Scartissue by T.L Hodel

Chapter 1


I’ll talk to my dad,” Micha said, as he steered the Jeep around Ma’s tacky fountain.

Every time I saw that thing I snickered. This house was tainted. It was the last place a cherub would go.

“If anyone has a right to pay that bastard a visit…” He paused to release a long sigh, “I could call a council meeting.”

That made me huff out a snort. “What the fuck for?”

If Micha thought any of the Kings would vote in my favor, he was sorely mistaken. We all had our tags. Micha was the hard one, Mase was damaged, Silas angry, Parker the good boy, and Preston cold. I was the unstable one. His son, and they were all waiting for me to crack.

Shakespeare said, ‘the sins of the father are laid upon the children’. My old man sins weren’t just laid upon me, they tainted my family line like a fucking plague. He was the boogeyman. The beast people whispered about in secret, hoping he wouldn’t hear them call his name.

“I could talk to my dad. Make him see–”

“Don’t waste your breath,” I interrupted, “His mind is made up.”

I told Lou I’d go in unarmed and supervised. That wasn’t good enough. He said I didn’t need a gun to kill someone. While he had a point, I’d grown to like the idea of my old man suffering. It’d be nice if I could fucking partake in it.

But the King of Kings decrees it, so we must follow. I was so tired of the politics crap that came with the Order. Fucking rules, rituals, and all that other shit. Fucking hypocrites, that’s all the Kings were.

My brother is my bond, his family is mine.


I’d like to see one of those pompous assholes claim my old man as family. I couldn’t wait for Micha to take the throne. Then we’d show those pricks how shit should be run.

I was so fucking frustrated over this shit that I was ready to punch Micha for a little satisfaction. And that was before I saw the pink Camaro parked in front of my house.


“Looks like my mouse has company,” Micha snickered.

“I can fucking see that,” I groaned, and slumped back in the passenger seat. “Doesn’t she have other friends to visit?”

It was sacrilege for a 69 Camaro to be the same color as bubble gum—poor fucking car. I’d give it a proper paint job if the driver wouldn’t take it the wrong way. The last thing I needed was Shelby Grace thinking I was being nice. It was hard enough staying away from her. The leggy blonde with a body built for fucking was my heroin, and I was an addict before I even had a taste. I had this insatiable need to know what she was doing. Last night, I watched her sleep for three damn hours. It was fucking annoying.

“You might not want to look over there.”

“Why?” I said, turning my gaze to the garage.

Fuck my life.

Shelby’s head was under the trunk of Riley’s shitty Volkswagen Bug. Why they put an air-cooled engine in the back was beyond me, but it seemed to work. Not in Riley’s car. That thing was so close to death I could smell the reaper. Guess she turned to her friend when I refused to fix it, again. Couldn’t really complain right now.


My eyes traveled over a streak of grease on Shelby’s creamy thigh, and up to a pair of tiny black shorts that were hugging the greatest ass ever made. I’d fuck up shit on my stepsister’s car just to watch Cherry Pie fix it. The roads would be safer, and I’d get spank bank material. It was a win-win situation.

“I’d fucking kill Riley if she wore shit like that.”

“Huh,” I grunted, while staring the hint of pink lace peeking out from the bottom of her shorts. She couldn’t be wearing some plain white cotton panties. No, it had to be lace, which I had a thing for.

The things I could do with that ass.

“Jesus Christ,” Micha growled. “What the fuck are you waiting for?”

Someone’s in a foul mood.

If he hadn’t told Riley to change this morning because she looked like a slut, she wouldn’t have slapped him. My stepsister might be a tiny little thing, but she had no problem putting Micha in his place. It was funny as fuck to watch.

“What’s wrong, grumpy? Couldn’t make her change?” I laughed when he shot me a dirty look.

That was a no.

“Should I stay out here and stare at that?” I cocked my head at Shelby’s ass. Goddamn that looked good. “Or go inside and check out my sister’s cleavage?”

“I know what you’re doing.”

I cocked a brow at Micha. “Remembering the taste of Riley’s nipples?”

He knew I was changing the subject, and I knew I was changing the subject. Didn’t mean I’d admit it.

Huffing out an unimpressed sigh, he shook his head. “You’re worse than Mase, you know that?”

I wouldn’t go that far. Unlike our brother, I freely admitted that I wanted to be balls deep in that shit. Mase was too stubborn. Did he hate Harper, yes. The bitch stabbed him in the back. Personally, I thought he should hate-fuck the shit out of her. Why not get some payback? I even offered to hold her down. Not that I’d have to, she couldn’t weigh more than ninety pounds soaking wet.

“You’re constantly pushing Mase.”

My eyes rolled Micha’s way. “Do you have a point?”

“Follow your own advice.” Micha tipped his chin at Shelby. “She’s right there.”

“It’s not that simple.”

“It is that simple, Logan. You want her, so take her.”

I released a long sigh. “Micha–”

“You threatened to rip Mase’s arms off and beat him with the bloody stumps.”

“He shouldn’t have touched her.” I shrugged.

“She hugged him.” He arched a brow, “In the hospital.”

“I fail to see the problem.”

I lost count of how many guys my best friend fucked up because they looked at Riley. And that was before he decided he wanted her. I knew I wanted Shelby. Right now I was thinking about all the ways I could fuck her on that car. Bend her over the hood and plow into her from behind, while I choked her with the fan belt.


I shifted to adjust myself. Every time this girl was around, I swear my pants shrunk two sizes.

Micha closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Do us all a favor and take what you want, before you kill one of us.”

“We’ve been through this. That girl,” I waved my hand at Shelby, “Couldn’t handle my shit.”

“You don’t know that.”

Yes, I did.

“She has thirteen stuffed bears, six cats, and three unicorns in her room. Fucking unicorns, Micha!”

“You’ve been in her room?”

I may have spent a little time in there. Okay, more than a little, but in my defense, if Shelby didn’t want anyone in there, she should lock the window.

Micha’s brows knit together. “Why didn’t you tell me you were watching her?”

I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty at the tinge of hurt in his tone. Micha was my best friend. My brother. I used to sneak into his room to escape my old man. He knew more about what happened than anyone else. But this… he wouldn’t get this.

“How long have you been watching her?”

Since the day I met her.

“Doesn’t matter,” I said, turning my attention back to Shelby.

She was swinging a wrench with an annoyed glare. Couldn’t blame her. Why the fuck Micha let Riley drive that death trap was beyond me. I loved him, but he was a demanding asshole. Riley couldn’t leave the house without him knowing. She thought he’d given her some freedom. He didn’t. Micha was always a paranoid fucker, and that was before my old man took his girl. Riley was lucky he didn’t chain her in the basement.

“All you’re doing is delaying the inevitable,” he said, staring at Shelby with a far off look in his dark eyes. “If you think it was bad when I took my mouse, it’s gonna be ten times worse for you. You have some control now. You won’t for long.”

My cheeks puffed out with an exhale. People around me suffered when I lost control. Shot Preston in the foot once. Fucker didn’t even bat an eye. He did toss my keys in Cherry Lake, though. Took me two fucking weeks to find them.

“It was different for you and Riley. She was into the shit you were.”

Micha barked out a laugh. “No fucking she wasn’t.”

I cocked a brow. Who the hell did he think he was talking to. Her room was next to mine. I heard them.

“You’re such a fucking idiot.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You know what the beautiful thing about virgins is?”

“Tight pussies?” Virgins weren’t my thing. I preferred my meat hot.

“They don’t have enough experience to know what they like.” Both of us watched Shelby straighten up and flip her blonde hair over her shoulder. “One hundred percent trainable.”


“So, what you’re saying is…”

“She might not like pain, but you could train her to respond to it.”

I had my playmates, like Amy. That misogynistic bitch moaned when I whipped her. Don’t get me wrong, I wanted them to get off on it. Seeing a woman come apart was a beautiful thing. That was nothing compared to the way they shivered as they pleaded for mercy. That’s what I craved. Tears of agony while their body broke in ecstasy. I wanted their pleasure, but I needed their pain.

“Just because she’s trainable, doesn’t mean she’ll respond to it.” Some people couldn’t handle pain.

“All you need is something small. A hint that she can be pushed the right way. And something tells me a girl that runs track and beats up cars in her spare time, can be pushed that way.”

I cocked my head as she tossed the wrench. Micha was one of the best people readers I knew. He picked up on body language and subtle facial expressions like a goddamn lie detector.

“What if you’re wrong?”

“I’m not,” he stated confidently. “The only question is how much you’ll have to push her.”

“Well shit,” I said, climbing out of the Jeep, “Let’s go fucking find out.”

Everything else disappeared as I slowly stalked up on the forbidden fruit, trying to decide which part I wanted to play with first. They were all so tempting. Firm breasts, a narrow waist, and curvy hips. I could wrap those legs around my head and watch her tits bounce. My eyes fell back down to her swaying hips.

That ass, though…

“Stupid car,” Shelby growled from under the hood, making my dick harden with her husky tone.

I’d had my fair share of beautiful girls, including Naomi Prescott, Ashworth Academy’s queen bee. Shelby Grace was in a whole other league. Long golden blonde hair, with just the right amount of curl. Firm tits that were at least a C-cup, big cinnamon-colored eyes, and pouty pink lips.

Damn, our kids would look good.

I stopped and cocked a brow. Where the hell did that come from?

“You listen to me, car,” she grumbled. “You’re gonna give me this friggin’ spark plug.”

My hand twitched. Instinct told me to smack her ass and correct her behavior. My girl would watch her fucking mouth. All those filthy words were for me and me alone. Technically there was nothing wrong with the word friggin’—other than how incredibly sexy I suddenly found it. Exactly why I didn’t want to hear her say it to anyone else. Even a fucking car.

Would she squeal when I spanked her?

She clacked her pliers off the engine and muttered, “Goddamnit.”

Let’s find out.

My palm landed on her ass with a firm smack.

Fuck, that felt good.

“What the hell!” Shelby shrieked and jumped up, banging her head off the open trunk.

“Careful, Cherry Pie,” I snickered, “Wouldn’t want you knocking yourself out.”

I wanted her fully conscious. On her knees, with her mouth wrapped around my cock…

“Ugh, Logan,” she groaned and spun around, momentarily stunning me.

The girl looked like she just got fucked. Hair stuck to her sweaty forehead with grease marking her left cheek. What really got me was the way her eyes deepened with desire. I knew that look. Chicks were always checking me out. But when Shelby did it…

“See something you like?”

Pink tinted her cheeks as her pouty lips parted, “What do you want, Logan?”

You bent over the hood, taking it good and hard.

“Depends,” I said, licking my lips at the sweat glistening off her ample cleavage, “What are you offering?”

She rolled her eyes—something else I’d have to correct. I couldn’t stand bitches rolling their eyes. “I’m kind of busy. So if you could piss off, that would be great.”

“Come on, Cherry Pie,” I tilted my head and pursed my lips, “Don’t you want to talk about the weather, or football again?”

My mouth curled at the hurt glimmering on her face. She’d tried a few times to ‘make nice’, striking up a conversation about random bullshit. Her latest effort was the Jets and Bills game. Even if I was a sports guy—which I wasn’t—I would’ve blown her off. My guess was that she wanted to be friendly, to make things easier on Riley.

How fucking sweet of her.

“I’m not in the mood for your crap.”

“If I gave a fuck what you were in the mood for, I’d have some stuffed unicorns and bunnies to play with.”

“Why do you always have to go there?”

Maybe because you have a hundred fucking stuffed animals in your room.

“I’m not a child.”

“No, you’re not,” I said, pulling my gaze down her tempting body. What did she taste like? Would she stop me if I licked her? She could try. “What you are is an inexperienced brat. That’s alright,” I took a step and leaned in closer, “I can play daddy.”

I was too distracted by the way her throat bobbed with a nervous swallow, to stop her from shoving me back.

“I already have a dad, thanks.”

The confidence in her tone didn’t hide the pain and betrayal shining in her eyes. Was poor little Shelby upset Daddy moved in with her track coach?

“Aw, did Daddy leave you?” I popped my bottom lip out. “I bet he still comes to every one of your meets, though.”

Shelby wasn’t that much shorter than me—maybe a foot in heels—but she still had to lift her chin to look me in the eyes. “Is there something wrong with a parent supporting their child?”

“Oh, he’s supportive alright. How much you wanna bet that while you’re practicing, he’s fucking her in the locker room?” I smirked and slowly dropped my eyes down to Shelby’s pert ass. “She does have a nice ass,” nowhere near as nice as yours, “I’d tap that shit.”

Okay, so I wasn’t very nice to the girl. I had my reasons. Plus, it was hard not to hate her when she made me want her so much. Wearing those tight little outfits while looking at me with sin and sweetness in her eyes. She was asking for it. Especially on Halloween. All dressed up in that short white dress with angel wings. She was lucky I didn’t fuck her right there in that maze.

Did she figure out that was me yet?

“Aw, are you gonna cry now?” I wanted her to cry. My dick hardened just thinking about licking those tears off her face.

“Fuck you, Logan!”

“A solid offer, Cherry Pie.” I leaned in and whispered, “You sure you can handle me?” in her ear.

She shot back, “And what makes you think you could handle me?”

That was laughable. The girl probably didn’t know how to get herself off properly. “Don’t worry about me, Sweetheart. I know what I’m doing.”

“I’ll just bet you do,” Shelby snorted and shouldered past me to dig through the toolbox.

I damn near slapped her. Had to fist my hand to stop myself. Then she had to go and roll her fucking eyes again. Which was when I reached out for her.

“Been with enough girls,” she quietly muttered.

I stopped, fingers inches from Shelby’s arm and I smirked. Did I detect a hint of jealousy?


“Do you think about what I did to them.” I stepped up behind her and braced my palms on the toolbox, and leaned in to breathe in her ear, “Sit alone in your room at night with your hand down your panties, imagining all the ways I made them scream.”

I’d popped a few cherries in my time, but virginity wasn’t something I sought. That timid crap, blushing while nervously shying away, didn’t do it for me. Shelby wasn’t like that. She rose to the challenge, spinning around with a sultry smile on her face.

“Have all the random hook-ups you want,” she purred, and pressed her soft body up against mine. “When I give myself to someone,” her hands slid up my chest and around to the back of my neck, sending a shiver up my spine, “He won’t be able to think about anyone else.”

A slow smirk spread across my face.

Oh fuck, it’s game on now, sunshine.

The toolbox clattered as I pushed in and ran my nose up the column of her neck. She smelled fucking mouth watering—jasmine and diesel. Combine that with her breasts pressing against my chest with her sharp inhale, and I didn’t give a fuck anymore if she could handle my shit. The devil himself couldn’t drag me away.

“Fuck, you smell good,” I growled, fisting her hair and yanking her head to the side so I could have better access. “I want to fucking eat you.”

Why the hell did I wait so long for this?

“Logan… w-what are you d-doing.”

I heard the stutter in her voice. Felt her nervous tremble. Too fucking bad. Cherry Pie better get used to this shit. The second I touched her, she was fucked.

“Stop it.”

I hummed and grazed my mouth across her soft skin, darting my tongue out to sneak a taste. “Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already, Cherry Pie?”

Her body stiffened for just a second, before she relaxed into me.

That’s it, sweetheart, come out and play.

“If anyone’s going to tap out,” she purred and slid her hands around to grab my ass, “It’ll be you.”

My hand dropped from her hair down to her hips.

“Big words,” I said, pulling her in closer, “For a little girl.”

She bowed her back over the toolbox and looked up at me with a cocky smirk on those pouty pink lips. “Don’t worry about me. I’m a winner, remember.”

She was referring to the race she won this summer, and that was only because she damn near ran me off the track.

I tsked and followed her lead. Leaning in until her hot breath warmed my lips. “Cheating won’t win you this one.”

“Someone’s a sore loser,” she breathed out, while trying to wriggle away.

“Careful, Cherry Pie,” I growled and tightened my hold, digging my fingers into her hips. “I will fuck you.”

Right here, on Riley’s shitty fucking car.

My cock couldn’t take much more of her little struggles. I could practically taste the heat coming off her pussy. Shelby was about two seconds away from finding herself bent over the hood.

Then she gazed up at me, cinnamon eyes sparkling with challenge, and said, “You can try.” I was fucking done.

I dove in.

My mouth crashed down on hers, swallowing her shocked gasp. This girl didn’t just look like sex on legs, she fucking tasted like it. And fuck me if she didn’t part her lips and swirl her hot tongue over mine. My cock ached to slide into her wet pussy. Fuck every hole she had until I was consumed with everything that was Shelby Grace. I was done fucking around. It was time to claim what was mine. Hungry for more, I pressed in, devouring her mouth. Sucking in every ragged breath she released.

It wasn’t enough.

I speared my fingers in her hair and yanked hard. “You’re fucked now, Cherry Pie,” I growled against her mouth and bit down on her bottom lip, digging my teeth in her flesh. The sweet coppery tinge of her blood had my dick trying to punch through my jeans.

“Ow!” Shelby cried out, tearing her mouth away.

Most chicks didn’t like my brand of fun. I expected the usual anger or fear—neither of which detoured me in the past—but the scowl on Shelby’s face was the only thing that suggested anger. Her pupils were blown up in arousal, while her chest heaved with shuddered breaths. Gotta say, I was a bit shocked.

Fuck me, Micha was right!

If this shit was going to work, I’d have to ease her into it. Though it was damn near impossible to reign myself in and take a step back–especially when her tongue darted out and swept up a drop of blood on her lip–I somehow managed to pull myself away.

“You bit me!” she snarled.

I chewed on the gum I’d stolen from her and smirked. “You liked it.”

“I don’t know who you think you are, Logan Elliot Hudson,” how cute, she was middle naming me. I’d have to have a chat with my stepsister about that, “But you are not God’s gift to women. I, for one, am not interested.”

My brow arched. “The way you’re looking at me says otherwise.”

“I am not looking at you.”

“It’s okay, look away.” I tilted my head and dropped my gaze. “I am.”

Her nipples were hard and pressing against the pink fabric of her shirt. I salivated at the thought of having my mouth on those pert little nubs. Hearing her cry out when I bit down.

“Humph!” Shelby grunted and crossed her arms, pressing her tits up. Which was not helping my hard on any. “Not every girl wants to stare at you.”

“Is that so?”


I snickered when I lifted my shirt and her eyes locked on my abs. She tried to not to stare, but failed horribly. A little lower and she’d see exactly how much I wanted her.

“If you ask real nice,” I grabbed my cock through my jeans, drawing her gaze where I wanted it. “I might let you touch.”

She stood there with her mouth hung open and eyes locked on my package as pink flooded her cheeks.

That’s right baby, this shit is all for you.

A second later, she shook her head and snapped out of it. “I’m not one of your groupies, Logan. You can’t flash me a few muscles and win me over.”

My brow rose. “You want me to up my game, is that it?”

“Go ahead. It won’t matter.”

Poor little Shelby. She had no idea. I hadn’t even begun to play yet.

“You sure about that?”

“Yes.” She stated in that all too serious tone people used when they were full of shit.

Shelby Grace was an intermediate challenging a master. She didn’t stand a chance. I’d be feeding her my cock by this time next week.

“See you around, Cherry Pie,” I said and sauntered away.

This was going to be fun.