You’re Still The One by Erika Kelly


Griffin jumpedout of the helicopter first. Then, he grabbed his wife’s waist and lifted her out. Once Austin cleared the rotors, he waved the pilot off.

“Can I see now?” Touching the blindfold, Stella had to shout over the whumpa whumpa whumpa of the departing chopper.

“Go for it.”

“And why is it so cold? It’s June.” Lifting the scarf, she blinked against the bright sunlight. “Oh, my God.” She took in the view from the top of the glacier. To the southeast, they could see Idaho. On the other side, the valley of Jackson Hole lay spread out before them, a tableau of neatly delineated ranchland, wildflower-covered meadows, and patches of blue from lakes, ponds, and the Snake River. She burst out laughing. “You guys, what is going on? We have a party to get to.”

“Exactly, and we’re on our way.” Griffin pointed down the mountain. “It’s right there.”

They’d told Austin they were throwing their first-annual summer solstice party for both of their large families in a small park surrounding a cirque lake. They’d hired a caterer to set up tents, games, and a bounty of food and drinks.

But really, they had an amazing surprise for him.

“You’re crazy,” she said. “We couldn’t just take the shuttle like everyone else?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Griffin asked.

“Are you kidding?” Austin took in the summit. “We’re snowboarding down a glacier. In a million years, I never thought he’d let me do this. I haven’t even been taking lessons for a year.”

What he didn’t know—and Griffin wouldn’t mention it—was that he’d checked it out first to make sure this particular line was safe. With no crevasses or ice, Fin Bowie had given his approval. Besides, it wasn’t a long descent.

“So, this was Griffin’s idea, huh?” she asked in a teasing tone.

“It was.” Austin nudged him with an elbow. “You’re a good influence on him.”

“Okay, but I’m the host.” The sparkle in Stella’s eyes belied her objection. “How long will it take to get there?”

“Not long. Let’s grab a snack for our growing boy and then head down.” Griffin gestured to the tent he’d arranged.

Her hands clapped over her mouth. “What have you done?” They stepped inside to find their snowboards, three backpacks filled with hoodies, helmets, and gloves, and a small café table covered with a white tablecloth. On it sat a bucket filled with ice, champagne, and a bottle of orange juice, and a pewter tray of chocolate-covered strawberries. “This is amazing.” She spun around to him. “I can’t believe you did this.”

We did this. The boarding was my idea, but the snacks…that’s all him.” Griffin popped the cork and filled two of the flutes. The raspberries at the bottom floated to the top. “What can I say? We know you like to arrive in style. And…” He kissed her cheek. “We love you.”

“I love you guys, too.” She hugged them each in turn. “So much.” And then she pressed a hand over Griffin’s heart. “And I love being married to you. These have been the best seven months of my life.”

People called married life “settling down.” But his life with Stella was full of adventures and surprises. Thanks to her, the bindings had snapped, liberating him…and he was just so damn grateful. “Stella, you’re the most amazing person I know, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank the forces that be for letting me share this journey with you.” He gripped Austin’s shoulder. “You’re fearless, and you’re smart, and watching the way you live your life, well, it’s gotten me here, to this moment when I can trust us all to board down a glacier together.” Handing him his orange juice and Stella a glass, Griffin raised his champagne in a toast. “To us.”

The three of them clinked and then sipped. Well, Austin guzzled, but that just made Griffin smile.

She reached for a strawberry. “I can’t believe you did this. It’s amazing and fun and just…perfect.” She bit into it. “Mm, this is so good.”

“Should be. Coco made them.” Since there’d be so much food at the party, he’d only brought two for each of them. So, when they finished, Griffin wiped his hands on a linen napkin and said, “Who’s ready to carve this glacier?”

“Wait.” Austin set his strawberry stem down. “I know my dad’s coming home in a few weeks, and I’ll be moving back to San Diego, but I want you to know I’m glad I got to stay with you.” He swallowed, running his hands down his jeans. “You make me happy.” He fidgeted with the edge of the tablecloth. “I love you guys.”

Stella rushed forward and pulled him to her. At first, Austin’s arms stayed at his side, but then he wrapped one around her back and used the other to reach for Griffin.

Standing on top of a glacier on a cloudless summer day, the three of them hugged long and hard.

Griffin would miss this kid.

More than he’d ever expected.

But he had the love of his life right here in his arms, in his heart, in his bed, and nothing had ever felt more perfect.

Life is good.

Stella nudged him. Yeah, it was time. They shared a secret smile.

“Let’s get going.” Griffin picked up a backpack and handed it to Austin.

The boy shook his head. “You guys aren’t nearly as clever as you think you are. I already know about the big surprise.”

“What?” How the hell had he found out?

“I know you pulled Savannah out of camp and flew her here for the party. We don’t keep secrets from each other.”

And with that, he went to grab his snowboard, not even trying to hide his smile.

It was a clear shot down the summit, and the untouched powder made the ride unreal.

Stella led the way, Austin followed, and Griffin took up the rear so he could keep an eye on them. For the past seven months, the three of them had spent a lot of time boarding together. As Griffin got a handle on his anxiety, they’d gradually increased the risk level.

And now? He felt free. The wind whistled in his ears, the sun glittered on the snow, and his heart fucking soared. He’d lost a lot of years to fear, but he was back. And with Stella by his side, he’d live the rest of his life to its fullest.

Breathless, they reached the bottom of the slope. All three of them eager for the surprise, they popped their bindings and headed into the white tent to change into their party clothes. Griffin was so damn excited that he was already on his way out when Austin called, “You think you might want to take off your helmet?”

Griffin’s hands went to his head, and he burst out laughing.

As they headed out, sunshine glinted off the two shuttle buses. Their friends and family had already gathered around the picnic tables. He reached for Stella’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

As soon as he saw his friends, Austin took off.

When they reached their guests, Stella got up on a picnic table and said, “Hey, guys, listen up real quick. We want to thank you for coming to our first annual summer solstice celebration. Maybe next year you can be as cool as us and board a glacier instead of taking a wimpy ole bus.”

Everyone laughed, and one of his brothers called, “I didn’t know it was an option.”

“Honestly, I didn’t either.” She grinned at Griffin, and his heart expanded.

It was perfect, this moment. His family, Austin…and his wife. Look at her. That dazzling smile, that sexy body, her happy, fierce spirit.

The only thing that could make this day better would be having his friends here. If they could heal the rift, find a way to forgive each other…but they’d gone off in different directions, and he just couldn’t think of a single thing that could ever pull them back together.

“Anyhow, the food’s just about ready, and we’ve got a huge bin of toys for you to play with.” She gestured toward the volleyball and badminton sets. “We want you all to have a great time. In the meantime, while the caterer’s setting up for lunch, some appetizers will be coming around. Enjoy.”

She hurried over to Griffin’s side, and they watched the server come out of the tent holding a tray. He moved quickly, ignoring everyone who reached out to grab one of his bruschetta, focused wholly on Austin.

But the boy was talking to Savannah, both of them so deep into conversation they didn’t notice the tray.

The man inched forward—he even nudged the boy to get his attention, but it wasn’t until Savannah noticed him, that Austin grabbed a bruschetta, said thank you, and kept talking.

“He didn’t even look,” Stella said. “Are you kidding me?”

Savannah said something that made Austin laugh.

“When she’s around, no one else exists.” Griffin could relate.

“Okay, that’s it. I’m going over there.”

He reached for her hand. “Nope, you’ll spoil the fun. Just keep watching.”

The server cut in between Austin and Savannah to offer the tray to some of the other kids.

And Austin still didn’t notice him.

Anticipation wound through him, and he chuckled. “Come on, kid.”

“Oh, my God, this is killing me.” Stella marched over there. “Hey, Austin, can you grab me one before they’re all gone?”

“Sure?” Looking confused, like…can’t you get one yourself?...the boy tapped the server on the shoulder.

The man turned around.

Austin’s jaw fell open. “Dad?” His cheeks went red, his eyes glassy, and he flung himself into his father’s arms. “Dad.” His voice broke.

For the first time in nine months, Peyton and his son were together. They clung to each other so hard they were rocking back and forth.

When Austin tucked his face into his dad’s shoulder, Griffin gave into the tears. Stella clung to him, hiding her face in his sleeve.

Her mom joined them. “Is that Peyton?”

Griffin could only nod.

“He’s back early?” her mom asked.


Joss’s lower lip trembled. “You arranged this?”

Stella tugged on his arm. “It was his idea.”

And then everyone stopped talking to watch Austin smiling, cheeks glistening, as he said, “You’re home.”

“I’m home, son.”

* * *

Thank you for reading YOU’RE STILL THE ONE! All of my books are standalones but make sure you read IT WAS ALWAYS YOU, so you can get to know all the Cavanaugh sisters and their smoking hot heroes!

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Here’s a taste of IT WAS ALWAYS YOU, Gigi and Cassian’s story!