Slingshot by K.L. Savage

The light taps of rain wake me slowly from the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had. A thick of hair tickles my nose, and it gives me the urge to sneeze. I gather the tangled strands and move them out of my face.

I wrap my arm around her and pull Natalia close, grinning from ear to ear before kissing her shoulder. I can taste the slight hint of salt on her skin from sweat from our night of pure, primal sex. Holy hell, that was…the best experience I’ve ever had. I know it’s because it was with her.

I drift my touch down her body and pinch the sheets between my fingers, throwing them away. We don’t need them for what I’m about to do. I glide my fingers up the back of her thigh and watch as her skin awakens first, pebbling under my touch. Her body is next, wiggling against me, a loud sigh escaping her.

My cock is resting between her cheeks. The reminder of our night staining the beige sheet under us has me guiding my cock to her pussy again.


My pussy.

“Noah,” she moans sleepily, pushing her ass against me.

I sink into her without her virginity in the way. Knowing I’m the one that claimed it has me wrapping an arm around her, pulling her as close as possible.

Mine forever. No one else.

All fucking mine.

I grip her by the neck and lift her with me as I sit up, then stand, slamming her against the cooler I spanked her on last night. I’ll never be able to look at the inside of this truck the same.

Shoving her, I push her torso against the appliance by flattening my palm against the middle of her back, pull out, then slam inside her warm tight pussy.

“I want to wake up like this every fucking day. Understand me? I expect you to be ready for me, bent over, arms above your head.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“And if you’re not, you don’t get to come for the rest of the day.”

“Yes, Sir,” she repeats again.

I grab her hips and use them to bring her pussy to my cock as fast as I’m rutting into her. She moans a beautiful, wistful sound that sounds more like a song.

Nothing is better than this. Nothing.

I’m so concentrated on making her come, needing to feel her muscles tightening around me again, I don’t hear the rain let up.

The back doors of the truck open, letting the light in.

And that’s another thing I don’t hear. I don’t hear the cock of a gun.

But you know what I feel? A bullet grazing the side of my arm, which yanks me out of my bliss. I stumble back and throw my hand over my arm to stop the bleeding. “What the fuck—” I’m silenced when I see Mateo aiming a gun at me.

“Papa! What are you doing here?” Natalia screams, and I bend down, not caring about getting shot and cover her up. She grasps onto the blankets for dear life, mortified.

I knew Mateo was protective, but this is a bit much. She’s a grown woman.

“Get the fuck away from my daughter before I blow a bullet between your eyes, Slingshot.”

“It’s going to be okay,” I whisper to her, trying to dry the tears that are quickly forming in her eyes.

“I said get the fuck away from her.”

“Man, we tried stalling while we called, but you didn’t answer,” Knives says, coming to a stop behind Mateo.

I lift my hands to show I’m no threat.

“You know what’s worse than seeing my daughter getting fucked?” he says, his jaw grinding together. “It’s seeing her get fucked by biker scum. She deserves more.”


“—Scum, huh? That’s not what you were saying when we were saving your life,” Reaper says, interrupting Knives.

“That was before one of your bastards put his hands on my daughter.”

Knives pulls out his gun and cocks it, placing it against Mateo’s head. “Drop it, Moretti.”

Another click of a gun sounds as a bullet slides into the chamber, and a gun is pressed against Knives’ head. “You first,” Moretti’s guard offers.

“Natalia, get the fuck out of the truck. I can’t believe you did this. You deserved better than this.” Mateo eyes the truck in disapproval and curls his lips in disgust.

“Papa, you’re embarrassing me. I can’t believe you’d do this. You have no idea how special this was, how special he is.”

“He’s playing you. Get the fuck out of the truck, Natalia. I won’t repeat myself.”

“I’m not leaving.” She stands her ground, and I’m prouder of her more than ever.

Mateo takes a step closer to the truck and eyes the blanket. I don’t fucking flinch or feel ashamed when he eyes the proof of me claiming her virginity on the blanket. I will never be bullied into regretting last night or anything to do with Natalia.

He reaches into the truck and yanks her out. She slams against him, nearly tumbling to the ground and the blankets wrapped around her almost fall off her body.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” I stomp forward, and the barrel of his gun changes its aim.

The barrel is pointing against my cock.

“Stay away from her. The only reason I’m not killing you right now is that my daughter is here and she, for some stupid reason, likes you.”

“I love him!” she corrects, shoving her own father. “I love him. I hate you, do you hear me? I fucking hate you for doing this. I knew you would do anything to make sure my happiness was ruined if it meant you didn’t create it for me.”

She loves me.

It’s the first time she’s said that.

“I love you too, Natalia,” I tell her immediately, so she doesn’t think for a second I’d need to think about it.

“Don’t fucking lie to her. I know how some of you are with women. She won’t be one of your whores.” Mateo yanks her away by her arm, and she fights him, but his grip is too strong. “Take her to the truck.”

“No one would ever touch her. I’m it. I’m the one. Me.” I hit my chest and jump out of the truck, naked as the day I was born, and his gun settles between my eyes.

I know many men have died behind this gun without him hesitating.

My brothers are behind me, guns drawn and cocked. “Don’t,” I tell them. “This is between Moretti and me.”

“There is nothing between us. You will not see my daughter again. She is young. She doesn’t know what love is.”

“I’ll make sure to tell Nora you said that.”

That earns me a blow to the face. He slams his gun against my cheek and blood flows into my mouth.

“Papa! No. Don’t hurt him. Please, don’t hurt him. I’ll go. I’ll go! Just leave him alone, please.”

My eyes meet hers, and his guard is trying to get her to the car, but even with the distance between us, I can see she’s crying.

“Don’t hurt him. If you love me, if you care about me at all, you won’t hurt him. Please, I’m going with you. Papa, please,” she sobs.

I step forward to go to her when his gun reminds me to stop moving. The barrel is still warm from an earlier shooting. It’s killing me that she’s crying. I hate we’re being torn apart by a very selfish man. My eyes burn, and I turn my eyes to Mateo’s, the same dark browns that Natalia has. “I won’t ever stop coming for her. She’s mine, Mateo. She’s my ol’ lady. You know what that means.”

“I don’t give a fuck about your fairytales. My daughter deserves better than this. She deserves riches.”

“You’re worried about money? I’m a millionaire. You want it? Take it.”

“My daughter is not for sale.”

“You sure are acting like it,” I sneer.

The gun lifts to my head again, and his finger twitches over the trigger.

“Papa! Please, don’t. I swear I’ll never forgive you,” she screams at him.

I launch myself toward her, and the guys wrap their arms around me to stop me. “Natalia! Get the fuck off me,” I tell them, trying to shrug them off.

“We’re trying to save your life so you can see her again,” Reaper whispers in my ear.

“Listen to your friends, Noah Connors,” he emphasizes my name to let me know he’s looked into me. “Your next step could kill you.” He places his gun in his holsters under his jacket. “I’ll be in touch, Reaper.” Mateo tugs on the lapels of his coat as he walks away.

I begin to pace, lacing my fingers on top of my head as I watch the car pull away. I know she’s looking out the window. I can't see her because it’s tinted darker than the night sky, but I can feel her eyes on me, missing me.

And I’m missing her.

“Fuck!” I roar and slam my fist against the truck. “Damn it. Damn it. Fuck!” I keep hitting the side of the truck until there’s a dent. My knuckles are throbbing, and my chest is rising and falling rapidly. I hang my head and drape my arms above me as I think.

I can fix this.

I can get her back. I don’t know how, but I know I have to.

I just…I fucking have to.

A blanket is wrapped around my waist, and I reach down and keep it clasped. I forgot I was naked. “Thanks,” I mumble.

“She wasn’t the safest bet,” Reaper says.

“No, but she’s worth it. I’m going to get her back, Reaper.”

He nods. “Ol’ lady?” he asks to make sure.

“Yeah, Reaper. I've got to get her back. She’s…she’s my Sarah.” It’s the only way I know how to explain how I feel about Natalia.

Reaper’s eyes show understanding. “He isn’t going to make it easy. You’ve pissed him off. Be glad that bullet didn’t land in your chest.” He points to the flesh wound on my arm. I can live with it.

“I don’t expect it to be easy.” I let out a frustrated groan. “That fucking asshole busting in here knowing what he was going to see. His daughter isn’t a kid anymore. He’s acting like she’s sixteen.”

“He’s protective. I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same with Hendrix,” Reaper explains on a regretful sigh.

“I wasn’t doing anything she didn’t want,” I sneer, feeling like I have to defend myself.

Reaper chuckles. “Yeah…we heard and uh…saw.”

“Yeah, we did, buddy.” Knives holds up his hand for a high-five, and I leave him hanging. “Sorry. Yeah, wrong moment. My bad.”

“What am I going to do?” I rub the ache in the middle of my chest.

One of the guy’s phones rings and I’m not paying attention to them. I don’t care. I’m thinking about last night. Flashes of her body arching into me, her breasts pressing against my chest, her whimpers, when I claimed her, those moments flip through my mind like a book.

“It’s for you,” Knives states in a flat tone. He has a grim expression that makes me not want to take the phone in his outstretched hand.

“Take a fucking message. I’m busy.” Trying to figure out how I’m going to get Natalia back.

“You’re going to want to take this,” he urges.

I snatch the phone out of his hand and wince when I use the arm that was shot. “What?” I snap into the phone, thinking it’s Mateo. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Well then, Mon Amie, it’s good to hear from you too.”

Aw, fuck.

“Seer,” I grumble, and the guys take a giant step away from me. “Like I said, what the fuck do you want. You don’t call unless…”

“Oui. I apologize for interrupting, Slingshot.”

“Is it Tongue? Is he okay? Daphne?”

“Your friend is fine. It’s you who I am calling about.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose and take a seat on the edge of the truck. “God, what did you see? Mateo shooting me?”

“Mateo? No, but I see two pasts crossing in your future.”

“Two pasts… are you fucking kidding me? You can’t give me any details? None?”

“Sorry, Mon Amie. I know you’re shirtless on the days. Blanket around your waist.”

I look down and close my eyes. The future is today. “Well, that would be right now, Seer. Your sight is getting a little rusty if this is my heads up.”

“I only see what the universe wants me to. The path that comes, it’s not a good one. It’s dark, wicked, with evil intentions.”

A squeaking car has me turning my head to see dust flying through the gate—an old Nissan pickup with no front bumper barrels down toward me.

“Well. Your warning just arrived. Thanks, Seer.” I hang up the phone and toss it to Knives and try to remain calm.

Today has officially been the worst day ever.

“Who is this?” Reaper takes the spot next to me as we watch the truck come closer.

“Don’t know but Seer called to warn me, so buckle up guys. You know it’s never good when he calls.”

The truck comes to a stop, and the sand kicks up from the tires, clouding the vehicle before I can see the guy through the windshield.

Why do I only have to be wearing a blanket?

Right. I was having a great morning fucking my ol’ lady before I got rudely interrupted.

I look over my shoulder to see my slingshot and grab it off the floor along with a few knife-sharp metal arrowheads.

The door opens, and an older man appears. He shuts the door and walks through the cloud of sand. The middle of his bald head shines against the sun, and he has hair along the sides that he just needs to shave because it looks ridiculous. The stranger has a beer belly and time has done a number on him.

The longer I stare at him, the more I recognize who this guy is. I'd recognize the hate in his eyes from anywhere. “What the hell are you doing here, Dad?”

“Dad?” Knives whispers behind me. “Holy fuck.”

“It’s nice to see you too, Son.”

“If there’s one thing I am not, it’s your son. What the hell do you want?”

“Maybe he’s harmless?” Knives whispers again where only I can hear.

Yeah, snakes are harmless too.

Until you get too close.

And my dad?

He’s nothing but poison.