Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 14


Fury had wrapped itself around me like a blanket of steel, keeping my adrenaline high and my muscles constricted. I powered the rental car through the streets of San Diego, taking the highway at a high rate of speed. I no longer gave a shit Chase was my brother. If he’d knowingly allowed his ex to purposely set out to destroy my family, he would never see the light of day again.

No matter the consequences.

The bastard lived in the same house he’d purchased just before I’d left, the grandiose mansion meant for a freaking king.

Only he wasn’t even close to claiming the throne.

Now within only five miles of my brother’s house, I peered into the rearview mirror, daring the asshole photographer to follow me. Why the hell not? Maybe he’d get his fifteen minutes of fame when I beat the crap out of Chase.

The sound of my phone did nothing but push my anger into another level. After yanking it into my hand, I laughed. “I’m in no mood, Pops. Save your bullshit for later.” I had to wonder if my father had been smart enough to make the connection of Bridgett to her father. While it was painfully obvious that she’d used her middle name, deciding not to disclose her true identity, my father and his minion attorney should have spent more time checking on Harlow’s background.

“Your brother has been arrested.”

The statement wasn’t anything like what I would have expected. “What did you say?”

“I just got the call. Gregory is on his way, but I need you, son. Now. You have to go to the police station. This is all bullshit.”

“Yeah, because someone is out to destroy the entire family.” My anger was to the point I was shaking. “Where the hell is he?” There was no way to avoid adding another layer to the already scandalous situation.

As he stated the address, I was barely listening. If Bridgett was behind everything from the anonymous call to the threats made on my father, the ridiculous news report and now this? It meant she was after everyone in the entire family.

And my family included the love of my life.

“I’ll see what I can do.” I ended the call, taking several deep breaths then dialing Bristol. “Where are you?” I could tell she was in the car. Against my better judgment, I’d allowed her to contact Ashley. My God. I continued to put her in harm’s way.

“Driving back to the house. Why?”

“Have Ashley stay with you when you get there and lock the freaking doors.”

“What’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you when I get there.” I veered off the interstate, taking an exit. I was determined to make certain both Ashley and Bristol were safe and secure.

“Ashley’s not with me. She had me drop her off so I could take my time shopping. What is wrong?”

Fuck. “Just go to the house. Okay?”

“Okay, but you’re scaring me.”

Gunning the engine, I shifted back onto the interstate, heading in the direction of the beach. “Just get inside and lock the doors.”

“Houston. Please… What the hell?”

“What’s happening?” I could tell her sudden exasperation had nothing to do with our conversation.

“I don’t know. The car is acting strange.”

Oh, my God. “Where are you?” My heart racing, I listened as she tried to describe her location, managing to give me enough I realized where she was. “Listen to me right now. Pull over. Just get somewhere safe and wait for me. You got it?” Damn it. Her GPS had taken her over one of the mountains.

“Goddamn it, Houston. What is going on?”

“Do it!”

“Okay. I’m trying to find a place. There’s a pull off.”

Exhaling, I pressed down on the accelerator, shifting around several cars. “Tell me when you’ve managed to pull off.”

“Just a quarter mile. Okay, I’m… No. No.”

“What?” I demanded.

“The brakes. I don’t have any brakes.”

In just a few seconds, my entire world fell into an abyss. My body shaking, I took several deep breaths. “Bristol. Bristol!”

As everything fell into slow motion, the sound of her screams followed by the crush of metal pounding into my ears, I threw my head back and roared.

* * *


They blasted all around me, the echo far too intense. I was stunned, my mind and body functioning while my heart had all but stopped. A vacuum remained over my eyes, the haze narrowing my vision, but I pressed on. I would get to her.

I would save her.

Then I would kill everyone responsible for putting her life in danger.

Several vehicles had stopped, a crowd hovering near a smashed guardrail. But they were doing nothing. Not a goddamn thing. When I jerked to a stop, I could see the front wheels of the car were perched dangerously over the edge of the limited terrain bordering the side of the winding road. With the back of the vehicle higher than the front, it was only a matter of time before the car would plummet to the surface floor.

I jumped out, shoving the ridiculous spectators away, cursing at the ones taking pictures. “Get away. Get the fuck out of here.” While the sirens had gotten louder, indicating help was close, the single shift of her car as it lurched forward a few inches, a few rocks tumbling down the mountainside meant there was no time to waste.

As I approached the driver’s door, rage continuing to pulse, the sight of her leaning forward, blood splattered on the windshield was almost too much to bear. And why hadn’t the goddamn airbags gone off? The door was locked, the car still engaged in drive, the only thing keeping her from going over the edge the twisted steel from the guardrail caught under the tires.

And the creaking sounds continued.

“Bristol. Can you hear me?” I tapped on the window, then quickly realized she’d lost consciousness. I had no other choice but to break the glass. I stumbled back to the rental, struggling to get inside the truck. I nearly ripped the interior upholstery in an effort to find the freaking jack. With no time to waste, I powered back to the driver’s side, saying a silent prayer as the car began to totter even more.

Help me, God. Freaking help me.

After two brutal slams of the metal bar, the window shattered.

“The car is going to go!” someone screamed.

“Mister, you got to get away. You can’t save her.”

Like fucking hell I couldn’t. Reaching inside, I pulled her away from the steering wheel, fighting the goddamn seatbelt. Blood streamed down her face from the gash in her forehead. “Come on. Come on! Stay with me, Bristol.”

She offered a single moan, her eyelids fluttering.

The car shifted forward another few inches.

I held my breath, finally yanking the belt away, pulling her into my arms. “Okay, honey. Hold on. Just hold.”

The sound of tires screeching behind me, sirens blasting couldn’t mask the continuous creaking sound as the vehicle shifted and pitched forward.

With one hard yank, I pulled her free, tumbling backwards onto the pavement as the car lurched forward, pitching down the mountainside. Within seconds, the loud explosion vibrated beneath my feet. I wrapped my arms around her, taking several deep breaths, closing my eyes for a few seconds as I felt her warm body against mine.

“Mmm…” Bristol whimpered, shifting in my arms.

As two fire engines and several police cars approached, the entire group of spectators clapping as if this had all been nothing more than a scene from a movie, I peered down at the beautiful woman. “I almost lost you. I love you. God, I love you.”

She managed to press her hand against my chest, taking shallow breaths as she tried to smile. “I’m not… going… anywhere.”

* * *

Bristol looked so damn pale, as if the shimmering light within her had been yanked away. She’d been lucky, only bumps and bruises, a slight concussion, yet the doctors wanted to keep her overnight for observation.

The damn police hadn’t been helpful, although they’d seemed shocked that I’d been able to save her. At least they’d taken my statement. Unfortunately, the press had gotten wind of the accident within minutes, likely based on uploaded photographs from one of the bystanders.

I sat by her bed, holding her cold fingers in my hand, thinking about everything that had happened. With little left of the car, I knew it would be difficult to prove that anyone had tampered with the brakes, but I would bet my life on it.

Lowering my head, I couldn’t get rid of the fury, my body remaining tense. It was only a matter of time until Bridgett tried again.

“Don’t look so forlorn.”

Hearing her voice, I chuckled as I lifted my head. “You’re supposed to be resting.”

“I am. I’m stuck in this bed, aren’t I?” Her voice was weak, keeping me just as pissed off as before.

“Where you’re going to stay put or else.”

Bristol smiled. The light in her beautiful eyes had returned. “You can’t boss me around.”

“Wanna make a bet?”

“Not going to happen.”

“Oh, I don’t think we need to bet on that one, baby. I rule the house. Remember?”

She laughed, wincing after doing so. “I think the brake lines were tampered with. They were fine at first then I heard a strange sound. After that, almost nothing. I tried to stop, even attempting to pull the emergency brake.”

“That’s what I believe happened, but I’m not certain it can be proven. There’s almost nothing left of the car, although Ashley is on her way. Maybe she has some idea of what the hell happened.”

“What about your father? Is he okay?”

“At this point, although I’m not certain I care. However, Chase was arrested.”

“He’s really behind this?” Every breath she took was labored.

I gave her a long look before answering. “I don’t believe so, but I do think he knows more than he’s told anyone.”

Bristol strained as she tried to sit up.

“Nope. I’ll tie you to the bed if necessary.”

She issued another one of her rebellious looks, which gave me another sigh of relief. “Your father isn’t all you think he is.”

“You don’t need to tell me that.”

“Listen to me. Did you know he regularly gives to charities? That he’s provided cash, not a loan for several local businesses?”

I snorted, shaking my head. “Not a chance. My father is far too greedy.”

Entwining her fingers with mine, she squeezed, her lovely mouth twisting. “Listen to me. I’m serious. I think he sold his assets in order to be able to do that without taking company money. Sometimes people aren’t who we think they are.”

Nothing could have surprised me anymore but if I knew my father, he had some nefarious reason, like being able to avoid paying taxes. “Yeah, well, that doesn’t make him father of the year.”

“No, but it could mean you give yourself a chance to get to know him. I’ll bug you about it until you do.” Her eyes were full of mischief.

“Such a freaking bad girl.” I pulled her hand to my mouth, pressing my lips against her knuckles. I was never going to allow her out of my sight again.

“Your bad girl.”

The sound of the door made me bristle.

“Oh, God. I am so sorry,” Ashley murmured. “I’m so glad you’re okay. This is my fault.”

“It’s not your fault, Ashley. Things happen,” Bristol said, a weak smile crossing her face.

“Hell, yes, it is. I knew something was wrong after I had that work done. I should have followed my instincts.”

I moved to a standing position, walking closer. “What are you talking about?”

“I had the car serviced. You know, new brakes and all the bells and whistles.” Ashley looked back and forth from Bristol and into my eyes. I hadn’t told her what had occurred over the phone, only that Bristol had been in an accident. “Why are you looking at me that way, Houston?”

“The brakes could have been tampered with,” I growled.

Ashley slapped her hand over her mouth, tears immediately filling her eyes. “Oh, my God. It’s my fault.”

“Listen to me. You can’t break down, not now. I need the name of the shop you used. Can you get that for me?”

“Of course. Do you have an idea who did this?”

“Maybe, but I need to have a conversation with the FBI.”

“They’re waiting outside.” Ashley narrowed her eyes. “Did Bristol tell you about Bridgett?”

As soon as my sister mentioned the name, I hissed under my breath. “What are you talking about?”

“I think we saw her outside of the bridal shop. We were basically attacked by reporters.”

I turned my head, locking eyes with Bristol. The pieces of the puzzle were falling together. “I’m going to have a conversation with the Feds. Can you stay with her?”

“Of course. What’s going on? Dad called. Chase was arrested? This is getting crazy.”

“Just stay with her until I return. Whatever happens, there are to be no visitors.”

“Wait. Aren’t you going to tell us what’s going on?” Ashley asked, her tone more demanding than before.

“I’m going to end this. Take care of her, Ashley. She’s very special to me.” As I gave Bristol a longing look, my heart racing, I realized that I was entirely too calm.

There was something to the old adage of the calm before the storm. If the FBI didn’t provide any assistance, I would take matters into my own hands. The threat on my family was finished.

* * *


The Feds had been very polite, listening to my ideas and concerns. They’d even written notes, but I could tell by the looks on their faces that they’d already made up their minds that whatever evidence that they’d refused to share with me was enough to implicate both my father as well as Chase. If I had to guess, they really believed that my father had murdered the two men.

And so did I.

At least I’d learned the great attorney had been able to use his influence with a judge on a Saturday, allowing Chase to get out of prison late in the afternoon. Somehow, the man always got lucky.

Twilight had settled over the city, bright stars in the sky.

As I pulled into Chase’s driveway, a growl formed in my throat. My father had arrived. Killing two birds with one stone was a perfect ending to this dreadful fucking day.

I’d spent a couple of hours tracking down the photographer, and although he’d initially been reluctant to talk to me, I’d been able to convince him that it was in his best interest. I’d even been kind enough to return his camera, although I had doubts that he’d be able to use it in the future. Chuckling, I would never forget the look on his face when I’d managed to corner him just outside his car.

At least I’d learned who’d hired him in the first place.

I leaned against one of the giant columns flanking the set of double mahogany front doors before ringing the bell. I half expected a maid or some other employee to open the door. My brother had always been grandiose in everything he did.

No answer.


The door was unlocked. I walked inside, refusing any additional courtesies. Within seconds, I heard loud voices. My father and brother to be exact. With a smile on my face, I wandered closer, taking my time before moving into the doorway of my brother’s office. The heated argument was fascinating, especially given the fact Chase had just been released from jail.

“You’re not taking what belongs to me, Dad. I don’t give a shit about the reasons you have. My attorney is already preparing a fight that you’re not going to win,” Chase hissed.

“It’s my company, Chase. You have no say in who I decide to allow to run the organization. If you’d kept up your end of the deal, then none of this shit would be happening,” my father challenged.

“My end?”

“You should have gone through with the goddamned marriage like I requested. That was the single thing I asked you to do.”

Chase fisted his hands, moving toward my father, rage continuing to build on his face. “I didn’t love her, Dad. Hell, she didn’t love me. She was out for the money and you know it.”

“Get out of my face, son. It was the easiest way to keep our reputation.”

“Yeah, a lot of good that did. All Bridgett wanted was revenge and you knew that all along. You freaking set me up then brought in Houston, forcing him to marry someone he likely met in a damn bar.”

I started clapping as I walked into the room, keeping the smile glued to my face, although my anger was at an all-time high. “Do you want to know what’s funny? I actually did meet Bristol in a bar, but that was only in preparation of signing a contract with her for two million dollars to pretend we were in love. I fully intended on keeping my end of the bargain, then tossing her aside after three months of marriage. I figured what the hell. I could endure that period of time even if I hated the woman.”

As my brother slowly turned in my direction, I expected glee on his face. Instead, there was a level of remorse that I wasn’t used to.

“My God,” my father whispered.

“It was necessary. She was perfect in every regard, including being able to advise me on the loopholes and bullshit you tried to pull on me, Pops, which of course you did.” I rubbed my jaw as I swaggered closer. “A funny thing happened, something that you’re probably going to enjoy teasing me about for some time to come. Not that I give a shit. I fell in love with her. But do you want to know why? Not because she’s beautiful, which she is. Not even because the chemistry we share is off the charts. I fell in love because she has integrity, something this family lost a hell of a long time ago.”

My father took several deep breaths, his face turning red.

What a shame.

I did so hate seeing my father disturbed.

“Anyway, I tried to get her to return home, especially since Chase already made good on his treats to discredit her. If I had to guess, I’d say you spilled more dirty laundry to Bridgett than you want to mention. Am I right? You certainly don’t want our father to know just how conniving the two you were, both of you plotting to destroy him. Now, you had entirely different reasons. You want the company, Chase. All of it. Bridgett wanted to avenge her father’s death and I have no doubt you had something to do with that, Pops. I guess Bridgett’s frustration with you continues since I’m certain she’s the person responsible for having you arrested.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Chase demanded.

“Let me continue. The fun is just getting started. Chase, I think you’re the one who actually spread the information that the company stole the technology, thereby destroying any chances for the defense contract.”

Chase laughed. “Why the hell would I do that?”

“Because if stocks dropped, which they did, you knew exactly how frantic our father would become. You simply didn’t realize that he actually still believes in the company he built from the ground up. That’s why he wanted me to take control. That’s when things really got messy.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” Chase huffed.

“Is he?” my father demanded.

Chase snarled. “Get out of my house. Both of you. This is bullshit.”

“Not so fast. I do know for certain that you hired a photographer to spy on me. Fortunately, he came to his senses, but that was only after I threatened to beat the crap out of him. At that point, Bridgett was left to do the dirty work, following Bristol while she was planning our fucking wedding.” Goddamn, I was pissed. Taking a few seconds, I calmed my level of anger. “Hell, I even purchased a freaking weapon. Isn’t that funny? Oh, and my guess is that Pops didn’t tell you that the brakes on Ashley’s car were tampered with. I think Bridgett decided on her own that since she was tossed out of the money-making deal and the joy of wreaking the retaliation she’d counted on having, she decided to get revenge of her own. Sound familiar?”

Chase swallowed several times, his earlier look of arrogance no longer visible. I watched as my father shifted his gaze, horror on his face.

“Yes, our sister could have died. Instead, I almost lost my fiancée, a woman who is much better than all of us. Fortunately, I was able to save her, but that doesn’t mean emotional scars won’t remain. I doubt she’s going to remain by my side after this fucking bullshit she’s had to deal with, but I’m actually going to try because I love her. By all rights, I should allow the federal agents to haul your asses to jail. However, I don’t think you intended anything to get this far, which is why you actually terminated your relationship.”

Now the quiet in the room was almost deafening.

“As I said, Bristol is a better person than all of us. I’m sorry that I brought her in under false pretenses, but I’m damn glad I at least had the opportunity to meet her. She’s taught me a thing or two, including that everyone has two sides. Even you, Chase.”

“What do you want, son?” my father asked.

I took a deep breath, thinking about what Bristol had told me in the hospital. “Is it true that you’ve provided financial aid for several businesses, even given to charities, Pops?”

He seemed embarrassed at the question. “I felt it was the least I could do.”

“And did you kill those men?”

“No! I told you that. I would never kill anyone. Broderick died of a goddamn heart attack two months after the deal was signed. Have I felt guilty as fuck ever since? Hell, yes. But he was a bad businessman who not only tried to recant our deal, he also spread lies about our company. So I did everything I could to crush him. As far as Bridgett’s father, the old bastard took the money and left the country, leaving his wife and daughter behind. He’s on some fucking tropical island sucking down drinks with a girl younger than Bridgett.”

“What?” Chase demanded. “You never told me that.”

“Because I didn’t want Bridgett to know. She deserved better, which is why I hired her in the first place. I knew from day one who she was. I’m no fool,” my father huffed. “I didn’t expect she was capable of revenge. I thought that when you took interest in her that she could find happiness. I guess I was wrong.”

“You wanted to buy her loyalty with the Powers money,” Chase stated quietly.

“Yes. Maybe I just wanted to protect her. When all the rumors started to fly, I thought they’d go away at first.”

“When they didn’t, you made certain you made an alternate plan to ensure Powers Enterprises would stay afloat,” I offered.

My father nodded. “I know what I did was wrong, but I felt I had no other choice. And do you really want to know why? Because Chase is in love with Bridgett.”

Chase sighed, turning and walking toward the set of double doors. “I thought she was the one. Isn’t that stupid?”

I shook my head. The power of greed was what had almost destroyed the company. “I’m going to make both of you an offer. This is a onetime deal. If you don’t accept, then I will walk out the door and you’ll never see me again. I couldn’t give a shit about this company or the money. If you accept, you will make certain that every member of this family is treated as if they matter, including Riley and Charity.”

As I allowed the concept to sweep through their minds, I realized that I was more at peace than I’d felt in a long time.

“After I give you the details, you’ll have two minutes to give me your answer. Then I’ll walk out that door.”

Only moments later, I took a deep breath as I headed out of my brother’s house. The air was crisp, even cool, the night beautiful.

At this point, I had only one thing on my mind.

Fighting for the woman I loved.

* * *

“Are you sure you can handle this?” I asked without bothering to look in Chase’s direction. During the ride over, he’d remained completely quiet, doing little more than staring out the windshield.

Chase removed his sunglasses, shoving them into the pocket of his jacket as I killed the engine. “I think there was a part of me that knew Bridgett had a hidden agenda, although for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way. However, I should have followed my instincts. I hope at some point you’ll accept my apology.”

I thought about his words, and while I remained angry, it was time to allow the family to heal. “No apologies necessary.” I noticed the single police car pulling to the curb outside Bridgett’s house. At my request, no flashing lights had been used. While Bridgett had taken advantage of the entire family, she’d almost destroyed my brother. Still, she’d had her reasons.

“Let’s get this over with.” He climbed out of the car, taking a deep breath before walking toward her door. He waited until I’d flanked his side before knocking on the door.

The moment Bridgett opened the door, her face fell. “I was expecting you.”

Chase took his time before answering. “A part of me needs to ask you why, but I already know the answer.”

“I’m sorry, Chase.” Bridgett’s words were barely mumbled.

“I do have one question for you,” he continued. “Did you ever give a shit about me?”

Her lower lip quivering, Bridgett glanced into my eyes before returning her attention to my brother. “More than I can tell you.”

Inhaling, he shifted to his right, allowing her to see the two officers as they walked closer. I was surprised how calm she was, although there was a single tear slipping past her lashes.

“I appreciate you telling me. Good luck, Bridgett. I do hope you manage to salvage your life.” Chase turned without saying anything else, immediately heading for the car.

I gave her a hard look before doing the same, easing onto the driver’s seat. “Are you okay?”

“You know what?” Chase asked. “I will be. At least I’ve finally learned that blood is much thicker than water.”

There was no doubt my brother would heal, although it would take some time. Maybe we’d find a way to act as brothers again.

As I pulled out of the driveway, my thoughts shifted to Bristol. She’d become my family. Now it was time to give her my heart.