Reconcile by Nicole Dykes

Eighteen years old

I’m in a shitty mood.Not surprising since I’m stuck at dinner with my brothers and my father. My least favorite thing to be doing in the world. They go on and on about some property they’re hoping to acquire as I think about Piper.

My sweet Piper.

Her soft red lips as they brush over my neck. Her words.

I love you.

“Sawyer?” My dad’s gruff voice brings me back to the present as I look across the table at his stern expression.


Spencer rolls his eyes at my blunt indifference. My father sighs with irritation. “I asked how things are going with the Ward girl.”

I nearly snort at his description of Piper but can’t help feeling uncomfortable with the subject as I shift in my seat. “What about her?”

My father’s eyes narrow. “Your mother mentioned she’s been over a lot lately.”

Fuck, now my mother chooses to pay attention to me?

“Not really. Why?” I don’t like his attention on Piper. I can’t explain it, but I don’t want my father involved in anything to do with her.

“Don’t worry, Dad, Sawyer will get bored with her soon enough,” Spencer adds without any teasing in his tone because Spencer doesn’t joke around. Everything he says is spoken with complete seriousness.

My father takes a drink of his scotch. “Yes well, let’s hope so.”

That surprises me, considering she’s a Ward. I’d expect my parents to be jumping for joy at the thought of a Ross and Ward union. “You don’t want me with Piper?”

His gaze hardens. “No, I don’t. You need to stay away from that girl.”

Cole seems unaffected, and Spencer seems to know something I don’t. Not that I’m surprised by that. He’s my father’s pride and joy after all. “And why is that?” I pull the napkin from my lap and place it on the table.

“Richard Ward has been a friend of mine for a long time . . .”

“All the more reason you should want your son with his daughter.”

My father is quickly losing patience with me. What else is new? “Oh, I do. But not this particular son.”

My glare moves to Spencer, and as he sits there with his back straight and his smug expression, I want to rip his head off. “You want Spencer with Piper? Are you fucking crazy?”

“Watch your mouth,” my father commands as he looks around the crowded pretentious restaurant to make sure no one is paying attention to us, and then his gaze lands back on me. “No. Not Piper. You need to stay away from her. She’s young and naïve. Her father rightfully worries about her.”

“Piper’s smart.”

“How smart can she be, slumming it with you?” Spencer quips, and again, a bout of anger soars through me.

But can I really argue with that? Everyone knows Piper is out of my league.

“Stay away from her. I assured Richard I would have this talk, and with him being an old friend, I intend to follow through.”

“Just a talk, Father?” I glare at him.

His eyes slice through me because I see the threat in them. “For now.”

Right. Do what he says or lose everything. My trust fund. My car. Everything he can take away from me, he will. It’s all said through his one look.

And normally, I push back with his threats.

But now?

I was already pulling away from Piper. I know she’s in too deep, and maybe I am too. We’re eighteen. It’s fucking crazy to be feeling and saying those things.

We’ll end up exactly like our parents in this sick little world they created.

Maybe she’ll pop out a couple of kids we can fuck up and make just like us.

The cycle repeats and repeats.

“I’m not with Piper.” The words taste sour as I say them, burning my throat with the lies.

“Good.” My father takes another drink. “Keep it that way. Do whatever you need to do to keep her far away from you. You’re not good enough for her, Sawyer.”

“Gee thanks, Dad.” I stand from the table. “This has been great, but I have things to do.”

My father dismisses me, but when I turn to leave, I see I’m to be escorted out by the spawn of Satan himself, Spencer.

We get to the exit, and he grabs my arm, spinning me around to look at him. “You better heed his warning.”

“Doing Daddy’s bidding?”

“I mean it. Don’t fuck this up.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” And then I run through the conversation with my dad quickly in my head. Not Piper. Paisley.

I glare at my brother. “You’re going to, what, woo Paisley Ward so you can be some sort of fucked-up royal family?”

He releases my arm and straightens his tie. “Don’t worry about my plans, little brother. Leave a real man to do what you never could.”

I lean in close. “Trust me, Paisley isn’t any sort of challenge. I could have her on her back with one wink and a quick joke.”

“Don’t fucking touch her, Sawyer.” His eyes flash with anger, and I swear I briefly see jealousy in those eyes.

“Did you already fuck up and fall for your little assignment?”

“Don’t worry about it. Just stay away from Piper and Paisley.”

He walks away, and I stare at the back of his head, hating my brother and my father.

And knowing in my blood exactly what I’m going to do about the entire situation.

Hating that Piper is the only innocent one in the whole thing, but she’s the one who will likely be hurt the worst.

Because she has a heart where the rest of us have selfish reasons, ambition, and vengeance.