Billionaires Don’t Fall For Awkward Girls by Emma Dalton

Chapter Thirty-Nine


I storm into the house, past the staff members and into the dining room, where Mother and Father are eating dinner.

“How could you?” I demand, pinning my eyes on my mother. “I know you’re responsible. How could you destroy their lives?”

Mother dabs her lips with her silk napkin. “I did what I had to do to keep that girl away from you.”

I throw my hands up. “Her name is Dani and she’s my girlfriend.”

“Oh, please. She’s a poor girl with nothing to her name. It’s embarrassing for you to be seen with her. Appalling!”

“You fired her parents from their jobs! You took away their livelihood. Do you want them to be thrown into the streets?”

Mother doesn’t say anything as she dips her spoon into her dish. The look on her face tells me she wouldn’t care if the Woods got eaten by wolves.

And Father? He’s just looking at his phone as if he doesn’t want anything to do with this conversation.

“Dani worked so hard to make it to the finals of the dance competition. She’s spent days working on a routine, but you kicked her off. For no reason! You know she didn’t plagiarize anyone’s routine. She needs that money to help her family!”

Mother slams her fist on the table. “Enough! I don’t want to hear about that filthy girl or her family again.”

“I love her.”

Mother’s face grows hard. “What do you know about love? You’re infatuated with this poor girl—for whatever reason—but you will drop her and apologize to Bianca for hurting her. You will marry Bianca Burrell.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “You can’t force me to marry someone I don’t love. I’m not a business deal. I’m your son! Maybe you should look at me for once! Really look at me. See how miserable I’ve been my entire life. You think I avoided this house because I wanted to make trouble? I hate living here. I don’t want any of this. I want to be happy. And Dani Wood? She’s amazing. She makes me happy. Nothing you say will change the way I feel about her.” I glare at both parents. “I’ll never forgive you for destroying her life.”

I whirl around and stomp away.

“Easton!” Mother calls.

I grit my teeth, clenching my hands to my sides as I turn around.

Mother holds my gaze. “You will call Bianca and fix the damage you caused. And I will not hear another word about that girl, do you understand me?”

“No. I don’t understand you. I love her. I’m sick and tired of the two of you controlling my life and telling me how to live. It’s my life. I should be free to love whoever I want. You want me to be stuck in a loveless marriage like the two of you? Bianca is a terrible person who treats other people like trash. That’s the girl you’ve chosen for me? Do you honestly hate me that much that you’d make me more miserable than I already am?” I shake my head. “No. I’m done with your rules. Done with Bianca. Done with you controlling me. I’ve chosen Dani. I love Dani. I will be with Dani.”

I turn around and march to the door.

“If that’s the way you feel, Easton, you can sleep on the streets!” Mom shouts after me.

My heart feels like it’s been stabbed with a hundred knives. I don’t know why I’m so surprised. My parents don’t love me. They’re just using me to further their selfish goals.

“Son, wait,” Father says.

I slowly turn around and catch him standing, his phone discarded on the table, his eyes on Mother. “You’re right, Easton,” he says. “Everything you said is right.”

I just stare at him.

Mother shoots to her feet. “What the devil are you talking about, Easton?” she demands.

Father waves his hand around. “Look at our son! Look at what we’ve done to him.”

Mother glances at me, then at Father.

“Look how unhappy he is,” Father continues. “Tell me, dear, have you ever seen him smile?” He walks around the table. “I have. I’ve seen him smile this past week, and a thought occurred to me. I have never seen my son happy.” His eyes meet mine. “Until he met Danielle Wood.”

“Easton!” Mother sputters.

Father holds up his hand. “For years I stood aside and allowed you to control our son’s life. I convinced myself you knew what was best for him and for his future. I thought you knew what he needed. But I was wrong.” He walks over to me, placing both hands on my shoulders. “We’ve conditioned his entire life to fit our lifestyle. He wasn’t free to do what he wanted, to love whoever he wanted. But that ends today.”

“I will not allow this!” Mother shrills. “He will marry Bianca Burrell, just as we decided when they were babies.”

Father turns sharp eyes on her. “Did you not hear a word our son said? He doesn’t love Bianca. You and I both know what a horrible family she comes from. What a terrible person she is. Is that the life you want for him? You want him to be trapped in a loveless marriage like us?”

Mother’s mouth opens and closes.

Father continues, “There is no love in this house. What do we have? Billions and billions of dollars. But what good is that if you don’t have someone you love to share it with?”

Mother doesn’t say anything.

“Our son found a girl who makes him happy. She makes him come alive. Look at him—he’s growing up to be such a mature and kind young man. He saw a woman without a job and offered her to cook for us. He gives his lunch to a nice homeless man who’s had some hardships and can’t get his life together.”

My eyes widen. “You know about Tommy?”

Father pats my arm. “I do and I’m sorry I haven’t done much to help him. But all that changes now. We need to change.” He faces Mother. “Don’t you want our son to be happy?”

Mother’s eyes meet mine, and she studies me for a long time. Like after all these years, she’s finally seeing me. Really seeing me.

“Easton…” Her eyes fill with guilt and regret. “Of course I want my sweet boy to be happy.”

“Then let’s not make the same mistakes we made,” Father says. “Let’s let him love who he wants and live the life he wants.”

Mother dabs at the tears at the corner of her eyes. “But we’re Knights. We have a reputation to uphold. And what about the promise we made to the Burrells sixteen years ago?”

Father shakes his head. “Forget our reputation. Forget the Burrells. We don’t need them.” He gestures to me. “We have a wonderful son, Celine. I think it’s time we truly got to know him.”

Mother comes over to me with tears in her eyes. “Easton, I’m sorry. I was only doing what I thought was best. You’re right about Danielle and her family. I was wrong to do what I did.” She raises hesitant and uncertain arms, and I let her hug me. “I’ll fix this, my sweet boy. I’ll fix all the damage I caused.” Drawing back, she studies my face. “I have noticed that the girl—Dani—makes you happy. And while this will take some getting used to, I want to accept her as your girlfriend.”

“Thank you, Mother.”

She hugs me again. “I want to be a better mother to you. I don’t want to treat you like my mother treated me. Come.” She heads for the door, instructing a staff member to fetch her jacket. “We need to pay some people a visit. I’ll meet you outside.”

Father hugs me. “I’m sorry for not taking your side sooner, son,” he whispers in my ear.

“It’s okay. Thanks for taking my side now.”