Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 12



While I was no computer expert by any means, I would guess the address listed on the email forwarded from Houston’s father was either no longer in use or not trackable. The look on Houston’s face was cold and dark, as if the rage had furrowed deep inside of him, resurrecting a beast who’d been asleep in his lair.

A cold chill trickled down my spine, my heart racing.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked as I watched him scan the perimeter of the beach. He’d purchased a gun, for God’s sake. I was antsy, finding it difficult to focus.

“I’m not certain, but we are going to find out. I had a long chat with Riley today. It’s funny that my father neglected to tell me that Riley was in charge of the same company that’s been accused of stealing trade secrets.”

“Do you think that’s possible? Is Riley pissed enough at the lifelong treatment he’s received that he would actually threaten your father?”

He shook his head several times. “No, I don’t. The design of the computer chip was his brainchild. I doubt he’d do anything stupid to risk what he’s spent months trying to accomplish.”

“Which leaves Chase.”

“No, we’re missing a piece of this ridiculous puzzle. However, I’ve made a difficult decision and you’re not going to fight me on this.”

When he closed the distance, placing his hands on my arms and gently brushing the tips of his fingers up and down, I couldn’t help but shiver. There was so much electricity surging between us, but he’d shifted into an entirely different level of emotions.


He cocked his head, rubbing his knuckle across my jaw. “I’m not going to risk your life to honor my father’s wishes. I’ll have the second money drop wired to your account. I want you to leave on the first flight available.”

“You’re really worried. You suddenly show up with a gun and now you want me to leave. Are you hiding something from me?” I eased my wine onto one of the new outdoor tables I’d purchased, going over everything I’d read in the contracts in my mind. There was nothing blatant, other than the one-year marriage clause. There had to be more.

“I’m not hiding anything, Bristol. I’m as confused as you are. However, until I know what’s going on, I can’t rule out that the threat made against my father’s life is real. As far as destroying the family, there are any number of methods in doing so, including taking additional lives. It’s too risky having you in the middle of this shit.”

“I’m not leaving.”

“You will do as I say.”

I pushed my palms against his chest, digging my fingers into his shirt. “You don’t have a choice.” Why didn’t I take the offer and run? What was wrong with me? Was I so attracted to him or was it about taking the risk? I didn’t have an answer.

“Then I’ll throw you out.”

“No. You won’t. I can tell you don’t want me to leave.”

“Why in God’s name would you stay? You’ve already been treated as if you’re a second-class citizen. Your life might be in danger. And for certain, my family is going to make your life miserable. Go home. Salvage your career. Enjoy your life. You get a one-time reprieve.”

I slid my hands up to his shoulders, allowing my fingers to tangle in his long strands of hair. “Does that mean you want me to go?”

He remained unblinking for several seconds then huffed in the same aggravating way he’d done since we’d met. “You’re going to do what I tell you to do.”

“Always the man in charge. Aren’t you?” I spouted. “Fine. If you really want me to leave, then tell me that’s what you want. Find some actual courage.” Every part of me was on edge. He was just as volatile as the situation we were in. I couldn’t take the back and forth. His eyes pierced deep inside, driving a stake through my heart. Why? Why did I give a damn about him when it was obvious that he didn’t give a damn about anyone else?

“Why the hell would you stay? It’s ridiculous.”

“Is it any more ridiculous than the fact you spent over two million dollars to fake a marriage?”

His face contorted, his mouth twisting out of anger and frustration. Then he fisted my hair, dragging me onto my toes as he lowered his head. “Goddamn it, woman. You are hardheaded as fuck.”

“That’s why I was handpicked for you.” I glared into his eyes, refusing to back down. “Tell me to leave with a reason. Do it.”

Seconds ticked by.




“No. You’re mine. All mine.”

Growling, he crushed his mouth over mine, wrapping his other arm around me. The scent of him was more intoxicating than ever, filling my nostrils, the exotic fragrance rushing into every cell. I was instantly lightheaded as I clawed at his neck, digging my nails into his skin.

The kiss was filled with desperate passion, the kind of unforgiving hunger that would never burn out. Stars floated behind my closed eyes, pulling me into a beautifully colored vacuum. As he thrust his tongue inside my mouth, I yielded to him, clinging to him as if he was a lifeline.

Or the man I was falling in love with.

There was no rhyme or reason to the insanity of the way I was feeling, and I felt blindsided by the intense emotions rolling through me. Everything about him was so powerful, the dominating man refusing to accept anything but what he wanted.

And I knew he hungered for me.

As unconventional as our relationship had started, there was no denying our connection. He was the only liquid that could quench my thirst.

Our bodies melded together, his throbbing cock pressing against my stomach. I couldn’t seem to get enough of him, swishing my tongue back and forth against his even though he controlled every move I made, including the brutal kiss.

He kept his savage hold on my hair, refusing to let me go, grinding his hips back and forth. The sensations skyrocketed, my heart racing. I wanted nothing more than to yield to his desires, to feel his thick shaft driving inside of me. The taste of him created a wave of tingles, my nipples aching as they scraped against my tee shirt.

When he finally broke the kiss, he issued a series of husky growls, the guttural sounds echoing in my ears. “Damn it, woman. I want you.”

“Then don’t push me away. I don’t deserve that.”

He closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. “I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“Then we need to figure it out together.”

Sighing, he pulled away, still keeping his fingers entwined in my hair as his eyes darted back and forth. “It’s risky as hell.”

“But worth it.”

“Yes, and I can’t seem to get enough of you, but hear me. You will follow my orders. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir.”

His nostrils flaring, he narrowed his eyes. “I will devour you and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“Good.” I pushed away from him with more force, able to break free then walking into the house, beckoning him with a single finger. “Then come with me. We have work to do.”

He shook his head, the look on his face carnal. “Such a damn bad girl. I’m going to have to do something about that.”

“Uh-huh. We shall see.”

“Yes, you will.”

* * *


The word just sat there in the front lobes of my mind; the very word I’d longed to have a man say to me.

But not this way.

Concentrate. You were hired to do a damn job.

“I don’t see anything odd with the financials. In fact, they are crystal clear, although the company is struggling financially. They need new contracts, or they won’t be able to make payroll in the upcoming months.” He rubbed his eyes, hissing under his breath.

“So your father’s stock has slipped significantly, almost twenty percent in the last two months. I would say he’s desperate for a spark. Maybe that spark is you.”

Sighing, he looked away. “I’m no expert, but it’s possible he waited too long. That’s why he’s selling off assets.”

“That’s a shame. Word of mouth can damage a reputation more than almost anything. This blackmailer knew how to begin destroying your father. Unfortunately, I also can’t see a way around the fact we need to get married.” I shifted my gaze from my laptop to his face, uncertain of his expression.

“I know you don’t want to be committed to me in a formal marriage for up to a year. I certainly wouldn’t want to be.” He chuckled, although I could tell he was serious.

“There has to be a way around the clause, but we need to keep up the charade for now.” The inner voice inside of me was calling me assorted names including stupid. There was no doubt I should take Houston up on his offer and get the hell out now, but I wasn’t going to do that. Our attraction might be intense, but we were both in a precarious position. Still, I felt loyalty to him in a strange way.

Precarious. My God, the word wasn’t strong enough for whatever game was being played and I was firmly convinced someone had planned a method of derailing the entire family. Maybe I was along for the ride by accident, although I hadn’t been able to rule out the possibility that Daniel Darke wasn’t as discreet as his promises had indicated.

He chuckled as he swirled his drink, staring at me with his dark eyes, his dominant side bursting through the seams. Then he lifted his glass. “To a happy life together, my beautiful, bratty fiancée.”

I ignored his hint of arrogance, returning my attention to what limited information we’d been provided. “I need the full financial records for the entire corporation as well as copies of current contracts. Did Riley have anything to say of any importance?”

“He has knowledge of the people he considers my father’s most vicious enemies.”

The way he said the words was almost as if he no longer cared. I was too tired to argue with him, the fury of being forced to deal with Chase as well as worry about a family that wasn’t even mine exhausting. “I hope that means he’s going to provide some sort of documentation.”

“Yes. Trust me, he will,” Houston stated in his usual authoritative voice. His eyes never left me, the hunger remaining in them as he licked the rim of his glass. “If he doesn’t, I’m going to drag it out of him.” His anger remained, furrowing inside of him, simply waiting for the right moment to explode.

I forced myself to look away, pushing the computer further across the coffee table then grabbing my glass of wine.

He leaned forward, shifting his glass from one hand to the other, his heated gaze remaining. “I’m sorry. As I told you before, you don’t deserve to deal with any of this bullshit.”

“Maybe not but here we both are. We need to make a plan. You brought me here for my expertise, so you need to let me do what I was paid for.” Every time he looked at me, I quivered, but the formidable man held such anger inside. Even though the reasons were obvious, he was the damaged man he’d learned to accept. “I’m going to ask Ashley to help me make some arrangements. I guess you don’t care about the wedding.”

“You’re certain you want to do this?”

I wasn’t certain of anything except I couldn’t get my mind off the surly, gorgeous man. For all his pontificating, he’d managed to slide into my psyche, leaving me hot and breathless any time he was in close proximity.

Sadly, I was terrified that he’d already captured my heart.

“You’re not going to stop me.” I glared down at the damn weapon he’d bought, furious that he’d felt the need.

“Then so be it. Have the ceremony and the reception wherever you want.”

“Let me guess. Money is no object.” I hated the terseness in my tone, but there was nothing worse than feeling utter lack of control.

He laughed, the sound far too seductive. “Yes, spend whatever you want to make it the lavish event of the year. But you’re right. There’s nothing we can do right now. We’ll have to wait until in the morning. Then we are going to find answers. I suggest we go to dinner.”

I thought about his request then closed the lid on the computer. “How about we order in pizza? We could actually act for a little while that we’re the loving couple we pretend to be. Maybe watch an old movie?” Right. As if the man would actually say yes.

When he rose to a standing position, reaching for my almost empty wine, I shuddered all over again. “Why not?”

As he walked away, I glanced outside at the dark sky. Night had fallen, the moon merely a sliver, and from where I was sitting, I could only see a few stars. I used to take comfort in the darkness, allowing my imagination to wander to distance places. Only I hadn’t included San Diego as a location where every girl’s fantasy could come true. I pressed my fingers across my mouth, trying my best to keep from bursting into laughter.

There was certainly nothing funny about what we were going through, or about Houston’s life in general, but at this point, there was nothing left to do.

When he returned, all I had to do was glance at his rugged, gorgeous face and suddenly, there was no way of holding back the laughter.

Houston narrowed his eyes as he placed the drinks on the table, standing over me, his larger than life presence only adding to the ridiculous fit.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

Unable to answer him, I simply pressed my other hand on top of the first, the sound still managing to slip through my fingers.

His expression turned to annoyance. Just the way he placed his hands on his hips brought another round of giggles. At this point, my stomach hurt. I lay down on the sofa, pushing my face into one of the accent pillows. I could hear nothing but the raucous sounds bursting up from my throat. I closed my eyes, the laughter producing tears. It was obvious my nerves had gotten the better of me.

When I felt hands pressing against me, I yelped, still unable to stop cackling.

“You are one bad girl,” he said, the sound of his voice slipping over me like the softest Sherpa blanket. I was pulled into a lull, enjoying the way he rubbed his hands down my legs.

Then the bastard decided to tickle me.

“What?” Screeching, I tried to jerk up only to be pushed down, the weight of his massive hand pressing against my chest. I blinked several times, tears continuing to trickle down my cheeks. A moment of disbelief settled in from the sight of his dazzling amused eyes and the way his mouth pursed in frustration.

“You heard me.” A grin popping on his face, he tickled me with the kind of ferocity that once again, I couldn’t stop laughing.

“No. No! Stop. You have to stop.” I twisted and pitched, trying everything to get him to stop including slamming my knees into his chest.

“Nice try, bad girl.” Houston refused to stop, driving me to the point of madness.

I had zero control over my muscles. None. When I managed to jerk my knees all the way to my chest, kicking out with the ferocity of a boxer, I could hear the shock in his voice.


Blinking furiously, I took gasping breaths as I stared at him. The force I’d used had pitched him away several feet. And I laughed again.

He took several deep breaths, his nostrils flaring as his beast rose to the surface. Then he pounced, managing to flip me over onto my stomach, easily wrangling with my shorts until they were pulled down to my knees. “You’re never going to learn.”

“What are you doing?”

I didn’t have to wait for the answer for long. When he brought his hand down, the cracking sound seemed so exaggerated.

“Ouch!” I yelped, although all I could feel was the remnants of stomach cramps from the tickling event. Maybe I was still in shock that this was the same man who’d been so rude and forceful the night I’d met him. Whatever the case, I had difficulty trying to convince my muscles to help me escape.

“That’s exactly what you’re supposed to say. Punishments are supposed to hurt,” he proclaimed than proceeded to smack me at least a dozen times, moving from one side of my bottom to the other.

I wiggled, smashing my fists against the couch, but I knew it was no use. “I hate you.”

I heard him chuckling. “That’s what you’ve said before.” He refused to stop, bringing his hand down in rapid motions. I was lost to the actions, let alone the pain.

The sting was starting to build, becoming full blown pain, the increasing heat rushing into every cell in my body. I finally closed my eyes, taking several deep breaths then realizing just how aroused I’d become. There was no doubt he could gather a whiff of my desire and the feel of my pussy juice trickling between my legs was embarrassing. There was going to be a stain on the new couch.

His breathing was ragged; I concentrated on the sound, blocking out my moans as I clawed at the pillow. There wasn’t a single inch of my body that wasn’t tingling.

I sensed his needs were increasing, his ability to maintain control fading. We were far too explosive together, our needs insatiable. When the weight on the couch shifted, I couldn’t move. Everything about the moment was sinful, a filthy reminder just how desperate the man could make me.

Then I heard the distinct sound of his belt being unfastened. I didn’t have the energy to look as I tried to catch my breath.

Seconds later, he ripped my shorts and panties all the way off, wasting no time before jerking me up, forcing me to straddle his legs. His expression primal and his smile laced with a hint of evil, he rubbed his hands under my shirt, sliding it along with his fingers over my shoulders, yanking and pitching the unwanted material.

“Mmm… I could feast on you for days. This is what I want every day I come home from work.”

“Me entirely naked?” I purred as I brushed the tip of my index finger down the side of his neck.

“Yes. Naked and ready to suck my cock. After that, I’ll slide inside that wet little pussy of yours.” His tone gravelly, he rubbed his hands up from my waist, taking his time and shifting his palms back and forth across my fully erect nipples.

The sensations were powerful, a wave of excitement and anticipation coursing through me. I closed my eyes, tipping my head and enjoying the pulse of electricity as his cock throbbed against my legs.

“You know I’m not a good man,” he whispered, as if he was sharing a secret.

“I know.”

“But you crave me anyway.”

I dragged my tongue across my lips, uncertain he wanted the answer.

But I gave him one anyway.

“Yes. More than anything.”

“Mmm… That’s good since you’re never getting away from me.” When he pinched my nipples, an eruption of pain twisted together with the delicious wave of pleasure, the combination leaving me breathless.

“I…” I dug my fingers into his shoulders, arching my back as he twisted and plucked both until they were over-sensitized. He was even more controlling, taking what he wanted, his dominating actions only adding gasoline to the fire burning deep within.

I managed to lift my head, taking rapid breaths as I shifted back and forth across his legs, slickening his skin.

After lowering his head, he shifted his hands until he cupped both breasts, allowing his heated breath to cascade from one side to the other. All the while he kept his gaze locked on me, his eyes like liquid pools, able to pull me into a magical place.

He swirled his tongue around my bruised nipple before pulling the tender tissue into his mouth, taking his time to lick and suck.

“My God…” I whispered, no longer able to focus. Everything was a huge blur, the rough and tumble sounds of the ocean just as ragged as the timbre of his animalistic growls. He’d never been this hungry, his muscles tense, hard as a rock.

Within seconds, he shifted to my other nipple, the roughness of his tongue sending a concentrated bolt of electricity to the tips of my toes.

I crawled my fingers down his chest, scooting just enough I was able to wrap my hand around the top of his cock, fingering his sensitive slit.

“Be careful teasing me.”

“Or what?” I murmured. The way his shaft throbbed in my hand created even more need. I twisted my fingers, creating enough friction, his body stiffened even more.

Another growl was his only answer as he licked and sucked, biting down hard enough I threw my head back and screamed.

He couldn’t seem to maintain control any longer. A smile crossing his face, he gripped my hips, lifting and holding me in the air. “Do you need to ask?” As he brought me down, impaling my pussy with the entire length of his cock, I realized I’d never felt so alive, free of the straitjacket I’d kept myself in.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.” I couldn’t stop my ragged moans, my pulse skipping. The feel of having him inside of me, pushing my muscles until they accepted the thick invasion was incredible. Lightheaded, I couldn’t stop shaking.

“What do you want, Bristol?”

I laughed as I tried to focus. “Fuck me. Just don’t stop.”

“So tight. So damn wet.” Houston lifted me again until the tip was just inside, keeping me above him for several seconds then yanking me down.

I was breathless, clinging to him as the rush of heat and fire continued to build. Everything around me was spinning, pushing me to the point of absolute bliss.

He refused to stop, repeating his actions, fucking me long and hard. My pussy clamped and released, pulling him in even deeper. I was so close to coming, my heart hammering against my chest creating a series of vibrations as well as echoes in my ears.

“I can’t… I’m going to…” Unable to form any words, I lolled my head, my entire body shuddering as a climax pounded into my system. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!”

His roars matched my strangled moans, his actions even more brutal. The sound of skin slapping against skin was so sweet, lingering in my ears.

“Come again for me. Slicken my cock,” he commanded, continuing to pump me up and down like a wild man.

There was no way to hold back, no ability to disobey. As the giant wave splashed over me, I noticed the first bolt of lightning far out to sea. The dazzling colors crisscrossed the sky like a beautiful work of art.

“Oh. Oh!”

He held me in place as my body continued to shake. Only when I lowered my head until our lips were mere centimeters apart did he make another demand.

“Ride me, baby.”

As I bucked against him, I darted my tongue across the seam of his mouth, enjoying the taste of bourbon, the hint of my wine. The flavors were a powerful aphrodisiac, pushing my desire to the limits as I squeezed my legs against his.

I kissed his lips, brushing them back and forth, slipping my tongue just inside his hot, wet mouth. For a few precious minutes, we were as one. For some crazy reason, another single tear slipped past my lashes. My heart ached for him; for the dreams he’d never been allowed to have and for the passion he was just beginning to understand.

Easing back, I took several shallow breaths, purposely clamping then releasing my muscles.

He rubbed his hands up and down my back, a barbaric smile remaining on his face. I could tell he was close to coming, his body shaking more than before.

“So bad,” he managed, his breath skipping, and his eyelids now half closed. “You will soon learn just how much so.”


As his face became pinched, he fisted my hair, holding me in place. His eyes dilated, he released a deep bellow, the sound reverberating around us. When his body tensed, I threw my head back, riding him like a wild stallion.

There was nothing like the sound of his roar as he erupted deep inside, filling me with his seed.

Then he issued the single word once again, sending another wave of shivers dancing down my body.


* * *



A chilling movie.

And a passionate, sexy man.

What could be better on a stormy night?

Very few things in life surprised me any longer. After the invitation I’d received from Dark Overture, I’d thought I could never be so surprised again. However, as we relaxed on the couch, the box of half-eaten pizza on the coffee table, the scent of pepperoni and spicy tomato sauce still wafting in the air, I was more than just surprised.

I was shocked.

He’d grabbed a blanket, making certain we could huddle under the softness as we started to watch movie number two. While I hadn’t paid any attention to the name, I certainly knew it was another thriller, one packed with action and bloodshed. I’d found a small weakness in Houston after all.

He stared wide-eyed at the television, his bare feet crossed and propped up on the table, slouched against the couch as if he was actually comfortable.

My legs folded, I rested against him, my hand firmly planted around my wineglass. I was happy, as strange as the thought was in my mind. While my bottom still ached from the spanking, I’d even enjoyed the hint of rekindled pain as the material of the couch scraped back and forth across my skin.

As a particularly gruesome portion flashed across the screen, I lifted my head, smiling from the way his eyes were glistening. He had a smile on his face, his expression like that of a little kid enjoying the big screen for the first time.

Yawning, I was surprised just how tired I was.

When I eased from the covers, managing to place my glass on the table, he reached for me, tugging me backward almost immediately. As I settled against him, I realized there was nothing like the warmth of his body combined with the fluffy blanket to lull me into a slight daze. I could almost envision the moment turning into something deeper.

And longer lasting.

Stop it. Just stop.

My inner voice would never allow me real peace.

I finally closed my eyes as the sound of gunfire popped from the speakers. Even though I tried to stay awake, I finally couldn’t stare at the television or the bloody scenes any longer. Mmm… So good. So warm. So…

“You need to run,” Houston instructed. He swung in a wide arc, his weapon firmly planted in both hands.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The sound of gunfire came from behind. The asshole was catching up.

“Go. Go. Go!” He pushed my back, forcing me to spring into action.

I took off running, racing into the shadowed light as night began to fall. The forest was dense, the cracking of limbs beneath my feet unable to hide the hard pounding of my heart. The air was humid, sucking away my breath. Strings of perspiration slipped down both sides of my face from the exertion, but we had to keep going.

We had to get away.

“Keep going. Keep going!” he hissed.

When I no longer felt him behind me, I stopped short, gasping for air. The second I turned around, I caught the muzzle flash as he popped off three shots in a row.

“Damn it,” he snarled, then bolted in my direction, grabbing my arm and yanking me into the densest portion of the forest.

“We’re not going to get away,” I managed, limbs smacking against my face as my feet became tangled in the dense underbrush.

“Like hell we won’t.”

The sound of his voice was guttural, riddled with anger.

We continued on, but I sensed the perpetrator was getting closer. God help us.

Seconds passed, maybe minutes, the only sound creaks and chirps within the forest.

Then I heard a single crack, the air suddenly turning still.

I was pulled into a vacuum as the stench of blood filled the air.

No longer able to sense his presence, I jerked to a stop, slowly turning around.


What the… Jerking up, light rushed across my face, forcing me to wince. Too bright. Too much. I took several deep breaths, realizing my heart was racing, vivid images of what must have been a nightmare spinning through my mind. I blinked several times until I was finally able to focus.

But the ugly dream refused to go away.

As if it had been a warning.

He’s going to die.

A moment of absolute panic settled in, the vision of his blood-soaked shirt remaining in the forefront of my mind. After a few seconds, I realized I must have fallen asleep. A cold shiver snaked down the entire length of my body, the ugliness of the nightmare refusing to back down. My God. The dream had been some crazy kind of epiphany.

Whoever was threatening the family wanted revenge, but not just on Houston’s father.

This was about destroying the family in any way possible.

I had to stop thinking about it. It was just a damn dream.

Very slowly I turned my head, almost able to smile at the sight of Houston in his slumber. The slight sound of his quiet snores was masked by the continued blare of the television. I stared at him for a few seconds, admiring the way strands of hair had slipped into his face. He looked serene, more so than any time before.

Wow. I couldn’t believe we’d been out for hours.

Easing from the covers, I reached for the remote, ready to face the day.

Until I glanced at the screen, another chill coursing down my spine, anger bursting to the surface.

“Oh. My. God.”