Indecent Invitation by Piper Stone

Chapter 9



I could see Bristol’s utter disbelief at the statement I’d made. Her eyes flashed in the same way they’d done on the night we’d met, a mixture of anger and immediate dislike. I’d never been one to mince words and I certainly wasn’t going to start now. While certain women were prone to histrionics, she wasn’t one of them. That left the reality that she was being watched.

As to the full understanding of why, I had yet to ascertain. It was obvious my father had lured me here under false pretenses. He’d know that his threat of removing my inheritance altogether was the only thing that would pull me back into the fold.

Bristol stared at me wide-eyed, her mouth twisting. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying that my father has made his share of enemies over the years and it would appear that one or more of them want him dead, not just ruined.” I knew my words held a cold edge, as if I didn’t care, but during the course of the last few hours, I’d been forced to realize that I actually did give a damn. Maybe time spent away from the powerful man had given me an entirely different perspective. I was angry, even more so because after the dozen phone calls I’d made, I’d heard lots of angry voices, but I didn’t believe that any of his direct competitors could be capable of performing such a heinous act.

Including hiring someone to do the job.

“You say that as if it’s no big deal.”

“It’s a very big deal.”

She took a sip of her wine and to my surprise, her hand wasn’t shaking. She was as calm and collected as she’d acted the majority of the time. I had even more respect for her, although I was furious with myself that I’d brought her into the damning problem. If I’d known just how serious the situation truly was, I would never have put her life on hold or in jeopardy.


I looked away, shaking my head. I couldn’t get over the fact I’d turned more like my father than I would have ever believed. That pissed me off almost as much.

“Then what are you going to do about it? And don’t you dare tell me that you want your father killed over money.”

I abhorred the tone of her voice, the accusation she tossed my way. “My father confided only a small portion of what he’s dealing with, and from what I can tell, not to my brother or my sister.”


“Beats the shit out of me.”

“You have two brothers. Why do you hate your stepbrother so much?”

I’d never been asked the question. “I don’t hate him, Bristol. I think it’s all about what we were taught as children.”

“Right. Blood is thicker than water. That’s why you’ll never get married to anyone you care about. You’re too terrified they’ll manage to take away your money. That’s one of the reasons you specifically requested an attorney, isn’t it? So I could check for all the loopholes in your trust fund paperwork and whatever contracts you might enter into. You’re so damn greedy that you don’t want any other human being to have the possibility of getting what you believe rightfully belongs to you.”

She almost had a shimmer of glee in her eyes. Huffing, I tamped back my natural retort, vicious words that wouldn’t have meant a damn thing. At minimum, she deserved the truth regarding the deal we’d made. “I did request an attorney and yes, I wanted to make certain there weren’t any loopholes, but it had more to do with the barbs thrown and the games my father enjoys playing, not the money.”

“You expect me to believe that.”

“I expect you to do the job I paid you to do.”

A smile crossed her face while she eased the wine onto the blanket and jerked up. “Enjoy dinner. After all, you’re nothing but a pig.”

I closed my eyes, sucking in my breath. “Don’t go.”

“Is that a fucking order?”

“That’s a request, Bristol. I’m sorry I sound like an asshole.”

“That’s because you are an asshole.”

A laugh bubbled to the surface. “You’re right. That’s all I’ve ever been and something I’ve taken pride in becoming. Would you please sit down, and I will rein in the nasty side of me? Okay?”

She hesitated for over a minute then walked back slowly, sitting down and keeping her hateful glare. “I’m not your enemy. I will try and help you, but you have to tell me the truth, at least whatever truth you’re aware of. If it makes you feel any better, remember that I signed a nondisclosure, and that includes any aspect of whatever I learn or that we talk about. If I would break that agreement, I could be sued as well as disbarred. Does that help you understand just how serious I take legal contracts?”

She could be all business, another aspect I admired. I held up my glass, cocking my head when she didn’t immediately retrieve hers. “Yes, Bristol, it does.”

Rolling her eyes, she allowed our glasses to touch then immediately pulled away. “Then talk. If your father’s life has really been threatened, then the police should be brought in. I know exactly what you’re going to say. The family can handle the problem, the all-powerful Powers family. What if you can’t? What if you get a call in the middle of the night informing you that your father was murdered? Are you going to give a damn?”

My thoughts drifted to the phone call over a month before. By all rights, I should tell her what had transpired.

But I didn’t.

“Yes, I will care,” I managed. I watched as she sipped her wine, her body finally relaxing to a degree. She would always be tense around me, but in truth, I didn’t blame her.

“Then act like it. Talk. Tell me about this trust fund at least.”

“The trust fund was created just after I was born and mostly from my mother’s money. Her parents were well off and left her with a significant inheritance. Same with Chase and Ashley. I don’t know the circumstances around if or what amount Riley was provided. After that, my father used his business acumen to parlay the funds, the amounts now worth as much as twenty times what has originally been indicated.”

“That’s why your father feels he has control over the options.”

“Yes. When I left five years ago after a bitter argument, my father threatened me, but never said anything about the trust fund. Then I received notification from his attorney that the terms had changed.”

She laughed. “Including that you had to get married.”

“Yes. I balked at first, but from what the attorney I hired to look into it told me there was nothing I could do about it given my birth mother was dead.”

“So, you figured why not invest two million to gain more money?”

“Thirty-five million, or so I was told. I’ve yet to be given access to the fund itself, even to check the balance.”

“Wow. I always knew that everyone had a price. Thirty-five million is yours.”

The same old anger rushed into my system. “It’s not just about the money, Bristol. It’s also about the principle, believe it or not. My father can’t rule everyone around him.”

“Like you attempt to do.”

Now I couldn’t help but laugh. She’d seen right through me. “Maybe you’re right. I arrived prepared for a battle and because my curiosity had been piqued. Instead, my father begged for my help. He’s never asked a single soul on this planet for help.”

“Which means he takes the threat seriously.”

Sighing, I nodded. “Likely. He wants me to take over a significant portion of the corporation, with plans that I’ll eventually be made CEO of the entire organization.”

“Interesting. Doesn’t Chase believe he’s the heir apparent?”

“Absolutely,” I mused. The lady was more observant than I gave her credit for. “Chase has acted like I’m his enemy for years. When I moved away, I can’t imagine how glad he was to see me go. He’s followed in my father’s footsteps his entire life.”

“Did your father mention any terms of this new agreement?”

“I have a contract I’ve glanced over, but I want you to take a good look at it. In addition, he’s offered to void the new codicil with regard to the trust. It’s a win-win according to my father.”

Bristol inched closer. “How did you find out your father had been threatened?”

“He told me as much, although I had to drag it out of him. I would have laughed it off because my father is the master of game playing, but there was absolute terror in his eyes. He’s being blackmailed, although the terms have yet to be disclosed. I’ve never seen him as broken as he was standing in the middle of his office. He says he has no idea who it could be.”

“You always know your enemies, Houston. That’s rule number one of playing corporate games, especially in a high dollar world that your father plays in. Billions of dollars can be won and lost without breaking a sweat.”

“But only if you’re ruthless, even unscrupulous.”

“Exactly, which shouldn’t be difficult for you. Has your father been involved in illegal activities?”

Damn if her terse words didn’t excite the hell out of me.

“I’ve always suspected he has including insider trading, but he’s hidden his tracks well. Granted, he’s being accused of stealing intellectual property involving a military contract worth a significant amount of money, but I have no idea whether that is true or not.”

She rubbed her finger across her lips, blinking several times. “It would appear he doesn’t hide his discrepancies well enough. In other words, someone is holding information or even evidence over his head and whatever it is, the chance being taken is worth the risk. If I had to guess, given the amount of money on the table, whoever is threatening your father will likely use rougher methods in order to get what they want.”

“Including murder.” I didn’t offer the words as a question. I made a statement. “I don’t deserve your help, Bristol. I realize that. I’ve been less than forthcoming, not to mention my surly attitude. However, if you’d be willing to continue, I will offer you another million dollars.”

The look on her face was one of condemnation, not disbelief. “Let me give you a piece of advice, Houston. While you’ve never known suffering in your life, the majority of people have. Money is important in order to keep a roof over people’s heads and food on the table, but it’s not everything. In fact, it’s only a small part of life and can’t buy happiness. That’s something you’ve never learned and I feel sorry for you.”

“As I’ve told you before, don’t feel sorry for me. I’ve enjoyed my life. Have you?” I instantly regretted the ugly words. She didn’t deserve my anger because of the shit I’d be forced to deal with.

“You’re such a bastard. I don’t believe you.” She tossed the glass, her aim perfect. Wine splashed across my face and down my shirt. Snarling, she shifted to her feet, walking quickly toward the house.

I reacted, jerking up and snagging her arm, dragging her against the heat of my body. Fisting her hair, I yanked with enough force she hissed, pummeling her fists against me.

“Get off me,” she demanded.

“That’s not going to happen.” My breathing heavy, I slid one hand down her back, cupping her bottom and grinding my hips against her.

She continued fighting me, wiggling in my hold as she struggled for her freedom. “I hate you.”

“I don’t care if you hate me. I need you to obey me.”

Her laugh was infuriating, driving the beast that I’d become to the surface. She seemed tiny in my arms, like a delicate flower that should be cared for. I wasn’t that kind of person. All I knew how to do was take what I wanted.

And today was no exception.

I crushed my mouth over hers, savoring the strangled moans she made as I pushed my throbbing cock against her stomach. She felt so damn good in my arms, as if she’d always belonged against me. As I fought to push her lips apart, she wrapped one hand around my neck, digging her fingernails into my skin.

There was no pain, only a surge of electricity that became blinding. I had to have her. I refused to allow her to get away from me. When I managed to thrust my tongue past her voluptuous lips, the combination of red wine and cinnamon fueled every one of my senses. Just the touch of her showered both of us with white-hot flames, licking down every inch of our bodies. Nothing had ever felt so damn good.

Pushing and pulling, she couldn’t budge at first, yet the little hellion refused to give up. She raked her nails down my back, her moans turning into ragged whimpers. Her refusal to submit to me tossed gasoline onto the roaring fire.

I was blinded by my needs, dominating her tongue as I explored the dark recesses of her mouth. She could have no way of knowing what she was doing to me. I shifted my hips back and forth, the friction even more powerful than the kiss. And I took my time, waiting until she finally allowed her body to mold against mine, acquiescing to the point of acting as if she enjoyed the moment of passion.

When I broke the kiss, I nipped her lower lip, allowing a string of growls to permeate the night air.

“Oh…” The single syllable slipped out of her mouth. She closed her eyes, panting as I dragged my tongue from one side of her jaw to the other, biting down on her earlobe then licking very slowly around the shell of her ear.

“You’re all mine,” I breathed, barely able to contain my raw needs. I was going to take her in every tight hole, forcing her to suck my cock before plunging it deep into her pretty pink pussy. Then I’d claim her ass, spanking her in order to insure her obedience. After that, I’d tie her to my bed, keeping her naked and waiting for my use. My thoughts were vile and sadistic, filthy and delicious and I knew I couldn’t resist her any longer.

I should have known the little brat had something up her sleeve. She would never truly give in to me. The second I pulled away, she managed to throw a hard punch to my chest, immediately twisting in order to get out of my clutches.

However, she didn’t understand my power on any level. The second I snagged her forearm, she reeled around, smacking my face. The force of her actions pummeled us backward, tossing us into the pool.

The shock of the water as well as her actions dragged at my rage. I still had my grip on her arm, but she was quick with her actions, kicking out and breaking my hold. As soon as I popped up to the surface, I let out a deep roar. The little brat had already started to swim away.

Hell, no.

She wasn’t going to get away from me.

Not now.

Not ever.

Reaching out, I snagged her leg, easily able to drag her backwards.

“Bastard,” she hissed.

“You’re right.” I slapped my hand around the back of her neck, wrapping one leg around her. “You’re going to stop fighting me.”

Her eyes darted back and forth, her breath skipping. My God, she was absolutely stunning in the lighting of the pool. Everything about her was exactly what I’d craved my entire life. She’d managed to break through some insane barrier, crashing against the armor that I’d invested time and effort into securing around myself.

And I wanted every inch of her.

“You’re such a horrible person,” she whispered, some of the fight slipping away.

“But this horrible bastard you can’t resist.”

Her mouth twisted as she clung to me, her nose wrinkling as she tried to think of some retort. “I will always resist you.”

“You’re lying to me, Bristol. I could smell your desire the moment I walked in the door. Tell me you crave my cock sliding deep inside of you.”


“Tell me.” My command was deep, the sound more like a beast than a man.


Her single hesitation was all I needed, my hunger increasing to the point I wasn’t going to be able to hold back. “One last time. Tell me.”

“Yes. God, yes!”

I captured her mouth, wasting no time whisking my tongue inside as I turned her in a full circle. Her hands clung to me as if I was a lifeline, her body tensing and pushing away, but only for a few seconds. When she wrapped both arms around my neck, pulling me in closer, I felt vindicated from being the monstrous bastard she’d accused me of being.

Our connection, the soaring electricity was unequaled, my desire rocketing off the charts. I could no longer think clearly, my needs were so intense. As the kiss became a wild moment of fantasy and indulgency, our bodies twisting together and water splashing over us, I realized I could lose myself in this woman.


The kiss becoming close to violent, I finally pushed her away, jerking at her top until I was able to drag it over her head.

She laughed, her eyes glistening in the darkness, and all I could think about was ravaging every inch of her sensuous body. She had no idea what I was capable of, but she’d soon learn. Within the next few seconds, we tore at our clothing until we were finally free of the hindrance. I shoved her against the side of the pool, smacking my hands on the edge as I ground my hips against her.

Laughing nervously, she tangled her fingers in my hair, darting her eyes back and forth. “Fuck me.”

Her command was like music to my ears, although she’d never be in charge. I could feel a crooked smile crossing my face as I dragged one of her legs around me, pushing my cock against her swollen folds.

The expression on her face was one of torment as well as blissful longing, allowing her to enjoy being taken by a beast. When I slipped my cockhead inside, she threw her head back, allowing the light breeze to float her ragged moan toward the heavens. The sound was sweeter than any music, further igniting the savage deep within.

I drove into her with fury, her muscles immediately straining to accept my girth. I was thrown into my own moment of sheer ecstasy, my body shaking violently as I remained inside of her. But I wanted more.

Required more.

She was my kryptonite, a powerful entity who could garner far too much control. I couldn’t allow her to do that. I pulled out, holding just the tip inside, teasing her. I wanted her to beg for my cock.

As usual, her defiance forbade her surrender. She jutted her hips forward, forcing my cock inside. Moaning, her eyelids fluttered as she pursed her lips. The little brat was doing everything in her power to cut through what remained of my defenses.

I slammed her against the wall, driving my cock in several times. Her winded gasps were my reward. With every brutal plunge, she lowered her head more, her moans becoming rampant. I adored the way her skin shimmered in the festive lighting. She was so alive and warm, electrifying every cell in my body.

As I thrust into her like a crazed man, our bodies melding together, she tossed her head from side to side, her eyes remaining closed.

“I’m going to do filthy things to you,” I managed.


“Shackle you to my bed.”


“Use your body every time I need it.” I was breathless, barely able to speak, my hunger knowing no bounds.

“Do it,” she purred, further exciting the beast.

I was thrown by how much I hungered, unable to get enough. The way her pussy yielded to me was incredible, spurring me on as a burst of heat wrapped around both our bodies. While there was nothing that I wanted more than to explode inside her tight channel, I wanted to experience every aspect of her luscious body.

I wouldn’t stop until she came, slathering my cock with her juice. Nothing was going to stop me from yanking her into raw bliss.

Her pants increased, her eyes glassing over. I knew she was close.

“Do you want to come for me, little brat?” I whispered.

“Uh-huh.” Her head bobbed as the pleasure shifted through every inch of her body.

“Are you going to be a good girl?”

“Yes. Yes!”

I pounded into her harder and faster, every synapse on fire, my muscles hard as rocks. “Then come for me. Let go.”


“Surrender, now. Now!”

My words seemed to ignite another fire within her. In seconds, her body began to shake uncontrollably; her face pinched as she opened her mouth on a ragged cry. Her pussy muscles clamped and released several times, a scream erupting from her throat.

And still, I refused to stop, thrusting into her intense heat with all the fury of a barbarian. She yielded to my brutal actions, a single climax erupting into a swelling wave crashing over her. She was even more beautiful than before, her eyelids fluttering and her body quivering against mine.

As she sagged against me, her breathing still scattered, I nuzzled her neck, sliding my tongue up and down.

Now it was my turn.

When I pulled away, she whimpered, trying to focus as she reached for me. Without hesitation, I jumped onto the edge of the pool, snagging a handful of her beautiful hair and dragging her between my open legs. “Suck me, sweetheart. Take every inch of my cock inside that hot mouth of yours.”

The look she gave me could melt a man straight into the ground, but she obeyed, rolling her fingers on the insides of my legs as she blew across my aching cockhead. I watched as she slid the tip of her finger back and forth across my slit, licking her lips as if in anticipation.

I was barely able to contain my patience as she toyed with me, raking her nail along the side of my shaft before cupping my balls. When she rolled them between her fingers, I let off a ragged hiss, stars floating in front of my eyes. We were combustible together, our needs exploding to the point that there was no return. I would never be able to get enough of her.

“Don’t tease me too long, my pet, or you’re going to face my belt.”

She winked as she looked up at me, her challenge one I wouldn’t soon forget. When she squeezed my balls to the point of discomfort, I let off a single growl. The moment she added additional pressure, a roar erupted. There was no doubt she was enjoying her moment of control and freedom, but it would be short lived.

I held back a series of guttural sounds, trying to keep my gaze pinned on her as she slowly lifted my cock, first darting her tongue across my slit then sliding it down the underside of my shaft. I opened my legs even wider, leaning back as she blew across my swollen balls. The ache was quickly moving to anguish, my testicles full of seed.

“Fuck,” I hissed the second she took one ball into her mouth, swishing her tongue back and forth before using her strong jaw muscles to clamp down. Even the noises she made, while exaggerated, were sexy as fuck, keeping me on the edge. She knew exactly what she was doing, turning me on then pulling back, driving me to the point of madness. The little girl would face a round of punishment. The thought made me smile as she shifted her open mouth to my other testicle.


I couldn’t help but smile, my body so tense I couldn’t stop shaking. She was testing my resolve, pushing as no other woman had ever done. And fuck, I wanted more.

When she finally zigzagged her tongue as she dragged it closer to my tip, I was ready to take over, forcing her heated mouth to take every inch.

“Suck. Me.” My words were little more than a raspy whisper.

She turned her eyes upward and I could swear they were nothing more than liquid pools of fire. Opening her mouth wide, she took only my cockhead inside, taking her damn sweet time to engulf the tip.

Growling, I reached down, fisting her hair as a reminder that I was in charge. The moment she took me down another inch, I had to fight to keep from driving my cock all the way inside. Her mouth was molten fire, explosive heat resonating from every pore in her delicious body.

Bristol issued a series of purrs as she took my cock in deeper. When she was only an inch from the base, I pushed her head down until her lower lip rested on my balls.

“Fuck. So hot.” Panting, I held her in place for a full ten seconds before releasing my hold, trying to catch my breath as she lifted her head, her tongue constantly swirling. I planted my hands on the deck, jutting my hips in jarring motions, face fucking her savagely.

She didn’t fight me, merely placing her hands on my thighs, allowing my brutal actions to continue. Her slight gagging sounds as she was forced to accept all of me added fuel to the fire. I became lost in the moment, keeping my fingers tangled in her hair, trying to catch my breath as I drove into her mouth.

I could fuck her for hours. Days. Maybe that’s exactly what I would do, foregoing anything but taking her over and over again. Another grin slid across my face as the adrenaline rush sparked an entirely new set of electric jolts. I’d never been this turned on in my freaking life. As I powered into her hot little mouth, all I could think about was driving my cock into her ass, the ultimate moment of control.

While the experience was damn good, I shoved her away, immediately sliding into the water. As I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her toward the set of curved concrete steps, she bit her lower lip. At that moment she seemed even more vulnerable, but I knew the woman wasn’t as innocent as she portrayed. She was a wildcat in disguise, never finding the kind of man who could suit her needs.

Or her raging hunger.

I was that man and after tonight, she would never want another.

“What are you doing?” she dared to ask, darting a look from one side to the other.

I lowered my head until I could whisper in her ear, “First I’m spanking you for being the bad little girl you are. Then I’m fucking you in the ass.”

The look on her face was priceless, her breath skipping and her eyes opening wide. “Bastard.” While she’d used the word countless times, the meaning was entirely different.

“Yes. Never forget that.”

She didn’t fight me until I eased her onto the stairs. Then she proceeded to try to escape, grabbing the metal handrail and attempting to scamper up the few stairs.

With ease I grabbed and pulled, planting her onto her hands and knees and wrapping my hand around her neck. “Not so fast, little girl.” When I brought my hand down against her rounded bottom, she whisked her hand through the water, splashing a wave across my heated body. “Tsk. Tsk. That’s going to cost you.” I brought my hand down several times, moving from one side of her buttocks to the other, her refusal to stop fighting only fueling me on.

“Oh. That hurts.”

“As it should.” I gave her several more in rapid succession, adoring the blossom of red on her perfect skin. The sound as I smacked my palm against her wet skin was just as enticing as her quivering body. I was one sadistic man.

She wiggled and clawed at the stairs, splashing water in all directions. “Oh. Oh!” Her wails filled the night air, causing me to smile even more.

“You will learn to be very good. Won’t you?” I peppered her ass with hard strikes until my hand ached, but not nearly as much as my cock. My balls hung low, my shaft twitching from the continued agony.

“Yes. Yes! Stop. I will be good.”

“Somehow, I don’t believe you.”

I continued the spanking for another two minutes until I couldn’t take the wait or the anticipation any longer. The second I kicked her legs wide open, she looked over her shoulder, panting and dragging her tongue across her lips.

As I gripped her hip with one hand, she threw her head back, closing her eyes and parting those lovely lips of hers. Every move she made was so damn enticing. I could barely contain my actions as I slipped the tip of my cock just inside her tight asshole. Then I took a deep breath, fighting the natural urge to take her like the true savage I was.

She whimpered, taking several exaggerated breaths as I pushed another inch inside.

“Relax and breathe for me.” I no longer recognized my voice, the guttural tone deep and laced with a hint of evil. I did everything I could to control my actions as I slowly slid inside, pushing past the tight ring of muscle. Then it became clear I couldn’t hold back any longer. When I thrust the remaining two inches inside, our combined roars were in perfect orchestration.

“Oh. Oh. Oh…” She undulated her hips, arching her back as she tossed her head back and forth.

I couldn’t breathe, didn’t give a damn about anything else. I simply wanted to strip away her last resolve, making her mine.

All mine.

There would never be another.

Growling, I pulled out, slamming into her again.

And again.

Until my actions turned just as brutal as my nature. The heat and tightness pulled me into a surreal world, my mind no longer able to process my actions. Nor did I care. I took exactly what I wanted, digging my fingers into her neck as I held her in place. I could no longer breathe and as I lost the last of my control, I threw my head back and roared, filling her with my seed.

Another moment of reckoning rushed into my system.

If I wasn’t careful, I would never be able to fulfill the terms of our contract because I was falling hard for the feisty woman.

That couldn’t happen. If I did, my beautiful kryptonite would become nothing more than a pawn in the world of power and greed.