Scartissue by T.L Hodel


How are things going there. Did Silas like his room? He probably didn’t tell you about that shit, but don’t worry, Logan took pictures. Think we could get him drunk enough to wear that Tinkerbelle costume. Don’t worry I’m not thinking about drinking. You threatened me enough. I happened to like my balls by the way, please stop threatening them.

I’m so ready to leave this place, it’s fucking depressing. I’ll miss the nurse though. Does she have a mouth on her. And don’t roll your eyes at me. I know you’re doing it. I can feel it from here.

Oh, hey what he fuck do little girls like? I asked Logan but all he said was fucking unicorns. Literally in those words. Fucking unicorns. Has he been watching unicorn porn or something? I’m seriously confused.

Anyway, I should go nurse Angie just showed up. It’s time for my sponge bath if you catch my drift.

Ps. Please take a pics of the present I ordered for my brother. A video would be better. Hint, she comes with a lot of leather and a whip. Your welcome.

Your secret wet dream,
