I Do (Hate You) by Sienna Blake


“You look fine,” I told James.

He looked like an idiot.

“There is a new Gucci line coming out in the fall of male sarongs. They’re called manrongs,” I added.

There was not.

“You are just being fashion forward,” I lied.


“Are you sure?” James asked me, examining himself in the bedroom mirror of my villa.

“Even if I’m not sure, your clothes are all ripped and wet, so your only other option would be to go around naked. Is that what you want?”

“That would actually be better than this,” he said. “Just look at me!”

I turned from his reflection to look at his actual body. “Okay, let me examine you with the eye of a fashionista.”

That’s what I was trying to do, instead of checking him out with the eyes of a horny woman who knows how good he was in bed.

“The color of the fabric is really quite manly, bold red with green and yellow and blue,” I said.

I could totally see the giant outline of his cock under the thin fabric.

“From the side it actually looks like you’re wearing shorts.”

If he got one of his flagpole-length erections, then there was going to be no way that sarong would hold together. It would just fly open like a flap on a tent in a stiff breeze. Pun intended.

I pulled my eyes from his crotch to look him in the eyes. “Honestly, you have nothing to worry about.”

That might actually have been true. I was the one who had a lot to worry about. I was getting married to the perfect man tomorrow but here I was lusting over this shithead. He turned his back to me to take a look at the side view and put his marvelously thick torso on full display. I knew he worked insanely long hours at his job, but he must live the rest of his life in the gym to get a body that good.

My eyes traveled to his huge hands. I had always thought it was an old wives’ tale that a man with big hands was also big down below, but James proved it to be true. I thought about how those hands had pleasured me, had slid into me, had so easily picked me up to fuck me.

“I guess I don’t care,” James finally said after all my worrying and convincing. “Hey, if we find the handcuff keys in here, then we won’t even have to worry about it. Then you could slip off to my villa and go get me some dry clothes.”

That snapped me back to reality.

“Great idea!”

When James was done checking himself out in the mirror, I scrubbed off the glitter and sparkle and lipstick from my face. The makeup was so thick, I ruined two towels scraping it off. It was bad enough being cuffed to James, I couldn’t handle looking like a hooker too.

After I cleaned my face, we searched every corner, nook and cranny in my villa. Just as we were about to give up, I went left as he went right, and we bumped into each other. He grabbed me so I wouldn’t fall, which brought my face to his chest again and his crotch straight to my stomach. We tried to pull apart without knocking each other down, then lost our balance and started all over again. We basically dry humped each other like two teenagers in a basement, but all we were trying to do was not fall down.

Remember my theory that the sarong would turn into an open tent if James got an erection? I was right.

When we were finally both steady on our feet, his hard cock was pressed up against my belly button and I would have sworn that he kissed the top of my head. There was no denying the erection, but I must have imagined the kiss because he was the king of the fuck and run, not a man who gave little displays of affection.

I stepped back from him in embarrassment and we both looked into the mirror to see his fully exposed penis functioning as a flagpole under the sarong tent.

“I’m not sure this is going to work,” James said slowly.

“We could always tape it down,” I chirped, trying to make the best of the situation.

“You are not taping my dick down.”

“Not your…I mean the sarong. We could tape the two sides together. Not everything is about your penis, James.”

“It totally is.”

“How is that, you ridiculous narcissist?”

“I have a strong suspicion that you lured me here to seduce me last night. If you could have resisted my penis, we wouldn’t be here right now,” he explained.

“What?” I shrieked.

“Also, my penis is playing quite a role here in our current awkward situation.” He pointed theatrically to his exposed crotch, and I had to admit that it was even more noticeable than the handcuffs.

“It will all be fine as long as you calm down.”

“Calm down? That’s your advice? That’s how you think a man’s dick works? You tell it to calm down and it just lies down and rolls over?”

“Well, think of something gross, like naked old men or droopy old lady boobs,” I encouraged.

“Keep talking. You might have something there.”

“Nuns with mustaches! A kick to the crotch! That waitress at Lou Lou’s with the thick ankles who offered to give you a blow job by the dumpsters!”

A few minutes in and we were doubled over with laughter. James came up with a few dozen doozies in addition to my gross suggestions and we discovered he might have a foot fetish, but I was too scared to explore that one.

“Look,” James finally said, pointing to his reflection in the mirror. “I think you’ve done it. The sarong has deflated.”

“Phew! I thought we were going to have to shoot it.”

James cupped himself with both hands and winced. “That’s not funny!”

“It’s a little funny,” I said, holding up my thumb and index finger in the universal sign for “tiny.”

“You can’t say ‘little’ when referring to my manhood,” James announced in fake outrage. “He’s sensitive. Tell me again how I have a King Kong dick.”

“Ugh. Come on, let’s sneak to your villa to search for the keys,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Yeah, we also need to search for my phone. I didn’t find it in my pile of clothes.”

I pulled on my handcuffed arm like he was a puppy on a leash, and he followed me to the front door. Turning the knob wasn’t as easy with my left hand but I finally managed to yank it open.

“Holy shit!” I squealed, and before James could ask me what was wrong, I slapped my cuffed hand over his mouth as I shoved him behind the door with my hip.

Rupert was standing there with his hand in the air. “Hello, darling. I was just about to let myself in and surprise you.”

Just in case he was still thinking about coming in, I jammed myself in the gap between the door and the wall so there wasn’t an inch of room left. I chanced a look at James, who had smashed himself up against the other wall with our hands dangling in between us.

“What are you doing here? It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!” I said, reaching out to give Rupert a playful shove with my free hand.

He ducked the hand like it was a balled-up fist. You’d think it would be me who was a little twitchy considering the situation, but Rupert looked like he was having pre-wedding jitters or had just done a line of cocaine. Neither of which sounded a bit like him. He was always calm, and he once told me jittery nerves were for virgins and housewives.

“That’s just a silly old wives’ tale. I was hoping you’d come to breakfast and meet my parents. Although you’d need to change,” he said, looking askance at my outfit. He hated it when I bared too much skin.

“Oh, I was hoping to meet them at the wedding. I mean, what a way to make a first impression! I’ll be all in white with beautiful flowers and a flowing veil.”

“I suppose that makes sense,” he said, refusing to meet my eye, which also wasn’t like him. “Hey, how was last night?”

“What about last night?” I yelped, about to spin out in a panic until James jabbed me in the side with his finger. “Oh, I meant to say, yes, last night was fine. Very quiet.”

“Nothing memorable at all?” Rupert pressed.

“Not a thing,” I said, then laughed nervously. “It’s almost like it didn’t happen.”

I could see James face-palm behind the door. I felt like telling him that not all of us were as practiced at lying as he was.

“What did you get up to last night?” I asked Rupert, and he finally looked at my face.

“Didn’t you say it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?” he asked. “I better go meet Mother and Father for breakfast.”

“That’s not an answer,” I pointed out, but he was already walking away, ducking under the exotic red blooms on a tree next to the walkway.

“Ick,” James said after I slowly closed the door.


James shrugged his huge shoulders. “Nothing.”

“Just tell me, you jackass. What do you mean by ‘ick?’”

“Your fiancé is normally just a pompous loser, but just now he was acting like a pompous, shady loser. Didn’t he sound like he was hiding something?”

“Yeah, maybe. But unless he just robbed a bank or murdered a priest, I think I’ve probably got the bigger secret right now,” I said, pointing to our cuffed hands.

“There’s probably some innocent explanation for this,” James said with another shrug. “Unlike Rupert’s weirdness.”

“You know, I think you just don’t like Rupert because you’re up against him for the Whitehaven contract,” I accused him.

“There’s no way I lose to him. No. Damn. Way,” he said, chin shoved out.

I could tell I hit a nerve and since it was James, I kept pushing out of meanness. “My money is on Rupert winning.”

“I’ll take that bet,” he said and stuck out his right hand. I stuck mine out in reflex which whipped his left hand into his thigh, then I dropped it and tried to shake with my left hand which didn’t work at all.

“We don’t have to shake,” he finally said, then pulled the front door open again. “Let’s just go find me some damn pants.”

“No!” I said and slammed the door.

“You don’t want me to put on pants?”

“No! I mean yes! I just don’t want you to go that way. Rupert’s villa is down that path, so we can’t go out that way. His parents’ villa is right next to it.”

“But so is my villa, and there’s no other way to get there,” James reasoned.

“Yes, there is,” I said.

“Whatever idea you have, I’m already against it.”

“Why?” I asked with fake outrage.

“Because you’re smiling. That never works out well for me.”

I laughed, then swatted him on the ass and said, “Come on! Be a good sport!”

My idea was to go out over the back deck into the gardens and sneak into the back door of James’s villa. Easy, right?

Not exactly.

James, of course, had zero problem hopping over the railing and hanging on the other side, waiting for me. But since I was a full six inches shorter than he was, I could barely get my leg over the tall wooden railing. I got one leg up, trying to balance in the middle with my one hand that wasn’t cuffed to James, then swung my other leg over without kicking him in the face. I would have enjoyed kicking him had we not been attached, but since we were tied together, he could retaliate. The deck was only four feet off the ground but balanced on the rail, it seemed a lot higher.

“Hurry up,” James demanded.

“Shut up. I’m not a giant like you are, and I’m trying not to get to third base with this railing I’m sitting on which is currently up my… Shit!”

I lost my balance and fell toward the ground. James managed to catch me with one strong arm around my waist. It hurt when the handcuff yanked on my wrist at the odd angle, but it would have hurt a lot more if I had hit the ground with my face.

“Hang on to me,” James said.

He didn’t have to tell me twice. I clung to his neck with my free arm as he hopped us off the balcony and into the bushes. He waded us out of the shrubbery before he let me slide slowly to the ground. I could feel every inch, every ridge of his hard muscled body on the way down.

“Are you alright?” he asked, his voice laced with concern. James still had his free arm wrapped around me even though I was steady on my feet.

“Yes,” I said. “Just shock. Thank you for, um, saving me.”

He looked at my lips and I knew exactly what he was thinking. I knew because I was thinking it too. If I just shoved up on my tiptoes, I could have reached his lips with mine. I remembered every touch and taste and feel of this man in that moment and I couldn’t think of anything—anything—else but kissing him. James’s eyes stayed locked on mine and I felt like he was waiting for some kind of signal to lean me up against the wall and remind me what his lips could do to mine.

Then what?

I forced myself to think of that question. A kiss, a grope or even a quick fuck up against this brick wall would have been James filling a biological need, not an emotional one. When he got what he wanted, he’d just walk away like he always did.

Except this time I would have to go with him since we were handcuffed. I couldn’t bear the humiliation of it. I slowly stepped back and took a deep breath.

“Let’s go.”


* * *


A few minutes later we were in James’s suite. He whipped the sarong off even before we’d closed the back door. While James rummaged through his suitcase, I looked across into the mirror picking out of my hair the leaves and flowers that had stuck to me as we snuck through the garden.

I also got a pretty spectacular view of James’s naked body in the reflection as he hunted for clothing. So sue me. It’s not like I was deliberately looking.

“Okay, I’m dressed,” he announced when he had pulled on a pair of shorts.

“You mean you’re half dressed,” I said, pointing at his bare chest. Put on a shirt.”

“I don’t have any string-tie shirts like you do and I’m not going to cut one side of a shirt to get it over this handcuff. We are on a tropical island. There’s no dress code,” he argued.

“Listen, we don’t need to draw any more attention than we already will. Put on a shirt!”

He gave me a knowing look and nodded his head. “Oh, I get it.”

“I’m going to regret asking this but…get what?”

“It’s hard for you to be around me half naked because you’re too attracted to me. Here, I’ll put on a shirt.”

“No!” I said, jerking our cuffed hands back from the suitcase.

“Okay,” he smirked. “I’ll go shirtless.”

“No! I mean, yes, put on a shirt but no, it’s not because I’m attracted to you,” I said, wanting to wipe that smug look off his face.

When he lifted an eyebrow, I added, “Okay, I’m not attracted to you anymore. Like, at all. Honestly, even if I didn’t know you had the personality of a rock, I’m not even physically into you. Zero attraction.”

I grabbed a shirt from his suitcase and dragged him toward the front of the villa. “I’m pretty sure there are some scissors in one of the kitchen drawers.”

“Sure, whatever. But back to the attraction thing. You said zero attraction?”

“Actually, less than zero. You could do a strip tease in front of me, and I wouldn’t even look up,” I said as we passed through the living room.

“What about if I did this?” James asked as he spun me around and gently pushed me against the door.

“What are you doing?” I gasped as he leaned close, putting his face by my ear, his body almost touching mine.

“I’m just thinking over your theory that you’re not attracted to me. Are you honestly telling me that I don’t turn you on?” he whispered in my ear, pulling my long hair out of the way with his free hand.

“Nothing you could do would turn me on,” I whispered back, unable to speak any louder.

“Really?” he asked, his breath hot on my neck.

“Really,” I said, gathering every bit of willpower I had.

“I think you’re lying,” he growled into my ear. “So if I stripped you here with my teeth and licked all over your body, you’d tell me to stop?”

“Yup, that’s what I’m saying.” I squeezed my eyes shut, trying hard not to shiver at his breath at my neck and his scent in my nose and his body pressed up against me.

“If I licked your clit, plunging my tongue inside you, your taste and your scent driving me wild…you’re telling me you wouldn’t come hard the way you did in that en suite?”

“Did you do that? Hmm, doesn’t ring a bell,” I said, digging my fingernails into my palm so I wouldn’t moan from the memory.

“And if I picked you up, my hands sliding under your thighs to lift you onto my cock, you wouldn’t scream for me to ride you harder and harder?”

I knew I couldn’t speak so I just shook my head back and forth. I didn’t mean to arch my back in response.

I gasped when I felt his cock hard between us. He took it for permission to push against me, bending at his knees so our bodies perfectly aligned. My pussy was already wet, all I would have to do would be slide my shorts down and rip his off. My hand started to move toward the waist of his shorts before I could think of what I was doing.

“Oh God,” I breathed and let out a moan.

That’s when we heard the knock.