Scartissue by T.L Hodel



“He killed my brother!” Martin bellowed.

“I understand that,” Lou said, “But there are more pressing matters. Like the whereabouts of your nephew, my adoptive grandson, and the girl. When we find them, you’ll have your revenge.”

I’d been sitting here for far too long, listening to them bicker over stupid shit. It’d been two days of dead end leads.

Who was going to kill him? How were we going to find them? What was the rescue plan? How fucking stupid was it that we had a rescue plan, but no idea where we were rescuing from.

“I’ll be the one to pull the trigger.”

They all stopped and looked at me.

“Why shouldn’t I be the one to do it?” Marin growled.

“Because you’re a King.” I shifted my gaze his way. “And so is he.”

“Sebastian was a King,” Dean pointed out.

Martin nodded. “And my brother.”

Two seconds grace, that’s all I got before they were back at it again. I looked back at my generation, sitting around the table shaking their heads. That was the difference between us and them. The Knights banded together. The Kings fought.

“Fuck this shit,” I muttered and walked out of the room. “I’ll find him my damn self.”

God knows what he was doing to Shelby. Had a good idea what he was doing to Finn and Junior, since the sick fuck liked to send me pictures. Hadn’t got one of my girl yet. But why would I? That would give me hope. My old man couldn’t have that. If Finn was here, he could track her phone.

“Fuck!” I screamed, throwing my fist in the wall.

“We’ll find them,” Micha said, joining me out in the hall. “We won’t stop until we do.”

I dropped my forehead on the wall and sighed. “I’ve never felt so helpless.”

“You were right,” Micha placed his hand on my shoulder. “She’s strong. He won’t break her.”

“He broke Riley.”

He huffed out an exhale and shook his head.

“No, I broke Riley.”

Micha had never forgiven himself for the way he’d treated his girl before my old man took her. He blamed himself for making her vulnerable.

“Shelby knows you love her. That will help her hang on.”

Maybe he was right. She fought me, didn’t she?

My phone went off in my pocket and I almost didn’t want to answer it. Probably another picture, or my old man calling to gloat. It was neither.


“My sweet boy.”

Something was wrong, she didn’t sound right.

“Ma, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, honey.” I could hear the smile spread across her face. “I’m at peace.”

“What do you mean, you’re at peace Ma?” I looked over to Micha, who had the same worry in his eyes. “What the fuck is going on.”

“Your father called.”

No, no, no, no.

“Ma whatever you’re thinking about doing…”

“It’s okay,” she shushed me, “I didn’t get my happy ending, but you can.”

Fear rushed through my veins as a tear slid down my cheek. “Ma, don’t do this.”

“I love you, my sweet boy.”

And then she was gone.

Tears dripped down my face as I stared down at my phone, trying to will her to call again. Hoping the power of my mind could stop her.

“Logan, what’s going on?”

My heart broke as I looked up at my best friend.

“Ma’s going to sacrifice herself.”

I didn’t notice Preston standing there until he spoke. “You set up her phone, right?”

“Yeah.” Ma could barely work a remote, let alone a smartphone.

“So,” Preston arched his brow, “Track it.”


It didn’t take me long to figure out where Ma was going. The GPS only pointed to one location. The cabin up on the bluffs. I hadn’t been here since that day with my nanny.

My old man told me it was the only time he was proud of me. That this place was special to him. I wanted to burn it to the ground and forget everything that happened inside.

This was his lair. The boogeyman’s hunting ground. The hell he brought all us kids to play.

I left while Micha was getting everyone ready. Preston saw, but he didn’t stop me. He knew I had to handle this shit alone. Ryker Hudson was my demon to defeat. I sucked in a breath and stepped through the gateway to hell.

The first thing I saw were the boys, locked up in the same cage I’d spent many hours in. On the floor in front of them was my old man, grunting as he violently pumped into Ma. She had a peaceful look on her face. Like she’d accepted this was her fate.

And then, finally, my girl tied to the bed, in nothing but a scrap of a shirt and panties. As soon as she saw me, she smiled. That big beautiful smile I dreamed about.

I saw the bruises on her skin and knew from the tears in her shirt that she’d been whipped. But had he done more? The thought of him touching her made me sick.

As if she could read my mind, Shelby shook her head and mouthed the words, ‘He didn’t.

Relief washed over me, until I looked back at my old man. Then rage bubbled through my veins. I pulled out my gun and crept closer.

“Hello, boy,” my old man grunted, and stilled with a shiver. “You mother and I were just getting reacquainted.”

“Yeah, well you’re about to get acquainted with the wrong side of my gun.”

“How many times have I told you?” he tsked and rolled off Ma. That’s when I saw the 9mm pressed to her head. “Pay attention to your surroundings.”

My eyes locked with his. “Think you can pull the trigger before me?”

“You want to risk it?”

I looked at Ma, to the gun, and his finger on the trigger. My old man was a Navy Seal. I honestly didn’t know if I could beat him to the punch.


“Drop it.”

I did.

“Good boy. Now kick it over here.”

Did that too.

My old man grabbed the gun, sat up, resting his back on the cage, and sighed. I cocked my brow at the bags under his eyes. He looked tired.

“Get much sleep up here, old man?”

“I get enough,” he said, rolling his eyes up to me. “Your girl here says you’ll do anything for her. Is that true?”

No hesitation.


“Careful, boy. Anything can mean a lot to a man like me.”

“Let me guess, you want me to kill Ma or one of the boys.” I shrugged. “Give me a gun.”

He huffed out a chuckle and jumped to his feet.

“I may have been born at night, boy, but it wasn’t last night.”

“Really,” Shelby snarled, “I didn’t know scum was born. I thought it just kind of oozed into being.”

I can’t explain how happy I was to see my girl’s fire burning bright. My old man, however…

He shook his finger at Shelby and tipped his head.

“That one’s mouthy. You need to nip that in the bud.”

“I like her mouthy.”

“I suppose you do.”

He lifted the gun and fired, sending a bullet through my calf. Shelby screamed, Ma sprung forward and I fell. Pain crawled up my leg and across my spine, but I didn’t show him. I learned that lesson long ago.

“That’s all I wanted.” My old man swung his hands through the air while Ma cradled me in her lap. “A little reaction.”

Ma looked down at me and then screamed at him, “You shot him!”

“Shut the fuck up, Paisley.” He held up his arm, pointing the gun at her head, “I’m enjoying the moment.”

“Don’t give him the satisfaction, Ma.” I reached up, placed my hand on her cheek and turned her teary face my way. “Fuck him.”

“Fuck me? You have a lot to learn, boy.” He grabbed my leg and dragged me across the floor, smacking Ma in the head with the gun when she reached out for me. “Lucky for you, class is back in session.”

I don’t remember much after that, other than the screams in the air and the fury my old man rained down on me. Feet, fists, knees. Anything he could use to hit me, he did. I accepted it. Took each blow, knowing the second I got my chance, he’d be the one on the ground.

And then it all stopped.

I forced open my swollen eye and rolled my head to the side to see Lou standing in the doorway. A pistol held firmly in his raised hand.

“If it isn’t the all mighty King of Kings,” my old man declared, while delivering another kick to my gut. “Did you come to watch the show, old friend?”

“I came to do something I should’ve done a long time ago.”

“You going to pull that trigger?” My old man scoffed, “Break one of your sacred rules.”

“No.” Lou flicked the safety off and pulled the slide back. “I’m going to claim my son.”

My old man snickered and waved his hand through the air.

“You can have Mason. The boy is useless.”

A shot echoed through the air.

I watched my old man’s face drop and the shock register in his eyes as he glanced down at the growing red spot in his chest. He took one last look at me, and fell.

Lou sauntered over, smoothed his suit jacket, and looked down at my old man’s body.

“I’m not talking about Mason.”

I stared into his dead eyes for a long time, waiting for a spark of life to come back into them. It never did.

He was finally gone.

I was free.


A dull aching pain spread through my body when I woke up. Everything hurt, and I mean everything. Cherry Pie once asked me if I could feel my teeth. Well, I sure as fuck could feel them now. Might not be so bad if there wasn’t a heavy weight on my chest.

“Fuck sakes,” I grumbled and forced my lids open to look down at the top of a blond head.

Well, that I didn’t mind.

I really liked how tightly she was curled up against me. Not that this shitty hospital bed gave her much room.

Maybe I should get a smaller bed?

Shelby shifted, digging her shoulder into my ribs.

“Ow, shit,” I groaned, wriggling away from the jagged bone of death, “I don’t think these beds are made for two.”

My beautiful girl shot up, wide eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

“Logan? Oh my god!” She crawled over me and threw her arms around me. “I thought I’d lost you.”

“I missed you too, but fuck, baby, take it easy.”

If she heard me, she didn’t listen, because instead of backing off, she began peppering kisses all over my face. My bones ached, but my dick couldn’t be happier. Hot little pussy pressing down on me every time her hips swayed. Didn’t stop the wince from escaping my lips.

“I’m sorry,” Shelby’s face dripped with worry, “Did I hurt you?” Before I could answer, she bent down and gently kissed my ribs. “Is that better?”

“A little lower.”

Without a word, she scootched down and pressed her lips to my abdomen.



Her lips moved down another inch.

That’s it, baby, almost there.

“Keep going.”

I watched her shuffle down the bed, laying kisses as she went, and smirked when my dick twitched under her chin.

“I think it might help more without the gown.”

“Logan,” her unimpressed eyes rolled up, “This is a hospital.”


Playing on her sympathy, I popped my bottom lip out and whined, “Come on, baby, I’m in so much pain. Don’t you want to make me feel better?”

Her eyes darted around the empty room. I knew I had her when she looked at me and sighed.

“Alright, fine,” she said, lifting my hospital gown, “But just a quick kiss.”

Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart.

The second her lips touched my dick all my pain was forgotten. Guess she forgot about the ‘just a quick kiss’ too, because the next thing I knew, her mouth was wrapped around me.

“Fuck,” I grunted as her hot tongue slithered over my shaft. “Just like that, baby.”

My fingers wove in her hair, pushing her down until I could feel her throat constrict around me.

Fuck, that’s it.

Shelby didn’t struggle. She relaxed into my grip and let me fuck her mouth. It was close to the greatest fucking feeling in the world. But something else was much better. Growling, I pulled her over me by her hair and slipped my hand under her gown, smiling when my fingers met her wet lips.

Good girl.

Her mouth opened, and before she could argue, I fisted my dick and slid inside. Her walls instantly clenched around me. This was what I needed. Shelby Grace taking my cock like a good little slut.

“Logan, “ She moaned, “Someone could come in.”

Like I give a fuck.

“Let them,” I growled, pumping up into her, “Then they’ll know who owns this sweet little pussy.”

She gyrated her hips, making me groan, and then furrowed her brows.

“But, what if someone hears?”

I wanted the whole damn hospital to hear my girl scream my name. Which is why I flipped us over and fucked her like we both wanted. The bed screeched against the floor with every hard thrust.

Shelby tried to muffle her moans, slapping her hand over her face, but I couldn’t have that. I pinned her arms above her head and picked up speed. My spine was tingling and my dick throbbed, screaming for release. But I wanted to hear her scream first.

“Come on, baby,” I growled against her mouth, “Give me what I want.”

She did. Screaming my name to the heavens as her pussy sucked the come out of me. I collapsed on top of her, completely spent, and kissed her neck.

“I love you, baby. Don’t ever forget that.” I swept the hair off her face and gazed into those beautiful cinnamon eyes. “No matter where you are, or who you’re with, I’ll be right there with you. Because you belong to me. You’re mine, Cherry Pie. Always have been, and always will be.”

A smile spread across my sweet girl’s face.

“I love you too, Logan.”

“Shelby Harlow Grace.”

“Oh crap,” Shelby muttered and slowly looked to the side. “Hi Mom.”

“Hey, Mrs. Grace.” I propped myself up and eyed Shelby’s mom’s nurse’s uniform. “No need to check up on me. I feel fucking great.”