Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



The rain stick of coffee beans announces my arrival in BeanBag.

“Meghan! How’s it hanging?”

Really? Starting the morning with a dick innuendo?

I huff. “It’s hanging rigid, Benny. Hanging really fucking rigid.”

Approaching the counter, I see that his eyes are open wide and he’s tilting his head to the side. Following his not-so-subtle gesture, I see a group of old ladies with their big red hats sitting at a table not far from the door. Oops.

“Benny, if you had any idea, you’d be pleased with my current amount of restraint.”

“Copy that,” Benny says with a snap of his suspenders.

I take in his attire: skinny jeans, tight flannel buttoned all the way to his throat, and the newest accessory.

“I’ll take a large Sweet Vigorous, please - ” I swipe my card through the reader. “And while you're packing that espresso, you can explain to me why you have suspenders on. Pretty sure those pants wouldn’t fall down if you had them unbuttoned, unzipped, and you were slathered in butter.”

“Are they too much?” Benny asks, with a cringe.

“No. Sorry,” I sigh. “I’m being a bitch. They’re cute. I mean they’re hipster-as-hell, but cute.”

“Cute?” Benny’s cringe deepens.

“What?” I ask.

“Really?” he replies, tone flat.

“Yeah. What’s wrong with that? I’m saying I like them.”

“Okay so let’s say you put on an ensemble…”

I hold my hand up - “Ensemble?

“Shut up, I’m trying to make a point here.”

“Okay, okay. I have my ensemble on,” I run my hands down my sides.

Fairly sure he grumbles something about me being the worst, but he continues. “So, you get up in the morning, put on a new outfit that you think is great, and you run into a hot guy who says you look cute.”

I smirk. “Did you just call me hot?”

“Meghan, you and I both know that you’re a bombshell. You’re also being a total taint right now.”

I laugh. “Good insult. Okay, so I’m feeling like a bombshell and some dude calls me cute… ”

“Yeah. Imagine it’s someone like Ash. Do you want him to call you cute?”

I narrow my eyes. “Now why would you go and use him as an example?”

“Oh gee, I donno - ” his voice is dripping with sarcasm. “Maybe because you two were spewing sexual tension at each other like a teenage boy with pre-ejac problems.”

I fake a gag. “Oh my god! Can you not?”

“Perhaps, but I’m not wrong.”

“Fair enough. But I can tell you one thing. If I was trying to look sexy, I probably wouldn’t put on suspenders.” I pause as I think about it. “Unless they were attached to a pair of lacy boy shorts, and that’s it.”

Benny has this glazed-over look, and I’m sure he’s trying to picture it.

I reach over the counter to snap one of his suspenders, but he jumps out of the way. “Make my drink.”

As I walk to my usual table in the front corner, one of the red hat ladies catches my attention.

“Excuse me darling, what’s in a Sweet Vigorous? I like your energy, and I’m wondering if the drink is part of it.”

I smile. “It’s a triple shot topped with coffee and sweet cream. It doesn’t tamp down my attitude, that’s for sure.”

“Careful, Gladys - " one of the other ladies says. “Pretty sure that drink would send you into AFib.”

Gladys smiles. “If it gets me a man like that, I’ll risk it.”

She motions behind me, and I assume she’s gesturing at Benny.

I chuckle. “Hey, we all have our type.”

“Deny it all you want Banshee, but you know I’m your type.”

Sebastian’s deep rumble has me spinning around.

“Sebastian! What the hell are you doing here?”

“We have unfinished business.”

My mind flashes to the last time I saw him, dick sticking out of his pants.

I glance around at the coffee shop we’re standing in. “You can’t possibly…”

He shakes his head and addresses the table of swooning hats. “You see ladies, I try to do the right thing, surprise my girl, and this is the reaction I get. I just can’t win.”

Then he pouts. He literally pouts. And my pussy nails an Open For Business sign on the front door.

Wait. Rewind. His girl?

“Oh, you poor thing," the old biddy coos, " … you can come join me for comfort whenever you want.”

“Hands off, Gladys!” I snap.

I reach out to grab ahold of Sebastian’s sleeve, and that’s when I really take him in. He’s in black dress pants, shiny black shoes, a white button up with the top two buttons open, and a black dress coat tossed over his arm. When I realize his white shirt is thin enough to see his tattoos I start to salivate.

Holy. Fuck.

“Eyes up here, Banshee," he uses two fingers to gesture to his face.

I’m about to snark back when Benny calls out, louder than normal. “Meghan, your large Sweet Vigorous is ready.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows shoot up, and the ladies start to cackle.

My nostrils flare on an exhale as I stalk over to the counter.

Benny hands me my oversized mug with a grin, and I point at him - “One more word out of you and I’m going to strangle you with those stupid suspenders. I swear to god.”

He mimes zipping his lips and walks away.

Sebastian’s busy taking selfies with the Red Hats, so I pretend to focus on setting up my traveling workstation, but I’m really just watching him.

He really does know how to turn on the charm for the public. Not that he’s not charming when we’re alone, because he is, but when it’s just us, he’s more casual. More… sincere. The wide smile he has on now looks perfectly natural, but a part of me knows it’s fake.

And I like it. I like that I know a different version of him than everyone else. It feels special. Intimate.

The sound of the rain stick draws my eyes to the door, and I’m shocked to see Izzy and Zach walk in.

Since he’s only feet away, they spot Sebastian first. But the greeting between them doesn’t show surprise. It’s clear that they expected to see each other. Which is weird on top of weird. What is going on with my life?

Izzy hugs Sebastian, then turns to find me. She nearly skips in my direction with the boys following right behind her. Zach’s dressed the same as Sebastian, his brown hair tamed a bit more than normal, and the details start to click in my brain.

I stand and greet Izzy with a hug. Her ice-blue wrap dress and bright blond hair have her looking like a sexy winter queen.

“Hey, Izz.”

“Hey Meghan!”

I nod to the guys. “I take it the boys have some sort of team thing they’re going to?”

“Yeah, Jackson and Katelyn should be here soon. Their publicity whatnot is just down the street from here. Katelyn and I figured we would find you in your normal spot and decided to make a girls' day of it.”

I smile. “You guys do realize it’s a weekday, right?”

She rolls her eyes at me. “I don’t have any meetings today, and Katelyn just wrapped up a book she was working on last night. And since you’re working on her wedding, our little coffee date will technically be work related.”

She has me there.

“Hey, Meghan,” Zach greets me as he steps up, then he turns to Sebastian. “Jackson just pulled up.”

I give Zach a little wave before he pulls Izzy aside. Presumably to have some lengthy goodbye even though they practically live together now. They’re so in love it’s disgusting. And I have to tamp down on the jealousy that suddenly rises up in my chest.

A body I know all too well steps in front of me.

I drag my eyes up, looking at the handsome man standing before me, and for once I’m not quite sure what to say. Watching Izzy and Zach’s easy love has pushed me a little off balance.

I bite my lip. And not in a sexy way, but a nervous way.

The look in Sebastian’s eyes builds on my sudden vulnerability. He’s not smiling. Not smirking. Just staring.

“I’ll talk to you later, Banshee.” He leans closer to trace his thumb over my bottom lip, removing it from my tooth’s grip. “Enjoy swallowing down that sweet vigorous.”

I’m about to huff out a laugh when I feel his lips place a soft kiss on the top of my head.

What? No. He can’t do that! That’s breaking the rules. It’s too much.

Straightening, Sebastian turns and strides toward the door.

My legs tremble and I drop into my chair.

Not wanting to watch him leave, I busy myself straightening my laptop until I hear the door open and close. Dropping my forehead to the tabletop, I let out an exhale.

Two chairs across from me are pulled out and I know that both the girls are here.

“Uh, hey Meghan,” Katelyn greets me as she sits.

I raise a hand and wiggle my fingers at her.

Izzy’s voice is suddenly filled with concern - “You okay?”

I lift my head, not bothering to hide the strain of emotion on my face.

“What happened? What did he just do?” Katelyn asks.

“He kissed me,” I whisper, then point to the top of my head. “Here.”

They both coo out sounds of adoration, while I drop my forehead back onto my keyboard.