Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Twenty-Five

Mom’s been working at the Knights for a week and has passed her trial run. She’s in love. Totally, completely in love. And me? I love that she’s in love. She walks around the house humming, something she’s never done before. Even Dad, who’s hardly home, has seen a change in her.

And that’s all because of Easton. He’s just…I don’t know what it is. We haven’t talked much all week, but he and I exchanged a few looks in the halls as we passed each other. And I’m pretty sure I feel him watching me in history class. Or maybe my mind is playing tricks on me, like it thinks we’re friends now. Which we’re not. But we’re not enemies, either, are we? I don’t exactly know what we are.

Mom has texted me a few times today, reminding me about my doctor’s appointment. Ugh. It’s just the usual yearly checkup, but I’m so not looking forward to it.

The doctor’s office is closer to the Knight’s house, so Mom figured it’d be more practical for me to meet her at the mansion and we’d walk to the doctor together. So after school, I get off the bus and walk the few blocks to the Knight mansion. But my legs stop moving. Because the building before me? It’s not a mansion—it’s a palace! This isn’t my first time seeing it, of course, but I’ve never been so close to it before.

This house originally belonged to Celine’s family. After years and years of upgrades and improvements, it’s become what stands before me today. I don’t really know much about it, and I certainly have never stepped foot inside.

There’s a gate surrounding the house and a few benches splattered around. I drop down on one of the benches. I’m way too early. I text my friends as I wait for Mom.

A few minutes later, the gate opens and a man stands there. He must be a guard.

“Can I help you?” he asks.

I shoot to my feet. “Sorry! Am I not allowed to sit out here? I’m waiting for my mom. We have a doctor’s appointment.”

He scans me from top to bottom as if assessing if I pose a threat. “Name?”

“Wood. Danielle. My mom is Vivian Wood. The new chef? She just started a week ago.”

He studies me slowly, maybe trying to figure out if I’m telling the truth. “Wait here.”

I wring my fingers against my stomach as I stand there. I’m too nervous and scared to sit down. Maybe I should have waited a few blocks away.

The guard returns with another man. My eyes widen when I catch sight of Easton’s dad. “Dani? Vivian’s daughter? Why are you standing out here? Come inside!”

My mouth opens and closes, but no words come out. I’ve never spoken to a multi-gazillionaire before.

Now that he’s a few feet away from me, I get a good look at him. He’s tall, but not as tall as his son. Both men look nearly identical, except for the faint wrinkles on the edges of Mr. Knight’s eyes. While both have brown eyes, the dad’s don’t have as much warmth as I’ve occasionally seen on Easton. He doesn’t have that gleam.

He motions for me to follow him into the house, taking long strides because of those long legs. I feel like I’m hopping after him like a frog.

The door opens and a staff member greets us. My mouth nearly drops as I take in the interior of the mansion. The décor, the furniture, the paintings on the wall. This palace looks like it houses gods.

Mr. Knight watches me with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Nice, huh?”

“It’s more than nice!” I gush. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

He chuckles. “All my wife’s doing. I have zero knowledge of such things.” He waves toward a room further down. “Let me introduce you. Celine is dying to meet you.”

I nearly choke over my spit. Easton’s mom wants to meet me?

At my confused face, his dad chuckles again. “Vivian talks about you all the time,” he explains. “And Celine would love to get to know you.” He bends close. “After all, we’ve never had a cook quite like your mom.”

His words warm my heart. Just a few days ago, Mom was in so much pain because she couldn’t find a new job. Now she’s pretty much working in heaven.

“Thank you,” I say. “She loves working here.”

He nods before leading me to what looks like a library. There are shelves and shelves of books. I’m salivating.

Celine lounges on one of the couches, the bottom of her long dress sweeping the floor. Her hair, which is usually styled in an updo, flows down her back in golden waves. She’s…she’s beautiful. Regal. I can’t help but stare.

“Celine, dear,” Mr. Knight says from where he stands in the doorway. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

Celine glances up and her eyebrows furrow as she takes me in, from my clothes and shoes to my messy brown hair.

“This is Danielle Wood.”

Celine’s eyes furrow as if she has no idea what that means.

Mr. Knight clears his throat. “Vivian’s daughter?”

Recognition enters his wife’s eyes. She stands up, dropping the book on the couch. “Of course. Vivian’s daughter. Hello there, Danielle.”

“You can call me Dani,” I tell her with a nervous smile. “I love your house. I heard you designed it? And I love, love this room!” I glance around, sighing happily because the smell of books is so intoxicating.

She laughs. “I take it you like to read?”

“I love reading! I even started a book club at school. We only have four members, but it’s the best.”

She smiles pleasantly. “That’s good. Reading is very important.” She glances at her husband. “Why is she here?” she hisses.

I shift uncomfortably on my feet.

Mr. Knight clears his throat again as he heads over to her. “She’s here for her mother. They have an appointment after Vivian is finished with work.”

Celine nods slowly, sending me a kind smile. A part of me hopes she’ll tell me I’m free to hang out in here and read as many books as I want, but she says, “It was nice to meet you, Darcy.”


“Dani, forgive me.” She returns to the couch and sits down, reaching for the book. “Your mother is in the kitchen.”

That’s my cue to get out of here, I guess.

Mr. Knight gives me a bright smile, then gestures for me to follow him out of the library. I take a few seconds to let my eyes roam around the place. I don’t think I’ll ever come close to so many books in my life again. Easton is so lucky, though I’m not sure he likes to read. I really don’t know much about him.

“Dani?” Mr. Knight says.

Snapping out of it, I follow him out of the sacred place.

“You’ll have to excuse my wife, I’m afraid,” he says with an uneasy grin. “She’s not feeling well today.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope she feels better soon.”

“Thank you.”

We pass a few more rooms on our way to the kitchen, but I don’t have a chance to peek into them because he’s walking quickly. I do spot the staff in various rooms performing different chores. A guy carrying a basket of dirty laundry nearly slams into Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight pats his back after he spews apologies, and the guy sighs in relief.

As we turn a corner, my eyes pop open when I spot a guy standing near another room, shirtless with only swim trunks hanging loosely on his hips. Easton Jr. He’s chatting with one of the staff members, who hands him a glass of water. A towel is slung around his neck and his hair is wet. He must have just come from a swim.

They have an indoor pool?

Mr. Knight continues walking, but I’m frozen in place. My eyes are glued to his son’s chest. His heavily muscled chest. And those abs…

It’s not long before that beautiful chest is only inches away from me. The smell of water and chlorine seeps into my nose, knocking me out of whatever daze I’m in. Easton stands right in front of me.

“What are you doing here?” he asks.

It takes me a little while to unlatch my eyes from that chest. Man, I’ve never seen such a gorgeous masterpiece before in my life. “Um, my mom works here.”

He chuckles, the sound rumbling from deep inside him. “Mhm. Yeah, pretty sure I hired her.”

My cheeks are scorching. “Right. Duh. My mom and I…we have an appointment. At the doctor. It’s just a checkup, nothing serious or anything…”

With narrowed eyes, he bends close to me. “You feeling okay, Wood?”


“Dani! You’re here!” Mom calls from down the hall.

Easton and I swivel in her direction and his chest accidentally crashes into mine. Wow. That’s a strong chest. He wasn’t kidding when he said he works out every morning.

“Hi, Mom.” Without giving the hot guy another glance, I rush over to Mom and wrap an arm around her. “Sorry I’m early.”

“That’s okay. I’m almost done here.” She heads into the kitchen.

I linger back, my eyes getting minds of their own and making their way back to Easton. But I force them to stay away from that chest and focus on his eyes. Eyes that are overflowing with humor. Oh my gosh! Is he making fun of me? Because I’ve never seen a naked chest before, excluding on TV?

I swear I can still hear him chuckling softly as I turn around and enter the kitchen. And my eyes once again pop open. Because this kitchen? It’s like a dream. Spacious with state-of-the-art equipment. Unlike our kitchen where there’s hardly enough room to move around in and the pots are old and have years of grease and dirt on them.

“Mom,” I gasp as I glance around. “This kitchen…”

She grins. “I know. I love it.”

“I wish you could have a kitchen like this. I wish…I wish I could do that for you.”

Shaking her head, she hugs me close. “I don’t need a fancy kitchen or expensive cookware. You and your dad are the greatest gifts of all.”

Tears enter my eyes. “You and Dad are my greatest gifts too.”

She lowers my head to her chest, her arms coming around me. “Please don’t be upset, honey. This job is the best one I could ever ask for.” She draws back. “I’m lucky and blessed to have it.”

I take in the different food options she’s preparing. “Wow. That’s a lot.”

She laughs, bending close to whisper, “These people eat a four-course meal every night.”

My eyes widen. “Four courses? Wow. Do you need any help?”

“No, I’m mostly done, but thanks for offering, sweetie.” She goes to the stove to check on the simmering food.

“Mom, they treat you well, right? Even the mom?”

“Celine? Sure. Why do you ask?”

I don’t know. Maybe I’m drawing conclusions, but it seemed like Celine didn’t want to deal with me. Maybe she really wasn’t feeling well.

“Never mind. You stay here while the family eats?”

“Normally yes, but because we have to go to the doctor, they’re letting me leave early. The staff will watch over the food.”

I lower my voice, “How much staff do they have, anyway?”

“I don’t know. I lost count after thirty.”

Mom and I remain at the Knight house for a little while longer, Mom giving the staff instructions on how to keep the food warm and the order to serve it to the Knights. Then she searches for the household manager to tell him she’s leaving.

On our way to the door, Easton exits one of the rooms, still not wearing a shirt. Like before, my eyes automatically fasten on his chest. Darn it!

“You’re leaving?” he asks Mom, though his eyes keep flicking to me.

“Yes,” Mom tells him with a bright and thankful smile. “Enjoy dinner.”

He grins. “You know I will.”

Mom laughs, her cheeks a little red. “Easton, I know I’ve thanked you a hundred times…”

“More like a thousand.”

Mom laughs again. “Then make this one thousand and one. You’ve changed my family’s life.”

He bobs his head. “You’re welcome.” His eyes move to me. “See you at school.”

“Yeah,” I say, breathless, my eyes zooming in on his chest. Darn it again! Why doesn’t he put on a shirt? “At school.”

His chest heaves as he releases another chuckle. “‘Night.”

Mom bids him the same, then she and I leave the house. As we walk the ten blocks to the doctor’s office, I relive the encounter with the shirtless Easton over and over again in my head. I try to convince myself I wasn’t hopelessly staring at that chiseled chest, but who am I kidding?