Pitched by Ella Goode

Chapter Twenty


It’s beentwo weeks since Colt took my virginity. I swear every day gets better and better. I don’t think he understands how much he’s done for me. Little by little he shows me more of the world and the things I’ve been missing. I make sure not to take any of it for granted. I enjoy each and every moment of it. He has changed my life and given me a sense of normalcy that I wasn’t sure I’d ever achieve. It doesn’t erase my past, but it gives me hope for my future.

“Been looking for you.” A hand wraps around my waist, spinning me around. I stare up at my now boyfriend.

“You’re always looking for me.” I laugh.

Tricia asked me the other day if it annoys me how clingy Colt can be. He’s gone from not giving a girl the time of day to being unable to keep his hands off me. He also has a growling problem when other boys get too close. My answer to her was a solid no.

I didn’t have any problems with it at all. I love every second of it, to be honest. In fact I’m pretty sure I’m in love with him. I’m starved for intimate human connection, and Colt is more than willing to give it to me.

“That’s why I turned the tracking on for your phone.” I run my hands up his chest. Some people may think that’s a bit obsessive, but knowing he can locate me at any given time gives me a sense of security.

“Track away.”

He leans down and drops a kiss on my lips. I let out a small moan. His erection presses into my stomach. I swear he’s always hard when he’s around me. That first night we were together Colt realized he hadn’t used protection. He didn’t have any with him, and both of us had gotten caught up in the heat of the moment. He’d felt so guilty thinking he hadn’t protected me.

He hadn’t given one thought of how our slip up could affect him. He was only worried about me. Another reason why I love him. I reassured him I was fine. Birth control was one of the first things Grams put me on when I had my first real doctor’s appointment. They said most girls my age take it. I’m super glad I agreed. Would I love to see little Colt babies one day? Of course, but not today and not when I’m still having to look over my shoulder. I need to get my life together before bringing another life into this world.

“You’re coming to the game tonight.”

“Yep. Tucker said he’s going to hang with me.”

“I swear he’s creeping in on my woman.”

“You think everyone is creeping in on me.” I smack his chest. “You growled at the donut guy this morning.”

“He was staring at your tits.” I roll my eyes.

“He’s like eighty!” I can’t help but laugh. Colt silences me with a kiss. He doesn’t stop until the catcalls start to ring out in the hallway.

“Fuck off,” he shouts, grabbing my hand to walk me to class. When we get to the door, he leans down to give me a kiss before we have to part ways. I kind of hate when we’re not together. I think I’m as clingy as he is.

The rest of the day drags by. Colt takes me home but has to shoot right back to the school to get ready. It’s a home game tonight. I put on the shirt Colt gave me with his name on the back when I get home. Grams orders pizza, and I grab a few extra slices to take with me. She swings by Colt’s house first so we can pick up Tucker.

“I can see why my brother is in love with you,” Tucker says as he bites into one of the slices of pizza I brought for him. Grams fights a smile, but I know I’m turning cherry red.

“You guys sure you don’t need me to pick you up? It’s not a problem.” She and Grandpa took a little while to warm up to Colt after that first night they met him. Now they see how much he makes me smile, and I told them it was all a misunderstanding, that I had taken his actions and words the wrong way. Things still seem to slip past me that I don’t immediately pick up on. Colt was a grumpy possessive brat that first night he met me. When I look back on it now, it makes me smile. I was it for him from the moment he spotted me. It makes me feel so dang special.

“No, Colt is going to take us home,” I reassure Grams as we get out of the car. She pulls away from the curb a moment later. I stand there looking across the parking lot at the old Ford Bronco. Jerima had one similar to it, but he also had a handful of other cars. I hate the reminder of him and try to push it to the back of my mind. I don’t want thoughts of my past to ruin my night.

“You okay?” Tucker asks. I pull my eyes away from the Bronco and nod. “Let’s go. I think Colt marked off seats for us.”

“Are there going to be more scouts at this game?” I ask.

“Maybe, but Colt’s already been offered a handful of scholarships to choose from so he’s golden.”

“Oh.” Why hasn’t he mentioned that to me? That's awesome. He deserves them. He works hard at his craft from what I’ve seen.

“What are you thinking about doing after high school?”

“I don’t know. I haven't given it much thought really.” I’ve been living more in the moment. “I enjoy writing.”

I’ve been journaling a ton. I always have, but now I don’t have to use stolen moments to do it. Reading over my old journals has been hard but at the same time therapeutic. I let Colt read some when he asked. It was a little nerve-wracking having him delve into my private thoughts at first. But it also allowed him to have a look into my past without me having to speak the words. I stopped letting him read them after I saw how upset and worked up he would get. I know he only wants to shelter me.

We find our seats a few minutes before the game starts. Colt runs out onto the field, jumping over the side, making me laugh. He gives me a kiss in front of everyone. They all start cheering and hooting.

“You're my lucky charm.” He drops one more kiss on me before he runs back to the dugout.

“You two are starting to make me sick.” Tucker pretends to throw up. I elbow him in the side. The game starts a few moments later. It’s been even more fun coming to the games now that I understand it more. I turn my head, checking behind me. Ever since I spotted that Bronco, I’ve had an eerie feeling of being watched. I shake it off, bringing my attention back to the game.

“That was a strike!” I shout, jumping up from my seat after Colt sends a fast ball across the plate and the batter doesn't swing at it. “Are you blind or something?” Colt is all smiles as he shakes his head from the mound as I voice my disapproval to the umpire.

“You tell ’em,” Tucker encourages me. I drop back down into my seat. Colt ends up striking him out, and they run off the field.

“I’m going to use the bathroom while he’s not up.” I pop up from my seat.

“Need me to come with?”

“Nah. It’s right there.” Tucker can be a bit protective too. Especially after Colt filled him in on a few things. I walk quickly into the bathroom, using the stall before I rush over to wash my hands, wanting to get back to the game. Someone needs to keep an eye on those umpires.

My heart drops as my eyes connect with my mother’s in the mirror over the sink.

“It’s time to come home,” she says. Jerima steps in a second later, and I know there is no getting away.

I should have told Colt I love him. Now he might not ever know.