I only smile and go shower. The warm water hits me, and I spend a few minutes thinking about what happened. Adrian deals with death all the time. I don't, but I feel desensitized by Dasha's demise. When I finish my shower and dry my hair, I'm still thinking about Dasha. I walk into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around me. Adrian is standing on the balcony. His shirt is off, and it looks like the doctor has already come and stitched him up. The night is lit up from the buildings and signs surrounding us. I put my arms around his waist, careful not to touch his wound. "Am I an awful person for not feeling bad about Dasha's death?"

He snorts and spins. His eyes turn icier. "I'm the wrong person to ask, but no. She doesn't deserve any sympathy." He slides both hands in my hair, firmly holding my head. "I forgot to ask you something."


"I heard you talking to Selena the night of the rehearsal dinner. This job in New York—"

"I'm not taking it. I already texted Marcus."

"Is it your dream job?"

I shrug. "If I'm working for someone, then maybe. I thought Bowmen was the dream job until I got it and was hit with reality."

"Are you sure you want to turn it down? If it's important to you, then we'll figure it out."

"You would move to New York?"

He breathes deep and slowly exhales. "If it's important to you, yes."

I think about it for a split second. "I don't want to leave Chicago. All our family and friends are here."

"But Bowmen—"

"Is an ass and will always be. It's fine. I'll deal with him."

He twists a lock of my hair around his finger. "There are a few other options, you know."

"Like what?"

He grins. "Start your own label."

I laugh. "We've gone over this. What's the second option?"

"I knock you up and you stay home and do motherly duties."

I laugh again. "Or, I could have it all—create a kick-ass fashion brand and have your babies."

He smirks. "Even better."

"Ha! Funny! Remember I said it costs a ton of money?"

"Yep. I have enough." He holds out his fist. "And since I love you more than life and you're going to be Mrs. Adrian Ivanov, what's mine is yours." He opens his hand. A flawless, princess-cut diamond with a platinum band sits in it. Five rows of round, black diamonds cover the outside and inside of the band. One row covers the sides. Tiny pops of platinum twirl around each black gem. It's gorgeous.

"You..." I gape at the ring and pick it up. "How did you get this?" I know diamonds and jewelry well. It's a rare item. I've never even seen a design like this.

"I had it designed and made for you. You don't deserve a ring anyone else has."

My heart surges. "Wow. Adrian—"

"What do you think, my printsessa? Want to legally be mine forever?"

Tears run out of my eyes. "Yes. More than anything."

He smiles and leans into my mouth. "You'll marry me?"



I laugh. "As soon as possible."

His cocky expression that always ignites a fire in my belly appears. His kiss is aggressive and carnal and all things Adrian. It weakens my knees, and he has to hold me tight to him. "Tonight, I'll practice my husbandly duties. Tomorrow, we plan the wedding."

I try to bite back my smile but can't. "What are your husbandly duties?"

His voice, eyes, and entire presence send waves of heat rolling through my body. "It starts off with my mouth getting reacquainted with every inch of your body."