Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Twenty-Eight

As soon as Easton strides into history class Monday morning, I bury my nose in the textbook. I don’t know exactly what I’m reading because my heart is hammering in my chest. The only thing playing over and over in my head? That darn kiss.

Even though the class is full of chatter, I hear his footsteps approach and then his shiny black shoes step into my view. “Morning, Wood,” he says.

I focus all my attention on the textbook.

“I’m early today,” he says, dropping down in the seat in front of me.

What exactly am I supposed to do with that information?

He leans closer to whisper, “Did the landlord receive the money?”

My eyes snap to his. “What?”

“Did the landlord get the rent money?” he repeats. “You guys good?”

“Oh, yeah.” I return my eyes to the book. “He got it.”

“Great.” Even though I can’t see his face, I know he’s smiling. “I was worried about that.”

I slowly lift my gaze to his. “You were worried about it?”

He shrugs. “Sure. I mean, I was part of Operation Get the Rent Money. I wanted to make sure it was a success.”

“It was.” I lower my eyes back to the textbook.

A few silent seconds tick by.

“Reading anything interesting?” he asks.


He’s quiet like he’s waiting for me to elaborate. “So what are you reading about?” he asks.

“Nothing interesting,” I mutter as I turn the page.

He laughs softly. “So you’re reading something interesting that’s not interesting?”


He laughs again. “You’re funny.”

And I also smashed my lips to his. So if he’d be so kind as to leave so I wouldn’t have to think about it twenty-four seven? That would be great.

He leans forward like he’s about to say something, but then Ms. Young walks in and announces a pop quiz. I close my book and raise my head to find Easton hasn’t left his seat. He smiles wryly. “Pop quiz. This is why I hate Mondays.”

My eyes automatically drop to his lips, and my body heats up when I remember how amazing they felt sweeping over mine. And how hard his chest is with all those muscles and how gentle but firm his hands were as they clutched my waist…

I force my eyes away from his. Darn it. Darn it. Darn it. Why won’t it leave my head? I bet he’s not agonizing over it like I am.

He flashes me a smile. “Well, wish me luck, Wood.”

He stands and swings his bag over his shoulder. Then he glances down at me. “Aren’t you going to wish me luck? I’ll definitely need it.”

“Good luck.” I meant the words to come out confident, as though I’m not freaking out inside. But they come out as a squeak.

He flashes me another smile. “Thanks. Now I’ll do well.” He winks and walks off to the other side of the class, dropping down at his desk and plucking a pen from his bag. He rubs it against his lips as he waits for Ms. Young to hand out the quizzes. My eyes spring to those lips that are making out with the back of the pen. I wonder if the pen feels the same way I did on Friday night…

Oh my gosh! Have I totally lost it? My brain has turned to jelly all because of those cursed, magical lips. Why did he have to be a good kisser? Why couldn’t he kiss like a toad? How am I going to survive school now?

There’s only one solution. Avoid, avoid, avoid. It’s the only way for me to remain sane.

As soon as class is over, I dump my stuff in my bag and bolt out of the room. I grab whatever I need from my locker and then race to my next class, trying to weave through the mass of students who don’t freakin’ move.


I knock into someone and fall flat on my butt. When I look up, I find Teagyn glaring down at me.

“Oh my gosh,” she whines. “Can’t you watch where you’re going, freak?”

Great. Another way to ruin my day. Ignoring her, I reach for my bag, but she steps on it. I look up at her again.

“What is with you and your friends?” she says with a wrinkled nose. “None of you can walk straight or watch where you’re going. Are you missing a chromosome or something?”

“It’s the curse,” I start to babble. “We got it the day we were born.”

Her brows lift. “What the heck are you talking about?”

“Charlie doesn’t believe it,” I say as I try to pull my bag from under her shoe. “Ally’s not sure and Kara…well, I don’t know what she thinks. But I’m firm in my beliefs.” I try to pull the bag again, but she won’t move her stupid foot. And I don’t want to risk tearing it again.

Teagyn stares at me for a few seconds before barking out in laughter. “Oh my gosh, what a loser! You really think you were cursed the day you were born? That stuff only happens in fairytales. And you’re not in a fairytale. You think you’ll get your Prince Charming?” She flips her hair. “Girls like me get our Prince Charming and live happily ever after. Not freaks like you.”

A foot kicks Teagyn’s shoe off my bag. Easton sweeps it off the floor and holds his hand out to me.

I just stare at him.

“Let’s get out of here, Dani,” he says.

My heart pounding in my ears, I slide my hand into his and he pulls me up. He slips the backpack on my shoulder before facing Teagyn. “You’re wrong. It’s girls like Dani who get their Prince Charming. Girls like you? You get what you deserve.” He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me away from them.

I push away from him. “I didn’t need…I don’t need…”

“I don’t care what you say about me fighting your battles,” he says. “I just wanted to help.”

“I have to get to class,” I mutter before running off.

“Wood!” he calls after me. “Dani!”

But I don’t look back.