Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Thirty-Six

I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling the past few days. I keep replaying New York City over and over in my head, wishing I could travel back in time, to freeze that memory. To carry it with me always.

But what I’m not smiling about? My psychology teacher walking down the rows, handing back our tests. She places my test paper faced down on my desk. My heart pounds in my ears so loudly I swear the entire class can hear. I just stare at the paper, too afraid to turn it over. I busted my butt studying for this test, while working, practicing for the dance finals, and spending time with my awesome boyfriend and friends. If I got another D…

Sighing, I squeeze my eyes shut and turn the paper around. Peeking through one eye, I take in the A- scrawled at the top. I leap to my feet. “A-!”

Every single head in the room turns to me with raised brows. A few give me looks like they have no idea who I am.

My teacher turns to me. “Danielle?”

Laughing sheepishly, I drop back down in my seat. “Sorry.”

When lunchtime rolls around, I enter the cafeteria and spot Kara sitting at the popular table with Brayden and his friends. She waves at me and I wave back.

As I pass the table, she bends toward me, eyebrows furrowed. “You’re in a good mood.”

I beam at her. “Got an A- on my psychology test, I have the most amazing friends and boyfriend in the world, and I’m going to kill it at the dance finals. Life has bestowed me with gifts.”

Kara laughs. “Congrats on the test.”

I beam at her, then head to our table. Easton, Charlie, and Ally are already there. Charlie grins at me. “We were talking about you.”

I slide in next to Easton. “I bet you weren’t talking about this!” I wave my test around like it’s a gold medal.

Ally grabs it from me. “You got an A-? Awesome!”

Charlie claps. “Good job.”

Easton wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to his chest. “My girlfriend is a genius.” He bends his head and kisses me. I can feel every single pair of eyes in the cafeteria watching us. And you know something? I don’t feel insecure. Why shouldn’t Easton and I show the world that we’re together?

Someone clears their throat. “That’s automatic detention.”

We break free and find VP Nakamura standing there with her hands on her hips. Her eyes go from me to Easton and they widen. “I’m sorry.” She holds up her hands. “Never mind the detention, Mr. Knight, Miss Wood. Enjoy your lunch.” She walks off.

My friends burst into giggles. Charlie bends close. “Did you guys just get a free pass?”

Easton grins. “Perks of my parents practically owning the school.”

I playfully slap his chest. “No free passes!”

“Really? We’ll have to see about that.” He presses his lips to mine and I forget what we were talking about.


Easton keeps me company at work. We hang out a little bit later, and then he and Joe drop me off at my house. Forcing myself away from him is a challenge, but I have lots of homework. So I reluctantly pull away from his strong and warm embrace and order myself out of the car.

Easton presses his hand on the window, and I do the same. He pouts as the car pulls away from my house, and I watch it until it disappears around the corner.

I enter my house with a wide smile on my face, but it drops when I spot Mom at the kitchen table, eating ice cream with a solemn expression on her face.

I race over to her. “Mom? What are you doing home so early? Did the Knights have another charity dinner?”

She turns to me, eyes empty and frustrated. She holds out a hand to me and I place mine in hers. “No, sweetie. They let me go.”

My eyes nearly pop off my face. “Easton’s parents fired you?”

She nods, sticking her spoon in the ice cream tub and letting out a heavy sigh. “I really loved that job.”

I drop down on the chair next to hers. “Did they give you a reason?”

“While they liked my food, they’re looking for someone with culinary training. Apparently, the job was only temporary.”

I leap to my feet. “But that’s not fair! Your food is as good as any trained chef, better even!”

“Sweetie, please don’t get upset. I’ve already talked to your dad about this and we decided to focus on the positive. We’re healthy and have each other. I’ll find another job.”

I lower myself on my chair, staring at the table as a million thoughts flit through my mind. But we were so happy. Mom was so happy. I thought the Knights liked her. And we need that money. How could they do this to us?

“I need to call Easton. He’ll fix this.”

She grabs my arm. “Sweetie, you need to let this go. I was floored when they offered me the job, but a part of me always knew I’m not up to par with what they’re used to. It was only a matter of time before they let me go.”

I shake my head. “It’s not fair.”

She takes my hand again. “I’ve accepted it and I need you to accept it as well.”

I exhale deeply. “But you were so happy.”

Her smile is strained. “I’ll find another job. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine. And please don’t let this get between you and Easton.”

“Okay.” I kiss her cheek. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Mom and I eat dinner, then she leaves for the Reyes’s and I go to my room to start my homework. But before I do that, I reach for my phone and see I have a few missed calls from Easton.

I dial him.

“Dani, I’m so sorry. I had no idea they’d fire her.”

I plop down on my bed. “It’s fine. My mom knew this was going to happen. She never went to culinary school and doesn’t have the proper training.”

He sighs. “It sucks. I love her food.”

“I’m sure she’ll pack some lunch for you as well. And for Tommy. Nothing has to change.”

“Except she needs to find a new job. Is there any way I can help?”

“I don’t know. You can try, I guess.” I lie down. “I feel so defeated. She was so happy.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I wish there was more I could do. My parents already hired a new chef.”

“How’s the food?”

I can feel his face contorting. “Not as good as your mom’s. Will you tell her I’m sorry and ask her if I can help?”

“She already left to the Reyes’s, but I’ll tell her when she comes home. Thanks for everything, Easton.”

“Of course. You know I’d do anything for you and your family.”

We talk for a bit longer, until it’s time for homework and we’re forced to hang up. I keep worrying about my mom, but I’m trying to be positive. She’ll find something new. She’ll be happy again.