Vicious Protector by Maggie Cole



Six Months Later

"Can you excuse us for a minute?"I save Skylar from a conversation with an intern she hired. His name is Bradley, and he's a tad obsessed with her. Can't say I blame the guy, but I'm glad he's gay. He worships Skylar. She doesn't take advantage of him, but he's super eager to please her. I would be worried about how he's willing to drop anything to be at her beck and call if he didn't blush every time he saw me. Skylar and her friends tease me, saying he has a mad boy crush.

I can't deny it. His face turns red like a bright apple. His usual flamboyant attitude gets more extreme. "Adrian! That jacket is stunning on you!" He touches the collar. It's the jacket Skylar designed for Bowmen before he destroyed it. After our discussion with Chicago's top employment attorney, it didn't take long for Bowmen to cave. She also threatened to sue him with an employment lawsuit for all kinds of things the attorney determined Skylar could go after him for. My printsessa only wanted out of the contract, the jacket's design to be hers, and for him to pull the one he destroyed, off the market. He caved after two meetings. I might have had a talk with him without anyone else knowing about it between those two meetings. There's only one jacket, and I have it. She immediately made it for me, and I love it.

I love everything about my sexy, super-talented wife.

I step back out of Bradley's touching zone. "Thanks. Printsessa?" I nod to the back of the room.

She bites her smile. She thinks it's cute how Bradley is into me. I find it annoying. He's always trying to touch me. Skylar typically makes me bet her how many times he'll feel me up, before we see him.

Within a month of getting engaged, we started her new fashion brand, Skylar Ivanov. Her preliminary pieces have gotten a lot of great press, and she's planning an entire line for fashion week next year.

We just finished construction on her office suite, and we're having a grand opening party. All our friends and family were invited as well as her staff and some business contacts. Most have already arrived. I pull her through the crowd and to the back of her office. I've already pulled the shades, and I lock the door.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

I spin her into the door, caging her against the wall with my body. She looks up at me, and her breath hitches. Lately, all I have to do is look at her and she flushes. I lean into her ear. "I'm getting tired of looking at my hot wife and not touching her."

"Oh? Did I say you couldn't touch?"

I lick her ear then stick my tongue in her mouth, diving in and out until she moans.

"I'm so proud of you, my printsessa. I think I need to show you how much." I run my finger over her dress, and her nipple hardens under it.

"You should. After I tell you something."

I kiss her neck then collarbone. "Yeah? What's that?"

She puts both her hands on my cheeks and pulls my head up. Her blue eyes glisten. "I'm pregnant."

I freeze. My heart skips a beat. "Say that again?"

She smiles. "I'm pregnant."

I open my mouth to speak then shut it. I blink hard. "You are?"

"Mmhmm," she nods.

I kiss her, maybe harder than I ever have before, and she laughs. "How far are you?"

"I don't know. I-well, I hope you aren't upset."

"About what? I'm thrilled!"

"No, not the baby. Umm, I had lunch with your mom and got sick."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, just morning sickness. Anyway, we went and got a test. So, she knows. I'm sorry, I know I should have told you first. It just happened."

I can only imagine how happy my mom is, and it makes me smile. "It's okay. I'm glad she was there."

"You are?"

"Yes, if I couldn't be, then—"

There's a loud bang on the door, and we both jump. "Adrian! Open up, now!" Obrecht calls out in a frantic voice.

Skylar and I exchange a worried glance and step back. I open the door, and Obrecht's face gives me chills.

"What's wrong?"

"You need to come with me now." He scowls.

"Obrecht, what's wrong?" Skylar repeats.

"He took her."

"Who?" I ask, the hairs on my neck standing up.

His expression is one I only see when he tortures and kills. "Selena. Her bastard ex took her."