Scartissue by T.L Hodel

Chapter 6


Riley pounded on the bathroom door.

“Logan, hurry the hell up!” For a little thing, she was surprisingly strong. The door vibrated with each hit. “Other people have to use the bathroom too.”

I pulled a lungful of smoke down my throat and propped my hip against the counter. If my stepsister and her boyfriend hadn’t kept me up until two am, I might’ve left fifteen minutes ago, when I was done. I considered this payback.

“Micha, a little help?” she huffed from the other side.

“I told you to be quiet last night.”

That he did. Several times.

“But we’re not going to have time to shower together.”

I shook my head and chuckled. Riley was a ball of fire and rage, but goddamn, the girl could turn on the sweet tap when she wanted to.

I completely forgot I gave Micha a key until the door swung open. He had it so Riley couldn’t hide, not so he could fuck my shit up.

“You’re done,” Micha growled, “Get the fuck out.”

If looks could kill.

“Someone’s grumpy. Didn’t your dick get enough attention last night?”

“Yeah, and it’s gonna get some more this morning. Now fuck off.”

I’d be pissed if someone was fucking with my pussy too. I’ve killed motherfuckers for less. Unfortunately, the person cockblocking me from my pussy, was my pussy. Couldn’t fuck the shit out of Shelby if she was fucking dead. Well, I could, but necrophilia wasn’t my thing. I’ve never had to try this hard for some ass. It was fucking frustrating, and I was loving every second.

Riley popped up next to Micha and snarled, “Are you seriously standing in here smoking!”

“Next time gag her,” I said, flicking my butt down the drain, “Or I will.”

Micha cocked his brow. “You’re just pissed you’re not getting any.”

“Why haven’t you been getting any?” Riley asked, eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Aw sis, your concern brings a tear to my eye,” I sang, laying my hand on my chest. “It’s truly heartwarming.”

It wasn’t like my dick wasn’t getting any attention. Amy sucked me off the other day in the library. I was just craving a particular flavor, and so was my dick.

“Well, I’d hate for your dick to fall off from inactivity. Besides, I’m starting to miss your usual parade of skanks. They have stellar conversational skills.”

My lips curled. “I don’t bring them here for their conversational skills.”

She grumbled and rolled her eyes.

“You still haven’t taken your girl?” Micha asked.

“Logan has a girl? Did hell freeze over?” Riley said, looking up at him, “Who is she?”

In true Micha fashion, he completely ignored her. “You need to nail that shit down.”

“I’m working on it.” I could take a page from his book and tell Shelby how shit was, but I was having too much fun playing with her. “It’ll be done by Saturday.”

“And if it’s not?”

Then I kill the motherfucker she’s going out with.

“I’d be more worried about what your girl is going to say.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Riley said, glaring at Micha like she was about to kick him in the balls.

Shelby was Riley’s best friend. She basically sold herself to Micha to protect her. Something told me she wouldn’t be too happy about this shit.

I smirked at my friend and left. “Have fun with that.”

I was probably getting punched later.

Halfway down the stairs, I heard Ma’s voice. I couldn’t remember the last time I heard her sing. When I walked into the kitchen and saw her floating around with a smile on her face, I was a bit shocked. Ma was good at putting up a happy front. She did it for years. Pretending everything was great in public while life at home was a fucking nightmare. It was nice to see an actual smile on her face. It was in large part thanks to Derek, my stepdad. I may not like the fucker, but he loved Ma, and I loved seeing her happy. So I wouldn’t kill him. For now.

Ma’s smile widened when she saw me. “How’s my sweet boy this morning?”

“Hey Ma. Whatcha doing?”

“I made your favorite,” she explained, holding up a plate of blueberry muffins.

Fuck yeah!

Flashing her a smile, I snatched one and took a big bite. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as blueberries exploded in my mouth, coating my tongue with sweetness. There was only one thing better than Ma’s cooking. Shelby’s fucking delicious mouth.

“You’ve been in a good mood lately,” Ma said, dropping her elbows on the counter. “Is there a reason for that smile on your face?”

I chuckled at the spark of hope in her eyes. She’d be happy if I started popping out kids right out of high school.

“Maybe it’s your muffins?” I teased, and grabbed another one. “Why’d you wait so long to make them?”

“After what–” The smile dropped off her face, “You know.”

Yeah, I knew. All too fucking well, and I hated that he still had an effect on her.

“He’s dead, Ma. He can’t hurt you anymore,” I lied.

My old man was locked up in some dark corner of The Order and still breathing. Derek wanted to tell her. I told him not to. Ma was in a good place. I didn’t want to see her shaking in fear every time she took a step. Knowing my old man was out there would only break her. Riley’d known him for less than twenty-four hours, and she agreed with me.

Ma squeezed my arm and said, “We survived, and that’s all that matters.”

Did we?

I sighed and stared down at the brown sugar and cinnamon heart decorating the top of the muffin. One of the few joys I had growing up was Ma’s baking, but she hadn’t made these muffins in years. Not since…

Pain sizzled across my burnt palm, lighting up my nerves. I lay on the floor, hearing tears plop down on the tiles, but not feeling them. My body had gone numb, cutting everything off except the ache in my hand. Like it had done many times before. This felt different, though. I was still here, experiencing it with a clear head. I just didn’t care.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Paisley?” My dad was looming over my terrified mom with a rolling pin in his hand. I watched him step on a muffin, squishing the heart on top into something twisted and deformed. “Are you trying to turn my son into a pussy?”

“Please Ryker, we were just making muffins,” Mom pleaded. “Logan likes them.”

My mom was scared. Down on her knees, shaking like a leaf. We’d both been here before. Hearts hammering in our chests, while we waited for the inevitable pain. At least that’s what should be happening, except I couldn’t hear my pulse whooshing in my ears. Didn’t feel a thumping against my ribs, or an impending sense of dread. No sickly smell, or spikes of fear. Just a calm wave of nothing.

Why wasn’t I scared?

I looked over at a knife laying on the floor. Light glistened off the sharp edge of the blade. It was beautiful. Gliding across the steel in smooth, fluid movements. Would blood look the same? I could almost see it dripping off the tip, splashing in fat drops on the floor. I could almost feel the hard handle in my palm.

That’s because it was in my hand.

I stared down at my burnt flesh wrapped around the handle of the knife and flexed my fingers, pressing the hard edge into my palm. It didn’t even hurt. It felt kind of nice. Like for once, I had the power.

“Boys don’t bake, Paisley.”

My eyes rolled up to my dad as a voice in my head called out, ‘Kill him.’

He raised the rolling pin, but stopped and cocked his head down at my mom. Her wide eyes weren’t looking at him.

“Sweetheart,” she cautiously said with her hand held up. “Put that down.”

Was she talking to me?

My dad twisted his neck, looking over his shoulder. “What are you going to do with that, boy?”

My hand shot out, digging the blade into his leg. It was so easy. A simple flick of my wrist and he cried out. It felt satisfying and freeing. I liked it so much that I did it again.

“You little shit!” my dad growled and lunged.

I didn’t care what he was going to do to me, because I was too busy smiling at the deep red color seeping into his jeans. Blood. If the boogieman could bleed, then he could die…

Screams pierced the air.

Someone was yelling. It sounded like Ma?

“Logan! Calm the fuck down before I knock you the fuck out!”

I blinked a few times and looked around. It was still the kitchen, but the tiles were different. Not the dark mocha color I watched my old man’s blood drip on. Micha was standing beside me with his hands out, as if he was afraid I was going to fucking kill him. My brows pulled together as I tipped my chin. It looked like he was saying something.


I felt a twitch to my right and turned my head. My stepsister’s eyes were wide and wild. I could smell the fear coming off her. The corner of my mouth tipped up as my gaze fell to the hand wrapped around her neck. Someone was having fun. He had a good grip. Tight enough to make her face turn red, but not enough to choke the life out of her. I watch a drop of sweat roll off her face and land on one of the fingers around her throat. I liked the guy’s style. He had fuck tattooed across his knuckles…

Oh shit, that’s my hand!

Everything came flooding back at once. The smell of muffins, and Ma’s whimpering cries, along with Micha’s cautious pleading for me to let his girl go. I looked over at Ma hugging her knees under the table while Riley’s pulse fluttered against my fingers. Why the table? She used to do this shit when my old man was on a rampage. Didn’t help her then, either. The fact that she was under there at all was a little insulting. I’d stab myself before ever laying a hand on Ma. Riley, on the other hand…

We had fun that night, Micha, Riley and I. Hadn’t really given much thought to fucking her again. She’d become my sister in every sense of the word. I loved her, I’d kill for her, and I liked fucking with her. Right now, though, she looked real good. Pale-faced and quaking. Fear was intoxicating. It made my blood sing and my dick hard.

Micha was probably two seconds away from shooting me in the head. Honestly, I was a bit shocked he hadn’t fucked me up yet. Then again, I’d have probably snapped her fucking neck before he could pry me off. It wasn’t the first time this happened, though I usually knew exactly what I was doing. I just couldn’t stop myself. Nor did I want to. I sighed inwardly.

Ah well, I guess playtime’s over.

I smirked at Riley and leaned in to say, “I think your boyfriend knows about us.”

“Motherfucker,” Micha grumbled, dropping his face in his palm.

I released his girl and took a step back. Riley didn’t move. Didn’t even blink. She just flattened her back against the wall and watched me. As if I’d pounce if she so much as twitched.

Aw, poor timid little mouse.

Micha slapped his hand down on my shoulder. “I thought I was gonna have to fucking kill you.”

“Well,” I said, strutting out of the room. “The day’s not over yet.”

I was definitely getting punched later.

“What the fuck just happened?” I heard Riley mutter behind me.

Two steps outside, I paused, eyeing my car. I swear Betty was parked closer to the fountain.


I shrugged and headed over, tossing my bag in the backseat. The second I turned the key and ‘Ugly Kid Joe’ poured out of my speakers, I knew what’d happened.

Touché, Cherry Pie.

The corner of my mouth lifted as I peeled down the driveway, loudly singing, “I hate everything about you.”


Parker and I were leaning against the lockers in Ashworth when Micha came charging down the hall with murder in his eyes.

“You!” He bellowed, throwing an angry finger in my direction. “You’re dead, motherfucker!”

“Oh shit.” I grabbed Parker’s shoulders and pulled him in front of me. The fucker was big and he'd make a good shield.

“What’s going on?” Parker whispered.

“Oh, nothing.” I shifted him so he was between Micha and I. “I might’ve choked his girlfriend a little.”


“It was just a little.” I rolled my eyes. “She’s fine.”

Everyone needed to calm down. Riley might have a bruise, but there was no permanent damage.

“You damn near killed her!” Micha argued.

I ducked behind Parker, avoiding his swinging fist. “That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?”

Micha huffed out an unimpressed sigh.

“Ugh, fine!” I grumbled, stepping out from my human shield. “You get one–”

His fist landed in my gut before I could finish speaking. I groaned and hunched over. Shit, he could hit.

“You’re fucking lucky that’s all I’m giving you.”

I coughed and looked up at him. “Noted.”

“What the fuck happened, anyway?” he asked, eyeing me. “I’ve never seen you black out.”

Parker’s brow rose. “He blacked out?”

I could sense the apprehension in both of them. The question practically displayed on their lips. Did he finally snap? I wasn’t an idiot. They may not be afraid of me, but they sure as hell were terrified of what I could do.

“Who says I blacked out?”

“Don’t give me that shit,” Micha growled and crossed his arms. “You weren’t responding to anything I said.”

“Maybe I was enjoying the view.” It wasn’t a lie. I did enjoy the view. “You know, remembering fun times at the tattoo parlor.”

That earned me another punch.

“Guess that means there won’t be an encore performance?” I grunted.

“Do you want me to kick your ass?”


I could use a distraction. My old man kept fucking yapping in the back of my head. ‘What are you going to do with that, boy?’ If Lou would just let me see him, I could beat this shit into silence. Why the fuck should everyone else have fun? I deserved revenge more than any of them.

“Are you gonna let Parker take her for a ride too?” I said, taunting Micha to hit me again. “He could do you both.”

Now Parker was glaring at me. He was a big motherfucker. His punches hurt like a bitch. Not like Mase’s, but Mase wasn’t here.

Speaking of Mase…

“Come on Parker, you had a taste of Mase. Aren’t you curious if big bro is just as spicy?”

Micha’s face dropped. “What the fuck is he talking about?”

“Nothing,” Parker said, shooting me a ‘shut the fuck up’ glare.

He didn’t know I knew about that. Mase told me. They didn’t fuck, but they did some shit.

“Hey, I’m not judging,” I’d had more dick than either of them by the time I was Junior’s age. “Have you considered giving Silas a go? That motherfucker is hung like a horse, and I’m kind of curious how chicks manage to swallow that shit.”

I smiled when Parker rolled his neck. He was almost there. Fists clenching with that vein in his forehead throbbing.

“Are you sure it’s football you really like, cause I’m thinking it might be the group showers.”

“Fucker,” Parker growled, and shoved me back into the lockers.

That’s it. Hit me, you prick.

I was about to ask if he got hard in the locker room when my phone went off. Ringing Warrant’s ‘Cherry Pie’ from my pocket.

Right on time.

“Hold that thought,” I said, answering my phone. “Hey, Cherry Pie.”

Shelby’s angry voice rang through my ear, “Logan, you son of a bitch!”

“Such hostility,” I snickered. “And here I thought you were calling to say good morning.”

Shelby was probably having an issue getting into her locker. She’d need the code for that. I had the door replaced last night. Her shit was locked up tight with a stainless steel door and electronic lock. And because I wasn’t a complete asshole, I made sure there was a plaque with my number. In case of emergencies.

“Give me the goddamn code now!”

“I don’t know?” I tsked, “I don’t just give my codes to anyone. That shit is personal.”

“You son of–” The line went quiet for a minute, and I heard her take a few deep breaths before sweetly singing, “Please?”

Oh, I liked that.

“Say please again.”

“Logan, come on,” she huffed out impatiently. “I’m gonna be late.”

I hummed in contemplation. “Okay, but this is a give and take situation, sweetheart. You have to do something for me.”

I could practically hear her teeth grinding as she hissed out, “What do you want?”

What did I want? That was a question I’d been asking myself since the day she stormed into my life. Whatever this shit was, it was beyond what my dick wanted, and oh my dick wanted. I needed to know this girl was thinking about me. Needed to be stuck in that pretty little head, like she was stuck in mine.

“I’m guessing naked pics are out of the question?” Her incoherent grumble was the only answer I got. “Alright, I’d rather see it in person anyway. So I guess I’ll settle for you canceling your fucking date.”

Now my teeth were grinding.

“You can’t be serious?”


While I was enjoying playing with her, this wasn’t part of the game. If Shelby went out with that prick, I’d kill him and string her ass up. Already had the whip picked out.

Parker grumbled out a groan. “We’re going to have to clean up a body, aren’t we?”

“Depends on his girl.” Micha leaned back on the wall and smirked.

Micha didn’t just know what I’d do, he understood it. He handed out so many beatdowns, everyone in this town with a dick was too afraid to look at Riley. He was probably hoping Shelby would go out with this prick. Since Riley’d stopped fighting him, he didn’t have as many assholes to fuck up. He was itching to let off some steam.

“What’s it gonna be, sweetheart?”

“Eat a dick, Logan!”

I chuckled. The girl had sass.

Micha tipped his chin at me. “What’d you do?”

I sauntered over and said, “Upgraded her locker,” While holding out my phone so he could listen to Shelby stomp around.

“Nice,” he nodded.

Though Parker was obviously leaning in to listen, he still muttered, “You guys are fucked up.”

Micha’s dark eyes rolled his way. “We’ll see if you’re saying that when it’s your turn.”

“I don’t know,” I said, giving Parker a scan. Other than his sexual preferences, he was a pretty normal guy. “He might try that wine and dine bullshit.”

“Better than this crap.”

I chuckled when he leaned in closer. “You seem to be enjoying it.”

He rolled his eyes and we all went back to listening.

Shelby huffed and a door opened, followed by the sound of wind blowing. She was outside now. When I heard the distinct sound of a car trunk opening and closing, I knew exactly what she was doing.

So predictable.

“Whatcha doing, Cherry Pie?”

“Getting my crowbar.”

That was a bad idea.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I warned her.

“Fuck you, Logan!”

I tsked. “Watch your mouth, Cherry Pie, there’s a time and place for language like that.”

“Eat shit, Logan. You don’t control my mouth.”

“You wanna bet?”

We heard Shelby walk back into the school halls as she growled, “The day you control what I say or do, is the day I kiss your feet.”

The corner of my mouth curled. Challenge accepted. Except it won’t be my feet she’d be kissing.

Micha sighed and shook his head. “Quit while you’re ahead, Shelby.”

“Fuck you, Micha,” Shelby barked out. “I’m telling Riley.”

That was a mistake. Micha might’ve been a bit on her side. Now she was fucked. He didn’t take well to threats. Especially ones that involved his girl.

“You better get her under control,” he growled at me.

“I will.”

“Fuck you guys.” Shelby jammed her crowbar in what I assumed was her locker.

A second later, shrieking alarms erupted from the other end. Micha, Parker and I all jumped back from the speaker, cringing at the sound. Fuck, that was louder than I’d thought. I could barely hear Shelby cursing.

“Well, I’ll let you go and deal with that!” I yelled into my phone and hung up.

“Fuck,” Micha grumbled, wriggling his finger in his ear. “A little fucking warning would’ve been nice.”

“No shit,” Parker agreed, shaking his head.

A couple of people in the hall were staring at us, but I just cocked a brow and they turned away.

“You figured out who she’s going out with yet?”

“No.” I rolled my eyes Micha’s way and smiled. “But I think our good friend Evan might have an idea.”

That brightened him up. Evan and his friend attacked Riley, and even though Micha taught him a lesson–a couple times if you include the hospital visits–he wouldn’t argue teaching him another one. Evan was lucky he was still alive. I’d have slit his fucking throat. Almost did. Riley may be a pain in the ass, but she was still my sister.

“Well,” Micha looked at me, “Maybe we should pay him a visit?”

“My thoughts exactly,” I said, slapping my hand on his shoulder.