The Nanny and the Alien Warrior by Honey Phillips

Chapter Ten

Craxan left the cabin so they could dress, and Joanna found herself staring at the door as it closed behind him. She had come so close to telling him she loved him. But she was scared. Not so much of her own feelings—despite the short time they had been together, she felt closer to him than she had ever felt to another man—but whether he felt the same way.

As easily as he had slipped into the role of mate, and father, he had never said that it was more than a job to him. He had never mentioned a future together. And yes, he was sweet and kind and wonderful, but maybe that was just his nature.

“Help me, Mama,” Tavi demanded, drawing her out of her speculations. She had one arm trapped in the armhole of the black dress Craxan had made for her.

Joanna laughed and went to her assistance.

The white dress looked wonderful on Tavi. The fabric had a faint, iridescent shimmer that brought out the lavender undertones in her daughter’s skin and contrasted beautifully with her deep purple hair. At Tavi’s request, she even braided some of her hair to reveal her small horns. She could almost have been going off to one of Lord K’herr’s formal events, and for a moment guilt gripped her.

She had taken Sultavi away from everything—away from a beautiful home and a promising future and a significant fortune. And away from the monster T’paja who only wants to use her, she reminded herself. She might not be able to provide her daughter with material wealth, but she could give her unlimited love.

“Now you,” Tavi said, twirling around to watch her skirt flare out.

Joanna picked up her own dress. Craxan had already made her two sets of pants and tunics modeled after her nightwear. They were practical and surprisingly comfortable, but they were far from glamorous. But this dress is the epitome of glamor, she thought as she ran her fingers over the shimmering gold fabric that reminded her of heavy satin.

The silky cloth even smelled wonderful, and it took her a moment to realize that it was because it smelled like Craxan. She took a deep breath and sighed happily, then ducked into the bathroom for a quick wash before pulling the dress over her head.

The design was simple, a straight fall of cloth from her shoulders to her ankles, but he had managed to drape the neckline into a flattering cowl and the matching ribbon that tied beneath her breasts accentuated her curvy figure.

“You look beautiful, Mama,” Tavi said, her eyes wide. “Like a princess.”

“You’re the princess, sweetheart.”

“We’ll both be princesses! Right, Papa?” Her daughter turned to address Craxan as he entered. “Don’t we look nice?”

“Very nice,” he agreed as he bent down to pick her up. She curled her tiny arm around his neck and smiled triumphantly.

“Perhaps too nice,” he added, and Joanna saw his eyes were focused on the subtle swell of breasts at the neckline of her dress. She knew that heated look all too well, and her nipples tightened against the cool silk.

“You should wear your cloak.”

His possessiveness caused an atavistic thrill, her clit pulsing with excitement. Oh, Lord, she was ready for the evening to be over before it even began.

“I’m not going to do anything of the sort. I have you to watch over me, don’t I?”

“Alwa—” He choked off his words. “We should go.”

He had been about to say always, she was sure of it. Why had he stopped? Because this was only a job?

But he seemed to recognize her doubts, his tail curving comfortingly around her waist.

“I will look after you,” he promised.

It wasn’t always, but he was here now. She leaned into him and patted his tail.

“You look nice too, Papa,” Tavi said, and Joanna noticed for the first time that he was wearing a new shirt. Dark green rather than black, it stretched across his massive chest with a lustrous gleam.

His skin actually seemed to darken along his prominent cheekbones. “I borrowed the shirt from Jed. It is a little tight.”

“I don’t have any objection to that,” she murmured, and his tail dropped down to pat her bottom. Mmm, base three point five.

Captain Merios was waiting for them in the dining room. She recognized his mocking voice from their first encounter, but she could also see a faint resemblance to Rissta, which made her feel more comfortable. She liked the elderly female, despite her brusque demeanor.

“My, my. I see why your… mate has chosen to hide you away,” he drawled.

She didn’t like the hint of doubt in the way he said mate, but she smiled pleasantly. “I haven’t been hiding. I’ve been working. Perhaps that is not a concept with which you are familiar?”

He gave her a stunned look, then started to laugh, fangs flashing. “I believe you have been spending entirely too much time with my grandmother.”

“Nonsense. The girl simply knows a wastrel when she sees one,” Rissta said tartly as she appeared, leading a robotic food cart.

“I’m sure you’re correct, Grandmother,” he agreed as he went to assist her.

“You should have worn your cloak,” Craxan muttered, pulling her closer.

She laughed and shook her head. But then another male entered, Anaeus, the cargo master, and the way he looked at her made her feel uncomfortably exposed. He reached for her hand, but Craxan growled and stepped between them.

“Remember what I said.”

Craxan’s tone was deadly, and she suddenly remembered that brief fight back on Alliko. He might be sweet and kind and wonderful to them, but he had another side.

“Just like the beast, Mama,” Tavi whispered excitedly.

“Yes, sweetheart. Our beast.”

Yengik came in next, followed by Craxan’s friend Jed. He had a distinctly snakelike appearance with slit-pupiled eyes and a forked tongue. His skin was covered with smooth, shimmering scales, but she much preferred the rougher texture of Craxan’s skin.

“I am honored to meet you, Mate of Craxan.” He bowed gracefully, but didn’t try to take her hand.

“Umm, why don’t you just call me Joanna?”

Jed shot a glance at Craxan and when Craxan nodded, he bowed his head. “I am honored.”

The two remaining members of the crew were a mated pair of Kissats. The engineer, Sayla, was a slender, quiet male, while his partner Hagrin, the navigator, was loud and jovial.

Dinner turned out to be surprisingly pleasant. The captain was an entertaining conversationalist, especially combined with his grandmother’s acerbic asides. Yengik didn’t speak much, but he kept Tavi entertained. The others chatted amicably, only Anaeus not participating in the general conversation. He was seated at the other end of the big table, but she could feel him watching her and it made her skin crawl.

The food was given lavish praise, but she watched their reactions as they ate as well. On the whole their actions matched their words, but Jed pushed most of a leafy green to one side of his plate and Hagrin discreetly added more spice to his food.

As the meal drew to a close, the captain passed around small crystal glasses filled with a deep red liquid. He didn’t offer it to either Tavi or Yengik, and when he came to Jed, he raised a mocking eyebrow.

“Farlan brandy?”

“No. Thank you.”

Merios shrugged and moved on, and she saw Jed’s hand twitch.

The brandy was strong, but delicious, and she could feel it warming her insides. Contentment filled her.

And then Merios spoke.

“We will land on Driguera tomorrow morning, ship time. It will be close to midnight on the surface and I wish to undertake the job immediately.”

Driguera. The memory of Craxan telling her that it might be dangerous swept over her, and she found herself clutching his tail.

“What is Driguera?” she asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

“It is a… trading port.” The captain’s eyes were unexpectedly kind, and it made her feel even worse.

“It is a hot bed of scum and villainy, filled with bastards who would just as soon knife you as look at you. It has the highest murder rate in the sector,” Anaeus said, smirking.

“Leave now.” Merios’s voice turned deadly. “And I may decide to let you remain on board.”

Anaeus shrugged, but he rose to his feet. “Remember, you need me.”

The obnoxious male left, but her pulse was racing so fast that she felt dizzy. She darted a glance at Tavi, but her daughter only looked puzzled. Either she hadn’t heard or she didn’t understand what was happening.

“I’m going to take this little one back to my cabin,” Rissta announced, rising to her feet. “I have some games she will like. And I might even be able to find a few sweets.”

Tavi’s face lit up. “Can I go, Mama?”

“Yes, but not too many sweets.” Her lips felt numb, but her voice must have sounded normal because Tavi only grinned happily.

“You too, Yengik,” Rissta ordered.

The three of them left, followed by Sayla and Hagrin, and Craxan immediately turned to her.

“Do not worry, my mate.”

“Don’t worry? What if something happens to you?” she cried, then turned to Merios. “Was Anaeus wrong?”

“Not exactly.” He swirled the liquor in his glass, not looking at her.

“Then don’t do it, don’t go. Don’t make Craxan go.”

“It is necessary.” The captain’s expression hardened. “And it is the price that we agreed on for your passage.”

“But I—”

“Do not worry, my mate,” Craxan said soothingly. “I told you that I could take care of myself.”

His attempt to calm her only added anger to her increasing panic. She wrenched herself free of his tail and raced out of the room, then realized she didn’t know where Rissta’s cabin was located. And perhaps it was better that Tavi didn’t see her when she was this upset. She would get herself under control and then get her daughter.

But control did not come that easily. She paced back and forth in their small room as more and more nightmarish scenarios filled her head, then collapsed onto the bench, trying to hold back the tears.

“May I come in?” Craxan stood in the doorway, his face stern.

“Since you’re willing to barter your life for a cabin, I’m not going to try and keep you out of it,” she snapped.

He sighed and came in, sitting silently at the other end of the bench. His tail kept flicking towards her, but it didn’t make contact and she actually missed the comforting touch.

“I don’t want you to go,” she burst out.

“I know, but I gave my word.”

“We can find another way to pay for the cabin. Maybe I could take over as cook for the rest of the voyage.”

“I suspect Rissta would have something to say about that,” he said dryly. “My mate, I promise you, I am very good at what I do.”

“But everyone makes mistakes.”

“Do you think I do not know that? I made a mistake when I let my stubborn pride come between me and Vanha. But if I had been with him, he would not have died. Look at me,” he said gently, and at last his tail curved around her wrist. “Do I not look like a capable warrior?”

She had to admit he did. The tight, gleaming fabric of his borrowed shirt accentuated his broad shoulders and massive chest. The usual softness in his expression had vanished and his features were hard, fierce in the dim light.

“I suppose,” she said reluctantly.

His tail stroked her arm soothingly. “And although I do not expect it to happen, if something should… prevent me from returning to you, I have asked Jed to take care of you.”


“Yes. He is a worthy—”

“You expect me to let some man I don’t even know swoop in and replace you? Did you tell him to hold me too? To touch me?”

“Never,” he roared. “You are mine, Joanna. No one will ever touch you except me.”

They stared at each other in the deafening silence following his cry. She couldn’t tell who moved first, but then she was in his arms. His mouth devoured her frantically, and her response was just as urgent. He shoved the top of her dress down, groaning into her mouth as her breasts filled his hands. Strong fingers clamped down on her nipples, harder than he usually touched her, but the sharp pinch sent a shockwave of excitement straight to her clit.

He bent her back over his arm, taking her nipple in his mouth while his other hand slid beneath her dress, seeking the damp heat between her thighs. When he found the swollen pearl of her clit, she shuddered, trying to muffle her cry.

“Let me hear your pleasure,” he demanded, deliberately swirling his finger over the sensitive flesh.

“Craxan,” she cried, already quivering on the edge of climax.

He growled approvingly. “Now I want to see this pretty cunt, all slick and ready for me.”

Her dress disappeared in a flutter of silk, and then she was naked. He lifted his head and looked down at her, running his hand from the fullness of her breast to the curve of her hip.

“You are beautiful, my mate.”

“I want to see you too.” He’d never removed his pants or allowed her more than a brief, tantalizing caress of his cock.

He obeyed immediately, stripping off his shirt and pants with astonishing speed.

Oh my.

Somehow he looked even bigger without his clothes, all his muscles clearly defined and rippling as he bent back down over her. And his cock… long and thick and covered with the same small nubs that patterned his skin.

Her pussy clenched so hard that she gasped. She reached for him, but he knelt between her legs instead. Her cheeks flamed as he spread her legs, his eyes focused on her exposed folds.

“Beautiful,” he murmured again, then leaned closer and swiped his tongue from her entrance to her clit in one long stroke.

She could feel each nub sliding across the sensitive skin, even as his tail came up to probe at her entrance. He had done this before, but in the dark and under her shirt when she could not cry out. The fact that he could see everything now added to her excitement, and when he curled his tongue around her clit and tugged, she came with a hoarse cry. Her pussy fluttered wildly around his tail, but he was already pulling it free.

“I cannot wait any longer,” he growled, and pulled her straight down onto his cock.

Her body shook, overwhelmed by the sudden shocking fullness. He was so deep inside her that she felt as if they were one, even as her clenching channel tried desperately to adjust to his size. But then he reached down and swept his thumb across her clit, exposed and throbbing, and she came again, her body convulsing over and over as she tried to tighten around the massive intruder.

When she recovered enough to notice her surroundings, she realized he was panting, his hands clenched on her hips, and his body rigid.

“Are you all right?” she whispered.

“All right? I had never thought to experience such pleasure. To feel your sweet cunt gripping me so tightly. To know that you are mine.” He focused on her face, his black eyes burning. “You are mine, Joanna. I claim you as my mate.”

It was not a question, but she nodded. “Yes, Craxan. I’m yours.”

His hands tightened, and then his stillness vanished. He lifted her slightly, then thrust back into her, and now she could feel his nubs, rubbing against every sensitive inch of her channel. His speed increased, raising and lowering her over his cock with desperate urgency, and she did her best to meet every stroke. Her hands tightened on his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin, and he groaned and moved faster. A hoarse cry erupted from his lips as he slammed her down one last time. The base of his cock expanded, the impossible stretch sending her into yet another climax as the heated rush of his seed filled her completely.

She collapsed against his chest and his arms came around her, holding her as if he would never let her go. And she never wanted to leave him.

“How long will this last?” she whispered.

“The knotting? I am not sure. I have never done this before. I told you, it only occurs with our true mate.”

His eyes were warm, amused, but then she wiggled a little, experimentally, and heat flared. Her channel was still trying to adjust, and even the slight movement sent little shocks of electricity through the sensitive flesh.

“So we have to wait?” she gasped.

“Wait? Oh no.” His thumb stroked across her clit again as his tail probed delicately at her bottom hole. Excitement shivered down her spine as he growled. “We do not have to wait at all.”