Under Sean’s Protection by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Five

Sean was pacing the halls at the alpha’s mansion like a caged animal.

He tried visiting Mrs. Hyam and Michael, but the sight of Kyle’s family only made him miss his beloved even more. He didn’t know what to say when Kyle’s mom asked about George and where Kyle was – there was no way he could lie to her, but the thought of explaining the morning’s events paralyzed his voice box. It didn’t help that from the moment he’d left the Hyam house his whole body ached for Kyle, his wolf determined that they go back for him.

It had only been a few hours. Sean risked a glance at the clock. It’d barely moved from when he’d looked at it last. Dinner is fucking hours away, damn it. Why did I agree? Oh yeah, because Ranger mated an alpha and we all agreed to be part of his pack.

“Sean, try to relax,” Aiden said calmly. “You’re going to wear the carpet out, and I’ve only just replaced it.”

That’s true. Apparently, the delightful alpha mate killed some of Aiden’s brothers back before he found out he was supposed to be the alpha.

“Aren’t you feeling edgy with Ranger in town?” Sean swung around to pace again. “I won’t be still until I’m back with Kyle. He’s unclaimed, young, and vulnerable and I left him there with his asshole dad. You heard the way George talked about him.”

“Ranger is there with him,” Aiden replied, “as well as Newton. You’ve got the best mind and muscle watching over him. Nothing will go wrong.”

“We should have bit into each other when we had the chance,” Sean said. “Then this whole hassle with George could’ve been avoided. Being a gentleman didn’t do me much good.”

“Shoulda, coulda, woulda. You did the right thing. Kyle had been through a rough time, and he didn’t need you pouncing on him the moment you saw him. Trust your instincts.”

“I am, and my instincts are telling me that there’s more to all this council bullshit than we’re being told, and I’m afraid Kyle’s gonna get caught in the middle of it all.”

“Not on Ranger’s watch he won’t.”

Just that moment, Sean’s phone rang.

“Kyle?” He said without looking at the caller ID.

“No, it’s me,” Ranger’s voice calmly spoke. “How fast can you get here?”

“Shit. Why? What’s happened? Where’s Kyle?”

“He’s here. Everything’s OK. Got a surprise for you, my friend. One I think you’re gonna like. Get here quick, though.”

Sean was out the door and on his bike before Aiden could ask what was happening.


Kyle watched Ranger come back into the house after stepping out to make a phone call. That was after Ranger had gotten pretty chummy with one of the enforcers. Guess they knew each other from before. Newton and the lawyers from the council along with two of the four enforcers had gone back to his office to “discuss things”. I don’t even know why I’m supposed to be here. I wonder what Sean’s doing.

Kyle’s dad sat quietly in his chair, reading the paper. After all the drama of the day, it was strange to see him sit so calm and cool, like none of the dramas had even happened. It was almost like having his old dad around, the way Kyle remembered when he was a kid. His dad would come home after working as an enforcer for the first alpha Kyle remembered growing up. Kyle and Michael only knew her as Aunty at the time. She was the new alpha’s grandmother. He didn’t remember much, but Kyle remembered how nice she was to him.

He looked at his dad sitting calmly, and felt the urge to climb into his lap, just like he used to, and ask him to read the funnies from the paper to him. But that father was long gone. Kyle didn’t even know who the stranger was that looked like his dad but didn’t act like him. At all.

“Good news,” Ranger said quietly to Kyle. “There’s a surprise for you.”

“I’ve had enough surprises for one day, I think,” Kyle said quietly.

“I think you’ll like this one,” Ranger said.

“Hey?” His father growled as he tilted his paper down. “What surprise is this? I never authorized a surprise.”

“Don’t worry, old man. You get one too.”

The two enforcers approached George’s chair, one of them with a cardigan from George’s wardrobe.

“What’s all this?”

“A field trip, pops,” one of the enforcers said as he unlocked the chair’s wheels.

“Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a beautiful afternoon, Mr. Hyam. We thought you’d enjoy a nice tour around town. Maybe grab a beer from the pub.”

“I — I haven’t been out of the house in…” George started to say. “I can’t remember when.”

“Like I said. A surprise,” Ranger smiled as he held the door open.

“Two hours”, the enforcer said, “not a second longer.”

Ranger patted him on the back as George was wheeled out of the house.

“Wait a minute,” George called, “what about my son? He’s supposed to stay in my sight at all times.”

Ranger closed the door behind him. “His actual demand was that you stay here, in this house, at all times. Which you are. For the next couple of hours, anyway.”

Kyle tilted his head in confusion. “Thanks, Ranger. It’s nice to have the house to myself for… a couple of hours… I guess… sorta... uh, thank you.”

“Who said anything about having it to yourself?” Ranger said and smiled.

As if on cue, like there was a grand conductor orchestrating everything, Kyle heard the familiar sound of a motorbike thundering to a stop outside the door. His prick twitched like a live wire when he caught the scent of his fated mate. His knees went to jelly for a split second, and Kyle hoped Ranger didn’t see him wobble as his knees went weak.

Sean burst through the front door like a fireman running into a burning building. He stood in the frame, backlit from the bright sun outside, taking up every inch of the opening.

Kyle’s knees filled with liquid steel now, and he was riveted to the floor momentarily. Sean’s well-trimmed beard, his bottomless brown eyes, a chest you could launch a turbo jet off of, and the tightest jeans a man could ask for, bulging at the crotch. Suddenly the air was heavy with tension, arousal, and anticipation.

Kyle didn’t know whether to cry, come, or crumble to the floor, so he stood there, vibrating like a weed-eater waiting for his man to take him in his arms. He no sooner thought the thought when he felt Sean’s crushing embrace lift him off the floor and hungry teeth sink into his neck.

“Ah!” Kyle cried, the mix of pain and pleasure overwhelming him. His cock spurted – I didn’t even know I was fully hard – and the relief, as if all the puzzle pieces of his brain fell into place, was intense.

Holy shit, what a rush! Kyle looked up, panting hard.

Sean pulled the neck of his own t-shirt down with trembling hands, and lifted his chin, exposing his own flesh to Kyle. There was a hint of blood on his lips, Kyle noticed. Fuck, that’s mine.

“I made the mistake of waiting too long to do that before,” Sean growled. “A mistake that won’t happen again. I want you to bite me.”

Kyle was about to lunge in – his wolf pushing forward before he had a chance to overthink things - when Ranger’s hand held him back.

“Sorry to interrupt, you two,” Ranger said, “but I need to tell you the deal here.”

Sean growled, his wolf flashing in his eyes.

“I’ll be quick,” Ranger said. “You’ve got two hours. I know one of the enforcers from way back. He’s agreed to take Kyle’s father away for exactly that time. No record of it and no red tape. Just a walk to the pub and back again. Sean, you have to be gone by the time they get back, do you hear me?”

But Sean didn’t seem to be paying attention. Not that Kyle could blame him. With hormones still rushing around his body, Kyle just wanted his mate bitten, preferably naked. He could feel the lump Sean was carrying in his crotch and he wanted it – fuck, how he wanted it.

“Sean!” Ranger’s voiced cut through it all, and Sean snapped out of his trance.

“I’m going to be back to get you in one hour fifty. Do what you need to do. Set an alarm on your phone or find an hourglass to turn over, I don’t give a shit, but be ready to go. I don’t want to walk in and find the two of you still making the two-backed beast, alright? You can’t be here when they get back. Do you understand?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Sean tossed Ranger his keys. “I understand. Take my bike. See you in a couple hours.”

“Less than…” Ranger started to say, but Kyle didn’t hear anything else. Sean had picked him up and was already walking towards the stairs.

How will he know what room is mine? But Kyle shouldn’t have worried. Sean kicked the right door open, throwing him on the single bed in the room he shared with his brother. Kyle was momentarily embarrassed by the t-shirts and dirty jeans, not to mention his boots, strewn across the floor.

But then he caught the look in Sean’s eyes as the man, his mate, ripped his t-shirt straight down the middle. Discarding the rags, he reached for his belt buckle and Kyle swallowed a whimper.

Neither of them heard Ranger ride off on the bike.


The house was quiet, the only sounds the ticking of a clock in the kitchen downstairs, the blood rushing around his body, and Kyle’s short sharp breaths.

“You okay?” Sean had left his jeans on for now, leaning over the bed, caressing the side of Kyle’s face.

“I will be,” Kyle said, “just as soon as I get you out of those jeans.”

He was trying to undo Sean’s belt buckle from the front but wasn’t getting anywhere and it was clearly frustrating him.

“Shit, you think I’d be better at undoing pants. I’ve been taking off my own every day of my life.”

“That’s just it,” Sean said suppressing his chuckle, “you’re doing it from the opposite angle to what you’re used to. Stand behind me.”

He literally picked Kyle up and dropped him on the floor behind him, and then rammed him close into his back. He could feel Kyle’s hard cock against the back of one of his thighs.

“Oh wow.” Kyle’s voice had a breathless quality, but he reached around and got Sean’s belt buckle and zipper undone in seconds. “Oh wow,” he said again as Sean felt a hand, not his own, caressing his cock still trapped in his jeans. He kicked off his boots in anticipation.

“Slow down a little,” Sean groaned, wishing he’d thought ahead just a bit. “We’ve got a bit of time. I want to savor every drop of this.”

He turned and gently cradled Kyle’s face, eager for another taste of luscious lips that were crafted with him in mind. When he finally had to breathe, Sean nibbled across Kyle’s jaw, before ducking his head to lick over the bite wound that was still healing. Kyle did a whole-body shiver.

Hmm, hot spot. Sean kept going down, pushing Kyle’s shirt up until he heard Kyle take it off and drop it. Erect nipples called for his attention, and he licked them, sucking them into his mouth and tonguing them until Kyle was crying out. Meanwhile, Sean’s hands were busy, stripping Kyle out of his pants, tapping him on the thighs so Kyle would step out of them. His mate was, thankfully, bare foot.

“How many times I used to dream about something like this happening,” Kyle panted. “Right in this very room. I mean… I didn’t dream about it happening in this room, that’s not what I meant. I didn’t know where it would happen. I meant I would dream in this room. So many… times… about… this… oh my god!”

Sean had Kyle’s cock in his mouth, the taste of his mate’s previous orgasm covering his tongue. He felt Kyle’s hands pressing into his head as he sucked and licked, cleaning, arousing, distracting all in one go. He moved his own fingers around Kyle’s ass cheeks, probing, gently poking, until he found his hole and lightly rubbed his index pad up and down Kyle’s anus.

“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Kyle cried and suddenly, to the surprise of them both, a second batch of warm, salty come pulsed into Sean’s mouth.

“That was,” Kyle started to say, “that was… so amazing…”

Sean made sure he’d gotten all of Kyle’s come cleaned up and then pulled off the still hard cock with a pop. The joys of youth. “We’re not done yet, my sweet. There’s still one hour forty-five on the clock. I plan to use every nanosecond of it.”

“Gods almighty!” Kyle sighed. “I’ve already come twice. If that was only the first five minutes, I can’t wait to see - what are you looking for?”

“Lube,” Sean said as he rifled through the drawers beside the bed. “I would have brought some, but I left in a bit of a hurry as you can expect. Any in here?”

Sean began opening drawers on the dresser across the room.

“Uh, I don’t think so,” Kyle said with a giggle. “That’s my brother’s dresser.”

“Oh,” Sean said, his hard-on bobbing as he moved away from the dresser.

“I can check the bathroom, but I don’t think we have any in the house.” Kyle bit his bottom lip.

“Oil? In the kitchen?” Sean suggested. Cock and wolf were making their demands felt and he was anxious to get back into things as quickly as possible.

“I’ll find some,” Kyle said as he leapt across to the door and took the stairs four at a time, still bare assed naked.

“What kind?” Sean heard him call from downstairs.

“Olive oil, if you got it.” Sean replied, and then added with a mischievous smile. “Extra virgin.”


Kyle stood in the kitchen with the plastic bottle of oil. Should I bring the whole bottle? He thought. Measure it out?

“Whatever you do, don’t ask Sean, just get back there before another surprise comes hurtling down from outer space,” he muttered. Grabbing hold of the bottle, he took the time to grab a roll of paper towels as well before hurrying back upstairs.

He was greeted with a beautiful sight - Sean lying fully naked on his back, slowly palming his cock. Just looking at him… hell, Kyle’s cock still hadn’t fully gone down from the last two orgasms he’d had. Setting the bottle and roll of towels on the bedside cabinet, he climbed on the bed, falling into Sean’s waiting arms, kissing him clumsily.

I need… I need… I need to taste. Kyle broke away from Sean’s lips, burying his nose in the concentrated scent in the crook of Sean’s neck before kissing his way down Sean’s broad chest. There was so much to explore, but Kyle was conscious of the passing time, the dangers that still lurked outside the house and he moved faster than he’d like to, finding Sean’s cock and sucking the wide head of it into his mouth.

He’s huge, Kyle thought as he cupped his hand around the bottom end of Sean’s shaft, sectioning off the strong length so he wouldn’t choke and, gods forbid, gag on his first cock sucking adventure. Sean groaned as Kyle sucked on the head again, and Kyle felt as though he was king of the world.

Hands were on him, turning him around. Kyle didn’t want to lose his mouthful, and Sean must’ve realized that. But the tongue he felt on his ass made him jump. Words, praise, tumbled in his head, but they couldn’t get out because his mouth was full but Kyle wiggled his hips, showing his appreciation. 

Time lost all meaning. Sean’s scent was so concentrated around his crotch area from wearing jeans, and Kyle wished he could bury his nose into his mate’s skin. But he didn’t think gagging was attractive – maybe Sean would like it – but they were still new to each other, and Kyle wasn’t sure enough to try. We’ve got a whole future together.

The pop of the oil bottle cap was loud and sudden. Kyle couldn’t help but tense. He could feel Sean’s hot breath so close to his ass, and when a finger brushed against his hole, he did his best not to tense. Sean didn’t push – and Kyle knew he could trust him – but sharing a room with Michael hadn’t given him many opportunities to play ‘down there’. Pulling his mouth off Sean’s cock, Kyle concentrated on breathing out long and slow. The last thing he wanted to do was bite his older mate’s dick.

One finger. Not so bad.

Two fingers. Kyle started blowing out, not just exhaling.

Three fingers. Kyle cringed, his toes curling. My gods, he’s splitting me open. But then Sean’s fingers brushed across something in his insides and Kyle could feel it through his whole body. He wanted to come – no, he needed to.

“Now, Sean. Please.”

He was lifted – Sean was so strong – settled on his hands and knees, his butt in the air. Kyle lowered his head. He felt vulnerable and just a bit shy, but when he felt his mate cover his back and the blunt cockhead pushing against his butt, Kyle squeezed his eyes closed and tried to keep breathing.

It won’t fit… he’s too big… Kyle rested his forehead on his hands. He felt full – a weird kind of full. It didn’t hurt, but… “Damn…” Sean had brushed that spot again with his cock this time.

“You’re truly mine,” Sean whispered. “Made for me.”

Kyle wasn’t a hundred percent sure. Sean was massive in all aspects and Kyle wasn’t sure he could take a full breath, but then his mate started moving, gently at first, and Kyle focused on the rhythm and the way Sean was making him feel.

It was kinda cool. Kyle felt special, cared for, possessed by the sexy alpha whose thrusts were speeding up with each push in. Their scents intensified, blending, merging with the smell of sex and oil. Kyle’s cock, which had gone down while Sean was penetrating him, had perked right back up, and Kyle reached underneath himself, trying to give his cock some friction.

Sean must have noticed. He pulled out – ouch – and Kyle was flipped over so he was resting on his back, his legs flung wide. “I’m going to need you to bite me,” was Sean’s only explanation as he slid his cock back inside.

So much better. Instead of staring at the coverlets and trying to breathe, Kyle’s vision was filled with his mate. Strong, sexy, so damn confident, thrusting into Kyle’s body like he owned it. And he does. Sean’s sex face wasn’t pretty – his mouth curled in a snarl, his fangs dropping below his lips. Eyes so dark, flashing wolf, and nostrils flared. But Kyle fell in love in that moment – his mate the personification of everything he’d dreamed about alone in his bed at night.

As Sean moved even faster, the air around them electrified. Kyle grabbed his cock, stroking it furiously as his fangs dropped. “Gonna come… gonna come… gonna come…” Sean was chanting in time with his thrusts. “Fuck, coming!”

Kyle pushed himself up, reaching for Sean’s shoulder with one hand, the other still on his cock. Sean anticipated him, scrunching down, his head tilted to expose his neck. Kyle struck – more sure of himself this time – his cock pulsing with his own orgasm although barely any spunk was left to come out.

He saw it, Sean’s wolf, greeting his own more timid animal side, curling around him and licking him in spirit. Kyle pulled his teeth out of Sean’s skin, licking over them before licking over the scar Sean would wear forever.

“You’re really mine.” Kyle flopped back on the covers, his heart racing, his heart overflowing.

“And you’re mine,” Sean agreed as he laid over him, nuzzling his neck and hair. It was perfect – the moment of their claiming and Kyle knew he’d remember it for the rest of his life, but both men tensed as they heard the angry sound of Sean’s bike pull up outside the house.

“Guess it’s time to get dressed,” Kyle said sadly. He could stay in bed with Sean forever.

“We’ll be doing this again, my precious,” Sean punctuated his words with kisses. “Let’s get this council shit out of the way and go home.”

Kyle waited until Sean pulled up and then hurried to the bathroom. The calm he’d felt from being claimed was gone and his stomach was a mass of nerves. Why do I think it won’t be as easy as Sean makes it out to be?