Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly



Dear Diary,

My neighbors are starting to screen my visits. I know they’re home, but they still won’t open their doors. So what if I brought them coffee cakes just a few days ago. This is a new recipe. And it’s good. But nooooo apparently there is such a thing as too much free food. So now I have a dozen dulce de leche coffee cakes filling up the entirety of my kitchen counter space and nowhere to bring them.

It’s been 24 hours since I ran out of the hospital in a cloud of tears and embarrassment, and - if I can’t keep baking - I don’t know what I’ll do with myself. I need my prep space back, and one person can only eat so much. Trust me, I’ve tested the limits already.

The girls offered to come over and hang out, but I turned them down. I used Izzy enough already for information on Sebastian, and Katelyn should be with her new hubby. Plus, I don’t need an audience for my shame eating.

Sebastian was released from the hospital this morning. He suffered a Grade 3 concussion, basically the worst kind, along with a groin pull. I had to internet-doctor that one. I hear "groin" and I think dick, but this is apparently more of an inner thigh thing. I think. Based on my not-at-all qualified research, if he rests enough, and the team keeps winning, there’s a chance he could play again in a few weeks. I’m sure he’s super pissed about missing playoff games, on top of being in pain.

I haven’t called him yet. I’m not sure if he knows that I came to the hospital last night. I still don’t know what to think about Anna telling me to leave.

Okay, so maybe she didn’t say it like that, but she did say I couldn’t see Sebastian. Was that an overarching policy for everyone? Did he specifically say he didn’t want to see me? When she said he was upset, was he upset at me? At her? At both? And what did she mean by “sorry I ruined everything”?!

See! This is why I keep baking. If I don’t occupy my mind, I’ll go crazy. And I don’t know how I’ll cope if this shitty feeling continues on much longer.

Fuck, there’s the door. Must be the Thai food I ordered. What? I can’t cook when my kitchen is covered in coffee cake.
