Pitched by Ella Goode



A few months later

It’snice to have a camera on me and no one asking me about Jerima. I try not to fidget, not wanting Colt to know I’m both nervous and excited. This is a big freaking day for him. He decided not to go to college but to enter the draft now instead. He told me if he gets signed as a rookie to one of the teams that he’ll play in the minors for at least a year before they bring him up to the majors. But I’m thinking with the way that he’s been performing, it will be a lot sooner than that.

It’s so crazy how your fate as to where you’re going to live the next few years of your life is all up in the air. Not that it matters to me. I’ll go wherever Colt goes. That’s all that matters to me at this point. This man is my world. I still get so choked up about the team forfeiting a game so they could try to find me. I learned that day that while Colt loves baseball, he loves me more. He had been willing to give it all up for me, even though it would have cost him his career. I will forever be grateful for the day he came into my life.

“Hey, Booker. Is your dad going to hire a stripper if Colt gets picked in the first round?” Dean wiggles his eyebrows. Colt shakes his head.

“You just fucking had one after we won the championship game,” Booker responds back.

“What’s wrong with having another one? There is plenty of me to go around. Shelly is just trying to make a decent living.” I snort a laugh.

“It’s pointless. Colt doesn’t even stay to watch the strippers dance, so what’s the point?” Booker throws his hands up.

“That’s not true,” I butt in. “He always stays to watch me.” Even as I say the words, I know my cheeks are warming. Having hung out with all of them over the past few months I’ve gotten used to all of the sex talk that gets tossed around.



“The hell?” Colt grunts from beside me. He lifts me out of my seat, putting me right into his lap.

“That's gross. I do not want to picture that. GG is like a sister to me.” Tucker’s face scrunches up.

“None of you fuckers better be trying to picture that shit.” He starts to stand, but I purposely wiggle in his lap, so he stays put. “You’re going to get it later,” he says low for only my ears to hear before he kisses me a couple times on the neck.

To think back on how much my life has changed from a year ago still blows my mind. I’ve grown and changed so much. After the FBI made their arrest, the news went wild with wanting to know the whole story. Thankfully, I don’t have to testify.

Between my journals and the information they received from my mother after she turned against Jerima, my testimony wasn’t needed. I wish I could say she changed and finally did something because she was trying to protect me, but I’d be lying to myself. She sold Jerima out to save herself. The good news is that they have more than enough to lock him away for the rest of his life.

My mom hasn't tried to reach out to me, and I hope that doesn't change. At least for now. She needs to get herself some serious help with how messed up her mind is. I decided to seek out the help of a therapist. I didn’t want this stuff to come back to haunt me later in life. I wanted to do as much as I could now to heal so that I could lead somewhat of a normal life. It was Grams’ idea for me to go, and of course she was right. It felt good to unload things that I didn’t know I’d pushed so far down.

A ding sounds, grabbing everyone’s attention to let us know that the cameras are all now live. You never know when they might pan to you. We just have to wait and hope his name gets called fairly early. I try to wiggle out of his lap, but he doesn’t let me go anywhere.

“Stop wiggling or I’m going to get a hard on while they’re recording.” I freeze, making him let out a chuckle.

“Oh shit,” Mitch says as we watch the picks start to shift around with teams having made trades.

I see the Yankees are now at the top. Colt told me that was his dream team. He didn’t think he would be called in the first few. I still don’t know a ton about baseball, but based on all the people who were trying to get at him and blowing up his phone I’m not sure if he’s right on that. The time goes up on the board, and we all wait. Each second feels as though it’s an eternity.

“Will they take the whole time?” I ask. Before I can get the words out of my mouth the announcer is walking back to the stage. “That was fast.”

“They must have known who they wanted. I’m guessing they want whoever it is if they traded so much to get the first pick.” Ethan says, not helping my nerves in the least. Tricia grabs my hand, silently telling me it’s going to all work out.

“The New York Yankees have picked Colt Broussard as their first pick.” The room explodes with celebration around us. Everyone goes crazy but Colt and me. I’m still firmly in his lap.

“Colt.” I lift my hand to put it on his cheek. “You did it.”

I told Colt I’d follow him anywhere. Whatever he decided to do. We’d take Tucker with us and start our lives. With or without the draft money we would be okay living off my inheritance. He didn’t look too happy when I suggested that, but he also wasn't too proud to accept the help, knowing that would be best for all of us as a whole. But it didn’t matter. He did it.

“I’m going to give you everything and more,” he says as he rises to his feet, putting me down in front of him. I’m about to shift out of his way, but his hands cup my face before his mouth comes down onto mine, kissing me deeply.

“You’ve already given me everything I could want and more. You.”

“I love you, GG, and one day very soon you’re going to be my wife.”

“I love you too.”

Life might have dealt us both crappy hands, but Colt and I found our happily ever after.

Our love is a grand slam.