Scartissue by T.L Hodel



I got a text telling me to come to Logan’s and to wear something nice. I had no idea what was going on, but I never refused a chance to dress up.

So I went all out. Rolled my hair up in a French twist. Put on my best jewellery, and dressed in a red spaghetti strap dress with a plunging neck-line and slit up to my thigh.

The shoes were my favorite black strappy sandals, with just enough heel to give me a bit of height while not making me too tall.

When Logan opened the door I was stunned. His blond hair was styled in that perfect ‘messy yet not’ way, and his green eyes glimmered against the black jacket of his suit. My favorite part of his outfit was the deep crimson dress shirt. It wouldn’t suit him if there wasn’t some dark flare to the outfit.

If the look on his face was anything to judge by, he seemed to appreciate my outfit too. Particularly the plunging neckline.

“Damn, baby,” he growled and pulled me in for a kiss, “I can’t wait to rip that dress off you.”

“You better not rip it. This dress was expensive.”

He kissed a trail up my neck and muttered, “I’ll buy you another one.”

“Uh um!” That’s when I noticed Naomi standing there tapping her foot. “See, this is why you need supervision. You’d have the poor girl naked before the first course.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” he snarled over his shoulder.

“Focus,” Naomi snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Do what you were told and I’ll meet you outside.” She stopped halfway into the kitchen and glanced back at him. “Don’t make me come back in here.”

I was definitely curious what was going on now.

Logan grumbled something, rubbed the back of his neck and looped his arm in mine. “Come on.”

We walked through the kitchen and out to the backyard, all lit up with fairy lights. Everything was so beautiful I didn’t know where to look first.

At the string quartet playing on the far left side of the patio, the lilies floating in the pool around a small fountain, the two tables lit by candle-light, or Naomi and Chase…



He looked just as surprised as me.

“Shelby?” He tipped his head and glared at Logan. “You and I are going to have words later.”

“Careful now, Jim Bob,” Logan smirked down at him, gleaming like a sly cat. “You don’t want to ruin her special night.”

Chase just scowled at him as Logan led me over to the other table. He was so cute, trying to act like a gentleman and pull my chair out for me.

I almost chuckled when he thrust a bouquet of daisies in my face. Instead, I smiled and held the flowers up to my nose.

“You got me flowers.”

“I got you a unicorn,” he said, sliding into the chair opposite me, “But Ava smacked me in the head with it.”

My nose crinkled as I cocked my head at him.

Why would he get me a unicorn?

Everything was going great. We talked and shared a meal. Even though Logan fumbled his way through, I couldn’t have imagined a better date.

It was so cute, seeing him unsure, but trying anyway. He even tried to do the Lady and the Tramp thing, which didn’t work as well with lobster as it did with spaghetti. I suspected a kiss was his ulterior motive there.

Chase and Naomi were clearly not having a good time. Though, I wasn’t sure Naomi would have a good time anywhere. Not to mention her supposed date looked more ready for a-peanuts-on-the-floor type bar than a five star restaurant.

But I didn’t care. This night could be an epic failure and I’d still love every minute of it. Because Logan did this for me. He put on a suit, slow-danced in the moonlight and used the proper fork, for me.

I was entranced, staring at Logan starry-eyed and wondering if I could possibly love him more, when everything took a violent left turn.

“You need a serious attitude adjustment, Princess,” Chase growled loudly, “And I’m in the mood to give it.”

“If your grubby paws come anywhere near me–”

Chase slammed his hands down on the table, causing the plates to clatter, and leaned in to glare right in Naomi’s face.

“You’ll what?”

Naomi stared at him for a second before huffing out a frustrated grunt and storming into the house.

“That’s what I thought,” he called out after her, “Go back home to Daddy.”

I kept waiting, holding my breath, to hear Naomi’s car drive away. Instead she came back out of the kitchen with a glass in her hand and threw it in Chase’s face.

“Should we do something?” I whispered to Logan.

“Fuck no,” he said, eyes locked on Chase with interest. “Let’s see how this shit plays out.”

Chase swept the liquid off his face and rolled his eyes up at her. If looks could kill.

“Did you just go in the house to get water to throw in my face?”

Naomi tipped her head and crossed her arms.

“I didn’t want to waste perfectly good champagne.”

None of us expected what happened next. Chase stood up and puffed his chest out. I thought for sure Naomi was about to get another spanking.

I couldn’t believe it when Riley told me about that. That’s not what Chase did.

He grabbed the back of her head and crashed his mouth down on hers. It only lasted for about three seconds, but it was enough to stun not only me, but Naomi as well.

“If I’d have known that was all it would take to shut you the fuck up,” Chase grinned down at Naomi’s stunned face, “I’d have kissed you a lot sooner.”

And did Naomi slap him? No. She calmly reached down into her purse and sprayed him in the face with a can of mace.

Chase roared and fell back into the pool.

After which Naomi looked at us, said, “You can fuck her now,” and sauntered away with her head held high.

When Chase finally popped his head out of the water, he grumbled, “She fucking maced me.”

We didn’t say anything. Pretty sure he wasn’t asking for confirmation anyway, since he promptly climbed out of the pool and marched after her.


After our date, Logan took me up to his room. I knew what was coming next, and for some reason I was more nervous now than I was the first time.

Maybe that was why I was hiding in the bathroom?

I told him I needed a minute, but that minute was long gone and I still couldn’t calm the butterflies in my stomach.

“Calm down, Shelby,” I said to my reflection, “It’s not like you haven’t done this before.”

This was different though. I wanted to please him and the longer I thought about how to do that, the more nervous I got.

How many girls had he been with? Did I compare to them? I know he said he loved me, but what if he got bored? What chance did I have of keeping a man like him satisfied?

It was a lot of pressure.

A male grunt interrupted my thoughts.

“Fuck, Mouse, just like that.”

Micha and Riley must be home.

Were they…

“Please, Micha.”

Oh my god, they were.

I shouldn’t eavesdrop. At least that’s what I told myself as I slid over to her side of the bathroom.

There was nothing wrong with a little curiosity, right?

My pulse picked up as I pressed my ear to the door. I could hear faint sounds on the other side. Soft moans and tiny grunts. All that did was peak my interest. I looked down at the door knob, chewing my lip.

This was a private moment between them. I shouldn’t. Then again, what would it hurt if I took a tiny peek? They wouldn’t know.

Before I could stop myself, I was creaking the door open. Just a gap at first, then a little more, until I could see Micha’s body glistening with sweat. But it was Riley that had my attention.

Micha’s big hand was pressing her face into the mattress as he pumped furiously into her. I’d never seen her look so vulnerable and small. I couldn’t stop watching her tiny fingers clutch the blanket as she moaned her pleasure in the bed.

My breathing picked up with theirs and I could feel wetness gather on my thighs. This shouldn’t be turning me on. I needed to get out of here. Except I couldn’t look away.

Micha flipped Riley around, stuck his fingers in her mouth, and slowly sunk back into her.

“Whatcha doing, Cherry Pie?”

I quickly clamped my mouth shut, swallowing my startled groan, and moved to close the door. But his hand shot out, stopping me.

“Watch them,” he breathed in my ear while slipping my straps over my shoulders. “See how much she trusts him.”

He smoothed his warm palm over my breasts and down my stomach, pushing my dress down to pool at my feet.

My breath hitched with a small moan as his fingers skirted over the red lace thong I was wearing. The whole time he kept his mouth next to my ear, warming my skin with his breath.

“He can do anything he wants to her.” His finger pressed down, toying with my clit. “He can choke her, slap her, bite her.” I shivered as his tongue traced the shell of my ear. “And she’ll love every second of it.”

My head fell back on his shoulder.

“We shouldn’t,” I whispered, despite my hands moving behind me to stroke him through his pants. “It’s wrong.”

“They like it.” My panties were torn away. I had to bite my lip to muffle the moan when he shoved two fingers inside me. “And so do you.”

“It’s wrong.”

I shook my head even though it was a lie. Having him touch me while my ears were filled with the sounds of grunting pleasure, I’d never been more turned on in my life.

“We shouldn’t be watching.”

“We’re not the only ones watching.”

I swear my heart stopped when I looked up and saw Micha’s dark eyes locked on us. And he wasn’t the only one. Riley was watching us too, and moaning loudly every time Micha pumped inside her.

“Are you gonna fuck her?” Micha growled while wrapping his hand around Riley’s neck, “Or just tease us?”