I Do (Hate You) by Sienna Blake


We lay naked and sated, collapsed in the empty hot tub. After our last round on the countertop, I thought we were finished, but then Shell suggested we should clean up before sneaking out of Logan and Talia’s suite. The quick, cold shower that we talked about somehow turned into a bubble bath in the hot tub.

When Shell leaned over to turn on the jets, her round little apple ass poking out of the bubbles, I couldn’t help but slide my fingers inside her and see if she was game for another round. She was. Of course she was.

Shell turned on the jets and raised herself on the edge of the tub, pushing her knees wide. I was up on my own knees immediately, my dick rock hard and ready for her. I had already had her twice, but it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Shell reached over to the counter and grabbed another condom packet and flipped it over her back. I caught it with one hand and ripped it open before sliding it on.

The hotel's decorator had placed mirrors all around the bathroom, including low to the ground by the hot tub, so I could see Shell’s face as I entered her. She bit her lip, but I could tell it was from pleasure, not pain.

“Holy fuck,” she whispered, gripping the edge of the tub, her tits bouncing in time with my deep thrusts.

I held on to her left hip with one hand and gave her ass a little smack with my right. She met my eyes in the mirror and demanded, “Again.”

I obeyed, giving her another smack. She pushed back harder against my cock. I felt her begin to shudder inside, the first wave of an orgasm taking over her body. She could only pant and then scream as pleasure washed over her. This time she didn’t collapse, she rocked back and forth on her knees into me, faster and faster until I joined her in the pinnacle of ecstasy. When we were both satisfied, I was so spent that I laid my face on her bare shoulders as I slowly slid out of her.

Little fragrant bubbles filled the tub and the air as the jets blew all around us. I knew I would always associate the smell of honey and mint with Shell and this amazing night. She sat back on her knees and looked over her shoulder at me and smiled such an innocent little smile that I couldn’t believe it was the face of the woman I had just fucked in so many dirty, dirty ways.

She dipped down in the bubbles and swam my way, cuddling into my chest. I’d always heard about the afterglow, the desire to hold a woman tight after sex, but all I ever felt was the afterpanic, trying to figure out the fastest way out the door.

That wasn’t the case with Shell. I couldn’t think of anywhere else I would rather be than holding her naked body close to mine.

As I nuzzled her ear, I heard a loud ding in the next room.

“What’s that?” Shell asked, her eyes half-closed from exhaustion.

“That sounds like I’m getting a text,” I said lazily.

“Oh shit. What time is it? Is the wedding over? Is Logan coming up here?” Shell asked, and I felt her body tense next to me.

I gave her a peck on the forehead. “I’ll go check.”

When I stood up, I was covered in bubbles until she blew them away, leaving me completely uncovered.

“Go away, bubbles. I want to enjoy the view,” she said, then wolf-whistled as I hoisted one leg over the edge of the hot tub.

“Behave!” I yelled back at her even as I did a shimmy dance as I walked across the room.

I stopped dancing when I found my phone on the edge of the coffee table and saw the text. My blood ran cold when I read it and I quickly responded.




Me: Just sorting out your wedding suite. Almost done.





He must have known or at least suspected what his little sister and I just did. He was going to kill me.

“Shell, you better put your clothes on,” I yelled as I grabbed my shirt from the floor and pulled it over my head.

She stood up from the bath and I was struck again by how beautiful her body was, now shiny and pink from the heat of the bath and still covered in tiny bubbles that were sliding off her nipples and down her hips.

“Let me just rinse the bubbles off in the shower,” she called back.

“You don’t have time.” I strode across the floor and tossed her a towel. “We’ve gotta get out of here. Dry off and get your clothes back on.”

My heart squeezed as I saw how hurt she was by my brusque manner, but that hurt would be nothing compared to what Logan would do to us both, especially me, if he found out what we’d been up to.

I’d been accused of having a certain moral flexibility in love and money, but I had never violated bro-code. Until today. Fucking your best friend’s sister was about the worst thing you could do.

I buttoned my shirt as I watched Shell slowly dry off and walk around getting her top and skirt and underthings together. Even with the threat of being murdered by my best friend hanging over my head, I couldn’t help but stare. I was so going to hell.

“This was certainly unexpected,” she said as she pulled her bra back on. “But it was a fun surprise.”

Shit. I had to nip this in the bud before she told the whole wedding party.

“Shell, I really think it would be best if no one found out about this little…” I paused as I tried to think of the right words to describe what we’d just done. Best sex of my life? Amazing fuck? Mind-blowing orgasm followed by a satisfying cuddle?

Those were all absolutely accurate, but instead I ended my sentence with a single word.


She froze in the middle of putting on her lace thong. “Did you just say ‘fling?’”


“You said ‘fling.’” She spat out the word as if it was sand in her mouth.

“Well, I mean, it’s just semantics. It was great, of course, whatever you call it, but we better put our clothes on and hustle out of here. Tick tock.”

Logan would be here in about eight minutes. Meaning we’d both be dead in about eight minutes and one second.

Shell yanked up her thong and flicked her top the right side out while staring daggers at me. “Are you seriously going to pretend that there is nothing going on between us? Is that what you’re doing?”

That was exactly what I’d been planning on doing, but from her tone, I knew I should say anything but yes, but…I guess old habits die hard?

“Look, it was just sex,” I said. “Sure, incredibly hot sex, but just sex nonetheless. Umm, have you seen my pants?” I asked, desperately trying to speed this process up.

“I don’t care where your goddamn pants are. You and I are not going anywhere until you tell me how you really feel. What we did there…” she pointed to the bed, “…and there,” she pointed to the counter, “…and then over here,” she sat down on the edge of the tub, “was fucking amazing and you know it. It sure as all damn wasn’t some ‘fling.’ You’re just scared to admit your feelings.”

“Shell, I’m not scared. I’m not anything. It was great sex. End of story. Now we need to find my pants and get out of here before Logan kills us.”

“Fuck you, James.”

Shell jumped up from the edge of the hot tub and stormed through the bedroom. I followed.

“There my pants are!” I said in triumph when I spotted them hanging from the bedroom chandelier. “Hey, let me put them back on and we’ll go down to the lounge, have a drink and talk about how fun it would be to keep this our dirty little secret.”

Before I could get one leg on, I heard the door slam. Shell had left. Dammit. I jumped up and down and finally got my other leg in the pants and my belt back on, then slid my feet back in my shoes, which were kicked under a chair.

I figured Shell must be on her way back to the reception. I could probably run down the stairs and beat her there if I hurried. There must be some way for me to make this right.

I yanked open the door and ran straight into Logan.

“Oh fuck!” I yelled in surprise straight into his face.

“What the hell, man? Why are you so jumpy?” he asked, taking a step back.

“Um, what? Me? I’m not jumpy. You’re jumpy. It must be wedding jitters or something.”

“Just let me in. There’s something we need to talk about,” Logan insisted, pushing against the door.

I was about to let him in when I saw my boxer shorts sticking out from under the bed. If Logan saw them, he’d know they were mine. In my haste to get my pants on and chase after Shell, I’d forgotten them.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

“It’s bad luck to see the bridal suite before the wedding,” I blurted out, blocking his path.

“No, it’s not. It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”

“Oh, but you still shouldn’t come in here. It will ruin the surprise,” I argued.

“Move, James.”

With that, he shoved against the door with his shoulder. I staggered backwards.

Logan stalked through the bedroom, barely looking at the chocolate and roses on the bed. Then he walked into the bathroom.

“Why are there wet towels in here?” he asked.

“Um, it was like that when Shell and I got here,” I said, sprinting to my boxer shorts and shoving them in my pocket in the three seconds he was in the en suite. “I guess housekeeping didn’t get in there yet. I was going to call down and ask for clean towels.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Logan said, a great look of relief coming over his face. “I have a confession to make.”

“Uh, okay.” Unless he’d just banged my mom or something, I bet his confession would be nothing compared to the secret that I was sitting on.

“When I found out you and Shell were up here together, I thought you were hooking up. I’d noticed the growing chemistry between the two of you.”

“Hooking up?” I squeaked, then cleared my throat and tried to make my voice sound normal. “What? Don’t be silly. We were here decorating the room. Do you know how many dozens of roses we pulled the petals off of to scatter them all over the bed for you and your bride? Have a piece of the chocolate. It’s dark salted caramel. Amazing. Shell and I were just here prepping the room, nothing more.”

“Thank God,” he said.

I should have just left it there. But I didn’t.

“Would it be so bad if we did hook up though? I mean not now, of course. I mean at some point far in the future? I’m not saying we’re attracted to each other or anything, but would it be so terrible for me to ask your sister out on a date or something? I’m hot, educated, charming, rich as fuck. I think most people would call me a catch. Why wouldn’t you want all that for your sister?”

“I don’t know how to say this without offending you,” Logan said, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

“Well then, don’t worry about it. Just be brutally honest.”

“My sister can date anyone on this planet except for you. She is totally, utterly off-limits for you and you alone.”

“What? Why?

“Because you have stuck your dick in every woman under forty between here and Perth. You flatter them, you fuck them and then you drop them. There is a path of angry women with broken hearts, and I won’t have my sister be one of them.”

“Ouch.” I couldn’t deny it but it was still hard to hear.

“Mate, you are one of my favorite people in the whole world and I would trust you with my life and my fortune, but I know what you’re like with women. ‘Hit it and quit it’ is fine for all those other women, but it is not good enough for my baby sister.”

“I understand,” I said, and for the first time in my life I regretted my life choices.

“Hey, thank you for what you did with the roses and stuff,” Logan said, turning to look at the splash of red that covered the bed.

“It was all Shell’s plan. I told her it was a bad idea, but she wouldn’t listen.”

Logan laughed. “I get it. Shell always gets what she wants.”

But tonight she didn’t. And I didn’t either. Well, we got the amazing sex, but we would never know what that would have turned into.