Pitched by Ella Goode

Chapter Twenty-Two


Tears slidedown my face as I try and work the tape off of my hands, but I’m not getting anywhere. I remember seeing a trick on how to break out, but I need to be able to stand in order to do it. I keep trying anyway, hoping I’ll catch a break. I will not stop fighting.

“You’re just hurting yourself for no reason. All you have to do is cooperate,” my mom hisses from the front seat. There isn’t an ounce of sympathy in her voice. The kind you would expect a mom to have for their child. I know better than to expect anything from her, but still I always hold out hope that she’ll change. But she’s too far gone at this point. “And stop with the crying. It’s pathetic.”

From the glare she is shooting my way, I know she wants to come back here and slap me again. When they first grabbed me and tossed me in the back of the van I tried to signal someone to help me. That hadn’t worked out too well for me.

Jerima had pulled over and held me down while my mom duct-taped my hands and feet together. I stopped fighting them when I felt Jerima’s erection press into me as he held me down for my mom. I’d almost vomited.

The fear of what was really happening started to settle in. Each mile that we get farther away from my grandparents and Colt only means it will be harder for them to find me. I wonder if anyone even knows I’m missing yet. The thought of never seeing the people I love again threatens to crush me, but I push it to the back of my mind.

“You’re such an ungrateful brat. The prophet wants to marry you and you try to run from us!” She screeches the last part.

They were so sure I’d easily go with them. That I’d be agreeable to whatever future they had planned out for me. They’d been waiting until I wasn't near my grandparents’. They saw their opportunity and took it. Me fighting them had shocked them both. My mom more when I landed a smack to her face. She returned the favor. My cheek still stings from where she hit me. That is nothing compared to the other things she’s done to me in the past.

“You were with that boy?” Jerima asks. He meets my eyes in the rearview mirror. “Did you succumb to temptation?”

I shake my head no, lying through the duct tape. He narrows his eyes on me. I don't think he’s buying it.

“She’s a liar. That’s okay, Jerima. You only need to marry her. You don’t have to be with her in all ways.”

My mom pets his arm. She has a pouty look on her face, her bottom lip puffed out. The urge to vomit rises up again at the thought of Jerima touching me in any way. I’ll fight him with everything I have. Or die trying. I don’t care. I will not be a victim ever again. I will not allow these people to bend me to their will.

“Shut up.” He knocks her hand off his arm. “The marriage must be consummated.”


“Are you questioning me?” Mom shuts her mouth before shaking her head no. “Remove her duct tape,'' he orders her.

I stay still as she gets up from her seat to lean back. She gives me a hateful glare before she rips it from my face. I clench my teeth together, not willing to make a sound in pain for her. I refuse to give her the satisfaction. I’ve already shed too many tears because of her.

How could this woman be my mother? What happened to her to make her this way? How can I both hate her and feel bad for her at the same time? These people really did mess with my head.

Growing up the way I did was all I ever knew. Still, I always thought something wasn't right. For my mom it was different. She lived in the real world. Got to experience life and how much better it was out there than with Jerima. I’ll never understand, and I think I should stop trying.

“Tell us everything that happened when the devil's men tried to take everything from us.” I’m guessing he’s referring to the FBI.

“They took us to some shelter. A few days later Grams and Grandpa came and picked me up,” I say, not giving them anything else.

Jerima strums his fingers on the top of the steering wheel. Every few seconds he glances in the rearview mirror to look at me. I have to get away from him. There is no other option. I need to buy some time too. They have to get us married. I’d think that would involve us meeting with other people or something.

“It saddens me you’ve succumbed to the dark way, but I’ll save you, precious child of mine.”

“Fuck you.” The word pops right out of my mouth, surprising me as much as it does them. I’ve been hanging out with Tucker too much if I’m dropping the F bomb randomly.

My mom gets up and tries to come back toward me. Jerima pushes her back down into her seat.

“I will handle her. You have no self-control.” Mom nods at him. His words of disapproval really mess with her. I notice he takes every opportunity he gets to hurt her with his words.

I swallow, seeing the cruelty in his eyes when they meet mine once again in the mirror. Fear rises in my chest at what he’s going to do. He jerks the van off the road suddenly into a giant truck stop area. He pulls in abruptly. I don’t see anyone else around the dimly lit lot. He throws the van into park before turning to face me.

“It’s time I taught you some manners, wife.”