Slingshot by K.L. Savage

Reaper has called Church again. I have a feeling I know what it’s about. We’re all waiting for him to say something, but he sits in the chair with his hands laced together settled against the table.

“After a long discussion with Sarah on what to do and what’s best for my family, we’re staying. Sarah doesn’t want to run, and she knows how much I want to kill this bastard for threatening Maizey. Things are going to change around here starting tomorrow. Security will be up. Braveheart, you’re back at the gate. I want patrols. I want the fence checked. Every inch of this place will be analyzed and combed through. As of now, I’m back in charge. Tool, you did great. Thanks for stepping up when I needed you to.”

“What I am here for, Prez,” Tool says, sharpening the tip of his screwdriver.

“I want trained dogs too. Doberman’s. I want anyone who comes onto this property unwelcomed to get torn apart.”

Natalia’s attacker is still downstairs, waiting for the same fate. Prez doesn’t want to be done with him yet, and neither do I, but I think it’s time to make room for someone else.

“That’s it. Dismissed.” Reaper slams the gavel made of bone onto the table and everyone stands. Reaper is usually the last one to leave, but he speeds by everyone and is the first out the door. I know where he’s going. He wants to be with his family.

I don’t blame him. I hurry to catch him before he disappears into his room to be with Sarah for the rest of the night. “Hey, Prez?”

He stops before opening his door and turns around. The first thing I notice is the dark circles under his eyes and the stress lines around his mouth. My dad coming into town has really fucked him up. “Can I see Maizey? I haven’t really had the chance to talk to her since I found out she’s my sister.”

“Let me see if she’s awake, okay? She’s been sleeping in our bed. I’m not comfortable having her away in another room right now.”

“I get it. I understand,” I hurry to say. I would do the same thing.

“Wait here. I need to make sure Sarah is decent.”

I spin around to look the other way as he opens the door. Even after it’s shut, I stay looking forward at the wall.

Poodle moseys out of his room, and he looks like a fucking wreck.

“Hey, Poodle.” Damn, which reminds me that I need to get that puppy. Maybe that’s something Natalia and I can do tomorrow.

He doesn’t say anything. He waves and scratches the top of his head before entering the bathroom. Melissa comes out of the bedroom next, rubbing her temples.

“You doing okay?” I ask her.

“Yeah, Poodle isn't really great at dealing with pressure. Ellie wants to go to summer camp, and he’s having issues wanting to be away from her after she was missing from him for so long. Then, there is Lady. He’s just in a funk. He’ll come out of it.” She disappears into the bathroom too, and I’m hoping Reaper comes out into the hallway again. I really don’t feel like hearing Poodle and his ol’ lady go at it.

I’m not Bullseye and Ruby.

Or Skirt and Dawn, for that matter.

Bunch of kinky bastards.

“Okay, she’s nearly asleep, but she really wants to see you,” Reaper says gently.

I don’t know why that makes me so happy, but it does. She chose me over sleep. That’s how I know she cares about me.

I keep my steps light as I enter their room, which not many members get to witness. Reaper keeps his room off-limits. The TV is on, casting its light against Sarah’s face, flickering as the scenes change.

Hendrix is asleep in her bassinette next to the bed, and Sarah has her arm around Maizey. I kneel at the bed and do the only thing I can think of. I hold out my arms hoping she comes to me. Maizey crawls over Sarah’s legs and launches herself at me.

“I knew there was something else about you, kiddo,” I tell her, feeling a rush of emotion as I hold the sister I never knew I had.

Is this what Boomer felt like when he found out about Sarah?

I lift my gaze to Reaper and mouth, “Thank you.”

He gives me a nod as he crawls into bed next to Sarah and I know I’m getting a glimpse of his personal life not many get to see. He scoots toward Sarah, and she leans her head against his chest.

“You didn’t know about me?” Maizey asks.

I pull away so I can look at her. “No, Maze. I had no idea. If I did, you would have been with me this entire time. I can promise you that.”

“I’m glad you’re my bubby,” she yawns, leaning her cheek against my shoulder.

“I am too, Maizey,” I exhale. “I am too.”

She yawns, and I know that’s my cue to get out of here so she can get some rest. “Go to sleep, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You promise?”

“I taco promise.” I fold my hand into a taco, and she does the same. We twirl our arms together and then take a big bite of the imaginary tacos.

She giggles. “Okay, Bubby. Love you to the taco truck and back.”

Damn it, this kid is out to kill me.

“I love you too, Maze.” I know Reaper and Sarah can hear the emotion in my voice, but we all ignore it.

Maizey climbs down from me and back onto the bed, scooting her way between Reaper and Sarah.

That’s what a family should look like.

I shut the bedroom door behind me and give myself a minute to compose myself. It’s not every day a man finds out one of his favorite human beings is his sister. I take a deep breath and check the time. I need to head out soon to meet my girl.

“Where you headed?” Badge asks as I pass him playing pool by himself.

“I’m going out.”

“To see Natalia? You have a death wish.”

“No, my wish is to be with her without interruptions, but it looks like I can’t get what I want. I’m meeting them at a club. You’re more than welcome to come.”

“Can we go?” Braveheart and Tank turn to me at the same time as they sit on the black leather couch watching TV.

Damn, these guys are bored. It’s a good thing there is some action coming the club’s way. Everyone is getting antsy.

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t mind. I’m leaving now, so hopefully, you’re ready.”

“Fuck yes, I need a night out so bad.” Braveheart aims the remote at the TV and turns it off before jumping to his feet.

“Well, stop shaking your dick, and let’s go.” I don’t wait for them to follow me out the door. They can come with me or not, I don’t care. I’m going to be busy with my ol’ lady tonight.

All fucking night.

I mount my bike and turn on the engine until the power vibrates through my body. Badge is next to me, and he isn’t the type of guy to go out, so I can’t help but wonder what has pushed him to actually socialize.

Hope. It has to be, but that’s a question for another time.

Two other bikes start back to back, and I pull out of my spot carefully, my feet on the ground on either side of me as I balance the heavy piece of machinery. Bikes are fun, but a lot of people don’t take them seriously. They are powerful machines that can do a lot of harm if someone isn’t careful.

Ah, I know why Braveheart wants to go out. This is his last night before he’s on gate duty. I think he has liked his freedom away from the mundane job of sitting in the same spot all day.

As we wait for the iron gate to swing open, it creaks and groans, bouncing as the chain swings it wide enough for us to go through.

I bounce in my seat as I head over the bumpy driveway. Reaper refuses to fix it again, and at this point, he just needs to get it paved because I’m sick and tired of having to change my suspension because of these damn potholes. They do a number on the bikes.

When we get to the edge of the driveway, I look both ways before taking a right toward the strip. The closer we get to the bright lights on the strip, the more excited I become. It feels like I haven’t seen Natalia in ages. The way our last encounter ended left room for doubt about how this will work between us. Our relationship was interrupted, and we need to make that time up and fix what was taken from us so we can get back on track.

The wind feels good, but Natalia’s hand felt better, and I can’t wait to get them on me. When we get to the traffic light, I flip on my blinker and head right down the strip. It’s a wild place, full of insanity, possibility, and regret.

The casino lights are on in full power. Different colors paint the night sky in greens, blues, reds, and white. Crowds of people flood streets as they cross in waves as the light was red. Even over the loud engine, I can hear the laughter of drunk people having the time of their lives.

Vegas is beautiful at night. There isn’t another place like it.

We pass Lussuria Resort and Casino, Mateo’s casino, and I can’t help it; I flip it off as we drive by. It makes me feel better, and I don’t regret it.

Fucker deserves it interrupting the time of my life with his daughter.


He deserves what he feels.

I pull into a parking garage close to the club where Natalia told me to meet her and pay the crazy parking fee.

Fifteen dollars for the night. What a fucking rip-off, but I’d give up my millions if it meant seeing her. Badge parks with my bike and Braveheart and Tank share the spot next to us.

“Fifteen bucks? It better fucking blow me!” Braveheart inserts his card into the parking meter.

“I’ll blow you!” a drunk woman shouts from across the parking lot.

“Yeah, Braveheart. She’ll blow you,” Badge mocks.

“Shut up,” Braveheart mutters, and Tank laughs, wrapping his arm around his best friend’s shoulders as we walk out of the garage.

The club is close, just across the street and it’s called Wild Jills. It’s two stories of music, booze, dancing, and most likely sex.

And I can’t wait to get my hands on Natalia in there.

We made sure to wear our cuts because that lets us skip everyone in line.

The crowd in the line shouts in protest as the bouncer lets us in.

“Shut the fuck up, or I’ll have you out here all night,” his voice booms over them before he takes a seat on a stool that’s way too small for his bodybuilder frame.

I slip him a fifty for the hell of it. I don’t have to since we own a little piece of everything in Vegas. We can go where we please without question, but he has to deal with angry customers. Hopefully, the fifty helps buy him something.

“Woah, now this is what the fuck I am talking about! Woo!” Braveheart cheers and claps Badge’s shoulders as he looks around.

It is impressive.

Above us, there’s a floating bar hanging from wires and suspensions. Every seat is taken. Glass cages are strobing with different colors with dancers inside. Upstairs is more formal, private, for the big money spenders.

The space is open and wide, so everyone has room.

“Dance with me.” A woman grabs Tank by the front of the shirt, and he doesn’t have time to reply before she is dragging his ass to the dance floor in her very short mini dress.

She has to be careful with Tank. He’s a shy one.

“How do they move like that?” Braveheart stares up at the dancer wearing spandex shorts, cowgirl boots, and a neon green bikini top. She rolls her stomach and shakes her hips from side to side. Braveheart stands next to the glass cage and moves his hips, which has the dancer smiling as he tries to mimic what she’s doing.

“I’m getting a beer.” Badge pushes people left and right to make his way to the bar, uncaring of how many people he pisses off along the way.

That leaves me by myself.

And I’m on the hunt.

A predator searching for its prey.

I hope she’s ready because she’s about to be devoured.