Slingshot by K.L. Savage

One month later

Ihaven’t mourned the death of my father. For me, he died a long time ago. I don’t miss him, but I do miss Mom. I place a fresh bouquet of daisies on her headstone that I recently put in the cemetery right next to Natalia’s mother. Even Mateo has come out to place flowers on her grave. Even though there is no body, I think having a place to talk to them and grieve helps.

“Today is the opening day of the taco truck. It’s called ‘Let’s Taco Bout it.’ I thought it was catchy. I can’t stay long. I just wanted to say I miss you. You made me everything I am, and without you, I don’t know what man I would have been.” I kiss my fingers and place them on her headstone. “I’ll talk to you later.” I hobble away without crutches because fuck those. I don’t need them. I don’t care what Doc says.

When I get to the Taco Truck, I place my hands on my hips and smile at my accomplishment. I made this beauty out of nothing. I fixed her. She has a purpose now. I painted her bright orange and green. The logo is of an alligator eating a taco, and I snap a picture of it and send it to Tongue. He doesn’t know about it, but he’s my best buddy, and I wanted to incorporate him into my business.

My phone rings and when I answer it, he doesn’t give me time to say a word. “You got Happy on there,” he says. If I’m not mistaken, I hear the emotion in his voice. “I love it. I got to go. Congrats.” He doesn’t let me say anything before he hangs up.

Typical Tongue. He always wants to hurry off the phone when people might catch him in his emotions.

I walk up and double-check the menu. We have a variety of tacos, including vegetarian, gross. Natalia said it would be good for the customers that don’t eat meat, but I truly have never met anyone who didn’t. I think it’s a waste of time, but it makes her happy, so that’s all that matters.

With the tacos, we have beer and margaritas. On certain days we will have a bundle like Margarita Monday. Buy a margarita and get a taco free. Same with Taco Tuesday. Buy a taco, get a margarita.

You can’t have one without the other. If you do, you’re a crazy person.

“Are you ready to open?” Natalia squeals and claps as she comes out from the side door of the clubhouse.

We’re wearing matching shirts that have the logo on them, and on the back, it says, ‘A Taco A Day Keeps The Assholes Away.’ The difference between our shirts is hers has an arrow pointing to her stomach that says, ‘Taco in the making.’

She’s pregnant.

I’m so fucking happy.

I literally have everything I’ve ever wanted.

I don’t even have any of those weird tumors that nearly killed me. Doc thinks it could have been my body’s reaction to the sutures he used when I got shot in the chest a few months back, but I don’t really care why as long as they never come back.

“How’s my little taco?” I place my hand on her flat stomach, and she rolls her eyes.

“Can you call it something besides a taco?”

“No, I love tacos. It only makes sense for me to nickname him or her, taco.”

“You have a problem,” she chuckles as she hops in the truck and her ass is right in my face.

“Are you talking back to me, Good Girl? You know what happens when you do that,” I tsk.

She doesn’t know this, but I plan on pulling this truck over at least twice today. I need to see her on her knees for me again.

“Hey, are ye going to open or what? I’m starved.” Skirt slaps his stomach, and the rest of the guys come pouring out of the clubhouse.

Reaper rented the truck for the first hour today before we leave to drive through neighborhoods. I can’t wait to play my taco music down the street. I bet so many adults are going to come running.

I slide the window open and poke my head out. “Let’s Taco bout what you want to order, Skirt.”

He grins. “I see what ye did there.”

“Right? It’s good. I know.” I take out my pen and order pad.

The pen in my hand shakes as I prepare to take my first order. This is it. This will officially put me in business—our first sale.

“What can I get you, brother?”

“I want ten beef tacos. Loaded. I want everything. Chips and guac and an extra-large margarita for Dawn and me to share.”

I place the ticket next to Natalia, and she gets to work building the taco box for Skirt.

“Reaper, what can I get for you?”

“I want a few of those California burritos and two cokes, please.”

“Coming right up.”

“Hey, Slingshot?”

“Yeah, Prez?”

“I’m real fucking proud of you, and I know your mom would be too.”

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. “Thanks, Prez. That means a lot.”

“You better be staying off that leg, so help me!” Doc yells from the back of the line.

“Someone needs a taco, am I right?” I mutter and Reaper chuckles.

The smell of beef and steak sends me to my happy place, and once everyone’s orders are in, I help Natalia get them out quicker.

“Such a good girl helping me,” I say into her ear, and she shivers. “Do you need anything?” I ask, wanting to make sure she’s not overdoing it.

“No, Sir.”

I never thought I would actually have everything I’ve ever dreamed about, yet here I am.

I have all a man needs.

A good woman.

A kid on the way.

And tacos.

I mean, what else is there?

Not a damn thing.