Scartissue by T.L Hodel

Chapter Five


I slammed my locker shut as Marnie grumbled, “Here comes the skank patrol.”

Chelsea Thompson waltzed by with her minions in tow. None of whom bothered to spare us a glance, and why would they? They were the ‘it girls.’ The group that ran this school and walked the halls like royalty. We were meant to be nothing more than loyal subjects, which of course, we weren’t.

“Bet Rye’s happy to be rid of them.”

“Probably,” I agreed, rolling my gaze over Chelsea’s red dress. “From what she said, there’s someone worse than the Black Queen at Ashworth, though.”

“What? No way.”

It was hard to believe that someone could out bitch the Black Queen. Even harder still was that I used to be friends with her. Or at least I’d thought she was my friend. That all changed one afternoon when I was asked to do something and prove my loyalty.

“Some girl named Naomi,” I said, remembering a day I wish I could take back.

It took seeing Riley beaten down and humiliated to realize that she was right. The only thing popular girls cared about, was their image. They didn’t care about me, not like Riley did. Her only thought was for my safety. Telling me to run while she was being assaulted. I’d like to say I stepped in right away. That I had her back from the beginning, but she’d have never been there in the first place if it wasn’t for me.

“Naomi Prescott?” Marnie cocked her head at me. “The mayor’s daughter?”

I shrugged and huffed out a sigh when a group of girls sauntered past, pointing and whispering.

The pie incident had thrust me to the top of the rumor mill. Everybody, and I mean everybody, wanted to know who sent it. Some people even had a bet going. Friggin Logan Hudson. I left them to their speculations. Sooner or later they’d find something else to talk about. That’s how high school worked. One rumor after another. It was worse than one of those gossip magazines.

After saying goodbye to Marnie, I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed for the parking lot. My first thought when I saw the crowd gathered was that Alice and Leo – Ashen Springs’ bipolar couple – were at it again. Last week she smashed out his windows because she was convinced he was cheating on her. The time before that, it was a rather loud and very public verbal lashing because he thought she was cheating on him. Those two were the definition of a toxic relationship.

Two steps out the door and all the attention wasn’t for the couple.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Leaning back against his midnight blue Mustang with an amused smirk on his lips, stood Logan.

Was this some kind of cruel joke? Did the universe hate me? Because whatever I did, I was pretty sure I didn’t deserve this. And if I did, why couldn’t my stalker be some hideously deformed beast of a man, instead of this model of male perfection?

Even the damn sun shone down on him like he was some kind of filthy idol of lust. He stood there with his ankles crossed and black ink crawling up his chest, making Ashworth’s crisp uniform look like something from a dirty magazine. My hand twitched at my side. I couldn’t stop thinking about the hard ridges hidden under his white shirt.

Okay, so he might be nice to look at, but that didn’t mean I wanted to touch. Right?

A giggle pulled my attention to the girl at his side.

Ugh, Chelsea Thomson.

Of course the Black Queen would be here. Logan was rich, powerful, and hot. Hell, he could be married and Chelsea wouldn’t care. If anything, she’d try harder. She got a thrill out of stealing another girl’s man. Enjoyed the pain she caused people, hence the title.

I watched her bat her eyelashes and run her hand down Logan’s arm, and openly groaned.

I can’t believe Noah went out with her last night.

Did I really want her sloppy seconds? Then again, what guy around here hadn’t taken the Chelsea ride?

Look at her, staring at Logan like he’s some kind of god.

“Pfft, god,” I snorted.

Bet he’d love that. Having a flock of subjects following him around, vying for his attention and begging to worship at his feet.


“Hey,” Dirk tipped his chin at me and wandered over. “Any idea why Logan Hudson is here?”

To push me off the edge into insanity.

“Why ask me?” I eyed Logan’s Mustang parked right beside my car. How convenient. Guess ignoring him is out of the question.

“Isn’t he Riley’s stepbrother?”

He had me there. Everyone knew Rye was my best friend, so it stood to reason that I would know her stepbrother.

“Doesn’t mean I know him.” In fact, the only time I saw Logan until recently, was when he was bringing home some girl. And even then he’d only pause long enough to poke fun at me.

“Do you often get deliveries from people you don’t know?” Dirk argued. “Speaking of which, aren’t you going out with my best friend this weekend?”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t your best friend go out with the school slut last night?”

He grunted and rolled his eyes.

At least I wasn’t the only one that didn’t want to kiss the queen’s ass.

When Chelsea released an obviously fake giggle while pressing her breasts up against Logan, Dirk crossed his arms and snickered. “Looks like Noah isn’t the only one interested in a little pre-date action.”

I sneered at the playful little flip she did with her dark hair.

Could she be more desperate.

“You sure know how to pick em’, Shelly.”

“Trust me,” I grumbled, “I didn’t pick him.”

Dirk wasn’t my biggest fan. The other day I overheard him trying to talk Noah out of our date. Why, I had no idea. I’d never done anything to him. For some reason, he just didn’t like me. Logan showing up at my school probably wasn’t helping that situation any.

“What the fuck is he doing here?!”

Yay, another prick.

My skin crawled as I rolled my eyes up at Evan, who was standing behind me. Trina wasn’t lying. He did not look good. Micha really worked him over. Not only did he still have bruises healing, but there was an angular scar on his right cheek. The line so perfectly cut in his skin, that one might think it was put there on purpose. I smirked inwardly.

Not so pretty anymore, are you, prick?

“Back off March, that one’s mine.”

Both Dirk and Evan cocked a brow at Logan’s very loud proclamation.

I groaned and dropped my face in my palm.

Lord, kill me now.

“Don’t know him, hey?” Dirk muttered.

I rolled my eyes and grumbled. “Stalking doesn’t constitute a relationship.”

“Doesn’t sound like she’s yours, Hudson,” Evan called out with a smug smirk and threw his arm around my shoulders.

The stench of his cologne made me want to vomit.

“Get your slimy hand off me!” I growled, shoving him away.

“Now, now Shelly.” The asshole actually chuckled and ruffled my hair, which I was now going to wash the second I got home. “There’s no need to get feisty. I was only–”

A fist flew past my sight, slamming into Evan’s face. I was too stunned to do anything other than stand there as Evan’s head twisted to the side and he stumbled back.

Did that just happen?

My gaze locked onto the word fuck tattooed across the assailant’s knuckles and up to a pair of green eyes burning with rage. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The person I was staring at looked like Logan, just not the one I knew. This one scared me.

“You hard of hearing, March?” Logan growled. “This one’s mine. Don’t touch her. Don’t even look at her, or that pretty little scar on your face won’t be your last.”

Evan spat out some blood and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Go ahead, Hudson,” he said, glaring at the crowd watching. “There’s plenty of witnesses this time.”

“You think I give a fuck about these idiots?” A slow smirk spread across Logan’s face, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he was enjoying this. “I prefer an audience.”

He wanted Evan to give him a reason. Say or do something so he could unleash hell. That much I knew. I could see it in the fiery inferno raging in his glare, and in that moment, I was truly afraid of Logan Hudson. The really messed up thing was how deeply masculine I suddenly found it.

Here I was, next to an unhinged beast, and all I could think about was having his hand wrapped around my neck while he held me down, and growled in my ear. That’s what scared me the most. I even took a step back, which was when Dirk moved in.

“Ease off, Hudson,” he said going nose to nose with Logan. “This isn’t Ashworth. Your boys aren’t here to back you up this time.”

“You think I need back up?”

“I think I’m the least of your problems.” Dirk tipped his chin at a couple football players making their way through the crowd.

Logan scoffed out a snicker. “You care to test that theory?”

Even I could sense Dirk’s apprehension. Which was stupid, considering Logan was outnumbered.

“I’m not looking for a fight, Hudson. But I’m not going to let you kick him around either. Your friend did enough of that.”

“You often go to bat for guys that attack little girls?”

Dirk cocked a curious brow and glanced back at Evan, who was grinding his teeth at Logan. “What the hell is he talking about?”

Funny how Evan didn’t say anything. Guess he didn’t want his friend to know he was a rapist scumbag.

“Maybe you should ask your friend what earned him that pretty scar on his face. You want him around your girl, that’s fine, but he better stay the fuck away from mine.” Before I knew what was happening, Logan had grabbed my arm–not too nicely either–and was marching me across the parking lot.

His fingers dug in my flesh as he murmured, “Great friends you have there, Cherry Pie.”

Alright, that’s it!

“First off, I can take care of myself,” I snarled and tore my arm out of his grasp. “And I’m not your girl.”

I don’t know what was more infuriating, Logan’s lack of response, or the coy smirk on his face.

“Take a hint Logan. I told you I’m not interested.”

He cocked a brow at me and sat on the hood of his Mustang. “Was that before, or after you shoved your tongue down my throat?”

“You kissed me!”

“And, you kissed me back.”

“You kissed her?” Chelsea scoffed with a snide eye roll. “Were you drunk?”

Why is she still here?

“You two are perfect for each other.” I turned my glare on the Black Queen. “Clearly neither of you can tell when someone obviously wants nothing to do with you.”

Chelsea’s eyes narrowed and her lips tightened in the cruel sneer Riley and I had come to know well. “Why would he pick you, when he could have me?”

Logan gave Chelsea a quick scan and said, “You’re at best a six,” before placing a cigarette between his lips and flipping open a gold lighter. “I don’t roll out of bed for anything less than an eight. So unless you got a beer flavored pussy, go find someone else’s dick to suck.”

I couldn’t help but snicker. It was kind of nice seeing queen bitch taken down a peg. Even if it was by Logan.

“What are you laughing at?” Chelsea ground out, “This is my school, and you are nothing but a second rate grease monkey.”

Grease monkey wasn’t that bad. If anything, it was a compliment. I worked hard and was proud of my accomplishments. My car was nothing but a rusty body when Pop Pop found it, and look at her now. Suzie Q was beautiful.

“What exactly do you have to look forward to?” I challenged, “A stellar porn career?”

Chelsea scowled and Logan laughed.

“You must be watching some fucking terrible porn, Cherry Pie.”

Did he just insult us both in one sentence?

“Shelly’s a good girl,” Chelsea sang. “She doesn’t watch porn.”

My inner-self shook her head. Quick wit was not her strong point.

“No, she prefers to read it. Isn’t that right, Baby Doll?”

My stomach flipped. “W-why would you call me that?”

“It’s okay,” he said, lips curling in a mischievous grin. “Daddy’s not mad.”

My mouth fell open. A book I was reading had a Daddy/Little kink. I kept it hidden in my drawer so Mom or Mags wouldn’t find it. But he couldn’t possibly know about that. Was I that easy to read? Did I walk around openly broadcasting my secrets? Suddenly, I felt extremely exposed, standing there with Logan and Chelsea staring at me.

Say something!

“I… well you…” I stuttered, desperately searching for something to throw back at him. Damn him for being so friggin perfect. “That tattoo’s crooked,” I cried out, and immediately felt like face palming.

Quick wit apparently wasn’t my strong point either.

Logan smirked and leaned back, exhaling a cloud of smoke. “I can give you a more intimate look if you want?”

“Screw you, Logan.”

“Anytime, sweetheart. Just name the place.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Chelsea piped in. “You aren’t seriously picking her over me?”

He didn’t even look her way, which Chelsea was not happy with. She stomped her foot and marched away, grumbling under her breath.

I’ll pay for that tomorrow.

While I was happy to be rid of Chelsea, there was still another asshole to contend with. One that was staring at me like he could see what was under my clothes.

“Well, this was fun,” I said, pulling my sweater tighter around my chest. “Have fun with your fan club.”

I nodded at the group of girls giggling in the grass, and sauntered around my car. Why I thought it would be that easy to dismiss Logan, I had no idea. Because like the gazelle that turned its back on the lion, I quickly found myself trapped. Logan was on me, pressing me up against my car door before I had a chance to open it.

“Did I say you could leave?” he purred in my ear. Hot breath wafting over my skin, causing me to shiver.

“I didn’t ask,” I pointed out, and twisted my neck to look back at him.

That was a mistake. Not only was I sucked into those deep pools of green, but I could taste the faint hint of tobacco with each breath he took.

“A valid point,” he said, stepping in closer and sliding his hand around my waist.

My heart picked up pace when he began toying with my shirt, slowly tugging it free of my skirt.

“Logan,” I whispered, licking my lips and trying desperately to ignore the hard ridges of his chest pressing against my back. “People are watching.”

Most had left, I assumed right after the showdown between Dirk and Logan. They’d gotten their amusement. A few remained, not really paying attention, except for the girls in the grass. None of whom looked very happy with me right now.

“Are they?” he breathed. “You better be quiet then.”

Whatever I was going to say was lost in the gasp I sucked in as his fingers dipped under my shirt and skimmed over my stomach. I wriggled, trying to get enough room to open my door and slip inside the safety of my car. Logan wasn’t having any of it. He pressed in, sandwiching me between the metal door and his hard body, and shoved his hand down my skirt.

“Admit it, Cherry Pie, you want me.”

When his fingers dipped lower, tracing the outline of my panties, I squeezed my thighs shut. Both out of absolute mortification that there were people around, and because I didn’t want him to feel the dampness on the lace fabric.

“Are you forgetting I have a date Saturday?”

It just came out. An anxious burst of word vomit. Because his hand was no longer just snaking down my abdomen. He’d forced his way between my tightly clenched thighs and was cupping a place no one else had touched.

“Ah, that’s right,” Logan said, pressing his finger down on my clit. No matter how many times I’d touched myself, or the countless books I’d read, nothing could’ve prepared me for the electric jolt that shot through me. “And who’s the lucky guy?”

I clamped my mouth shut to stop the moan threatening to bubble up my throat.

“I know it isn’t March,” he did it again, this time rolling his finger slowly, “And I’m assuming it wasn’t the prick you were talking to. He doesn’t seem to like you.”

“Maybe I like Dirk?” I sang, hoping to shock Logan enough that he’d stop what he was doing. It wasn’t unreasonable to think I’d be interested in Dirk. Like most football players, he was tall, buff, and not bad looking. But he wasn’t my type. Which was apparently arrogant blond assholes. “He is kind of cute.”

To my relief, Logan pulled his hand away and dropped it on the roof of my car. “Guess I’ll have to kill him then.”

It wasn’t his threat that stunned me, it was the seriousness in his eyes. Wow, money and power really went to some people’s heads.

“Good looking, and homicidal tendencies,” I grumbled, “What more could a girl ask for?”

The bastard actually puffed his chest out proudly.

“I have many talents.” He took a step back and winked. “You’ll see.”

Happy to have a chance for escape, I just rolled my eyes and opened the door, tossing my bag in the backseat.

“A word of advice, Cherry Pie. You shouldn’t waste your time giving a fuck what other people think.”

“This coming from the guy that keeps telling me what to do.”

Logan flashed me his perfect white teeth. “I’m the exception.”

Of course he was. Logan Hudson was the exception to every rule as far as Logan Hudson was concerned. He expected me to cancel my date because he was him, and the world should fall at his feet. I was going on that date. If for no other reason, than to prove that he wasn’t as great as he thought he was.

“And yet, it’ll be someone else kissing me good night Saturday.”

“Watch yourself,” he warned, a dark twinkle in his eyes. “I’m not as nice as you think I am.”

“Trust me, plenty of words come to mind when I think of you. Nice isn’t one of them.”

“And trust me when I say, I’ve been nice so far. That can quickly change.”


“This isn’t Ashworth,” I said with a sigh. “You’re not king here.”

“Oh, baby, I’m king everywhere.”

Before he could say anything else, I climbed in my car and closed the door.

“Bastard,” I muttered, while pinching the bridge of my nose.

This might be a game to him, but this was my life! Deciding I wouldn’t let him get to me, I turned my keys and started the ignition. The song blaring through my eardrums was not Taylor Swift. I tried to turn it off. Fumbling with the radio and clicking buttons. Nothing worked. I couldn’t even turn the volume down

She’s my cherry pie.

I didn’t realize how much I hated this song until now. When I glared back at Logan, he grinned smugly and shot me a wink. That’s it. If he thought he was the only one that could play dirty, I was more than happy to prove him wrong.

Game on, Logan.