Perfect Summer by Bethany Lopez



Istretched as I started to wake, my lips curving up against the pillow at the tender spots on my body.

It felt glorious.

Mitch and I had always had chemistry together, but last night had been an entirely different level. I felt amazing and I never wanted it to end.

In fact … I shifted to turn toward the side of the bed Mitch had been sleeping on and reached out my hand, but all I found was slightly warm sheets.

I sat up slowly, my hair tumbling around my shoulders in messy waves, and looked around the room. My bag was still on the floor next to Mitch’s discarded clothes and the candles had been blown out.

As I became more awake, I realized there were strains of music coming from the other side of the door.

I threw aside the covers and pushed myself off of the bed, glancing at the lavender robe on the floor and opting to leave it there as I padded toward the bedroom door. I opened it slowly and peeked around it, searching until my gaze found Mitch standing in the kitchen, unbuttoned jeans slung low on his hips.

He was singing along to Led Zeppelin as he cooked something on the stovetop.

It was a really good look. One I’d have to remember for later.

“Morning,” I said, my voice coming out raspy from sleep.

Mitch’s head lifted and the sexy grin he was wearing made me tingle. “Good morning. I hope you’re hungry.”

His question made me realize I was ravenous.

“Starving actually. Can I help with anything?” I asked as I joined him in the kitchen.

“You can put the bread in the toaster?” he suggested.

“You got it.”

He had already made bacon, which was sitting on paper towels to get some of the grease out, had scrambled eggs, and was currently finishing up hash browns.

“Wow, this is quite the feast,” I remarked as I pushed down the lever on the toaster.

“I thought we deserved a feast,” Mitch said, his arm snagging me by the waist so he could pull me to him.

I tilted my head back and he dropped his lips to mine.

“Mmmm,” he said, pulling away slightly and resting his forehead against mine. “I missed you.”

I chuckled and admitted, “I didn’t like waking up alone.”

“Aww,” he said, he eyes crinkling at the side when he smiled down at me. “You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you. And my stomach called me to the kitchen.”

“Okay, but next time either wake me or snuggle in and go back to sleep.”

“Your wish is my command,” Mitch said happily. “Now, do you want to feast at the table, or do you want to take it outside?”

“Outside sounds nice.”

He had a little bistro table on the back deck, so we piled out plates with food, filled mugs with coffee, and took it all out back to eat in the pretty morning. The view of the ranch was peaceful and romantic. The perfect place to enjoy coffee.

“This is all so good,” I said, forcing myself not to shovel the food into my mouth.

“I’m glad you like it. I can’t cook a ton of things, but breakfast and anything on the grill are my specialties.”

“Noted,” I said easily, enjoying the moment with him.

After I’d eaten about half my food, I cleared my throat and brought up the thing I hadn’t stopped thinking about since I’d opened my eyes.

“So, uh, should we talk about last night?” I asked.

Mitch pointed his fork at me and asked, “Do you mean the phenomenal sex, or the I love yous?”

“Well, the sex speaks for itself,” I joked, although I squirmed in my seat just thinking about it. “The I love you exchange…”

“I meant everything I said and did last night,” he said, his eyes intent on my face. “I’d hoped you did to…”

“Oh, I did,” I said, hurriedly, not wanting him to think I was regretting anything.

Mitch’s whole face lit up.


“I just thought maybe we should talk about what it means. Not to be one of those women, who thinks a declaration automatically means you’re going to put a ring on my finger. But I do have Hope to think about, which makes this a bit more complicated than a normal relationship. Plus, our history, and all that. So, I just wanted to take your pulse on the situation … see where your head’s at.”

I chewed my lip nervously while I waited for everything I’d just dished out to register.

“I get that. Hope has to be your first priority, and if it eases your mind, I’ve fallen hard for her. She’s got a special place in my heart, and it would be amazing if I got to be in her life in a more permanent position,” he said, reaching his hand out to cover mine. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, but I didn’t want to rush you or anything. But ever since I found out I got the land and could start building my house, my dream has been for you and Hope to live there with me. I’d love for you to help me make decisions on the build, so that it’s your house too. Now, whether that means we just live together or you’re interested in marriage, I don’t know. But only because we haven’t discussed that far into the future yet.”

My heart was pounding so fast I thought it might beat out of my chest.

“Wow, really? You’re ready for all that?” I asked.

“More than ready,” he replied. “Is that something you’d be interested in? I know you bought your house, and it seems like you love it…”

“I do, but building our own means I can incorporate the things I love and add what’s missing. Plus, we’d have time to get it ready to sell and then I can help with the build of the house, if you’re okay with that.”

“Of course, I want you to feel like it’s your house as well. Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you if I can.”

I got up and moved to sit on his lap. I threw my arms around him and said, “I can’t believe this is happening, but I’ve never been so happy, Mitch. I do love you.”

“And I, you. I’m so excited to start our life together.”