Scartissue by T.L Hodel



I’d never been happier to babysit in my life. The look on Junior’s face when I walked in with Shelby’s little sister was fucking priceless.

He looked like he just got kicked in the nuts. It was fucking awesome. Even better was the fact that currently had him out back playing tea party with Finn, who was also dumped on me.

Ma was fucking ecstatic to have three little ones in the house. Which gave me time to look into the note Shelby got, and I think I’d found the culprit.

The handwriting on her note looked familiar, so I started rifling through my shit. I found a match in my chem lab notes. More specifically, the ones Sean Callaghan took. Prick probably found one of the notes Riley got and figured he’d fuck with the new girl.

I’d have a conversation with him about that tomorrow. In the meantime, I told Silas to let Shelby know every-thing was fine. It was just a stupid prank.

“Oh my god, I love that kid,” Ava said, slipping in through the sliding glass doors. “She’s got the boys in big flowery hats.”

I closed the newspaper I was reading and looked up at her.

“Fuck off.”

“Seriously, Naomi’s out there right now explaining why the colors should match their outfits.”

This, I had to see. I got up and walked over to stand next to Ava and look out the glass doors. Sure enough, there they were. Sitting at a table Ma had set up by the pool with big flowery hats on their heads.

Shelby’s little sister poured fake tea, while Naomi’s hands swung through the air, pointing from one hat to the other. Finn was watching her intently, soaking up every word she said, while Junior was slumped over with arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen your mom so happy.”

Ma was playing the part of servant, standing off to the side and bowing every time Maggie said something to her.

“That’s dreams of grandbabies dancing in her eyes.”

“You gonna give her any?”

I glanced at Ava and said, “What are you doing here?” before returning to my paper.

“Well, I heard that you were babysitting and I just had to come and see for myself.”

“Parker has a big fucking mouth.”

Bastard was there when Shelby asked me to pick up her sister. Of course he had to tell his sister. I was so playing the ‘I fucked your sister’ card tomorrow.

“Ugh, I don’t get kids these days,” Naomi sauntered in joining us. “They are impossible to talk to.”

“I don’t think they’re worried about the finer points of fashion,” I pointed out.

“Finn listened to me,” she sang.

I glanced over at her smug face. “Finn listens to everyone.”

Kid was like a sponge.

“Anyway,” Ava waved her hand, interrupting us. “I’m more interested in why the great Logan Hudson is babysitting. Never thought I’d see you bow down to a girl.”

I’m not bowing down to her.

“Should’ve seen the way she played him today,” Naomi added. “The girl is good.”

She didn’t play me. Did she?

I thought about Shelby’s hips swinging and the tempting smirk on her face.

Son of a bitch, she did.

“I’m cool with it.” A slow smile spread across my face, “Especially since I get to play with her tonight.”

“Ah, so she promised you sexual favors.”

Naomi nodded at Ava’s statement. “Told you she was good.”

“The question is,” Ava pointed at me “What is Logan going to do for her?”

“What do you mean?” My brows furrowed. “I’m gonna give her my dick.”

What the fuck else did she need?

The girls exchanged a look before Ava sighed and turned back to me. “As fantastic as you think your dick is…”

Hey now.

“What are you going to do for her?”

“What? Like eat her out?”

“He’s hopeless.”

“Utterly,” Naomi agreed.

I sat there listening to them argue about how much of a lost cause I was, wondering when my house became the community drop in center.

When did my life become so fucked up?

Things used to be so simple and quiet. I bring a chick home, bang her, and then send her on her way. Now I had my own chick and I was sitting between two bickering divas, and my chick wasn’t even a diva.

What the fuck? How was this shit fun?

My phone dinged, making me smirk.

Chase: We’re here.

Now this shit would be fun.

Me: Come on in. we’re in the kitchen.

The girls were too busy discussing the crap I needed to do for Shelby to hear the roar of bikes coming up the driveway.

“We can set up a romantic dinner,” Ava said.

I nodded in agreement while anxiously staring at the door.


“And you have to get her something nice,” Naomi added. “Something she likes.”

“Nice.” I held up my thumbs. “Got it.”

“Logan, are you even listening to us?”

Nope. Not one bit.

I smiled when the door opened and Chase and Tanner sauntered inside.

Naomi’s face instantly dropped as her eyes rolled over the scruffy biker that tanned her ass. I heard all about her little Daddy incident, and honestly couldn’t be more excited to see a reunion.

Tanner whistled as his eyes swung around.

“Nice digs. How many rooms you think they got in this place?”

“Too many,” Chase muttered, and marched straight for the kitchen, with Tanner swaggering behind.

The first I’d seen a smirk tug on the big bastard’s lips was when his eyes landed on Naomi’s scowl. Tanner seemed much more interested in Ava.

Poor fucker.

“Damn,” he sang, flashing her a charming smile, “I’m definitely a fan of the kitchen.”

Ava’s brow rose. “Is that your attempt at flirting?”

“Depends. Is it working?”

I almost felt sorry for the bastard when Ava got up and sauntered over to him. Almost.

The girl may be tiny as fuck, but she knew how to command a room. Like when she slid her hand up Tanner’s chest. I guarantee, at that moment, she was all the fucker saw.

“Are you gonna give it to me good, big boy?” Ava purred with a seductive look on her face.

I knew what that look meant. Unfortunately for Tanner, he didn’t.

“Oh yeah baby, I’ll give it to you good.”

The only warning he got before her fist landed in his gut, was a tiny smirk.

“I’m going to find Logan a suit,” she sang, and flipped her hair over her shoulder before strutting out of the room.

Leaving Tanner behind in a hunched over heap.

“Fuck,” he coughed while glancing back at Ava’s retreating form. “I think I’m in love.”

“You might want to stay away from that one,” I warned him, “She’s psycho.”

He beamed up at me.

“I like psycho.”

His funeral.

“Can I help you?” Naomi snarled at Chase, who was standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed.

“Still mouthy, I see.” He slowly raked his gaze over her body and cocked his head. “Does Daddy know you’re out this late?”

She glared at him and I couldn’t be happier.

Welcome home motherfuckers.


How the fuck did I end up in this situation?

Oh, that’s right. The diva’s decided I had to take my girl on date. While they set up the backyard like a scene from a chick flick, I was sent out to get Shelby something nice.

“Why the fuck do I have to wear this monkey suit?” I tugged at the tie around my neck.

Ava slapped my hand away and straightened my tie. “Because you look handsome.”

I rolled my eyes and snorted. Tell me something I don’t know.

“I always look handsome.”

Riley grumbled out a groan. Still wasn’t sure how they roped my stepsister into this shit.

“Did you get her something?”

Don’t know who said that. Didn’t care. Just held up the stuffed unicorn.

Naomi’s lip curled. “You got her a unicorn?”

“She likes unicorns.”

Riley’s brow rose.

“How do you figure?”

“She’s got three in her room.”

I know, because I counted that shit. Fucking stuffed animals and flowers everywhere. Shelby was going to love this thing. I’d prefer to burn it, but hey, I wasn’t a chick.

“Uh huh.” Ava nodded at the unicorn in my hand. “Can I see that?”

I handed it over, only to be smacked in the back of the head with it.

“Ow,” I cried out rubbing my head. “What was that for?”

“You’re an idiot,” Riley answered.

Ava placed her hands on her cocked hips. “He’s clearly not equipped to deal with this.”

“Agreed,” Naomi nodded.

I was really starting to feel ganged up on here.

“Well, I can’t stay,” Riley said, “I’ve got a class to teach in fifteen minutes.”

“I’ve got dinner with my parents,” Ava said. “I guess that leaves you, Nay.”

Naomi rolled her eyes. I was there with her. This was bullshit.

“And who exactly, is supposed to be my date?”

Chase and Tanner chose that moment to saunter in. I tried to warn them and wave them off, but the stupid fucks didn’t listen.

Ava immediately ran up to Chase and slapped her hand on his chest.

“This strapping young man right here.”

“What?” His brows furrowed as he glanced around the room, confused. “What’s going on?”

“Just go with it man,” I sighed. “It’s not worth fighting.”