Perfect Summer by Bethany Lopez



I’d been riding high all week and it didn’t show any signs of stopping.

At this point, nothing could get me down.

I was a man in love with a gorgeous, funny, smart, and independent woman, who, by God’s grace, loved me back.

This was turning into the most perfect summer of my life, and if everything went the way I planned over the next twenty minutes, it was about to get even better.

“Mitch, hello. I wasn’t expecting to see you today. What can I do for you?” Grace Evans asked, opening the door wider, a welcoming smile on her face.

“I was hoping to talk to you and Richard, if you have a few moments.”

“Of course, come on in,” she said, stepping back to let me inside. “Richard’s just having his coffee and reading the paper in the den.”

I let her lead the way as I struggled with nerves.

This is going to go great. They always loved you and you know they want Faith to be happy. You’ve got this, man.

I was so invested in my inner pep talk that I didn’t realize we were already in the den until Richard was standing up from his recliner and reaching out his hand to shake mine.

“Morning, Mitch, what brings you by this fine morning?” he asked, and I swear by the look in his eyes that he knew exactly why I’d come.

“Uh, why don’t we have a seat,” I suggested, knowing I needed to take control of the situation, or I’d never be able to get the words out.

Richard sat back in his recliner and Grace sat in her paisley chair on the other side of the end table, so I took a seat on the couch cushion closest to them.

“It’s no secret how I feel about Faith … how I’ve always felt about her,” I began, my voice getting stronger as I spoke. “I’ve been in love with your daughter since before she knew I existed, and even though it hasn’t always been easy, I know I never stopped loving her. She moved on and had a whole life without me, but deep down I was always waiting for her to come back.”

Grace clasped her hands together and brought them to cover her mouth, her eyes beginning to fill.

“Now she’s back and by some miracle, she’s giving me another shot. Plus, she has Hope now, and that little girl has rooted herself in my heart. I’d love to be a father to her and a husband to Faith and give them both the life they deserve. So … Richard … Grace … I’m here to ask for your blessing to ask for Faith’s hand in marriage.”

“Oh,” Grace exclaimed, standing up and rushing toward me. She bent to throw her arms around my neck and said, “This is the very best news.”

I chuckled and did my best to return her hug. Then when she moved away I looked to Richard for his answer.

“I have to admit, I was expecting this to happen twelve years ago, although then I probably wouldn’t have been ready to give you my blessing, since you were both so young, and I knew how much pressure my daughter put on herself … She wasn’t ready then. That jackass she did marry didn’t even give me the courtesy of asking for my permission, probably because he knew I wouldn’t give it. I’m happy to see things finally working out for Faith the way they should. She deserves the world and I believe you’ll help her get it. I’ve always known you were a good fit for my little girl and knowing you will cherish Hope as well and will bring her willingly into your life, love her as your own…” he paused, so I nodded, agreeing that I would. “Well, I’m just thrilled to finally welcome you into our family. Of course you have my blessing.”

We both stood and gave each other one of those manly half hugs.

“Thank you, Richard, Grace,” I said happily, my grin taking up my entire face. “I’ll do everything in my power to make them both happy.”

“We know you will,” Grace said, moving in for a real hug this time.

Once we were done, they both walked me to the door and I was about to leave when it opened, and Faith walked in. She stopped and looked at the three of us in surprise, and my mind scrambled trying to think of a reason I was at her parents’.

“Hey,” she said, moving to give me a kiss. “What are you three up to?”

“I asked Mitchell to pick up some fertilizer for my garden. You know your dad’s back’s been hurting him, so I didn’t want him to do it,” Grace lied easily.

“Oh, that’s so sweet of you,” Faith said, looking up at me with adoration, which made me want me to sweep her off her feet and take her home with me.

“What are you doing here, sweetheart?” Richard asked, his voice sounding a little sketchy. He obviously wasn’t as good at fibbing to his daughter as his wife was.

Faith looked confused for a moment, as if she couldn’t remember, then she snapped her fingers and said, “You’ll never believe who came into the salon today … Charlee Evans, my cousin. I didn’t even know she existed, but apparently she’s Uncle Charles’ daughter. She’s in town for a visit and we just happened to run into each other. How crazy is that?”

Faith’s father scowled at the mention of the other man’s name, and I wondered what the story was there.

“Oh right,” Grace said. “I believe he has a son as well, but we’ve never met them. Was she nice? Is she staying a while? I’d love to meet her.”

Richard grunted, but Grace just slapped him on the arm.

“Family is family, no matter the ridiculous feud you have going on with your brother,” she scolded.

“She’s lovely and I’m sure she’d love to meet you too,” Faith said, looking curiously at her father.

“Well, I have to get going,” I said, not wanting to miss the appointment I’d made at King’s Jewelry to look at engagement rings.

“Me too,” Faith said. “I have to get back to the salon, I just wanted to come by and tell you both about Charlee in person. I’ll walk out with you.”

We all said our goodbyes and Faith and I walked out together.

“Where’s your truck?” she asked, looking up and down the street.

“I, uh, was working the next block over, so I parked there and walked,” I lied. I’d actually parked farther away so I could try and talk to her parents without the gossips catching on and speculating.

“You carried fertilizer all the way here?” she asked, her eyes narrowing.

“Yeah, I, uh, needed the exercise. I’d better get back to work,” I said quickly, dropping a kiss on her lips before turning to head in the opposite direction. “I’ll call you later.”

“Okay,” she said, her tone suspicious, and I hoped I didn’t just blow it.