Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



Meghan: Ugh, it’s like you’re famous or something. My stupid sports newsfeed is filled with highlights from your shutout last night.

Sebastian: Get used to it, sweet cheeks. I’m kind of a big deal.

Meghan: I’m rolling my eyes real hard over here.




Sebastian: Fucking Canada. It’s cold as balls up here.

Meghan: That’s such a strange saying, don’t you think? The last set of balls I had in my hands were pretty warm.

Sebastian: I’m on a bus filled with big stinky men. Don’t talk about having your hands on my balls. I can’t afford a boner right now.

Meghan: Who said I was talking about your balls?

Sebastian: Keep it up, Banshee. You just earned yourself a spanking.




Meghan: Bravo on another win tonight.

Sebastian: Thanks. It was close, but we got the W.

Meghan. The W is the best.

Sebastian: So, is the V.

Meghan: Wow, nice one.

Sebastian: Yeah, I’m pretty funny.

Meghan: Whenever someone has to tell you they’re funny, it usually means the opposite.

Sebastian: I’m super smart, too.

Meghan: *gasps* I’m so impressed.

Sebastian: I’m also incredibly strong.

Meghan: And I’m turning my phone off.




Sebastian: Seriously, this back and forth between hot and cold climates is going to kill me.

Meghan: What’s that I hear, are you complaining about being in Florida?

Sebastian: Yeah, yeah, I’m an ungrateful bitch. But this 70 degree temp swing is going to make me sick.

Meghan: Sick I can help with. Just don’t get bit by an alligator.

Sebastian: Why would you even put that out into the universe?!?

Meghan: Don’t tell me that you’re superstitious…

Sebastian: I’m an athlete, of course I’m superstitious!

Meghan: Is that a thing?

Sebastian: Definitely. Don’t be jinxing me like that.

Meghan: My bad. Alligator joke retracted.

Sebastian: *wipes sweat from brow*

Meghan: *whispers to self about this ridiculous man*

Sebastian: Back to your earlier comment about handling the sick. Does that mean you’ll make me some homemade soup? I still need to try that cooking of yours.

Meghan: If you come home ill, then I promise I’ll make you some soup.

Sebastian: I’m feeling pretty *cough* bad already. You should probably get started.

Meghan: Oh sure, I’ll drop everything and make you food right now.




Meghan: Saw you made it out of the sunshine state with all your limbs intact.

Sebastian: Too exhausted to type. Calling you instead.




Sebastian: Good riddance, Texas.

Meghan: What are you griping about? You won!

Sebastian: Yeah, but it was even hotter than fucking Florida.

Meghan: Well it’s nice and cold here at home. You guys land late tonight, right?

Sebastian: That we do. Will you be at my game tomorrow night?

Meghan: I wish I could. I have an auction for work that I have to attend. It was kind of a last minute thing, so I need to be there to make sure it all goes well.

Sebastian: An auction?

Meghan: Yeah, it’s for a big fundraiser for this local spay/neuter organization. My contact there is really cool so it should be fun.

Sebastian: Interesting. Last minute you say?

Meghan: Yeah, Annabelle called me just about a week ago asking if I could help. Luckily, I’m amazing and got her hooked up with the best of everything.

Sebastian: Lucky indeed.