Scartissue by T.L Hodel



I wasn’t sure how I felt about Shelby pretty much pushing me out her bedroom window. Forcing someone to do the walk of shame was my job, and the one time I didn’t want to do it, I was the one being shooed away.

Still not sure why I gave in and ended up climbing out the window without a shirt on. Not that I cared about walking around without a shirt. I looked good. But I didn’t do what girls said, they did what I told them to. Yet, for some reason the panicked look on Shelby’s face made me cave.

When did I become such a pussy?

All through school it pissed me off. Now I was parked outside her house.

Why? No fucking clue.

All I knew was when the day ended, I got in my car and wound up here. Funny thing was, Shelby wasn’t even home. She had an appointment at Ashworth, which I knew about. I might’ve said fuck it and gone home, if it wasn’t for the sleek black Aston Martin in the driveway.

Lou’s sleek black Aston Martin.

What the fuck is he doing here?

Even more intriguing was the fact that I didn’t see Marco’s Escalade anywhere. Meaning Lou came by himself. The King of Kings didn’t go anywhere without security. Unless he didn’t want anyone to know what he was doing.

“What are you up to, Lou?”

Was he here about Cherry Pie’s contract? He knew I requested one, but didn’t know who for.

Maybe Micha said something?

No. He wouldn’t do that. While Micha was Loyal to the Order, his true loyalties lied with his brothers. The Knights. He would betray the Order before betraying any one of us. Fuck sakes he covered up my old man’s death, back when we thought I killed the bastard. So if it wasn’t for the contract, what the fuck was Lou doing here?

Let’s find out.

I’d been watching Shelby for months. Spending every waking minute stalking her was fucking annoying and time consuming, and then I thought, why jerk off to fantasies when I could have the real thing? So I had cameras installed in her house last week.

I scoffed out a snicker and pulled out my phone, clicking on the app connecting me to the live feed of the Grace house. He was constantly telling me to be careful because you never knew who was watching, and he walked into a house full of cameras.

“You should pay better attention to your surroundings, Lou,” I tsked and zoomed in on Lou and Shelby’s mom standing in the kitchen.

“What are we going to do?” Shelby’s mom threw her hands up in the air.

Gotta say, for an older woman, Cheyenne Grace was pretty fucking hot. Blonde hair, striking blue eyes with a great figure. Even had the same firm ass as her daughter. I’d fuck her, if I didn’t already have the younger model.

“Cheyenne,” Lou sighed, “Calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down! I am calm.”

I was kind of digging the accent. If I pissed Cherry Pie off enough, would she get the same southern drawl as her mom?

Lou scrubbed a hand down his face and muttered, “Lower your voice.”

“Why?” I was guessing by the glare in her eyes, Shelby’s mom liked being told what to do as much as her daughter did. “There’s no one here to hear us.”

I smirked. I am.

What happened next caught me completely off guard. Lou, the all mighty King of Kings, who didn’t bow down to anyone, reached out and pulled her into his embrace.

“I’m sorry. I know you’re worried.”

Well fuck me! Did hell freeze over?

Because Louis Kessler didn’t apologize to anyone for anything. And he didn’t just apologize, he was comforting her. Stroking her hair while she muttered, ‘Tell me to calm down’ into his chest.

What the hell…

“Don’t worry,” he shooshed her and continued petting her head. “We’ll find him.”

Seriously, what the fuck was going on here?

Shelby’s mom softened in his arms and cried out. “Oh Louie, I’m sorry.”

Louie? That was fucking great. Definitely storing that one for later.

“It’s all my fault.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. It’s me Ryker’s after. Not you.”

I sat up, face hardening at the screen. Why the fuck was he talking about my old man with Shelby’s mom? They didn’t know each other.

“The first thing I’m going to do when I get out is pay the Grace girl a visit.”

My fingers curled tightly around my phone as I stole a glance at the house.

What the fuck wasn’t Lou telling me?

Shelby’s mother raised her head and brushed the tears off her face before gazing up into Lou’s eyes.

“I should’ve tried harder to find you.”

“How were you going to do that? It was one drunken night in college. You didn’t even know my name.”

No fucking way! This was Lou’s mystery blonde?Cheyenne fucking Grace. She was here all these years and he didn’t know. Now that was fucking priceless.

“How could you have told me you were pregnant?”

I cocked my head at the screen. What?

“But I didn’t have to give him up.”

Nope not hallucinating.

“And what were you supposed to do…”

My brain fought to process the information I’d just overheard. Not only was Cheyenne motherfucking Grace, Lou’s mystery blonde, but she had a kid! Micha had an older brother that I was pretty sure he didn’t know about. He would have definitely told me about that shit. How had Lou known? That’s when it all clicked into place.

“Tell me where he is, and I’ll give you a quick death.”

Lou didn’t keep my old man alive to find out what he might’ve told someone else. He wasn’t protecting The Order. He was looking for his fucking kid. I just hit the motherfucking jackpot!

I tucked my phone in my pocket and stepped out on the street to lean against my car. Let’s see how the King of Kings likes having the tables turned.

The ball’s in my court now, motherfucker.

Bet he’d let me see my old man now. God, I couldn’t wait. By the time I left, he’d have three scars for every one of mine. That was just my payback. Ma’s was an entirely different story. That was the shit I was looking forward to. The last thing that prick ever saw would be Ma’s bright smile. Had the picture in my wallet. My old man would leave this world knowing he didn’t win. That’s when I’d know I’d gotten our revenge.

My eyes rolled up when Lou strutted out of the house.

“Fancy meeting you here.”

He stopped dead in his tracks.

“Logan?” he said, taking a second to glance around, “What are you doing here?”

I pulled out a cigarette and flipped open my lighter, enjoying the rush of smoke flowing down my throat before answering him.

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“Are you following me?”

Instead of responding, I took another long pull of my smoke.

“If you think I’ll lead you to your father,” he smoothed down his suit jacket, “You underestimate me, son.”

It was the condescending look on his face that made me smile. Lou’s shrink mind had me pegged from the time I was twelve. I was the impulsive one that couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Something I was happy to let him believe. People tended not to give a shit what they said when they thought you weren’t paying attention.

“I’m much more interested in the illegitimate child you spawned with the lovely Cheyenne Grace.”

And there it was. That shocked look I’d been waiting to see my entire life. But if Lou was anything, it was collected. He straightened up and whipped the Kessler’s trademark blank expression back onto his face.

“Honestly son, I worry about you.” He exhaled and shook his head. “Some of the stuff you come up with makes we wonder whether you’re a danger.”

Oh, I was definitely a danger, but he already knew that. “Are you going to have me committed, Lou? Think some time in the nut house will fix my brain? Or do you just think it’ll shut me up?”

“There’s definitely something wrong with your mind, son.”

He had me there.

“We tried that once, remember. It didn’t go over so well.”

When I was twelve, Lou sent Preston and I upstate for ‘therapy’. They sent us back.

Lou huffed out a breath and continued down the walkway.

“I don’t have time for this.”

“That’s fine,” I nodded and flicked my butt. “I’m sure Micha would be interested to see the video. Does he know he has an older brother?”

Lou stopped dead in his tracks.

“You’re bluffing.”

I cocked a brow at him.

“Am I?”

Cautious fucker stood there studying me. I could see the wheels turning in his head. Was I telling the truth? Or did I just make a good guess?

“I have to hand it to you son, you’ve upped your game. I almost believed you for a minute.”

You have no idea how much I’ve upped my game.

“You remember the contract I asked for?”

“Yes, yes,” he said, waving his hand dismissively through the air. “Tell me who it’s for and I’ll get everything signed.”

“Shelby Grace.” He didn’t say a word. Just stared at me. “And I already got daddy’s signature.”

He muttered under his breath and pushed his fingers through his hair.

Now that made me smile.

“What do you want?”

“You know what I want.”

“I can’t let you see him, Logan.” Lou’s eyes rolled up, “I need him alive.”

“He’ll live.”

“But will he be able to talk?”

That I couldn’t guarantee.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” I said, opening my car door and stopping to look back at him, “Oh, and Micha.”

“What about him?”

“He’s called a council meeting.”

Lou nodded. “I’m aware.”

Micha was adopting Junior. Why, I had no idea. I personally hated the little shit, but he wanted him, and also wanted him in the Order, as a Knight. That’s what the meeting was for.

“You’re going to make sure it happens.”

“You know I can’t,” Lou’s brows furrowed. “The King of Kings only votes in the event of a tie.”

Fucking Order hierarchy. I was so sick of this shit. I knew for a fact that the Creswell’s would never vote in Micha’s favor. Their insistence on proper reputation was the main source of Silas’s constant scowl. They’d never be okay with trash like Junior joining their ranks, and since the only other vote was Preston’s dad, Micha was fucked.

“There is one way.” Lou cocked his head, pondering something. “You have your handbook, I assume.”

I nodded. The handbook was the Order’s list of rules and regulations. I hadn’t read it, could care less about the rules, but I still had it.

“Chapter twelve, paragraph three, section four.”


I was sitting in the kitchen, eating my third sandwich while rereading my handbook. Most of it was useless. Council meeting rules, lists of family names, and other mundane crap. There were a few interesting things. If a King was unable to attend a meeting, his eldest son could cast a vote in his stead. Meaning, since my old man was locked up in a dark hole, I was the one that got to vote. The really intriguing part came with the list of wolves’ family names:



and Mathers.

At first I thought it was a coincidence. There had to be a ton of Mathers out there, right? What were the chances Riley’s uncle had anything to do with this? Pretty good, it turned out. Mathers Tattooing was on land owned by great granddaddy Mathers, who was born in this town.

Needless to say, Chase was quite interested to learn about his heritage. Okay, that was bullshit. The asshole didn’t give a fuck. His exact words were, “Why the fuck should I care if some kid gets in your club?”

He had a point. Personally, I didn’t give a fuck about the little shit either. Micha was the only reason I was doing this. Chase had similar motivations, because the second I mentioned how disappointed Riley would be, he changed his mind. He’d be here Monday.

I should be pissed. All this time I could’ve had a say. Instead, I was shaking my head. The Kings liked to keep Preston and I in the dark. Apparently it was for our own good. Complete bullshit. Neither one of us would have a problem knocking one of them off. Including Preston’s old man.

They weren’t protecting us. They were fucking scared. And now Lou had dragged Chase into this shit.

Dumb fuck.

There was one thing Mathers cared about. Riley. And Lou’s son didn’t just claim her. He took her. Why he didn’t just slit our fucking throats was beyond me. Maybe he still would.

“You can’t do this!”

I turned my head to see Junior storm into the kitchen, followed by Micha, who crossed his arms and growled, “It’s done.”

Both were scowling so deep, lines of anger were etched onto their faces. Sometimes if was fucking eerie how similar they were.

“This is bullshit.” Junior threw his finger up, pointing angrily at Micha. “You said you wouldn’t kill her.”

Micha rolled his eyes.

“I didn’t kill her. She left.”

“I’ll find her. You can’t keep me here.”

“Actually I can. You’re legally mine now.”

Junior threw open the patio door and stormed outside. “We’ll see about that.”

I chuckled when Micha pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

“How’s parenthood treating you?”

“Go fuck yourself,” he grumbled, slumping down on the stool beside me.

“You’re the one that wanted the little shit.”

The only answer I got was an unimpressed glare. I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. He brought this shit on himself. And why? Because they couldn’t leave Junior with his mother? Little bastard was doing just fine before Micha came along. He was still alive, wasn’t he? I tried to tell Riley that.

Speaking of Riley…

“Where’s your girl?” She was the one that talked him into this shit. “Shouldn’t she be here to hold your hand?”

“She’s busy celebrating,” his dark eyes rolled my way, “With your girl.”

I slipped off the stool and dropped my plate in the sink. “What the fuck are the celebrating?”

“Fucked if I know. Mouse said it was girls’ night or some shit.” Micha shrugged. “No boys allowed.”

Fuck that shit.

“And you just let her go?”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Do you not remember Naomi’s last girls’ night?”

That was a cluster fuck. When girls drank they turned stupid, and stupid is easy to manipulate. I should know. Had fun with stupid many times.

“Are they drinking?”

Micha’s brow lifted.

“Mouse doesn’t drink.”

“Cherry Pie does,” I pointed out. “And she did get Riley in that dress on Halloween.”

I smirked when Micha’s eyes met mine. He didn’t like the way Shelby dressed. Said it was too revealing and a bad influence on his girl. I thought it was the other way around. Shelby had too much attitude, which I blamed on my stepsister. And Micha, a bit. He let her get away with too much.

“I know what you’re doing. It’s not going to work.”

“Whatever you say,” I shrugged. My best friend knew me well. Unfortunately, I knew him too. “I guess you could always talk to Shelby another day.”

His eyes narrowed on me. “Why the fuck would I need to talk to her?”

I smirked.

“Ran into your old man today.”