The Inmates Obsession by Alexa Riley

Chapter Eight


It’s a long while later before I’m able to call Sienna back safely. Sam sent a package today and bribed the guards to pass it through inspection without checking it. Inside was a burner phone, cash, and a note. I flushed the note and hid the cash while I made a quick call to Sienna.

I’d felt utter rage when she said someone was there as a potential husband. That’s not fucking happening. Nobody but me is going to have her, and I don’t care how crazy that makes me. Our fate was sealed in the stars before we ever met. She is my destiny, that’s clear now, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to get to her.

“Tupuola,” someone says as my cell door opens.

It’s almost lights out, so I’m surprised there’s someone coming in here. After a moment, Leo steps through, and I notice he’s alone. Standing up, I brace myself for whatever’s coming next.

“I heard you had a visitor.” He gives nothing away as he makes this statement.

I nod, keeping my cards close to my chest. I should have known he would find out, but I was blinded by Sienna, and all rational thoughts were gone.

“She’s not meant for you,” he says, and I see his fists clench at his sides. “You saved her, and I owe you for that, but I’ve worked hard to keep her from this life.”

He’s not before me right now as the king, but as her father. What would I do if the roles were reversed? Clearly he doesn’t know what happened or I’d be dead already.

“What if I want the same thing?” I ask, and his eyes narrow. “You don’t know me, but I know you, and what I do know is that you don’t belong here. At least not for the crime you were found guilty of.”

“Yeah? Tell that to the judge.” He lets out a humorless laugh, and his hands relax.

“Nah, no judge, no jury.” I shake my head. “When the time comes, I’ll make sure the scales of justice are balanced.”

“Why are you doing this? Why are you really here?” There’s earnestness in his voice, and maybe even a little hope.

I look out of the cell, and for a moment I think only of Sienna. “I’m here to do what’s right,” I say before looking back at him. When our eyes meet, I tell him the absolute truth. “She’s special to me, and even though you might not understand it yet, I’ll prove to you I’m worthy of protecting her. I know that I’ll never be good enough for Sienna, but I’ll lay my life down to keep her safe.”

“There are already enough men around her to do that at this very moment.” He looks like he’s won, but I shake my head again.

“You of all people should know better than to trust those around you just because they’re the closest.”

“What are you saying?” He takes a step toward me. “What do you know?”

“I know that the sooner we’re out of here, the safer she is.”

The buzz sounds for lights out, and we both look out the open cell door. When it begins to close, Leo slips out. Before he walks away, he looks back at me, his eyes pleading.

“Do whatever it takes to save my little girl.”

I nod before he walks away and out of sight.

Once the cells are locked and lights are out, I lie down on my cot and pull out the burner phone again. I dial the number, and it doesn’t ring all the way before I hear her voice on the other end of the line.

“Kai,” she says softly, and it makes my cock hard.

“You’ll come see me tomorrow,” I order, and she answers quickly.

“Yes, first thing,” she agrees.

“I want you in a skirt this time, no panties.”

“Yes,” she says again just as quickly.

“And something with buttons on the shirt.”


“Did you touch yourself when you got home?”

There’s a quiet pause, and then I barely hear her. “Yes.”

“Did you cum?”

“Yes.” Her one-word answers are so soft.

I’ve opened the front of my jumpsuit and I’m stroking my cock to her breathy voice. “Do you want to find out what it’s like to cum on my tongue?”

“Oh god.”

“What will you do for me if I get you alone?”

Another long pause and I hear her swallow hard. “Anything you want.”

“Good girl,” I say and squeeze the base of my cock. “Don’t worry. I won’t fuck you in here.”

“Why not?” she asks quickly, her voice rising.

I have to hide a laugh as I speed up my hand. “So eager,” I tease. “I’m going to have you naked and under me when I pop that fresh cherry.”

“Kai.” When she says my name there’s a little whine on the end like she’s just as eager as I am.

“I want you to listen to what you do to me.” I put the phone next to my cock so she can hear me jerk off. It only takes a few strokes and I’m grunting my release. It’s shameful how quick I am, but all I have to do is imagine her in front of me, and it’s game over. “Now let me hear you do it.”

“I-I can’t.” She hesitates and I growl.

“Put the phone next to your slick cunt and let me hear those fingers in your sweet cream.”

“Shit,” she hisses, and a second later, I hear it.

It’s heaven to my ears as I close my eyes and absorb every note of the symphony she’s playing me. It’s obscene and filthy in the most erotic way, and my cock keeps on dripping. I can even hear her little mewls as she climbs higher to her peak. Her fingers move faster, and I’m imagining her juicy thighs stretched wide for me to see. Just when I don’t think I can take any more, she cries out my name, and her fingers slow.

“How can you do that to me without even being here?” I can hear the smile in her voice, and she sounds satisfied.

“Once I’ve got my hands on you, I don’t plan on ever letting go.”

“I like the sound of that.” Her voice is soft like she’s curled into the blankets. She’s probably tired after that release.

I’ll have to cum at least twice more before I’m able to get any rest. The sounds of her wet pussy are going to haunt my dreams until I can see it for myself.

“Tomorrow,” I say into the phone, and it sounds like a warning.

“Tomorrow,” she agrees.

“Good night, sweet Sienna.” My chest aches at the distance between us, but soon enough all will be right.