Voyeur by Candace Wondrak

Chapter Seventeen – Roman



Zoey was thrilled to have the green light from me when it came to Lake; I didn’t need to spy on her to know it.

I did, though, because I was me. I watched their little chat, watched her rush over to him and kiss him like there was no tomorrow, all the while fighting the jealousy and anger bubbling inside of me at the sight.

It would take some getting used to, I supposed. Perhaps I’d never get accustomed to it, and I would always be two steps from the edge when it came to Lake and Zoey.

But I would try. I would try for her, because she’d been right. Lake could be there for her when I couldn’t, and if something ever happened to me, at least I’d know she’d have someone else to lean on, someone to depend on. The last thing I wanted would be for Zoey to be alone if worse came to worst.

Fuck, I really hated admitting that to myself.

I sat in my backyard, on a patio near the pool. The sun had almost set; I’d sent Carter to fetch Zoey a little while ago. She had her talk with Lake, and now it was time for her to have a chat with me. I was certain she had many things to say to me, since apparently Crystal spilled all the beans about what I’d tried to do at the Dollhouse with her and Lake.

Every few minutes I sipped my drink, waiting. This week had been slow on the work front, so all of my focus had been on Zoey and Lake. Probably not something healthy to focus on, but it was what it was; I needed to know if I could trust Zoey with Lake, and though it was a rudimentary test, I was satisfied enough with the results.

For now.

Who could say? Maybe I’d test him again further down the road, when I wasn’t there to watch, when it wouldn’t be so obvious, just to keep him on his toes.

I heard footsteps echoing on the patio, and I did not bother to turn and look. I recognized the sounds of Carter’s shoes, and I knew Zoey hardly made any noises when she walked while wearing those hideous pink sneakers.

They were her favorite, for whatever ungodly reason.

When her legs stood in my peripheral vision, I glanced at her, slowly drawing my gaze up, taking in her tight shorts and her even tighter shirt. Her pink hair was a bit messy, a little wild, her light blue eyes almost accusatory as they watched me. Carter stood just behind her, not bothering to hide how his hungry gaze traveled along her backside.

“Sit,” I said, gesturing to the wicker chair beside mine.

Zoey took her time in sitting, though she did glance back at Carter, catching him in the act of ogling her. The man himself didn’t appear to care much that he was caught red-handed, simply giving her a smirk when their gazes met.

Once her attention was back on me, I spoke, “I assume you have words for me, Zoey.” My gaze was now on the pool, on the clear blue water sitting inside it. Inground, it was wide and deep, with lights and its own heating system. The air had started to become a bit cooler at night, but not cold enough to close it up.

“Oh, yeah,” she said, attitude dripping from her voice, “I have more than a few, Roman.” She hissed out my name like she always did, and I fought the urge to smile.

I did so enjoy hearing that tongue say my name.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Zoey asked, frowning at me. “I thought I said no more kidnapping?” I didn’t even get the chance to answer her, for she immediately went on, “And to take him to the Dollhouse, to get Crystal to come on to him? What the fuck?” Now she was just pissed, and I couldn’t hide the smile struggling to form on my face that time.

I also enjoyed her feistiness.

Meeting her angry stare, I shrugged and took another sip out of my glass. “Yes, well, what can I say? Your boy surprised me, in the end.”

Zoey groaned. “Stop calling him a boy. He’s not a boy.” I’d be sure to keep calling him that, just to aggravate her, just as she would continue to press my buttons to rile me up. It went both ways here.

“He even stood up to me,” I said. “If he were anyone else, he’d be dead right now.” That was not an exaggeration. I didn’t take kindly to others trying to put me in my place, so to speak. “Now, I do believe you should be thanking me.”

She glared, saying, “For what? For nearly giving Lake a heart attack? For trying to bully him and scare him away?”

“For allowing you to continue seeing him,” I said, setting down the glass on the patio beneath my chair. “Do you think I’d let just anyone date you while you’re mine, hmm? Do you think I’ve done this for anyone else before?” I leaned over my chair, reaching for her wrist, grasping it tightly as I pulled her toward me.

Zoey’s face was less than two inches from mine, and her lips parted. She did not try to yank herself away.

“The answer to those questions,” I whispered, staring deep into her eyes, “is no, so be grateful.” I let her go, and she huffed at me.

She stood, bending over me, for once in the superior position. “If you want me to thank you,” she purred out, giving me a challenging look, “you’re going to be sorely disappointed.” Her smile grew ear to ear, and she pushed herself away from me, sashaying her hips as she moved closer to the pool.

My eyes were on her ass, because where else would they be?

Zoey slipped off her shoes, tearing off her socks before dipping her toe in the water, testing it. Since it was a completely private backyard, no other houses in sight, she started to strip, right there in front of me. Her shorts were the first thing to drop down, revealing the smooth curve of her ass beneath her lacy panties. She hooked her thumbs in them and tugged them down, too.

I could not tear my eyes off her, needing to watch the show she was about to put on for me.

The next thing she did was turn to face me, letting me view the waxed spot between her legs, not a hair to be seen. Zoey reached for the bottom of her shirt, lifting it up and over her head, exposing the giant tattoo on her side and her hip. Last but certainly not least, her bra. When that bra fell to the ground, when that padded fabric fell away, onto her pile of clothes, I’d be lying if I said I did not feel a low ache in my balls and a twitch of my cock.

“Anyone care to join me?” Zoey asked, tempting. She did not wait for a response from either me or Carter, instead turning and jumping into the pool. She swam a ways away, her form smooth in the water, signaling the fact that this was not her first time in a pool like this.

She was a Marbella. If I had to guess, I’d say she grew up with a pool much like this one. Money was the norm where she came from, though around here, money was made in different ways.

I glanced at Carter, saying, “I’m not feeling the pool tonight, but you can go in.” It had been a long while since Carter had her; the man was practically a sex addict, dying to have it at any given moment of the day. When it came to Zoey, it was worse. Hopefully he would learn to separate his feelings for her and our jobs, otherwise a bullet in the arm might be the least of his worries.

Carter didn’t need me to say anything else; he started to shed his clothes, stripping naked in front of me, much like Zoey did mere moments ago. It was not long before his strong, muscular frame descended into the pool.

Zoey had swum to the middle, treading water as she watched Carter get in. She shot me a look, and I responded by grabbing my glass and lifting it to her, toasting her and everything we could be together.

That girl… I did not want to let her go. I could not say what it was about her, but I’d known it from the beginning, from our very first meeting. Carter had taken a bit longer to come around, but once he did, it was obvious. Zoey was our drug of choice, one neither of us wanted to give up.

She swam towards Carter, stopping when she reached a part of the pool she could stand in. Her gaze traveled down his bare chest, and her eyebrows came together when she spotted a fresh scar on his arm. Fresh as a scar on a body could be. It had stopped scabbing a while ago, though Carter had no self-control when it came to resisting the urge to itch it. I was sure that didn’t help his body speed up the healing process.

Her head tilted, and one of her hands came out of the water, lightly running up his arm. It was not the only scar on his body, but she’d seen him naked before, so she must’ve realized it was newer.

Their eyes locked, and then it was over. Carter grabbed her, pulled her against his chest, his arms snaking down in the water to hoist her up. Though I couldn’t see what was happening beneath the water, I could imagine her legs wrapping around his hips much like her arms were doing around his neck, could picture his erect cock, thick and ready to take her.

He carried her to the edge of the pool, wading through the water, bringing her closer to me, so I could hear better. I sat only ten feet away from the pool, so I’d see and hear all I needed to, now. I took a slow sip from my drink, finishing it up before setting the glass down for good, all of my focus now on what was about to happen in that pool.

Carter forced her arms to drop from his neck, and he turned her, making her face me. Zoey hugged the edge of the pool, her eyes lifting to meet mine as Carter positioned himself behind her. I imagined his feet were spread wide to lower himself, to get a better angle, and I found myself leaning forward as I waited with bated breath for it to happen. For Carter to shove his cock so deep inside her she would have no choice but to cry out.

I knew the moment Carter pushed inside her, for the expression on her face twisted into one of pure rapture, her eyelids falling slightly, her mouth hanging open as he started to rock behind her, his strong body keeping hers pinned to the wall. She might come out of this with scrapes or bruises, but no one here cared. Everyone here—me, Carter, Zoey—we all wanted the same thing: for Zoey to get fucked.

Her fingers held onto the side of the pool, her pink hair wet and messy as Carter took her from behind. She let out moans every time he got a little rougher with her, every time he pushed his cock deep into her, the sounds instantly hardening my own dick.

Fuck, I wanted her, I wanted to feel her again… but not here, and not until I watched Carter have his way with her.

The water around them shook with the movements of Carter’s powerful body, his masculine face twisted in pleasure, carnal and instinctual. He was claiming his girl, making up for lost time, time that I’d kept him away from her.

Carter set a hand beside Zoey’s body to brace himself, and all the while he thrust into her, Zoey’s half-lidded gaze remained on me, watching me as I watched her. I wondered if she liked knowing I got off at seeing her at the mercy of another, if knowing I found it titillating made her even wetter between her legs.

His thrusting grew more frantic, Carter’s hairline lined with sweat. I could count down the moments right before he came, having watched him so many other times before. His chest spasmed, a deep-throated groan rising in the air as he squeezed his eyes shut and pushed Zoey hard against the wall of the pool, his dick as deep into her as it could possibly go. He emptied himself inside her, letting his orgasm run its full course before drawing himself out.

In all honesty, he could probably go for another round or two, but I had something else in mind now.

I got to my feet, acting as if I didn’t have a raging erection pressing against my pants. “Bring her to my room,” I said, turning and walking there myself, ignoring the looks that were shared between Zoey and Carter.

Most of the time, I got enough pleasure from watching. I could get that mouth around my cock or use a hand, but the only thing I wanted right now was for her to lay bare beneath me on my bed, spread eagle.

I’d taken her cunt once before, when she’d riled me up enough with the whole Lake business, but that was different. That had been quick and fast in every way, most of our clothes still on. This time… this time would be much different in that respect; I planned on showing her Carter was not the only one here with stamina.

I knew it would take some time for Carter to bring her to my room; they would need to get out of the pool and dry off a bit first, though I wasn’t very concerned with the chlorine. My bedding could always be washed.

When I arrived at my bedroom, I flicked on the lights; the switch was on a dimmer, so I kept it low, going to pull the curtains closed. The next thing I did was yank the sheets down, practically tearing them off my bed. We wouldn’t need them.

My shoes and belt were already off by the time Carter came in, still one hundred percent naked and still sporting a boner, carrying an equally naked Zoey. I pointed to my bed, and he deposited her on top.

“Give us the room,” I said, and though I knew leaving was the last thing Carter wanted to do—he wanted to fuck her again and again, I could see the hunger in his green gaze—he walked out, closing the door behind him.

Zoey propped herself up on the bed, her hair still damp, but the other parts of her skin dry. She gazed around my room, taking in its extravagance, the dark walls and the lavish furniture in it. “So, this is where the all-powerful Roman sleeps?” she asked, grinning.

I moved to the side of the bed, reaching up to loosen my tie before slipping it off. I said nothing, keeping my mouth firmly shut as I took off my suit jacket next. Bit by bit, I took everything off, baring myself to her in a way I never had before, stopping only when I stood there, utterly nude, my erection plain for the both of us to see.

Once I was bared to her, Zoey sat up, inching toward the edge of the bed, her eyes raking over me, the desire in them evident and only furthering the rush of blood between my legs. She spotted every single scar on my chest—and she must’ve felt compelled to touch them, for she did. Within a moment, Zoey was on her knees on the bed, nearly my height as she ran her hands along my chest, her fingertips lightly tracing the white scars there.

She said nothing about them, but I knew what she was thinking. What I did was dangerous, the things I did deadly. All of these scars proved it. There might be a time when I did not come home after a job gone wrong… but tonight was not that night. Tonight was all about Zoey and me.

Though she was still touching my chest, exploring the body she’d never seen before, I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her back. Her body bounced a bit when it collided with the bed, and I crawled on top of her, biting her lower jaw, pressing my hips against hers, forcing her to feel the hardness between us and causing her to gasp.

“I do so enjoy watching Carter take you,” I whispered against her cheek, my lips roaming to her ear as she practically turned to goo beneath me. “I love watching you unravel, Zoey Marbella, while knowing you’re mine.”

Mine. Because that’s exactly what she was. She would not be with Carter if it weren’t for me, nor would she be with Lake. I was the one who allowed it all; I was the puppet master here, the conductor of this orchestra, and I would never let her forget it.

Zoey was mine, and she would be mine until the day one of us drew our last breath.

I said nothing else, moving my hips, feeling my cock position itself near her entrance. Using one arm to prop me up, I used the other to grab myself and rub my length along her slit, feeling the slickness of her natural lubrication; what I felt was not the wetness lingering from the dip in the pool. She arched her back beneath me, and I took in the sight of her glorious tits, her nipples hard and pointed, ready for the taking.

Before I pushed myself inside, I took a nipple into my mouth, grazing my teeth over it as I listened to her mewl. My tongue swirled around it, and mere seconds before I pushed inside and abandoned the nipple, I gave it a little bite.

Her legs were spread beneath me, her body taking in my cock easily. Carter had gotten her ready for me, her inner walls slick. I thrust into her, watching as she rocked on the bed beneath me, her cunt more than addictive. I took her hard and I took her fast; I pumped into her like an animal, wild and free, not bothering to hold back at all.

I grasped her neck as I fucked her, squeezing hard enough to stifle her air a bit, but not hard enough to knock her out. Zoey liked it rough. I doubted she’d ever had it like this with her prick of an ex, and I knew for a fact she wouldn’t get a fucking like this with that Lake boy. I was her tiger, her animal, and I’d make sure she always remembered it.

Oh, yes, I’d say Zoey more than liked it rough, because with the hand around her throat, with my cock buried deep inside her, her body started to tense, trembling as pleasure swept over her. She came hard, her inner walls tightening around my length, a cry escaping from her mouth—as much of a sound that could slip through those lips while I had a grip on her.

This would not be the only time she came while filled with my cock. I would rock her world and make her tremble over and over again, only allow thoughts of me inside that pretty head. Tonight she was all mine.

We tried every position we could. We graduated to doggie style soon enough, though it made me come entirely too quickly, frankly. I had her bent over the side of my bed while I stood behind her, ramming into her the next moment. She tried to be on top for a while, but that was not so much my style—at least, not when my cock was the one inside of her.

I filled her with my cum, caused that body to shake in pleasure half a dozen times before I felt the night start to wear on my body. We ended the long, hot and sweaty session with her laying on her stomach, my cock pushing into her from behind, my arm around her chest, holding her against me.

So tight, so warm, so fucking good, even after all this time. How could a body feel this good? How could her cunt feel as if it was made specifically for me and me alone? I never wanted her out of this room, but I knew that was too much to want; it would never happen. She was too strong, too bull-headed to ever let me control her quite like that.

I breathed hard into her hair, my body slick with sweat, my cock nearly spent as I rammed into her. Her body must’ve gotten worn out, for the most she did was let out a moan every now and then, the only sign she gave me to let me know I was doing something right.

Leaning my cheek on the back of her head, I murmured, my voice husky and ragged, all low and gravelly, “I love being inside you, Zoey Marbella.” It was my turn to groan as I thrust, adding, “If I had my way, my cock would never leave you.” The details of something like that would be impossible, but any time I was not with her, I’d be thinking of her, wishing I was, desperate to get back home to her.

My release came, dominating me in a savage swell of pleasure. Who knew how much cum I actually sprayed inside her that time; my balls were probably drained dry by her tattooed body, but it didn’t matter. I grew rigid over her, my body pressing down on hers as I felt the orgasm slowly fade away, taking its time in receding.

Though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I pulled out of her, rolling on my side and keeping my hold around her, bringing her with me. We remained in silence for a while, the night long since given way to early dawn. I… I did not want this girl to leave, which was why I said what I said next.

“You should move in here.”

Zoey could not fly out of my arms fast enough, sitting up and whirling on me, her eyebrows practically to the ceiling. “What the fuck did you just say?”

Ah, my girl with the attitude and the mouth to match. You’d never know she came from a rich place like Hillcrest.

With my head resting on my pillow, I simply smirked at her. “I said you should move in. I don’t like you being so far away.” Plus, if she lived here, it would be easier to keep tabs on her, and she’d always be here after a job. She could quit that Dollhouse, do whatever the fuck she wanted without having to worry about money. I’d take care of what’s mine.

She let out an incredulous chuckle, her bare tits on display, two beautiful round things that I just wanted to nip at. There might be a few bite marks on them now, already bruising from our long, heated session. “I think this is a conversation we should have at a later time, Roman.”

I didn’t get up; instead, I lifted an arm, my fingers curling around her tender throat. It still amazed me how small her neck was, how easy it would be to break it—and yet, even though that was the case, she was someone I would kill to protect.

“We’ll have the conversation when I want to have the fucking conversation,” I hissed out, the smile growing on my lips one I could not stop. Zoey made me feel things no other woman ever did, more than just made my dick hard. I wanted to have her body and soul, and mark my words, I would.

This was only the beginning of our story together, and I could not wait to see where the hell it led to next.