Pitched by Ella Goode

Chapter Twelve


The table goes quiet,no one saying anything after the boys take off in pursuit of the cupcakes. Everything had been going great with our girls’ day. I was having so much fun. I’d even forgotten about Colt for a little while. Okay, it was only a few seconds, but still that’s progress.

I try not to fidget, feeling Colt’s eyes on me. What the heck is his deal? After he told me he didn’t want me going to any more parties I thought that kind of implied to stay away from him as well. Yet here he is buying me ice cream and sitting next to me. It doesn’t make sense.

“So…” Tricia taps her freshly manicured nails on the table. When she found out I’d never had a manicure, she insisted that we get them. She didn’t look as though she had any intention of letting it go until I had my butt in the chair getting one. So I agreed, and I have to admit that it was actually really nice. Tricia said next time when we had more time we would get pedicures too. There are so many things I’ve missed out on.

“Y’all get the stripper reward yet?” Tricia drops that bomb in the middle of the table, taking me back to her bickering with Booker in class. I’d kinda forgotten about that. I dig my nails into my palms, irritated over Colt going to see a stripper dance when really it’s not my business or even Tricia’s.

“No.” His answer is clipped, sounding annoyed.

“It was just a question.” Tricia smirks as the boys come back with the cupcakes. Colt snatches the box up, opening it. He takes one out before passing the box the other way around the table. I watch as he takes the paper off the bottom then hands it over to me. It’s such a small thing, but it's really sweet of him to do.

“Thanks.” I take it, never being one to turn down sweets. I let out a small moan when the frosting hits my tongue. I keep thinking I’m going to grow used to all the yummy foods around me, but still it’s a small high when I get something so decadent. I’ve quickly realized that frosting is my favorite sweet. There is nothing like that smooth, buttery deliciousness.

“You must really like cupcakes,” Tuck says before biting into his own. My face rushes with heat at everyone staring at me.

“She does. I don’t know how she eats the way she does. She’s still so slim. Lucky bitch.” Tricia winks at me before she licks frosting off her finger.

“It wouldn’t be bad if she gained a few pounds,” Colt says, taking everyone's attention off of me to focus on him. I try not to wince. He isn't wrong. I know I still have a bit more weight to gain until my body is healthy. But I have to admit that still it burns that he thinks my body isn't quite right.

“Dude. I’m fifteen and I know not to comment on a girl's weight.” Tuck shakes his head.

“I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant—" Colt tries to correct what he said, but Tricia cuts him off.

“Maybe you should just stop talking. I’m starting to wonder if you got hit in the head with a baseball with how strange you’ve been acting,” she says dryly.

“Right? He has been acting strange.” His brother hops in with Tricia.

“Why don’t you use the change and go get more cupcakes.” Colt narrows his eyes on his brother.

“I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” I stand, fleeing the table, not wanting another cupcake.

Before I can make it to the restroom, a hand grabs mine, stopping me. I turn to see Colt. He doesn’t say anything but keeps walking, taking me with him once again. He pushes open a door that says employees only and walks right in, pulling me in behind him.

“I don’t think we’re supposed to be in here.” The door falls closed behind us. The room is filled with shelves that have different supplies on them. Everything from trash bags to paper towels and toilet paper.

“I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I wasn't trying to say your body is bad. Not even fucking close. Shit, I’m terrible at this.” He runs his hand down his face, looking adorably flustered for someone his size. “Trust me. Your body is fine. I can’t stop thinking about it all the fucking time.” A weird flutter fills my stomach. Did he just say that he can’t stop thinking about me or did I imagine that?

He still has his hand wrapped around my wrist, his thumb rubbing back and forth. Not only does my stomach tighten but the sensation goes to my nipples too. We stand staring at each other for a long moment. I realize maybe I’m supposed to respond to what he said.

“I—” I pause, not sure how one should respond to the comment about him thinking about my body all the time. Not going to tell him I’ve been doing the same about his. “Thanks?”

“Don’t thank me yet.” He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into his body. His mouth comes down onto mine. I gasp in surprise as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. I stand utterly still, letting him kiss me. Loving the feel of his lips against mine.

Then I try to kiss him back the same way. My tongue tangles with his. A deep growling sound comes from inside of him, making me let out a small moan of my own. I pull back from the kiss, my hand going to my lips as I try and catch my breath. I’ve never experienced anything like that before. I can’t even put into words how amazing it was.

“You kissed me.”

“Yeah, and I really want to do it again.” His breathing is heavy. I can see the rise and fall of his chest clearly with each breath. My eyes travel down his body, seeing the bulge in his pants. I’m doing that to him.

“We can’t—"

“Why the hell not?” Did he forget he doesn't even like me? I’m also pretty sure he got most of the school to ignore me. I lift my chin, telling myself to stand up for myself.

“Because you're a big bully.” I poke him in his hard chest with my finger. His lips twitch, but I keep going. “You made it very clear how you felt about me the other night in your car…”


“Don’t babe me, I'm still talking,” I snip back. “Then you did something to get everyone not to talk to me at school. You made me the outcast. I bet you have no idea what that feels like. It sucks, and it's lonely. And well, just plain mean. I don’t want to be the outcast anymore.” He looks a bit shocked. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but it’s the truth.” I promised myself once I was out of my old life that I would speak up for myself.

“GG, you don’t apologize after you chew someone’s ass out.”

“Chew someone’s…” I trail off, unable to get the words out of my mouth.

The door to the room swings open suddenly. “Hey. You kids can’t be in here,” an older man holding a broom in one hand tells us.

“I’m sorry I broke the rules. It won’t happen again,” I tell him. He seems shocked by my words too. “I hope you have a good night,” I add before I flee the storage room knowing I’m never going to forget that kiss.