What If You & Me by Roni Loren


Getting a book out into the world takes a lot of effort in a normal year, but writing, editing, and polishing a book during the upheaval of 2020 takes a special kind of dedication. Luckily, I have been blessed with a great team of people (and my family) in my corner to help make that happen.

To Mary Altman, my editor, who didn’t panic when, after already having written a big chunk of the book, I told her I’d like to change a major aspect of my hero and would need more time. Thank you! Now I can’t imagine Hill any other way.

To the whole Sourcebooks team, including Christa, Stefani, Rachel, and Jessica, your dedication and enthusiasm are top-notch. I know my books are in great hands!

To Sara Megibow, my agent, who has had my back for ten years. Happy author/agent anniversary!

To Dawn Alexander, my dearest friend and a badass brainstormer, who keeps me laughing even when I’m in the pit of writer’s block.

To my parents, who are way cooler than I’ll ever be. I love you.

To my readers, thank you for picking up my books even when I can’t seem to stay in one place genre-wise. I am grateful to each and every one of you. Every. Single. Time.

And finally, to Donnie and Marshall, my rock stars. I wouldn’t want to be quarantined with anyone else. Love you. Love you. Love you.