Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



I slam the lid on my laptop and hurry to the door. Katelyn thinks my diary is a physical book, like some Lisa Frank notebook with a picture of a multi-colored tiger on the cover and a lock a four-year-old could pick. Nope. It’s all digital and saved in a folder on my desktop labeled Tax Docs. She’ll never find it.

“One second!” I yell as I grab the wad of cash out of my purse for the takeout.

This place is old school and won’t let you pay over the phone. But it’s authentic and delicious, and I always order more food than I can eat in one sitting.

I open my mouth to thank the delivery driver as I yank open my door, but words don’t come out.

It’s not the delivery guy. It’s Sebastian.

Sebastian is here. Like, right here in front of me.

He’s wearing black sweatpants, a black zip-up with the hood up, and sunglasses. Somehow he looks amazing, and like shit, at the same time. But to me, he’s never looked better.

My heart constricts. He’s here. Sebastian came here. To me.

“Megs - ” Sebastian’s voice sounds raw.

His body language is full of worry and nervousness. But all I can think is he’s here.

Foregoing words, I step into him and wrap my arms around his body. I’ve missed him so much. I don’t even care about all that other crap right now, I’m just so happy to see him.

The second my chest hits his, I feel his muscles relax. And less than a heartbeat later, his arms encircle me, holding me tightly against his body.

I honestly had no idea what he was feeling about us. But having him show up here, at my apartment, tells me enough. Having him in my arms, with his scent filling my nose, I feel a thousand pounds of stress leave my body.

His lips press against the top of my head. “Hi, Baby.”

“Don’t call me Baby,” I whisper.

With Sebastian’s small huff of laughter, I feel the rest of the tension leave his body.

I kiss his chest, since that’s where my face is pressed. “Hi, Big Guy.”

I breathe him in. I still can’t believe he’s at my apartment.

Oh, god, my apartment!

Sebastian kisses the top of my head again. “Think we can move this inside?”

I tighten my grip on his torso. “Oh, umm…”

His lips are still pressed into my hair and I can feel him smile. “Something wrong, Banshee?”

“No. I’ve just been baking.”

“Good. I’ll finally get to try some.”

“Like, a lot of baking.”


I release him and step back. “Okay, just don’t judge me.”

The door across the hall from mine opens, and my neighbor steps out.

Seeing me, he pauses.

Not wanting to be rude I wave, “Hi, Roger.”

“Hey. Look, sorry, I just can’t take any more from you.”

I try not to pull a face. That sounded really bad. I know he’s talking about coffee cake, but Sebastian doesn’t.

Sebastian slowly turns to face Roger, pulling his sunglasses off as he does. I assume this is so he can glare at my foolish neighbor.

Roger’s a normal-size guy, but standing in front of Sebastian makes him look like the little weenie that he is. And from the expression on his face, Roger is feeling like a little weenie.

“We haven’t met,” Sebastian says, his voice sounding even deeper than usual. “I’m Ash. Meghan’s boyfriend.”

If there was a record playing, it would have just scratched to a halt.

Uh, excuse me? Did he just introduce himself as my boyfriend?!

The honey badger in my chest is bouncing around in glee. I also noticed he introduced himself as Ash. The name recognized by the public. Sebastian is going out of his way to make an impression, and watching Roger’s jaw drop open tells me it worked.

“Holy shit! Ash, like Ash Leblanc? Holy shit!” Roger runs a hand through his hair. “Dude, you’re amazing. Your save in that last game. Oh man, I’m glad to see you up and moving. That hit was wicked.”

“Felt wicked," is Sebastian’s only response.

“Seriously. Just wow.” Roger looks past Sebastian to me. “I had no idea.”

I shrug. Yeah, me neither, Roger.

He continues, blushing now. “So, um, if you wanted me to take some more of that coffee cake, I’d be happy to.”

I roll my eyes, sure, now he’s willing to take more.

But Sebastian answers before I can - “Yeah, I don’t think so Robert.”

“Oh, right. No problem!” Roger doesn’t even bother to correct Sebastian on his name.

I bite back a laugh, certain Sebastian messed it up on purpose.

“It was nice to meet you,” Sebastian says, without any inflection that would indicate he actually means it.

“Yeah, yeah, you too.”

Sebastian turns away from my neighbor, and - with an arm around my waist - pulls me into my apartment. As I close the door, I give Roger a little finger wave. This encounter should end that holier-than-thou attitude of his.

Sebastian’s already walking around my apartment, looking at my stuff. He pauses when he spots the kitchen, and a grin spreads across his face.

He glances at me.

“Shut up.”

Instead of teasing me, he picks up a pan. “Fork?”

I point to the drawer on the end. He snags a utensil and starts to eat straight from the pan while wandering through my living room. I hear a groan of appreciation, and I know it’s for the cinnamon caramel goodness he just put in his mouth.

As before, our silence feels comfortable rather than strained. It’s as though being in the same space is all we need to smooth out our recent history.

I watch Sebastian as he takes in my home, while eating my food. As far as two-bedroom apartments in Minneapolis go, mine is a good size. Of course compared to his giant house in the burbs, my place is tiny. Whatever, it is what it is. I like my home, and I almost always keep it clean. I’m just thankful I showered today and am wearing my good leggings.

He stops in front of a large painting in my living room, and I snicker. It’s the flower painting that Izzy made for me.

Sebastian hums and works his way over to my bookshelf. It’s not until now that I notice his slight limp. And the duffle bag that he dropped on the floor.

“Shouldn’t you be taking it easy?” I ask.

“Yeah," he says, moving towards my couch.

Using a hand on the armrest he lowers himself carefully, but I still catch the wince.

I sit down next to him, turning my body to face him. “How are you feeling?”

“Better.” He reaches out and drags a finger down my cheek. “A lot better.”

“Good.” I catch his hand and hold it in my lap. “What’s with the bag?” I nod towards the duffle.

He uses his free hand to scoop up another bite. “I’m staying over.”

I raise one eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

“Yep.” Taking another bite, he slowly pulls the fork free from between his lips.

“Hmmm.” I can’t stop staring at his mouth. “What if I were still mad at you?”

“I was willing to risk it. Plus, I can be very persuasive.”

“I bet you can.” Without meaning to, I lean further in to him with each word.

He licks his lips. “This tastes amazing.”

“Glad you like it.”

“But it doesn’t taste as good as the baker herself.”

My mouth pulls into a smile before we close the distance between us.

When our lips meet I swear I hear my soul sigh. His mouth tastes like sugar and sweetness and Sebastian.

Too soon, he breaks the kiss. “I’m so sorry, Baby. I never meant to hurt you. I want to blame it all on Anna, but I should’ve told you. Right away.”

I push the hood off his head and run my fingers through his hair. “I get it. I mean yeah, it would’ve been better if you told me sooner. But I get why you waited. And honestly, I get why Anna did it. I can’t even say that I wouldn’t’ve done the same thing if our positions were reversed.”

Sebastian releases a large breath. “I don’t deserve you.”

I bite my lip and shrug, earning me the smile I was hoping for.

He grabs the pan from his lap and starts to lean forward to set it on the coffee table, but I can tell the motion pains him, so I take it from his grasp.

“Come here," he pats his lap.

“Umm… ” I eye him. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? I don’t want to hurt you.”

He tips his head down to give me the look. “Baby, get on my lap.”

I stand in front of him and slowly place a knee on either side of his thighs. I don’t care what he says, I’m going to be gentle. I don’t want to cause him pain.

Once I’m lowered completely, Sebastian takes my face in his hands. “I need you to listen to me. Okay?”


“I love you.”

Holy shit!

My breath catches.

“You hear me, little Banshee? I love you. I love your feistiness. I love the attitude you give me. I love the tough exterior you show the world. I love your fight, and your humor, and your kisses. I’ve never met anyone like you. I love everything about you. And I love how you make me feel.” His thumbs brush across my cheeks. “You make me feel like a whole person. Like someone worthy of love. You make me a better man. Like I could take on the world and win.”

And just like that, every one of my insecurities float away. I believe him. He means it. He loves me.

I don't even realize I'm crying until his thumbs wipe across my cheeks, again, catching wetness.

He gives me a soft smile. “I’ve wanted you, wanted to get to know you, since the moment we met. Ever since that damn high-five.”

“What?! - ” my voice cracks as my brain tries to connect the words that he’s saying. High-five? We didn’t high-five at the haunted house.

“You see, there was this girl last year. She asked Jackson if the team could give her high-fives when they went out onto the ice.”

“Oh my god,” I whisper.

His smile broadens. “I thought it was cute, so I agreed. But then I saw her… I saw this little spitfire of a goddess. She was a vision of joy and chaos, and she was hot-as-hell. And when my hand connected with hers, I knew I had to meet her. It took longer than I wanted, but I finally got my wish.” My tears are falling freely now. I had no idea. “So you see, when I told this girl that I didn’t want a relationship, that was my fear talking. I was afraid that a girlfriend would distract me, affect my game, take my focus. But I was wrong. Loving you doesn’t make me weaker, it makes me stronger. I’m done pretending that I don’t need you, because I do. I need you, Baby. I need you in my life. By my side.” He trails a fingertip along the bottom of my jaw. “You remember the pictures you took at the museum, the selfies from when I scared you?” I give him a shaky nod. “I sent them all to myself. I look at them every night. You’re my girl. You have been for a while. And you don’t have to say any- ”

“I love you!” I nearly shout it, startling us both. I say it again, quieter - “I love you, too.”

With my hands on Sebastian’s chest, I can feel the shudder that runs through his body. He lets out a long exhale as his eyes become glassy with unshed tears. And it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I bring my lips close enough so they brush against his when I say it again. “I love you, Sebastian. I have for a long time.”

His breath mingles with mine as his hands slide around to the back of my head. He pulls me in at the same time I lean in to his lips.

Each kiss with Sebastian is new. Every kiss has been wonderful. But this one, this one is my favorite.

With our hands tangled in each other’s hair, we let our lips take over.

I can feel his emotions as they pour from his mouth. He’s all-in. And he trusted me enough to tell me.

I press my body tighter against his, and I feel his hardening cock beneath my ass.

I moan and grind against him.

I feel his hips rise up to meet me, then he groans and stills. Only it isn’t a sexy groan, it’s a painful groan.

I break the kiss and freeze - “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!”

“Nope, not you. I shouldn’t have done that.”

I grimace and wait for him to open his eyes. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

“That’s why I brought my bag. I am resting. Here.”

“Right. But I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you can’t do any thrusting anytime soon.”

He drops his head against the back of the couch. “Unfortunately no. Doctor’s orders.”

“Hmm.” I slide off his lap. “You’ll just have to hold still then.”

He slowly raises his head back up to look at me, as I sink to my knees in front of him.

I slide my hands up his thighs. “I seem to recall an unfinished demonstration of my oral skills.”

He opens his mouth, maybe to protest, but thinks better of it.

As I pull down the top of his sweatpants and I see he’s not wearing anything underneath. With a smile, I tug them down just enough to free his wonderfully-hard cock.

“Hi, big guy,” I say to his dick, as I wrap my fingers around the length.

My lips are an inch away from the prize when there’s a knock at the door.

“Go the fuck away!” Sebastian shouts.

I jump up. “No!”

“No? Banshee, you’d better get your sweet lips back over here and around my dick before I strain my groin, even more, by fucking you against your front door.”

I know he’s serious, and I’m seriously turned on, but the indignant look on his face has me bent over in laughter. “Just hold on.”

I hold up a hand as I look for the cash I set down earlier.

There’s another knock at the door. This one much more tentative than the first. From experience, I know how thin these doors are. The delivery guy probably heard a lot more of Sebastian’s threat than he wanted to.

Snagging the cash, I pull the door open just far enough to grab the bag of food and hand off the money.

“Thanks, bye!” I slam the door, lock it, set the food on the floor, and spin back to Sebastian.

Only he’s not where I left him. I spin in a quick circle but he’s not here.

A smile tugs at my lips.

Heading down the short hall, I find Sebastian in my bedroom. Laying in the middle of my bed. Pants halfway down his thighs. He’s using a hand to stroke himself, and doesn’t stop when I enter the room.

“I see you found the bed,” I say, pretending that watching him touch himself isn’t dropping my IQ straight to the floor.

“It’s a nice bed. Now get over here and take off your pants.”

I step closer, but shake my head. “No sex, Sebastian. I’m not going to be party to your reckless behavior.”

He smirks. “I believe you were about to give me the second half of that blow job.”

“I can do that with pants on,” I deadpan.

“Sure, if you’re sitting on the floor.”

“Right, which is…”

“But I want you to sit on my face.”

My brain flickers like a half lit neon sign, and the honey badger in my chest drops dead from joy.