On a Wednesday by Whitney G.

Courtney: Then

Senior Year


Idouble-checked my contact list for the umpteenth time, letting out a deep breath before hitting send.

Subject: Pitt News Presentation

Hey everyone!

I apologize for the mass email, but I wanted you to know that I’m presenting a project downtown this Saturday and since we’ve taken a class together or spent time in a club (and I’ve shown up for you in some way), I figured you’d be interested.

I’m enclosing the details, and dinner will be at Primanti Brothers afterward!

Courtney Johnson

“Do you have plans tomorrow morning, Kyle?” I looked at him as he pulled in front of my place.

“Only one that I know of, why?”

“I’m giving a presentation downtown tomorrow for a news magazine competition, and I’m inviting everyone I’ve ever met. It starts at seven thirty, and the winners are announced in the late afternoon.”

“You really do love journalism …”

“I can’t promise that it’ll be the most entertaining time you’ll ever have, but the judges always give out tons of gift cards to Primanti Brothers at the end. Once it’s all over, I’ll give you a few of those, if you show up.”

“So, you’re saying that I have a choice between spending my Saturday in bed or getting up at the ass crack of dawn to go downtown and watch you talk about the news—which I hate, for hours?”

“I’ll give you a recap when I get back to campus.”

“Thank you.” He laughed. “I’ll let you know how my meeting with my future agent goes. That’s my only Saturday plan.”

Before I could point out how fast our days were going by—how anxious I was becoming with every day that the draft and my flight to London neared, he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.

“Stop thinking so much,” he whispered. “Good luck tomorrow.”