The Inmates Obsession by Alexa Riley

Chapter Seven


The whole way back home I wonder if anyone can smell Kai on me. If they do, they don’t say a word. I can still feel him against me, and It’s hard to differentiate between his cum and my own desire. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from whimpering as I recall every detail.

Never in a million years did I think that was going to happen today. I was sure he’d come out and ask what the heck I wanted. He might have even thought I requested to see him because it could’ve been something related to my dad.

Those thoughts all vanished when I walked through the door and his eyes locked on me. There was hunger and need there, and only I could feed him. There was a burning need inside of me to let him feast on me. He didn’t treat me like a little girl like everyone else does, and it only confirmed to me that he felt this pull too. I guess I’m not completely crazy.

He took my hand and pleasured himself, and then he marked me. It was primal and gave me the feeling that he’s claimed me. There’s no going back from this point. I’m his, and I don’t care what anyone else says.

The drive back home is longer than normal, and I know it’s because I’m already on edge. My clit throbs with need, and every time the SUV hits a bump I have to fight not to moan. All I want to do is put my hand between my legs and rub.

It wouldn't take much, because I’m already so close. Even my breasts ache, with my nipples tight against my dress. I’m not sure they will ever be the same. Hell, I’m not sure If I’ll ever be the same either. Something inside of me shifted after Kai woke up a hunger inside of me. For so long I’ve been my dad’s little girl, but now I want to be Kai’s.

“You're quiet,” Marco says from beside me. I feel his eyes burning into me as I keep staring forward, knowing I have an expressive face.

“I’m tired, I guess.” I shrug my shoulder.

“Anything else you need to tell me?”

I shake my head no, and quiet falls over everyone until we make it back to the house. The second I’m let out of the vehicle I take off for my bedroom. I creep in, not wanting to wake Tiger, and go straight for my bathroom. I shut the door quietly behind me before I pull my dress off.

When I look at the mirror on the wall in front of me I can see just how wild my eyes are. I lean against the door, wearing only my shoes and panties. I don’t want to take them off because I can still see Kai’s release on them. It’s even on my thighs. The smell of him is intoxicating as I slip my finger into my panties. I close my eyes to picture Kai, and it’s not my fingers now, but his. I stroke myself, desperately trying to find some kind of release. In all the times I’ve tried this I’ve never been so close.

My mind flashes to Kai aggressively pulling my legs apart under the table. It would be almost painful how wide I’d have to stretch to make room for him. He would demand I give him what belongs to him, and his mouth would consume me until there was nothing left.

“Kai!” I cry out as the orgasm hits me. The pleasure doesn't last as long as I’d like it to, but it takes the ache away. Afterwards I slowly open my eyes, and this time, another ache starts to form in the center of my chest.

I wipe at my cheeks, not realizing I was crying when I hear soft meows coming from the other side of the door. I grab my robe and wash my hands before opening the door and scooping Tiger up into my arms.

“Hi baby. Did you miss your mommy?” I give his little head kisses.

I pause for a moment, wondering if there's the possibility of getting pregnant from what Kai and I did today.

“No.” I shake my head at myself. A pregnant virgin? Yeah, right.

For some reason that only makes my chest ache more as the buzz of excitement starts to fade away and I crash back down to reality. I crawl into bed, snuggling Tiger close to me and closing my eyes.

I jerk awake when a knock sounds at the door, and I’m surprised I fell asleep. I sit up, scared it was all a dream and pull the blanket back. When I look down at myself, I can see I'm still in the same panties and I can smell Kai on me. A knock on the door sounds again.

“Sienna. Honey, are you okay?” Margaret calls out before she opens the door to my room. I spot one of the guards standing a few feet back from her.

“Sorry. I think I passed out.”

“I figured, but you have a guest downstairs that’s here to see you.” I stare at her in confusion, not sure if I heard her right.

“A guest?” I repeat.

“Yes, honey,” she laughs. “A handsome young man by the name of Carlos.”

I groan, falling back on the bed. This is not happening.

Margaret comes to the side of the bed and grabs my hand. “Let's not be rude. Carlos is from a good family. We can at least be friendly.”

“Fine,” I huff and roll out of bed.

“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem different.” Margaret runs her eyes over me.

“I’m fine. Totally the same,” I answer quickly as I dart into my closet to hide from her and her witchy ways of reading people. She is also good at pulling information out of people, so I need to be careful.

I grab a pair of wide-leg slacks and put them on, pairing them with a matching sweater. Then I quickly braid my hair without even checking myself over because I don’t care. It would be for the best if Carlos thinks I look like crap. Then everyone can stop with this whole idea of marriage.

When I exit my room, a guard trails behind me, and I make my way to the front of the house. I find Carlos standing in the entryway when I come down the stairs, and I force a smile onto my face.

“Carlos,” I say by way of a greeting.

“Sienna.” He pulls me in and kisses me on my cheek. “You look lovely as always.”

It’s a fight not to reach up and wipe my cheek where he left his kiss. “Thank you. Would you care for some coffee or tea?”

“Coffee sounds good.” He gives me a small smile.

Carlos is handsome, and he’s always been nice too. I think he will make someone a good husband one day, but it won’t be me. There’s no spark or passion between us, and that’s what I truly want. Reaching up, I touch my necklace, thinking of the love my parents had for each other as he follows me into the kitchen. I’m not willing to settle for anything less.

His family is close to ours, and they’ve been here several times. Instead of taking coffee in the formal sitting room, we choose the kitchen for a more casual setting. Margaret makes us something to drink before she leaves us sitting at the large island alone. I’m sure there are a few guards barely out of sight and within earshot, but it's the illusion of privacy at least.

We fall into light talk, not really about anything of importance. Then it circles around to my dad, and Carlos clears his throat.

“You know they want us to get married.” I nod my head. “I would like to hear what you think about that, Sienna.”

“I don’t really know you,” I say honestly. Plus, I think I’m in love with a convict, and although I barely know him, he did save my life and came on me. Thankfully I keep that part to myself.

“We should change that.” He places his hand on top of mine, and just at that moment, the house phone rings.

I hurry to pull my hand out from under his and get up. Perfect timing.

“Sorry, it could be my father.” I rush over to the phone and answer it. “Hello?”

“Sienna.” A deep voice rumbles through the line, and I turn around to face away from Carlos.

“Kai,” I whisper.

“Are you being a good girl?” I glance over my shoulder to Carlos, who is staring my way. “Answer me.”

“I’m trying to be.” It’s the truth.

“Sienna.” His tone is filled with warning.

“I have a visitor right now, but I didn’t know it was happening,” I whisper and lean closer to the phone. “He’s a potential husband.” The sound he makes on the other end of the phone makes my nipples tighten.

“I can’t stand that you’re out of my grasp. Get rid of him, or I’ll get rid of him permanently.” My mouth falls open. I have no idea what Kai is capable of, but it’s not like I want Carlos here either.

“Okay,” I agree.

“Good girl. I’ll call back, and he’d better be gone.”

It sounds like a threat, but it doesn't scare me in the least. If that was his intent, he’s failed because it’s had the opposite effect. Call me crazy or naïve, but I know Kai would never hurt me. And if this is the way he wants it, I’m all in.

“I will,” I tell him before I end the call.

I do as I’m told, and as soon as I hang up, I pretend to have a migraine. It gets Carlos out of here in record time, and I take the house phone with me to my bedroom.

As I wait for Kai to call back, I smile, knowing I’m the good girl he wants me to be.