Cave Men by Frankie Love



I can’t believeour luck. It sounds crass to say it—because I know she just experienced a hell of a lot of loss—but Storm and I have been here a long ass time, and a fresh face is more than welcome.

And Summer is not just any fresh face. She’s everything. She’s what I would have wished for if I’d been given a genie. A sweetheart face and pink pouty lips and long wavy hair and soft supple skin, and fuck, my cock is hard just looking at her.

This is gonna be a problem.

She’s not just a piece of meat. She is a woman who has her own needs, wants—and the fact of the matter is she hasn’t been celibate for years like me.

In fact, hooking up isn’t on her radar at all. She only cares about finding her friend.

“Is it dangerous?” she asks, looking at the mammoth that’s just entered the clearing.

“Very,” I say gravely. “Let me show you someplace safer, I don’t want it to eat you.” I take her hand before she can think of a reason to say no.

Storm glares at me, shaking his head, but I don’t care. My eyes are only for Summer.

“Come here, love,” I say, “this way.” I lead her down a path to our camp, and draw her toward the cave we use for storage, one that is only large enough for two people. “Slide in,” I tell her, easing off her backback and setting it on the jungle floor. “You can leave your bag here.”

“It’s cold in here,” she says once we’re both inside.

“Want me to warm you up?” I run a hand over my beard.

She bites her bottom lip, lowers her chin, lifting her eyes. It’s dark in here, but I can see her desire.

I think she might take me up on my offer, but instead, she presses her hand against my solid chest.

“You were bullshitting me, weren’t you?”

“About what?” I ask.

“The mammoth.”

I chuckle. “Maybe. Can you blame me for wanting to get you alone, away from Storm? I wanted a chance with you before he had one.”

“You think he would have a better chance with me than you, that what you’re saying?”

I shrug. “I figured I might as well increase my odds.”

She leans back against the cave wall. “I’m not in Mexico for romance. I’m here to find Fancy.”

I place my palms on the wall on either side of her. “Thing is, you’re not technically in Mexico. This place, it has no name. We are prehistoric. Before time. We are at the beginning, we make our own rules.”

“That means we should forget all our inhibitions and screw like bunnies because we don’t have any guarantees about tomorrow?”

I laugh loudly at that. “Those are your words, not mine.”

She leans in, kissing me on my lips, gently at first, then our lips part and her tongue twirls against mine and fuck, this girl can kiss. Her lips are soft as pillows and her wit turns me on. Her smile lights up this dark cave and my heart pounds hard—wanting this, and more. Everything. But she pulls back gasping.

“I have to find Fancy,” she says, pressing her fingertips to her lips.

Outside the cave, Storm grunts. And Summer uses that as her cue to slip out.

I adjust myself, then follow her. The memory of that kiss is going to be lingering on my lips for a long ass time.