Under Sean’s Protection by Lisa Oliver

Chapter Four

Outside the Hyam household, trying to catch his breath and piece together what was happening, Kyle shivered against the shock of his father’s words and the early morning chill. Sean’s arms around him were the only thing stopping him from having a full meltdown. But as the minutes passed, and Sean’s scent worked its magic on Kyle’s shattered soul, he started to pay attention to his surroundings. There were a lot of faces in the yard including Alpha Aiden.

The alpha himself is standing in my front yard. Kyle tilted his neck when Aiden looked at him, but the alpha just smiled and Kyle looked at the others, most of whom he recognized.

But there was one new face – someone he didn’t know. The man stood out, firstly because he was one of the smaller men in the yard. No tattoo on his face, and the smart pants and button-up shirt suggested the man wasn’t a fighter. He wore glasses and with his short haircut, Kyle thought he looked more like a banker than one of the alpha’s inner circle.

“Right,” the stranger said into the phone as Kyle watched and waited for something that would set everything right. “Okay. I’ll talk to him now. How long until you get here?”

“Who is that?” Kyle asked Sean, pointing his nose towards the one on the phone.

“His name’s Newton,” Sean answered as he wrapped his arms tighter. “He’s Cam’s brother and here to help.”

“Help?” Kyle said. “He looks too small to be of any help with someone like my dad.”

“Just you watch, babe,” Sean said. “Despite the fact he’s a lawyer, he might be the smartest person I’ve ever met. Next to you, of course.”

Kyle knew he was smart, yes, but likely nowhere near as intelligent as this Newton fellow appeared to be. But he liked being made to feel first in everything. I guess that’s what lovers do for each other, he thought. Putting their needs first, although Kyle wished with everything he was that Sean hadn’t put his needs first, and just claimed him like he clearly wanted to.

But he didn’t because of what my dad did to me, my mom and Michael. Kyle looked back into the window of his former home. His father was still there, with Shadow beside him making sure that nobody acted irrationally and fucked things up even worse than they already were. Despite everything, Kyle still needed assurance that his dad was safe. How fucked up is that? The man’s trying to keep me from my mate, and I still care that he’s all right.

“Sorry about the long call,” Newton said as he walked up to Kyle. “I’m Newton, legal counsel for the Northern Territory.”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Newton,” Kyle said as politely as he could.

“Just Newton, kid. I’ve been on the phone to the council, trying to get to the bottom of your father’s claim.”

“And?” Sean asked, and Kyle wondered if he was as impatient as he felt, wanting to get back to Sean’s room so they could be alone.

“George’s story checks out,” Newton said. “It’s an old law that half the council was unaware of. Apparently, it hasn’t been challenged before, because of the non-interfering in mating laws, so nobody thought to mention it for a thousand fucking years.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. It’s fucking medieval is what it is,” Sean said. “Children aren’t chattels anymore and neither are women. How the hell can a stupid law like that possibly still stand?”

“Because we live in a different age than when it was written,” Aiden said, “and nobody thought it needed changing. They’d forgotten about it.”

Kyle’s skin tingled uncontrollably whenever the alpha spoke and it was like his inner wolf, that barely made its presence known, was wanting to way his tail. It’s like having the world’s biggest rock star on your front lawn talking about your troubles as if they were his own. Mind blowing.

“It certainly explains why my old man wanted me living back under his roof when he sent me to that training camp,” Aiden continued. “Extra security in the event you didn’t kill me. Under that law, my father still ruled me too.”

“Your dad didn’t expect you to get fucked by the assassin either. That hadn’t factored into the old alpha’s plans.” Marcus chuckled, then noticing the disapproving look from Ranger, added further: “I meant, consummate your bond with your one and only true mate. He wouldn’t have considered that when he sent you off to get killed.”

He knew they weren’t, but it felt to Kyle like these men were all brothers and part of one big, handsome, sexy family.

“Most fathers would be thrilled to have their sons find their mates and leaving one home for another,” Newton said, “but we’re not dealing with most fathers here.”

“Is there a loophole? Anything at all we can do?” Aiden asked.

“A small one, tighter than a… well, never mind. I’m about to give the opening argument of a lifetime,” Newton breathed onto his glasses and wiped them with a soft micro-fiber cloth he tucked back into the pocket of his shirt when he was finished.

Kyle tried to stand straighter when Newton focused his attention on him.

“Whatever he says to you, to either of you, promise me you’ll stay quiet and let me do the talking. We have one chance at this, and he’ll want to try and provoke you, especially you, Sean. Don’t let him.”

“Not a problem,” Sean said with enough confidence for both of them. Kyle was still confused, his mind running in a dozen different directions at once. He couldn’t promise how he’d react because he didn’t have a clue what Newton might say, or his dad for that matter. But Newton and the others were waiting for him, so he promised he’d stay quiet.

As he was about to step inside the house again, Kyle caught Ranger leaning into the alpha with a question Kyle could barely hear.

“How long until who gets here?” Ranger whispered.

Kyle could tell that the alpha’s ominous shrug did not sit well with his mate. 


If there was one thing Sean hated more than asshole fathers, it was lawyers.

Aside from Newton, he’d never met a decent one. There was one years ago, a contract of Sean’s, who was bottom of the barrel despicable. Treated everyone around him like absolute trash. One of the few kill orders he was almost happy to carry out. In Sean’s experience, most lawyers were bullshit artists and snake oil salesman who charged a fortune just to open their mouths.

Sean preferred action over dialogue, but since ripping the old bastard’s arm off and beating him senseless with it was out of the question, he had to trust Newton wouldn’t let him down. Thank the Fates, Cam’s brother was the smart one, because without that family connection Sean would’ve gone with his instincts, beaten up Kyle’s father and then run with his mate so that no one could find them – at least until after Kyle was wearing his bite mark on his slender neck.

Sean watched as the performance – something else lawyers were good at - began.

“You must be Mr. Hyam,” Newton said firmly and with confidence. “I’m Newton, the legal representative for Alpha Aiden who asked me here today to help in any way I can so we can resolve this issue in a calm and peaceful manner that is of benefit to all interested parties.”

“I don’t need no resolution. I want you to use your legal authority and get these degenerates off my property,” George said. “If you don’t, it’s your ass I’ll be suing.”

Sean observed Newton take a step towards the old man in the chair. He wasn’t a big presence, especially compared to the other assassins in the room, but Sean had to hand it to him: the guy knew how to intimidate just by staring. It worked, as Sean watched him hold his gaze until George broke eye contact.

“I’ve looked into your claim of guardianship over Kyle, and you are technically correct in stating that he is legally under your protection given the current circumstances.”

“What the fuck?” Sean said. Luckily, it was the quietest of whispers, and nobody else heard it except Kyle, who was still wrapped in his arms. He heard Kyle stifle a cry and pressed down on his shoulders, trying to convey how much he wanted to keep his mate safe.

“Damn rights!” George nodded in arrogance, then shot a look at Ranger. “Told you I knew my rights, prick.”

Ranger didn’t bat an eye. Sean had always admired Ranger’s cool, calm control.

“I’ve got to hand it to you, Mr. Hyam,” Newton immediately interjected before Ranger could respond. George was clearly using diversion tactics, wanting to throw Newton off his game.

Newton’s smart, Sean admitted to himself as the lawyer continued.

“You know council law better than most of the council members themselves. I’m impressed.”

“They’re idiots. I’m not.”

“Clearly,” Newton said. “Have you studied law, Mr. Hyam?”

“Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of time to read,” he said. “Can’t do a helluva lot else when your ass is glued to a chair.”

“Yes, well, my hat’s off to you. Sir.”

The ‘sir’ was a bit too much for Sean, and he stifled a snort. He didn’t stifle it enough, apparently, as Newton tilted his head in subtle warning. Sean could smell the warning before he saw it and bit his tongue hard.

“Finally,” George slapped his thighs in triumph, “a bit of respect.”

“Credit where credit is due,” Newton said. “It was well earned.”

“Why the fuck is he kissing my dad’s ass?” Kyle silently asked with his eyes. Sean flashed a ‘who knows?’ look back.

“You must be pretty familiar with council legislation,” Newton continued, “including the older laws that many don’t know.”

“I’ve read them all, many times over,” George confirmed smugly. “I know my way around.”

“So, you know that your rights as guardian are instantly forfeit upon committing a crime,” Newton said.

“Correction, counsellor,” George replied. “Upon conviction of a crime. Violations must be proven in a paranormal court.”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Newton said, with a grimace, “you’re right. My mistake.”

Sean wondered what the fuck Newton was up to. He looked to Cam for some kind of explanation, but Cam was listening and watching his brother far too intently to pay attention to Sean.

“You’ve much to learn, you little shit” George said to Newton, getting cocky. Sean watched the lawyer and suddenly realized that George getting cocky was all part of Newton’s plan.

“Well, they don’t teach us everything in law school,” Newton said.

“I reckon they don’t teach you fuck all,” George countered. “Life is your teacher, and you just ain’t had enough of it yet.”

“You’re absolutely right on that account, sir,” Newton said. “I’ve a lot to learn.”

Enough of the ‘sirs’ already. Aware of his tactic now, Sean still could hardly bear the pseudo respect that Newton was showing.

“Quit hanging around with this lot of queers,” George answered, “and you might get to be as smart as me someday.”

Another snort. This time, Kyle looked up with a pained expression, which made Sean feel a tinge of guilt. He’s an asshole, but he’s still your mate’s father, he told himself. Behave!

“With all due respect, Mr. Hyam,” Newton continued, “even one as studied as yourself could not have caught everything in council law. Some of the cases and precedents are pretty obscure and far reaching.”

“I know it through and through,” George exclaimed, pounding his fist on the table causing all the dressing and bandages to jump.



Newton nodded, then smiled, and Sean saw Cam’s face light up. Of course. They’re brothers. Cam’s reaction meant that his brother had gotten what he wanted. Sean knew that look, though he had no brothers of his own. But he was pretty fluent in silent communication, not to mention the fact that he could smell victory in the air.

“Then you’re fully aware, Mr. Hyam, that violence against an equal is considered a crime under council law.”

George raised his hands in the air to show he had nothing to hide. “Who’s been violent against their mate? Certainly not me.”

“Well, not that anyone can prove, of course,” Newton said, “unless your wife files an official complaint against you for the bruises on her face.”

“Which she never will,” George nodded.

“Again, you’re right,” Newton acknowledged. “Sad as that is.”

“Save me your pity party.” George didn’t seem to like being reminded of what he’d done. “That whore knows her place.”

This time it was Kyle who reacted, jumping forward, his fists clenched. Sean caught the look that Newton shot his way and caught him before Kyle could do any damage.

“I never mentioned the violence against your mate,” Newton continued calmly getting George to focus on him again. “My exact words were violence against an equal.”

“Who?” George was taken aback. Sean watched him point his grimy finger at Kyle. “That little poof over there? He’s hardly my equal. You and I both know I’m well within my rights to discipline him as I see fit when he’s under my protection. Even if it’s a wallop across the head from time to time. Should’ve done it more and beaten the queerness out of him entirely.”

“Watch it, old man,” Sean growled. “You’re not my equal either, and I’m about two seconds away from ripping you in half right here right now.”

“Shut up!” Newton hissed at Sean, which was a ballsy move. Sean could snap the lawyer in two like a breadstick if he felt inclined and it seemed Newton realized it too. He swallowed nervously and added ‘please’ in a whisper. Sean controlled himself with effort as Newton turned back to George.

“What greater equal is there than yourself?” Newton asked, although Sean noticed the lawyer was keeping an eye on him too. “Suicide is illegal according to council law, which you’ve already professed to everyone here that you know, and I quote, ‘thoroughly’.”

“But clearly I didn’t succeed, or I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to your skinny ass.” George laughed, “Therefore, no crime has been committed.”

Sean found himself agreeing with the old man, against his better judgement. Can someone be arrested for trying to kill themselves? If there was a law against it, Sean figured it was another one no one knew about. There’re laws against murder too, but it’s the council who sends us out on our jobs, an irony not lost on Sean. He’d never had to justify his actions to a lawyer once.

Sean’s thoughts were interrupted as he observed Newton calmly walk towards Mr. Hyam, and pick up the bandages on the table, ensuring everyone present saw the evidence.

“Attempted suicides are also considered illegal,” Newton added, “it’s just a matter of proving intent. Witness testimony, the broken glass which didn’t happen by accident given how difficult it would’ve been for you to reach, the copious amount of blood you lost, and your comments to Shadow when he took the glass from your hand should all go to prove that your intent to take your life was deadly serious. I’m sure you’ll agree, with your extensive knowledge about legal matters, I have a pretty solid case, don’t you agree?”

George’s mouth snapped shut and he glowered.


Kyle watched Cam embrace Newton and thought of Michael for the first time in what felt like hours. He was so glad neither his mom nor his brother had seen or heard what his father had done – from slashing his wrists, to showing such outright hatred for the family who’d tried to care for him since his accident. This would’ve broken Mom’s heart.

“You did well, brother,” Cam said. “But damnit you like to cut it close. I wasn’t sure if Sean was going to take the old man’s head off or yours.”

“I felt the same way for a bit there,” Newton confessed, “but we lawyers have to risk our own necks sometimes in order to save someone else’s.”

Everyone was outside the house again, except Kyle’s father who remained inside under the supervision of Shadow. Kyle knew he could trust his new friend. He’d made Shadow and Sean promise no one would harm his dad. Sean gave his word, even when Kyle insisted on “ever hurting” the man who raised him.

It wasn’t all celebrations though. Kyle sensed that Ranger was uneasy, despite the lack of expression on his hard face. He noticed the alpha’s mate constantly watching the road, as if waiting for the arrival of mystery guests and that state of alert made Kyle edgy, although Sean didn’t seem to notice. So, when Ranger approached Newton, Kyle listened intently.

“You were great in there,” Ranger said, “but I must admit I’m not thrilled with the idea of council members showing up so soon. You know damn well they’re looking for any excuse to come into this territory and we’ve been doing our damn best to keep them out. But that’s who’s coming, isn’t it?”

Kyle watched as Newton swallowed hard and nodded.

“Yeah,” Newton said. “I’m sorry, Ranger. I had no choice.”

Kyle’s pulse quickened when he saw Ranger’s expression shift from calm to controlled chaos in a split second. “The enforcers aren’t ready for a confrontation at the pack house yet. You know this.”

“I’ll make sure they’ll only concern themselves with what’s happened here,” Newton assured him. “They’re only coming here because it’s not practical for Hyam to travel for a basic interview. If Hyam admits to intending to kill himself, then they’ll take him into custody and be responsible for transporting him. Kyle will be released from his care the moment that happens. If George does try to argue against the intent, then I’ll have to push for a trial, but that will give all of us more time.”

“How can there be no intent?” Kyle asked, as all eyes turned to him. He refused to feel embarrassed. He had exceptional hearing and it wasn’t as though the alpha mate and the lawyer were trying to hide their conversation. “My dad slit his wrist. That wasn’t faked.”

“It may have been a tactic to get you here,” Aiden said joining the group and slipping his arm around Ranger’s waist. “For that matter, he could’ve planned to get us all here and if that’s the case, it worked.”

“Either way,” Newton argued, “George took a huge fucking risk if he knows the law as well as he claims. He made us all believe he was harming himself, which goes a long way towards proof. But this situation could turn into a complicated shit pile if he tries to argue he was only pretending to harm himself for a chance to see his family.”

“A family he abused – another crime George seems to have forgotten about.” Ranger shook his head. “You were right in pushing him to admit he knew the law through and through, though as that may well be our saving grace. But something’s not right about all this. I just can’t put my finger on it, and I don’t like it.”

Kyle watched as Ranger turned to his fellow assassins. His power levels seemed to double, spreading out from him, demanding attention. Kyle’s eyes widened as all he wanted to do was fall to his knees.

“Sean, Marcus, and Levi get back to the house. The last thing we need is a showdown between you three and the council on the front lawn of a residential dwelling.”

Kyle clutched his mate’s jacket and held on for dear life. He was not expecting Ranger to say that. Isn’t the alpha mate supposed to protect all the pack members?

“Then Kyle comes with me,” Sean said. He was holding onto Kyle just as tight. “I’m not leaving his side.”

“Patience, my friend,” Ranger dropped his voice although it was still riddled with power. “I’ll stay here with Kyle. He has to be here because he’s a witness and he’s the one old man Hyam is trying to hold onto. You heard what Tron said, the council has no qualms with me since I’m mated to the alpha. I’ll personally guarantee Kyle’s safety.”

Kyle held his breath, waiting for his mate to respond. There was a part of him proud that Sean was prepared to go against the alpha mate for him, but years of being a dutiful pack member had him wanting Sean to agree, simply so there wasn’t any more trouble. I don’t want my mate getting into trouble because of me.

“It’s not a request, Sean,” Ranger said. “I’ll have him back to you in time for dinner.”

“That’s fucking hours away.” Sean was fuming, Kyle could feel it. Knowing he had to do what was right, Kyle wrapped his shaking arms around Sean’s neck, and buried his face into his chest. A huge part of him wanted to say, “please don’t go” or “take me with you”, but he didn’t know what the council might want with his mate – only that Ranger was really edgy about it.

Dragging up as much strength as he could muster, Kyle said, “I’ll be okay. Please don’t worry. I’ve survived this long with my dad without you with me; another few hours won’t make any difference.”

Sean cleared his throat and Kyle double blinked. Is that tears in his eyes? But it was gone the moment Sean looked at Ranger. “Dinner’s at six. Don’t be a minute late.”

Ranger nodded.

Untangling himself from Sean’s arms was the hardest thing Kyle had ever done. He watched Levi clap Sean on the back with a brotherly gesture and lead him to his bike. Marcus and Shadow, who had just come out of the house, followed.

“You’re going to be okay here?” Aiden asked Ranger. “I could stay, add a bit of alpha weight to the situation.”

“It won’t be necessary,” Ranger assured his mate, giving him a kiss hot enough to cause Kyle to look away. But he heard Ranger say clearly, “We’ll both be back tonight.”

Kyle watched as the alpha and a few men who had to be enforcers, climb into the SUVs parked on the side of the road. He allowed himself one final look at Sean as he straddled his bike and kicked the engine into a roar. Kyle puckered his lips into a kiss and tilted his head up. Sean gave a tight smile and nod, and then was off.

By the time the dust was cleared of their exit, Kyle saw two cars, shiny and black with council plates, pull up from the opposite direction and park on the front lawn.

He looked to Ranger as they both observed two suited men emerge from the sedans, each flanked with a pair of enforcers.

More lawyers? Kyle thought, when one of the men spoke.

“Which one of you is Newton?”