Scartissue by T.L Hodel




I’d never come so hard in my life. All I wanted to do was go again. Fuck. I squeezed her ass, spreading her cheeks so I could watch myself pump into her a few more times. Seeing my shaft sink inside her was one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen, and I watched a lot of porn. Made a few personal videos myself. No fantasy compared to this shit. I could stay here, feeling her clench around me, forever.

My Cherry Pie, on the other hand…

Her hair was a tangled mess, stuck to her sweaty forehead, while her eyes fluttered behind closed lids. I couldn’t help but snicker. She was dead. I’d fucked the girl into a coma.

“We’re going to have to work on your stamina, baby.”

My dick wept when I slid out of the greatest ass ever made and laid down over my sleeping beauty. Shelby whimpered and shifted back, which wasn’t helping any. My dick was still hard and ready for round two.

There was no way in hell I was going to be able to fuck this girl out of my system. Don’t know why I ever thought I could. She was too fucking perfect. I damn near blew my load watching her change head gaskets, and she was so sweet it made my teeth hurt. Never thought I’d be the one to go for the nice girl, but here I was. Swooning over little miss sunshine.

I propped myself up so I could see the red handprints on her ass. Seeing her creamy complexion with my marks caused a weird feeling in my chest. This heavy swelling. It threw me so much that I smacked my ribs to make it stop. And then there was the bite on her shoulder. That one had me seriously thinking about taking Cherry Pie for another ride. She was passed out, so it wouldn’t hurt as much.

Broken dolls aren’t any fun.

I sighed and got up, headed for the bathroom to flush the condom.

Fucking Preston ruining my good time.

I’d punch him for it, but like it or not, he was right. Fuck sakes, I rode her for less than an hour and she passed out on me. Another round might break her. Which really fucking sucked. My dick was used to pounding holes for hours. Then again, that’s all those girls were. Holes.

Shelby Grace was different.


I hadn’t figured that out yet. All I knew was I wanted to keep her, and that meant easing her into things.

Try telling my dick that though. I was tempted to pump one out when I rolled the condom off and flushed it. Rule number one, never leave your baby juice around for some crazy bitch to find. This time it didn’t feel that way, though. It felt wrong. Like it belonged inside her.

Was Cherry Pie on birth control?

I’d never barebacked before, and she was mine…

Her old man signed the contract yesterday. It was amazing what a gambler would do to get rid of his debts. Still pissed me off, knowing he’d so quickly sell his daughter. Exactly why I bought his debts instead. Fucker owed me now.

I was halfway down the hall, when I stopped with my brows knit and stared at Shelby’s bedroom door.

Why the fuck was I still here?

I didn’t stick around after. Girls tended to get clingy if you did that cuddle shit. Not to mention the questions that came when they noticed one of my scars. That shit was none of their fucking business.

So why the fuck didn’t I want to leave now?

My fingers brushed over one of the scars on my chest. Shelby hadn’t seen them yet. What would she do when she did? When she found out that my family line was spawned from the stuff of nightmares, would she give me that pitiful pathetic look? What about when she found out other things? The shit Micha didn’t even know. Twisted, sick things no father should do to his son. Would she still want me if she knew about that?

Who fucking cares what she thinks, boy. Now get in there and fuck her again.

My dick instantly jumped to attention, ready to give in to my old man’s demands, but I didn’t move. Not because I didn’t want to fuck her again, that’s what every inch of my body was screaming to do.

It was that voice that stopped me from giving her a good hard dicking. My old man. Ma was his wife and some of the bitches he fucked were treated better. Not my girl. My girl would be treated better than the sluts I used. Only problem was, I had no idea how to do that.

I thought back to how fucking annoying it was when Naomi spent so much time in the bathroom. I told her to do that shit at home, but of course she didn’t listen. Naomi was always primping herself. Come to think of it, so were Ava and Amy. Maybe girls had a thing about being clean? Well, shit. I could do that.

Nodding to myself, I walked back into the bathroom to get a cloth. Plus, I was fucking starving and rummaging around in the Grace girls’ unorganized cupboards gave me a chance to place an order. With a warm, damp cloth in hand, I went back to Shelby’s room. I was Logan fucking Hudson, I could take care of my girl. Fuck, I’d probably own that shit.

I’m a goddamn Rockstar.

I couldn’t help but chuckle when Cherry Pie squeaked and snapped her eyes shut. It was cute how hard she was trying to pretend to be asleep. Laying there with her body stiffly still and mouth clamped shut. Her fear though, I could taste that shit, and it was fucking delicious. Her horrible acting career came to a crashing halt when I crawled up on the bed and swiped the cloth over her sore flesh.

“No, don’t,” she whimpered and shuffled up the bed. Which was a bit aggravating, considering I was doing this crap for her.

“Stop fucking squirming,” I growled, and smacked her ass. That seemed to work.

“No more. I can’t.”

I sighed.

“Whining like that is only making me hard.”

My dick was good to go before I walked in here. This shit wasn’t helping.

“Unless you want me to use this tight little ass again, I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

Shelby lifted her head, rolling her curious eyes back at me. “You’re not going to do… that again?”

Fucking adorable.

“I hadn’t planned on it.” Didn’t mean I wouldn’t. “I could always change my mind if you’re up for another round.”

She shook her head and remained silent while watching me. Real careful, as if she was afraid I’d pounce. It was fucking amusing, and I may have taken a little more time to clean her up than needed. I was oddly intent on making sure she wasn’t torn or bleeding. Which was also annoying. I shouldn’t give a crap, but for some reason, I did.

Once I was done, I tossed the cloth in the hamper and did something else fucked up. I laid down beside her and pulled her into my arms.

Shelby stiffened. “What are you doing?”

“Holding you.”


Even she thought this was strange behavior, and still, I didn’t let her go.

“Because I want to.”

Son of a bitch, I really did. Huh?

It went quiet for a bit. The only thing I could hear was her uneasy breathing. I sucked in a deep breath, taking in her scent, and nuzzled in. This was comfortable, having her soft warm body pressed up against mine. I liked it.

For once I didn’t feel the need to fuck with someone, or hit them. The voices that taunted me in the back of my mind had gone quiet. Empty and peaceful.

Eventually Shelby relaxed.

The first time I saw her, I knew I had her body. Lust was an old friend and the glimmer in her cinnamon eyes was unmistakable. But that was the easy part. Any jackass with half decent skills could make a girl desire him. Making her want him, now that was another story. And judging by the way her heart was pattering away, her mind wasn’t quite there yet.

Maybe she was confused?

That was cool. I had no fucking clue what the hell was happening either. We’d just have to figure this shit out together.

“Logan...” Guess Cherry Pie couldn’t take the silence anymore. “Can I get dressed?”

A smirk tugged at my lips as I propped myself up on my elbow and cocked a brow down at her.

“Are you asking my permission?”

Little sassy minx grumbled under her breath and huffed out a sigh.

“I’m cold.”

“I’ll keep you warm.”

“I don’t want you to keep me warm.”

After everything I’d done, she still had her attitude. My doll was stronger than I thought.

“I didn’t ask what you want.”

“Oh for the love of….” She squirmed out of my arms and sat up. “I’m getting dressed.”

I pulled her back down and chuckled in her ear.

“You’re not going anywhere, Cherry Pie.”

“Logan, I’m naked!”

I snickered and rolled my gaze over her pert little rose bud nipples and down to the curve of her hip.

“I didn’t take you for the shy type.”

“I’m not,” she said with a growl, which was incredibly sexy.

A confident woman always was.

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to lay here naked with you.”

“I beg to differ.”

She snarled, smacked my arm, and started to pull away.

My Cherry Pie thought she could fight me? Hilarious.

She pushed, and I pulled. Tightening my hold with every little squirm she made. I had to hand it to her though, the girl had some power in those thighs. When she threw her leg back and kicked me in the shin, I actually winced. Impressive, but not good enough.

It took me two seconds to wrap my legs around hers. Before she could take her next breath, I had sweet Shelby’s arms pinned behind her back, with my other hand on her throat.

“You’re getting me all worked up, sunshine.” I dragged my tongue up the side of her face, savoring the taste of defeat. “I’m starting to think you want me to take you for another ride.”

I felt her throat bob under my fingers with a heavy swallow. “Compromise?”

Interesting. Okay I’ll play along.

“What were you thinking?”

“You let me put some clothes on, and I’ll cuddle with you as long as you want.”

If I had considered it, her full breasts pressed out with her arched back changed my mind.

“No deal,” I said, sliding my hand off her neck to pinch her nipple.

I liked having free access. She liked it too.

“You can pick what I wear,” she cried out.

Now we were getting somewhere. There was all kinds of shit in her delicates drawer. Lacy little thongs I could eat off her.


“Yes, anything.”

My eyes landed on a pile of black fabric on the floor.

“So let me get this straight, you’ll wear whatever I want, and you’ll lay here with me. No fighting. If I want to sleep with my hand on your ass, you’ll leave it there.”

“Who said anything about sleep?”

I answered her with a smile.

She grumbled out a sigh and rolled her eyes. Instantly, my hand landed on her ass. God, I loved that sound. Skin hitting skin. It was almost as good as the stinging strike of a leather whip.

“Don’t roll your fucking eyes. It’s disrespectful.”

“You’re one to talk about disrespect.”

My brow rose. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” she muttered.

Uh huh, that’s what I thought.

“Can I get dressed now?”

“I don’t know,” I said, watching goosebumps prick her skin as I swirled my finger around her pert nipple. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes, fine, I’ll cuddle with you, okay?”

“Okay,” I nodded and released her.

Shelby sat up and eyed me. “Just like that?”

“Just like that.”

My response didn’t set her at ease. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“What’s the catch? What kind of crap are you going to make me wear?”

“My shirt.”

Her face dropped in an expression of disbelief.

“Your shirt?”


“That’s the catch? You just want me to wear your shirt?”

“That’s right.”

She stared at me for a second with her lip curled, before getting off the bed to snatch my shirt off the floor.

“Seriously,” she sang, eyeing me again, “That’s it? You just want me to wear your shirt?”

“That’s it.”


My lips tipped up in a slow smile. Simple. I wanted her to smell like me. If I could spray her with my come before she left the house everyday, I would. Don’t think she’d go for that, though.

“Explanations weren’t part of the deal, Cherry Pie.”

“Whatever,” she grumbled and slipped the shirt over her head.

Gotta say, I never thought I’d find something like that sexy, but watching the black fabric float over her skin and caress her ass was erotic as fuck.

“Could you put something on?”

“I don’t know.” Placing my hands behind my head, I stretched out, letting her see every hard inch. “What’s in it for me?”

“Why does there always have to be something in it for you?” Her mouth may be arguing, but her eyes were stuck on something else.

“That’s how this works, sweetheart. You want something from me, then I want something from you.”

“And what do you want?”

Her tongue darted out, moistening those pouty pink lips, and I smirked.

“A blow job.”

I couldn’t help but snicker when her mouth fell open.

“You’ve got the right idea, but my dick’s over here.”

The moment was over.

“Forget it,” she snarled, lip curling. “Stay naked for all I care.”

I shrugged.

“Okay, but the longer I stay naked, the more likely it is you’ll get fucked again.”

We argued for a bit and eventually came to the agreement that she would suck my dick in the morning. My guess was she’d try and get out of it. What my little Cherry Pie didn’t know was that I had no problem holding her down and face fucking her. One way or another, she’d be gagging on my cock come morning.

When the doorbell rang and I slipped into my jeans she shot me a dirty look.

“Who the hell is that?”

“Relax, Cherry Pie, I ordered pizza.”

I was assuming by the look on her face that she thought I’d invited some random girl over to fuck with her. Normally I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea, but I didn’t want to share Shelby. Even with a girl.

“So you would’ve gotten dressed anyway?”


“That’s not fair!” she cried out with a snide little stomp. “You tricked me.”

I looked back at her with a smirk, said, “Who said anything about fair?” and sauntered down the stairs.

I was fucking starving and could smell the pizza before I opened the door. Gotta love ordering apps. There was no need to tip the driver or make awkward small talk. Everything was already paid for. They gave you your food and that was it. Not this guy. I had half a slice in my mouth before I noticed him gawking over my shoulder.

I eyed the prick peeking into my girl’s house and took another bite.

“Is there a fucking problem?”

“Sorry,” he said, jumping back and pausing long enough to give me a quick scan, “I was expecting someone else.”

I just bet you were.

His hungry eyes turned back to the stairs as he said, “This blonde usually answers the door.”

This mother–

“Oh yeah, I know who you’re talking about.” I leaned against the doorframe and eyed the prick up. He was kind of skinny. One pop to the face should do it. “She’s cute, right?”

“That girl is smoking.”

It was bad enough that the prick was practically drooling, but he had the gall to talk to me like I gave a shit what his opinion was. Little pencil-neck dickweed.

“I’d give my left nut for a piece of that.”

That can be arranged.

“Sometimes she answers the door in these tight little outfits…”

Why was he still talking? Didn’t he notice I was standing here with my jeans half open and no shirt on. What? Did he think I was banging her mom?

“That ass, bro. Fuck me.”

I was just balls deep in that ass, motherfucker.

And yet he kept going.

“Between you and me, I think she’s sweet on me.”

This fucker has a death wish.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, man. She keeps giving me these cute smiles.”

Does she now? I’d be having a talk with Cherry Pie about that.

“Uh huh.”

“She plays shy, but I bet that girl likes it rough.”

“And let me guess, you’re the guy to give it to her?”

He was too busy yapping to see my fist. I hit him square in the jaw, scraping my knuckles on his teeth, because he was still fucking talking. His eyes rolled back and he crumpled to the ground.

“Piece of shit,” I muttered, and slammed the door.